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Comparison of a visual analogue scale and a numerical rating scale for assessment of lameness, using sheep as a model.
Welsh E.M. | Gettinby G. | Nolan A.M.
A study was designed to compare use of an numerical rating scale (NRS) and a visual analogue scale (VAS) for subjective assessment of lameness, using sheep as a model. The NRS consisted of 5 divisions, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4; 4 of these divisions (1-4) described lameness. The VAS used a 100-mm horizontal line with vertical bars at either end; one end was labeled 'sound' and the other was labeled 'could not be more lame.' Two independent observers graded lameness in 62 sheep, and between- and within-observer differences were assessed for each scoring system to compare the NRS with the VAS. Results indicated no significant differences between the 2 observers scoring lameness, using either the VAS or the NRS. The scores obtained, using the VAS, were not normally distributed, although differences between scores for the 2 observers were. The NRS scores followed a normal distribution pattern. Investigation of repeated measurement for the same sheep, using both scales, revealed no significant difference between either. A comparison of the NRS and VAS scores made by each observer indicated that although correlation was good (observer 1; r = 0.94; observer 2; r = 0.95), there was not perfect agreement. The maximal NRS score of 4 was associated with VAS values > 68 mm, indicating that the NRS divisions did not reflect equal increases in lameness. The VAS and NRS scores for each observer were highly reproducible, although they were more variable for sheep that were regarded as moderately lame. Results indicate that although the NRS and VAS compared favorably with respect to repeatability, reproducibility, and use by 2 observers, the VAS is inherently more sensitive. In addition, the NRS and VAS should not be used interchangeably.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of a visual analogue scale and a numerical rating scale for assessment of lameness, using sheep as a model
Welsh, E.M. | Gettinby, G. | Nolan, A.M.
A study was designed to compare use of an numerical rating scale (NRS) and a visual analogue scale (VAS) for subjective assessment of lameness, using sheep as a model. The NRS consisted of 5 divisions, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4; 4 of these divisions (1-4) described lameness. The VAS used a 100-mm horizontal line with vertical bars at either end; one end was labeled 'sound' and the other was labeled 'could not be more lame.' Two independent observers graded lameness in 62 sheep, and between- and within-observer differences were assessed for each scoring system to compare the NRS with the VAS. Results indicated no significant differences between the 2 observers scoring lameness, using either the VAS or the NRS. The scores obtained, using the VAS, were not normally distributed, although differences between scores for the 2 observers were. The NRS scores followed a normal distribution pattern. Investigation of repeated measurement for the same sheep, using both scales, revealed no significant difference between either. A comparison of the NRS and VAS scores made by each observer indicated that although correlation was good (observer 1; r = 0.94; observer 2; r = 0.95), there was not perfect agreement. The maximal NRS score of 4 was associated with VAS values > 68 mm, indicating that the NRS divisions did not reflect equal increases in lameness. The VAS and NRS scores for each observer were highly reproducible, although they were more variable for sheep that were regarded as moderately lame. Results indicate that although the NRS and VAS compared favorably with respect to repeatability, reproducibility, and use by 2 observers, the VAS is inherently more sensitive. In addition, the NRS and VAS should not be use interchangeably.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Coxofemoral joint laxity from distraction radiography and its contemporaneous and prospective correlation with laxity, subjective score, and evidence of degenerative joint disease from conventional hip-extended radiography in dogs
Smith, G.K. | Gregor, T.P. | Rhodes, W.H. | Biery, D.N.
A 3-year prospective study of large-breed dogs (4 months to 3 years of age) was conducted to evaluate the influence of radiographic positioning and age on coxofemoral joint (hip) laxity, subjective hip score, and development of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The dogs (n = 142) were breeder- or client-owned and represented 14 breeds. With dogs under heavy sedation, hips were radiographed in the standard hip-extended position and in the new compression/distraction position at 4, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months of age. The standard hip-extended radiographic view was evaluated by 3 methods: subjective evaluation by a board-certified veterinary radiologist (WHR), according to the standard 7-point Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) scoring scheme (OFA/WHR); joint laxity quantitation, using the Norberg angle (NA) method; and subjective scoring by a veterinary orthopedic surgeon for radiographic evidence of DJD. The hips in the distraction radiographic view were evaluated for passive hip laxity, as measured by use of a unitless distraction index (DI). Results of the study indicated that at a specific age (4, 6, 12, 24, or 36 months), all methods of hip evaluation correlated with each other at a moderate level (P < 0.05). The strength of contemporaneous correlation tended to increase with age of evaluation. Longitudinally, the between-method correlations were usually significant (P < 0.05), but not at a sufficiently high level to permit reliable between-method prediction. Prospective intraclass (within-method) statistical analysis of the various hip-scoring methods indicated that DI was superior to NA and OFA/WHR in comparability of score over time. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.55 to 0.91 for DI in contrast to 0.40 to 0.78 for NA, and 0.06 to 0.39 for OFA/WHR over the age intervals of the study. For reference, the highest Kappa of 0.39 for the subjective OFA/WHR scoring reflected a maximal level of agreement between time intervals, only slightly better than chance. The associated large error questions the predictive use of the 7-point, subjective hip-scoring scheme, particularly prior to the age of 2 years.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative ovarian biometry and oocyte retrieval methods in pig
Biswajit saikia | Soumen Naskar | Yoya vashi | Santanu Banik | Rajendran Thomas | Ajay Kumar Singh | Dilip Kumar Sarma | Sujoy Kumar Dhara
Biometry and follicular parameters of porcine ovaries sourced from organized and unorganized-slaughterhouses and relative comparison of oocyte retrieval methods, namely aspiration and slicing, are reported in the present study. Average length and width of the ovaries, and numbers of surface and cystic follicles were higher in ovaries sourced from organized slaughterhouses. Average number of oocytes recovered per ovary by slicing (12.93±1.49) was significantly higher (P&lt;0.01) than aspiration (6.36±1.02). However, aspiration yielded higher percentage (65.21±5.71) of good quality oocytes (A) (P&lt;0.01) suitable for upstream applications of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Further, our study reveals that ovaries sourced from unorganized slaughterhouses can also be used for ART, and use of aspiration method may yield better quality oocytes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Turbinate perimeter ratio as an indicator of conchal atrophy for diagnosis of atrophic rhinitis in pigs
Collins, M.T. | Backstrom, L.R. | Brim, T.A.
Transverse sections of snouts from 171 cross-bred (principally Yorkshire X American Landrace) pigs were evaluated for evidence of turbinate atrophy by use of conventional (atrophic rhinitis [AR] score) and morphometric methods. Of the 171 pigs, 35 were clinically normal (AR score, 0), 65 had mild AR (AR score, 1), 41 had moderate AR (AR score, 2), and 30 had severe AR (AR score, 3). Turbinate cross-sectional area (TA) and the ratio of TA to nostril cross-sectional area, called turbinate area ratio (TAR), had the lowest correlations (r = 0.24 to 0.55) with conventional AR score. Among clinically normal pigs, TA was greater in older pigs as expected, but the TAR values also were significantly (P less than 0.0001) different betwee n 15-week-old pigs (55 kg) and 22-week-old pigs (100 kg). Turbinate perimeter and turbinate perimeter ratio (TPR) were not influenced by pig age or source. The TPR values were closely correlated with subjective visual AR scores (r = 0.73), with AR scores derived by measuring the space between the ventral portion of the scroll and the floor of the nasal cavity (r = 0.72), and the actual size of this space in millimeters (r = 0.71). Mean TPR values for pigs assigned visual AR scores of 0, 1, 2, or 3 were 1.54, 1.25, 0.97, and 0.73, respectively. The 95% confidence intervals around these mean TRP values were discreet and did not overlap. Turbinate perimeter ratio, therefore, may be a more reliable morphometric measure of atrophic rhinitis and also provides parametric data suitable for quantitative analysis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of total solids content for fresh milk quality grading in Perak for the year 2018
Kalaavathi M. | Bohari M. | Noor Akmi M. N. | Hazliana H.
Total solids content in milk is measured to ensure the quality of fresh milk. In Malaysia, The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) monitors the quality and safety of fresh milk from the dairy farm to milk processors through the Milk Collection Centre (MCC). The aim of this study is to assess the quality of milk produced by dairy farmers from four MCCs in Perak based on the milk’s total solids content. This parameter was used to grade fresh milk into Grade A, Grade B and Grade C, and used by DVS of Perak state for milk pricing. The Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) had received a total of 2397 samples of fresh milk from MCCs in Perak in the year 2018. Statistical analysis showed that the mean total solids content in milk from the four MCCs were significantly different (p<0.05) (Sg. Siput: 13.26%, Tapah: 12.60% Parit 12.87% and Taiping 12.99%). Overall, about 69.17% of samples were that of Grade A, 24.81% were Grade B and 6.02% were Grade C. This study showed that Sungai Siput MCC was the main contributor for Grade A milk while Taiping MCC was the highest contributor of Grade C milk. The result of this study also indicated that milk produced by dairy farmers in Perak was of good quality, yet there are still the needs for improvement in providing constantly high quality of milk.
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