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Tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in swine after oral or respiratory challenge exposure with live Salmonella typhimurium or Salmonella choleraesuis.
Stabel T.J. | Fedorka Cray P.J. | Gray J.T.
A series of experiments was conducted to document tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) activity in serum of swine after inoculation with Salmonella spp endotoxin and after oral or respiratory tract challenge exposure with live Salmonella spp. For experiment 1, a potentially lethal dose of S typhimurium endotoxin (25 microgram/kg of body weight) was administered IV, and serum TNF activity was measured. High TNF (approx 700 IU/ml) activity at 1 to 2 hours after administration of the inoculum was associated with death, whereas lower TNF (approx 30 IU/ml) activity was associated with a general prolonged state of shock. For experiment 2, pigs were administered a nonlethal dose (5 microgram/kg, IV) of either S typhimurium or S choleraesuis endotoxin. Difference in the ability to induce porcine serum TNF activity was not observed between strains. During experiment 3, pigs were inoculated with 104 colony-forming units of S typhimurium chi4232 either orally by gelatin capsule (GC) or by intranasal (IN) instillation. A late serum TNF response (17 IU/ml) was measured at 6 weeks after IN inoculation. A serum TNF response was not detected in GC-inoculated pigs. All tissues and feces were test-negative for S typhimurium prior to the 6-week TNF response. Serum TNF activity may be related to clearance of S typhimurium after respiratory tract exposure, but it is not important to or indicative of clearance of orally presented S typhimurium in swine. During experiment 4, pigs were inoculated with 106 colony-forming units of S typhimurium chi4232 similarly as for experiment 3. Challenge exposure with this medium-size dose of inoculum induced a prolonged peak serum TNF response (37 IU/ml) between 2 and 4 weeks after IN inoculation Again, serum TNF activity was not detected in GC-inoculated pigs. Data suggest that clearance of a medium-size dose (106) of inoculum may be influenced by the prolonged higher serum TNF activity. For experiments 5 and 6, pigs were inoculated IN with 103, 106, 108.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of polymyxin B and Salmonella typhimurium antiserum on horses given endotoxin intravenously.
Durando M.M. | MacKay R.J. | Linda S. | Skelley L.A.
Polymyxin B and an antiserum against an Re mutant Salmonella typhimurium were evaluated for protective effect in an equine model of endotoxemia. Six 3- to 5-month-old foals were given endotoxin (0.25 micrograms/kg of body weight) IV after no pretreatment, or pretreatment with polymyxin B (6,000 U/kg, IV) or S typhimurium antiserum (1.5 ml/kg, IV). When given without pretreatment, endotoxin caused transient recumbency and increases in rectal temperature, and heart and respiratory rates. In addition, leukopenia and increases in circulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) activities were detected. Compared with results obtained when endotoxin was given alone, pretreatment with polymyxin B resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) lower maximal plasma TNF and IL-6 activities, and significantly lower rectal temperature and respiratory rate. In contrast, compared with effects of endotoxin given without pretreatment, use of antiserum was associated with significantly (P < 0.05) higher respiratory rate, maximal plasma IL-6 activity, and total TNF response (as determined by areas under curves of plasma TNF vs time). These results indicate that polymyxin B may have potential as a treatment for equine endotoxemia. Salmonella typhimurium antiserum had no positive effect in this model, and, under certain conditions, may exacerbate the actions of endotoxin.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Resuscitation of anesthetized endotoxemic pigs by use of hypertonic saline solution containing dextran.
Hellyer P.W. | Meyer R.E. | Olson N.C.
We evaluated the biochemical and hemodynamic response to hypertonic saline solution plus dextran in isoflurane-anesthetized pigs infused IV with Escherichia coli endotoxin (5 micrograms/kg of body weight for 0 to 1 hour + 2 micrograms/kg for 1 to 4 hours). After 120 minutes of endotoxemia, pigs were treated with a bolus (4 ml/kg over 3 minutes) of either normal saline solution (NSS; 0.9% NaCl), or hypertonic saline solution plus dextran (HSSD; 7.5% NaCl + 6% dextran-70). Administration of HSSD significantly (P < 0.05) increased serum osmolality and concentrations of sodium and chloride for approximately 2 hours during endotoxemia. Plasma total protein concentration decreased significantly (P < 0.05) for 2 hours after treatment with HSSD, indicating hemodilution and increased plasma volume. Although HSSD transiently increased cardiac index (CI) for approximately 15 minutes, this effect was not sustained; however, the endotoxin-induced decrease in CI was ameliorated from 120 to 180 minutes. In pigs of the endotoxin + NSS group from 180 to 240 minutes, CI decreased significantly (P < 0.05), compared with baseline and control values. The endotoxin-induced increases in mean pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance were not attenuated by HSSD. At 135 minutes, total peripheral vascular resistance was transiently lower (for approx 15 minutes) in pigs treated with HSSD, compared with control pigs. The endotoxin-induced increase in plasma lactate concentration was not attenuated by HSSD, indicating continued peripheral O2 debt. We conclude that, despite sustained increases in serum osmolality and concentrations of sodium and chloride, HSSD has only transiently beneficial cardiopulmonary effects during endotoxemia in pigs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Systemic and colonic venous plasma eicosanoid and endotoxin concentrations, and colonic venous serum tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 activities in horses during low-flow ischemia and reperfusion of the large colon.
Moore R.M. | Muir W.W. | Cawrse M. | Bertone A.L. | Beard W.L.
Twenty-four horses were randomly allocated to 3 groups. Horses were anesthetized, subjected to a ventral midline celiotomy, and the large colon was exteriorized and instrumented. Group-1 horses served as sham-operated controls. Group-2 horses were subjected to 6 hours of low-flow colonic arterial ischemia, and group-3 horses were subjected to 3 hours of ischemia and 3 hours of reperfusion. Baseline (BL) samples were collected, then low-flow ischemia was induced by reducing ventral colonic arterial blood flow to 20% of BL. All horses were monitored for 6 hours after BL data were collected. Blood samples were collected from the colonic vein and main pulmonary artery (systemic venous (SV) for measurement of plasma endotoxin, 6-keto prostaglandin F1alpha (6-kPG), thromboxane B2 (TXB2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations. Tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 activities were measured in colonic venous (CV) serum samples. Data were analyzed, using two-was ANOVA, and post-hoc comparisons were made, using Dunnett's and Tukey's tests. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 Endotoxin was not detected in CV or SV plasma at any time. There was no detectable tumor necrosis factor or interleukin-6 activity in CV samples at any time. There were no differences at BL among groups for CV or SV 6-kPG, PGE2, or TXB2 concentrations, nor were there any changes across time in group-1 horses. Colonic venous 6-kPG concentration increased during ischemia in horses of groups 2 and 3; CV 6-kPG concentration peaked at 3 hours in group-3 horses, then decreased during reperfusion, but remained increased through 6 hours in group-2 horses. Systemic venous 6-kPG concentration increased during reperfusion in group-3 horses, but there were no changes in group-2 horses. Colonic venous PGE2 concentration increased during ischemia in horses of groups 2 and 3, and remained increased for the first hour of reperfusion in group-3 horses and for the 6-hour duration of ischemia in group-2 hors.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Induction of the acute-phase cytokine, hepatocyte-stimulating factor/interleukin 6, in the circulation of horses treated with endotoxin.
MacKay R.J. | Lester G.D.
Because hepatocyte-stimulating factor/interleukin 6 (IL-6) the principal inducer of acute-phase protein synthesis in the liver, quantification of its activity in blood provides an early and sensitive assessment of the acute-phase response. Circulating IL-6 activity was monitored in 4 adult horses for 72 hours after IV administration of endotoxin. In 4 experiments performed at weekly intervals and in randomized order, each horse was given endotoxin-1,000, 30, 1, and 0 ng/kg of body weight. Plasma IL-6 activity was quantified as the ability to promote growth of the IL-6-dependent B-cell hybridoma, B13.29 clone B9. Interleukin-6 activity (171 +/- 10.2 U/ml) was found in all pretreatment plasma samples and was significantly (P < 0.05) increased above baseline from 2 to 12 hours after 1,000 ng of endotoxin/kg was given and at 3 hours after 30 ng of endotoxin/kg was given. After 1,000- or 30-ng/kg dosage of endotoxin, peak plasma IL-6 activity (10,128 +/- 4,096 and 1,555 +/- 1,326 U/ml, respectively) was observed for 3 hours. The IL-6 response of endotoxin-treated horses began about 1 hour after tumor necrosis factor appeared in the circulation, and its course closely approximated the endotoxin-induced febrile reaction. Significant increase in plasma IL-6 activity was not detected in horses given 1 ng of endotoxin/kg or control buffer.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of dietary alpha-linolenic acid on endotoxin-induced production of tumor necrosis factor by peritoneal macrophages in horses.
Morris D.D. | Henry M.M. | Moore J.N. | Fischer J.K.
A study was conducted to determine whether dietary supplements with alpha-linolenic acid altered the ability of equine peritoneal macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in response to endotoxin. Peritoneal macrophages were harvested from 6 healthy adult horses before and after the horses were fed a nutritionally balanced ration that contained 8% linseed oil as a source of alpha-linolenic acid. The macrophages were cultured in media containing no additives (control), endotoxin (0.5 to 50 ng/ml), or the calcium ionophore, A23187. Macrophage supernatants were collected after 6 and 24 hours' incubation and stored at -70 C. Tumor necrosis factor activity was estimated by a modified in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay, using the murine fibrosarcoma cell line, WEHI 164 clone 13. The TNF activity after 6 and 24 hours' incubation was greater in culture media of macrophages exposed to endotoxin than in media from control macrophages. For macrophages cultured in media that contained endotoxin, neither the concentration of endotoxin nor incubation time had any effect on TNF activity. Endotoxin-induced macrophage production of TNF, as determined by measurement of TNF activity, was significantly less after horses were fed the alpha-linolenic acid-rich ration for 8 weeks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Endotoxin-induced changes in plasma concentrations of thromboxane and prostacyclin in neonatal calves given antiserum to a mutant Escherichia coli (J-5).
Morris D.D. | Bottoms G.D. | Whitlock R.H. | Johnson M.A.
Clinical and clinicopathologic changes in cows with endotoxin-induced mastitis treated with small volumes of isotonic or hypertonic sodium chloride administered intravenously.
Tyler J.W. | Welles E.G. | Erskine R.J. | Lin H.C. | Williams M.A. | Spano J.S. | Gaslin J.T. | McClure K.A.
We characterized the clinicopathologic manifestations of experimentally induced endotoxin-induced mastitis. Responses to hypertonic fluid therapy also were assessed. Eight cows received 1 mg of endotoxin by in infusion in the left forequarter. Four hours after endotoxin administration, cows received 0.9% NaCl, 5 ml/kg of body weight (n = 4) or 7.5% NaCl, 5 ml/kg (n = 4) IV. Endotoxin-infused cows had expanded plasma volume, hyponatremia, transient hyperchloremia and hypophosphatemia, increased serum glucose concentration, and decreased serum activities of liver- and muscle-specific enzymes. Calculated plasma volume increased at 6 hours in cows receiving hypertonic NaCl, and at 12, 24, and 48 hours after endotoxin infusion in both groups. Concurrent observations of decreased serum protein concentration, erythrocyte count, and hematocrit supported observations of increased plasma volume. Relative plasma volume was greater in cows receiving hypertonic NaCl (124.3%) than in cows receiving isotonic NaCl (106.6%) at 6 hours after endotoxin infusion. Cattle receiving hypertonic NaCl had increased voluntary water intake after IV fluid administration. Increased water consumption was not accompanied by increased body weight, indicating probable occurrence of offsetting body water loss. Serum sodium concentration in cows receiving hypertonic NaCl was increased 2 hours after fluid administration, but the magnitude of the change was minimal (< 4 mmol/L) and transient, indicating rapid equilibration with either interstitial or intracellular spaces. Serum sodium concentration was decreased in cows receiving isotonic NaCl at 12, 24, and 48 hours after endotoxin administration, compared with concentration prior to endotoxin administration, indicating selective loss of sodium.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Total and differential leukocyte counts, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity, and serum albumin content in foremilk and residual milk during endotoxin-induced mastitis in cows.
Ostensson K.
Foremilk, residual milk, and blood samples were studied for 10 days during acute mastitis episodes induced by endotoxin infused via the teat canal. Quarter milk and blood samples were collected frequently for 3 days after the infusion and thereafter once or twice daily. Leukocyte concentration in milk and blood was determined by flow cytometry. Within 2 hours after infusion of the endotoxin, clinical mastitis was observed. Total leukocyte concentration and proportion of neutrophils increased significantly (P < 0.05) by postinfusion hour (PIH) 2 in foremilk and by PIH 4 in residual milk. From PIH 2, serum albumin content and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity were significantly increased in both fractions. Neutrophils were the predominant leukocyte population in both fractions until PIH 59. From PIH 72, lymphocytes were the predominant cell population until PIH 175 in foremilk and until PIH 223 in residual milk. Serum albumin content and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity in residual milk was significantly lower than in foremilk from PIH 4 to 24 and from PIH 24 to 59, respectively. Regarding total and differential leukocyte counts, values for the 2 fractions followed the same pattern throughout the course of inflammation, probably owing to frequent sample collection. Total and differential cell counts tended to differ between the fractions during some periods, although differences were not statistically significant. When samples were taken less frequently, the total leukocyte concentration in residual milk was higher than that in foremilk. Although sample collections were frequent, clustering of immature neutrophils was not observed in the cytofluorogram of blood leukocytes in this study. Residual milk seems to be the fraction that best reflects the condition in the quarter at the particular time when the milk sample is taken. Results also indicate that residual milk reflects the condition of the secretory tissue, as well as the lower regions of the gland.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Endotoxin-induced production of interleukin 6 by equine peritoneal macrophages in vitro.
Morris D.D. | Crowe N. | Moore J.N. | Moldawer L.L.
A study was performed to determine whether equine peritoneal macrophages produce interleukin 6 (IL-6) in vitro in response to endotoxin. Peritoneal fluid was collected from 14 clinically normal adult horses and was used as the source of peritoneal macrophages. Macrophages from each horse were isolated and cultured separately in vitro in the absence or presence of various concentrations (0.5, 5, or 500 ng/ml) of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli 055:B5). Culture medium supernatants were collected after 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours' incubation and were frozen at - 70 C until assayed for IL-6 activity. Supernatant IL-6 activity was determined by use of a modified colorimetric assay and the murine hybridoma cell line B13.29 clone B.9, which is dependent on IL-6 for survival. Results indicated that equine peritoneal macrophages produce IL-6 in vitro and that supernatant medium IL-6 activity was significantly (P < 0.05) increased by exposure to endotoxin. Significant (P < 0.05) time and treatment effects on macrophage IL-6 production were apparent. The IL-6 activity peaked at 6 or 12 hours' incubation, then remained high through 24 hours' incubation, regardless of endotoxin exposure. Medium IL-6 activity during 3 and 6 hours' incubation was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in macrophages exposed to 5 or 500 ng of endotoxin/ml than in those exposed to 0.5 ng of endotoxin/ml; however peak IL-6 activity was similar among all endotoxin concentrations. Endotoxin concentration did not have an effect on medium IL-6 activity from macrophages exposed to endotoxin for 12 or 24 hours.
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