AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Laboratory experience with the microscopic method for the detection of insects in poultry feeds


Weiner Anna | Kwiatek Krzysztof

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Canine leishmaniasis prevalence in the Slovenian dog population


Kotnik, Tina | Moreno Lázaro, Javier | Šoba, Barbara | Krt, Brane | Skvarč, Miha | Vergles Rataj, Aleksandra | Gorišek Bajc, Maja | Ravnik Verbič, Urša

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Study of troponin, creatine kinase biomarkers, and histopathological lesions in experimental Nerium oleander toxicity in rats and mice


Khordadmehr, Monireh | Nazifi, Saeed

National Agricultural Library - United States of America