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Use of laser Doppler flowmetry to determine blood flow in and viability of island axial pattern skin flaps in rabbits.
Lanthier T. | Miller C. | McDonell W.N. | Yager J.A. | Roth J.H.
Perfusion and viability of island axial pattern skinflaps were tested in 37 healthy New Zealand white rabbits, using laser Doppler monitoring of blood flow in the capillary loops and the subpapillary plexus of the dermis. Skin flaps, selected on the basis of the caudal superficial epigastric vein and artery, were lifted and replaced in their original locus after selective occlusion of their vascular pedicles. Subjects were allotted into groups: control group (n = 10); arterial occlusion (n = 7); venous occlusion (n = 10); and arterial and venous occlusion (n = 10). The rabbits were monitored from 48 hours before surgery until euthanasia 48 to 72 hours after replacement of the flap. Flap viability was assessed on a clinical basis, using a comparative scoring method based on a numeric scale. The degree of necrosis in histologic sections was evaluated, using a scoring system. Laser Doppler measurements were obtained on 3 consecutive days before surgery, to establish the normal basal blood flow in the skin. Postsurgical measurements were obtained at 2-hour intervals for the first 8 hours and at 24, 48, and 72 hours after surgery. Measurements of basal blood flow varied significantly (P < 0.05) from site to site on the surface of individual flaps and over time. When laser Doppler flowmetric (LDF) measurements from 6 sites on a flap were used as a measure of laser Doppler flow for the total flap, there was no significant difference between contralateral flap areas outlined on the abdomen of the rabbits. Temporal variations over 3 days for each rabbit or among rabbits were not significant. The LDF measurements detected acute vascular occlusion when compared with the controls, and were able to differentiate between control and arterial occlusion groups, control and venous occlusion groups, control and arterial and venous occlusion groups, arterial and venous occlusion groups, venous and arterial and venous occlusion groups (P < 0.05), but not between arterial and arterial and venous occlusion groups. Evaluation of LDF values at 4 hours proved to be a better predictor than clinical assessment at 4 or 8 hours in evaluating skin flap viability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Низкоинтенсивное лазерное излучение красной области спектра при профилактике абомазоэнтеритов у телят
Kozlovskij, A.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Belko, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Ivanov, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Pajterova, V.V,, The Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Skryabin (Russian Federation)
The use of low intensive red spectrum laser radiation for prevention of abomasoenteritis in calves is effective method. As a result the increase of erythrocytes level and saturation of them with hemoglobin happens. Natural resistance with bactericide and lysozyme activity are going up phagocytosis of neutrophils is activated. The most successful method are magnet-laser radiation of blood and laser acupuncture. There was studied the low intensive red spectrum laser radiation for prevention of abomasoenteritis in calves. During the research it is established, that preventive efficiency at abomasoenteritis in the first trial group has made 80%, in the second and the third - 90%. As a result of the spent work high preventive efficiency of action of the low intensive red spectrum laser radiation is established at prescription of through-skin blood irradiations by the therapeutic laser in a combination to a constant magnetic field and as a result influences on biologically active points. Application of these ways allows to reduce level of disease of animal abomasoenteritis. As a result of physiotherapeutic influence there is content increase of erythrocytes in blood of calves and saturation their haemoglobin. Natural resistance with bactericide and lysozyme activity are going up phagocytosis of neutrophils is activated. The most successful method are magnet-laser radiation of blood and laser acupuncture. It is caused by that positive changes occurring in an organism, have been more brightly expressed and besides preventive and economic efficiency of these ways of irradiation also were at higher level. In the tabular form dynamics of morphological indicators at calves under the influence of laser radiation, dynamics of indicators of natural resistance at calves as a result of the laser therapy, some biochemical indicators of blood is presented at carrying out of research.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Использование пребиотика лактофильтрум при лечении больных абомазоэнтеритом телят
Kozlovskij, A.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Karput, I.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Ivanov, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Velikanov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Morozov, D.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the therapeutic efficiency of sorbent Lactofiltrum in a complex therapy of abomasoenteritis at calves. It represents the complex preparation containing 75% of hydrolytic lignins and 25% of lactulose. Action of lignins is based on ability to sorb and strongly to keep toxins of exogenous and endogenous origins, the pathogenic microorganisms which are present in enteral mediuim. Lactulose, a part of prebiotics Lactofiltrum, is a synthetic disaccharide. It is not exposed to splitting by enzymes in thin intestines. The active substance lactulose starts to operate in a thick gut where under the influence of intestinal microflora it is transformedto low-molecular organic acids, basically dairy, acetic, oil and propionic. Thanks to acidification of intestinal contents growth of putrefactive and pathogenic microflora chokes, osmotic pressure in a gleam of a thick gut increases. Lactofiltrum possesses high therapeutic efficiency. The experiment has shown 100% effectiveness in treatment. Economic effect is 1,63 rubles in control group and 3,52 rubles in experimental group from 1 ruble of expenditure. This treatment is economically profitable. In the tabular form the content of the general bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose in blood serum, urea and creatinine, daily average body weight gain and epizooty, morphological indicators of blood, dynamics of the general protein and albumens at calves with abomasoenteritis are presented. Lactofiltrum has a high therapeutic effect. Pharmacology action is associated with intestinal digestion normalization due to absorption of toxins and useful bacteria stimulation. The experiment has shown 100% effectiveness in treatment. This treatment is economically profitable.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Применение квантовой энергии для стимуляции иммунобиологической реактивности, роста и развития новорожденных телят
Trofimov, A.F. | Timoshenko, V.N. | Muzyka, A.A. | Pechenova, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
It is established, that application of laser radiation of low intensity of infra-red area of a spectrum together with a constant magnetic field (an exposition 180 seconds) promotes correction of immunity of an organism of newborn calves that leads to increase in intensity of growth, and decrease in disease of young growth
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Изменение гематологических показателей у хряков при стимуляции биологически активных точек
Elisejkin, D.V. | Sobolev, D.T. | Levkin, E.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the changes of the general protein content, albuminous fractions, antibodies and leukogram in blood of boars at influence by the laser on biologically active points. At laser influence on biologically active points, which are situated in lumber and sacral section spine, is taken place stimulating of body resistance. In the experiences the influence by the laser with various frequency has led to authentic increase in the content of protein in blood at 512 Hz with 75,9 to 81,2 and at 4046 with 75,4 to 80,8 g/l. The percent of eosinocytes in blood which carry out antitoxic function increases - from 2,63 to 4,85% and according to 2,50 to 5,15% at P0,01. Influence by laser radiation has caused number increase limfotsits in blood from 44,38 to 50,13% and according from 45,38 to 49,38% at P0,01. In the research the analysis of the content of antibodies in blood of animals was carried out. It was established that after processing by the laser (P0,05) the content in blood of immunoglobulin A increases at frequency of influence of 512 Hz from 2,2 to 3,2 g/l and at frequency of 4046 Hz from 2,4 to 3,3 g/l. | Цель работы заключалась в изучении изменения содержания общего белка, белковых фракции, иммуноглобулинов и лейкограммы в крови хряков при воздействии лазером на биологически активные точки. При воздействии лазером на биологически активные точки, расположенные в поясничном и крестцовом отделе позвоночника, происходит стимуляция резистентности организма. В проведенных опытах воздействие лазером с различной частотой привело к достоверному увеличению содержания белка в крови при 512 Гц с 75,9 до 81,2 и при 4046 с 75,4 до 80,8 г/л. Процент эозинофилов в крови, которые выполняют антитоксическую функцию, увеличивается с 2,63 до 4,85% и соответственно с 2,50 до 5,15% при Р0,01. Воздействие лазерным излучением вызвало увеличение числа лимфоцитов в крови с 44,38 до 50,13% и соответственно с 45,38 до 49,38% при Р0,01. В исследованиях проведен анализ содержания иммуноглобулинов в крови животных. Установлено, что после обработки лазером достоверно (Р0,05) увеличивается содержание в крови иммуноглобулина А при частоте воздействия 512 Гц с 2,2 до 3,2 г/л и при частоте 4046 Гц с 2,4 до 3,3 г/л.
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