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Effects of cisapride on feline colonic smooth muscle function.
Washabau R.J. | Sammarco J.
Effect of bethanechol, neostigmine, metoclopramide, and propranolol on myoelectric activity of the ileocecocolic area in cows.
Steiner A. | Roussel A.J. | Martig J.
The effect of bethanechol, neostigmine, metoclopramide, and propranolol on myoelectric activity of the ileum, cecum, and proximal loop of the ascending colon was determined in 6 healthy Jersey cows implanted with 8 pairs of bipolar electrodes. Assigned at random, each cow received each of 5 treatments in 3-day intervals. The treatments included bethanechol (0.07 mg/kg of body weight, SC), neostigmine (0.02 mg/kg, SC), metoclopramide (0.15 mg/kg, IM), DL-propranolol (0.2 mg/kg, IM), and 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution (20 ml, SC). All drugs were administered during early phase I of the migrating myoelectric complex in the ileum. Myoelectric activity was recorded for 4 hours after treatment, and data were analyzed for each hour separately. Bethanechol and neostigmine significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of cecocolic spikes per minute per electrode, duration of cecocolic spike activity (%), and number of cecocolic propagated spike sequences per 10 minutes, relative to NaCI, during 1 or more hours of the recording period. The effect of bethanechol was more pronounced on duration of spike activity and number of propagated spike sequences, whereas neostigmine mainly increased the number of (uncoordinated) spikes. Metoclopramide and propranolol had no significant effect on cecocolic myoelectric activity, relative to NaCl. It was concluded that bethanechol and, less likely, neostigmine at the dosage used in this study may be suitable for medical treatment of cecal dilatation in cattle in which hypomotility of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon has to be reversed. The potential advantage of bethanechol vs neostigmine for medical treatment of cecal dilatation is worth further evaluation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mural blood flow distribution in the large colon of horses during low-flow ischemia and reperfusion.
Moore R.M. | Hardy J. | Muir W.W.
Six horses were subjected to 3 hours of low-flow ischemia and 3 hours of reperfusion of the large colon. After induction of anesthesia, the large colon was exteriorized through a ventral midline celiotomy. Colonic blood flow was measured continuously, using Doppler ultrasonic flow probes placed on the colonic arteries supplying the dorsal and ventral colons and was allowed to stabilize for 15 to 30 minutes after instrumentation. Low-flow ischemia was induced by reducing colonic arterial blood flow to 20% of baseline (BL) flow. Colonic mucosal, seromuscular, and full-thickness blood flow were determined on a tissue-weight basis by injecting colored microspheres proximally into the colonic artery supplying the ventral colon. Reference blood samples were obtained at a known flow rate from the colonic artery and vein at a site more distal to the site of injection. Left ventral colon biopsy specimens were harvested at BL, 3 hours of ischemia, and 15 minutes of reperfusion. Blood and tissue samples were digested and filtered to collect the microspheres, and dimethylformamide was added to release the colored dyes. Dye concentration in blood and tissue samples was measured by use of spectrophotometry, and tissue-blood flow was calculated. Data were analyzed, using two-way ANOVA for repeated measures; statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Doppler blood flow decreased to approximately 20% of BL, whereas microsphere blood flow ranged between 13.7 and 15.5% of BL at 3 hours of ischemia. Doppler-determined blood flow increased immediately on restoration of blood flow, reached 183% of BL at 15 minutes of reperfusion, and remained at or above BL throughout 3 hours of reperfusion. This reactive hyperemia was also detected, using the colored microspheres; blood flow increased to 242 and 327% of BL at 15 minutes of reperfusion in the mucosal and seromuscular layers, respectively.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Association between the effacing (eae) gene and the Shiga-like toxin-encoding genes in Escherichia coli isolates from cattle.
Mainil J.G. | Jacquemin E.R. | Kaeckenbeeck A.E. | Pohl P.H.
Two hundred ninety-six Eschericbia coli isolates from feces or intestines of calves with diarrhea were hybridized with 7 gene probes. One probe (the eae probe) was derived from the eae gene coding for a protein involved in the effacement of the enterocyte microvilli by the group of bacteria called attaching and effacing E coli (AEEC), and 2 probes were derived from genes coding for the Shiga-like toxins (SLT) 1 and 2 produced by the verocytotoxic E coli (VTEC). The other 4 probes were derived from DNA sequences associated with the adhesive properties of enteroadherent E coli (EAEC) to cultured cells (the EAF probe for the localized adherence pattern, probes F1845 and AIDA-1 for the diffuse adherence pattern, and the Agg probe for the aggregative adherence pattern). Hybridization results for the eae probe were in agreement, for all but 1 of the 8 isolates, with previously published phenotypic results of microvilli effacement. The latter was previously reported as effacing the microvilli of calf enterocytes, but was eae probe-negative. Two classes of isolates hybridized with the eae probe. Members of a first class (60 isolates) additionally produced a positive signal with 1 or both of the SLT probes (VTEC-AEEC isolates). Isolates hy- bridizing with the eae and the SLT1 probes were the most frequent: 56 isolates (ie, 93% of all VTEC-AEEC). Members of the second class (10 isolates) failed to hybridize with either SLT probe (non-VTEC-AEEC isolates). Most isolates of these 2 classes belong to only 4 serogroups: O5, O26, O111, and O118. In addition to these 2 AEEC classes, a VTEC class (20 isolates) was observed. Such isolates were positive with 1 or both SLT probes, but were negative with the eae probe. All but 1 isolate belonged to serogroups not found among the AEEC isolates. Only 7 of all AEEC and VTEC isolates were positive with the EAF, the F1845, or the AIDA-1 probe, and none were positive with the Agg probe. On the other hand, 32 non-VTEC, non-AEEC isolates were po.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Intestinal permeability in pigs during rotavirus infection.
Vellenga L. | Egberts H.J.A. | Wensing T. | Dijk J.E. van | Mouwen J.M.V.M. | Breukink H.J.
Macromolecular permeability of the small intestine was tested in four 3-week-old gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with porcine rotavirus strain RV277 (group A). Pigs were administered 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight [mol wt], 40,000) orally 1 day before and 2 and 24 hours after virus inoculation, and blood samples were obtained every 6 hours. Eight hours after rotavirus inoculation, pigs had watery diarrhea. Increased permeation of 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone was not observed after clinical signs of infection had developed. Serum total protein and urea nitrogen concentrations increased slightly at the end of the study, probably as a consequence of dehydration. Differences in blood glucose concentration were not seen. At 48 hours after viral inoculation, macromolecular permeability was tested morphologically by injecting horseradish peroxidase (mol wt, 40,000) into the jejunal lumen just distally to the ligamentum colicoduodenale. After an incubation period of 20 minutes, small segments of jejunum were obtained for stereomicroscopic, histologic, and ultrastructural investigations. Moderate hyperregenerative villus atrophy was found. Ultrastructural changes of the villus epithelium were minor, and increased macromolecular permeation was not observed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of metoclopramide hydrochloride as an aid for passage of a flexible endoscope into the duodenum of dogs.
Monroe W.E. | Leib M.S. | Matz M.E. | Davenport D.J. | Nelson L.P. | Kenny J.E.
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of metoclopramide to aid passage of a flexible endoscope into the duodenum of dogs, and to determine whether the effect of metoclopramide is dependent on dose. In a randomized, blinded, complete-block design, 6 healthy dogs were anesthetized, then each was given saline solution or 1 of 4 doses of metoclopramide on different days. The ease of passage of a flexible, fiberoptic gastroscope through the pylorus was assessed independently by 3 endoscopists. Administration of metoclopramide hydrochloride at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg of body weight, IV, made passage of a flexible endoscope into the duodenum significantly (P = 0.009) more difficult than when saline solution was administered; however, dosages of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.8 mg of metoclopramide/kg did not (P = 0.489, 0.842, and 0.092 respectively). It was concluded that metoclopramide did not facilitate, and at one dosage hindered, successful passage of a flexible endoscope into the duodenum of healthy dogs under the conditions of the study. Metoclopramide, therefore, cannot be recommended as an aid for passage of a flexible endoscope into the duodenum of dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adhesion of bacteria to the cecal mucosal surface of conventional and germ-free chickens infected with Eimeria tenella.
Baba E. | Wakeshima H. | Fukui K. | Fukata T. | Arakawa A.
When Salmonella typhimurium and Clostridium perfringens were tested in conventional chickens, larger numbers of S typhimurium and C perfringens adhered to Eimeria tenella-infected ceca than to uninfected ceca. In germ-free chickens, S typhimurium and C perfringens adhered to the E tenella-infected cecal mucosa more than to the uninfected cecal mucosa, but fewer Bacteroides vulgatus and Bifidobacterium thermophilum adhered to the E tenella-infected ceca than to the uninfected ceca. Many bacteria adhered to the lesions caused by E tenella as observed by scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that infection with E tenella upsets the balance of competitive adherence of bacteria, allowing more colonization of S typhimurium and C perfringens.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microvascular circulation of the ascending colon in horses.
Snyder J.R. | Tyler W.S. | Pascoe J.R. | Olander H.J. | Bleifer D.R. | Hinds D.M. | Neves J.W.
Microvascular circulation of the ascending colon in healthy horses was studied using microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The pelvic flexure with 30 cm of ventral and dorsal colon attached was removed from 14 adult horses immediately after horses were euthanatized. The lumen was flushed with warm water, and this section of the ascending colon was placed in a 37-C bath of isotonic NaCl. In sections from 8 horses, colic vessels were perfused with a radio-opaque medium for microangiography. After angiographic evaluation, tissue sections were prepared for light microscopic observation, using standard histologic methods. In sections from 6 horses, injection replicas were made by perfusing the vessels with 2 types of plastics. The results of microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas were correlated, providing acomprehensive documentation of the microvasculature of the ascending colon at the pelvic flexure. Arteries branched from mesenteric colic vessels approximately every 2 cm toward the colonic tissue. Immediately after branching, arterial vessels formed an anastomotic plexus, the colonic rete. However, each branch from the colic vessel eventually continued into the colonic tissue. A second set of vessels originated from the colonic rete and supplied the mesenteric lymph nodes. Arterial vessels penetrated the tunica muscularis into the sub-mucosa 3 to 4 cm toward the antimesenteric border forming a submucosal vascular network. From the submucosal arterioles, branching took place at right angles to supply the mucosal capillaries. Capillaries surrounded the colonic glands and anastomosed at the luminal surface, forming a superficial luminal honeycomb-appearing vascular plexus. Venules, sparsely distributed, drained the superficial plexus. Arterial venous anastomoses were not observed within the mucosa.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficacy of ivermectin in oral drench and paste formulation against migrating larvae of experimentally inoculated Parascaris equorum.
French D.D. | Klei T.R. | Taylor H.W. | Chapman M.R.
Twenty-one mixed-breed pony foals, reared and maintained under parasite-free conditions, were used to test the efficacy of ivermectin in oral drench and paste formulations (200 microgram/kg) against 11-day-old migrating larvae of Parascaris equorum. Three replicates of 4 foals and 3 replicates of 3 foals were formed on the basis of age. Foals in replicates of 4 were randomly allocated to be indicators, or to receive vehicle (control) or ivermectin paste or ivermectin liquid. Foals in replicates of 3 were randomly allocated to receive vehicle or ivermectin paste or ivermectin liquid. The recovery of larvae from the lungs, liver, and small intestines of the indicator foals showed that 99.9% of the larvae were in the lungs 11 days after inoculation (day 0 of treatment). The recoveries of larvae from lungs and small intestines of controls at 25 days after inoculation indicated that all larvae had migrated to the small intestine by this time. The mean length of larvae recovered from the lungs (11 days after inoculation) was 0.87 mm; the mean length of those recovered from the small intestine (25 days after inoculation) was 3.65 mm. Using larvae recovered from small intestinal contents for calculations, ivermectin in both formulations was 100% effective against 11-day P equorum (P less than 0.01, compared with control group geometric mean of 1498.4).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Large intestinal capacity, retention times, and turnover rates of particulate ingesta associated with extensive large-colon resection in horses.
Bertone A.L. | VanSoest P.J. | Johnson D. | Ralston S.L. | Stashak T.S.