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Antibody response to genus- and serovar-specific leptospiral antigens in Leptospira-infected cows.
Fairbrother J.M.
Reclassification of North American leptospiral isolates belonging to serogroups Mini and Sejroe by restriction endonuclease analysis.
Thiermann A.B. | Handsaker A.L. | Foley J.W. | White F.H. | Kingscote B.F.
Evaluation of safety and immunogenicity of a new octavalent inactivated vaccine containing porcine parvovirus, erysipelas, and leptospira
Kim, K., Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea | Choi, J.Y., Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea | Park, S.J., Zoetis Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Hahn, T.W., Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
Porcine parvovirus, Erysipelothrix (E.) rhusiopathiae, and Leptospira (L.) interrogans are considered major etiologic agents of reproductive failure in pigs, causing economic loss in the swine industry. In this study, the safety and immunogenicity of a new octavalent inactivated vaccine were evaluated. The vaccine contained inactivated porcine parvovirus, E. rhusiopathiae, and six L. interrogans serovars (Bratislava, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona). Safety test results showed no notable side effects or clinical signs after vaccination in mice, guinea pigs, and sows. In addition, we assessed immunogenicity of the vaccine in 25 sows under field conditions. The vaccinated group (n = 20) had a significantly higher antibody level than the non-vaccinated group (n = 5). Moreover, the stillbirth rate decreased in piglets born from vaccinated sows, resulting in an increased fertility rate. The results of this study demonstrate that the new octavalent inactivated vaccine can be applied safely and effectively to improve reproductive performance in sows.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of polymerase chain reaction assays with bacteriologic culture, immunofluorescence, and nucleic acid hybridization for detection of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo in urine of cattle
Wagenaar, J. | Zuerner, R.L. | Alt, D. | Bolin, C.A.
Evaluation of recombinant LipL32 and LipL41 antigens of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola by ELISA for serodiagnosis of bovine leptospirosis.
Sankar, Surya | Chaudhury, Pallab | Verma, Rishendra | Harshan, Hiron .M. | Srivastava, S.K.
Recombinant LipL32 and LipL41 outer membrane proteins of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola were produced, and used as a pooled antigen in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect leptospiral antibodies in bovine sera samples. The optimum concentration of the pooled antigen was found to be 50ng of each antigen per well by using known positive and negative cattle sera. Using a total of 500 bovine sera samples the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of pooled antigen based ELISA as compared to microscopic agglutination test (MAT) were 100%, 88.1% and 91.6%, respectively. The results suggested that antigen in ELISA could be preferred for detection of all those cases, which might have remained undiagnosed by performing MAT.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Latex agglutination test based on the recombinant outer membrane proteins for serodiagnosis of leptospirosis in goats.
Chandra, Anjul | Srivastava, S. K. | Chaudhuri, P. | Prakash, M .M.
A total of 281 serum samples collected randomly from goats showing the signs of fever, abortion,repeat breeding and still births as well as from apparently healthy ones were subjected to LAT and MAT based on rLipL32 and rLipL41 antigens. A total of 16 (5.69%) samples were found positive to MAT, whereas rLipL32-LAT and rLipL41-LAT detected 35 (12.45%) and 23 (8.18%) samples as positive, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of rLipL32-LAT was 87.50% and 92.83%, respectively,while rLipL41-LAT yielded 75.00% and 97.35% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. LAT based on rLipL32 and rLipL41antigens could further be evaluated on a larger number of samples to ensure its utility as a screening test for the sero-epidemiological studies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Serological prevalence of leptospiral antibodies in pigs in South Africa
Potts, A.D. | Loetter, C. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.) | Robinson, J.T.R.
Serological survey on the leptospiral antibody in domestic animals in the area where human leptospirosis occurred
Seo, I.S. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Seroprevalence of bovine leptospirosis in Garanhuns municipal district, Pernambuco State, Brazil
Oliveira, A.A.F. | Mota, R.A. | Pereira, G.C. (Pernambuco Federal Rural Univ., Dois Irmaos (Brazil). Veterinary Medicine Dept.) | Langoni, H. | Souza, M.I. | Navegantes, W.A. | Sa, M.E.P.
Leptospirose canina em uma população assintomática da região sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil
Adriana Cortez | Eduardo Alberto dos Reis | Natália Gomes | Antonio Francisco Souza-Filho | Amane Paldês Gonçales | Celso Martins Pinto | Valeria Castilho Onofrio | Gisele Oliveira Souza | Israel Barbosa Guedes | Daniel Magalhães Lima | Tânia Regina Vieira de Carvalho | Jonas Moraes-Filho | Marcos Bryan Heinemann
A leptospirose é uma enfermidade infectocontagiosa que pode acometer os animais e o homem. Nos países tropicais e em desenvolvimento ocorrem 70% dos casos humanos, com mortalidade variando entre 10 a 70%. Os cães podem se tornar portadores assintomáticos por um longo período, podendo transmitir a Leptospira para humanos. Devido ao intenso convívio com o ser humano, os cães podem servir como sentinelas da contaminação ambiental. Esse trabalho investigou a frequência de ocorrência da leptospirose canina em populações assintomáticas da região sudoeste do estado de São Paulo. Para isso foram examinadas pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (MAT), amostras de sangue provenientes de 572 cães assintomáticos dos municípios de Apiaí, Cananeia, Itapeva e Itu por amostragem de conveniência, oriundos de campanhas de castração. Em Apiaí, foram encontrados 40,5% dos animais reagentes para Leptospira spp.; em Itapeva, 42,6%; em Cananeia, 7,7% e em Itu, 5,1%. Os dados encontrados demonstram que, pelo menos, um animal dos municípios de Itapeva, Apiaí e Cananeia apresentaram título igual ou maior que 800, indicando a circulação da bactéria nessas localidades e que a equipe envolvida nas campanhas de castração precisam ser alertadas sobre o correto uso de equipamento de proteção individual, principalmente no esvaziamento mecânico da bexiga antes do procedimento cirúrgico. O estudo também sugere que as campanhas de castração podem ser estratégicas no monitoramento de doenças zoonóticas e poderiam auxiliar no estabelecimento de ações preventivas para a saúde humana e animal.
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