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Retrospective study of the medical status of 34 Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanu) at the Taipei Zoo from 2003 to 2014
Kang, C.L., School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan | Yu, J.F., Taipei Zoo, Taipei, Taiwan | Lai, H., Taipei Zoo, Taipei, Taiwan | Guo, J.C. | Wang, L.C., School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) is an endemic subspecies in Taiwan. The original wild deer has been extinct since the late 1960s. The largest captive population is located at the Taipei Zoo. Except for infectious disease outbreaks, no systemic medical research has been reported for this subspecies. This study was conducted to analyze the medical status of the captive Formosan sika deer population, including the hematological and serum chemistry characteristics. To accomplish this, medical records for 34 Formosan sika deer from January 2003 to January 2014 were acquired and analyzed. The most common illness and cause of death was trauma, followed by gastrointestinal and respiratory disease, respectively. The hematologic and serum chemical values of healthy adults were quite different from those of sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis). This study provides a closer medical understanding of this subspecies and the results will facilitate its management.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evidence for cryptosporidial infection as a cause of prolapse of the phallus and cloaca in ostrich chicks (Struthio camelus)
Penrith, M.-L. | Putterill, J.F. (Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst. (South Africa). Pathology Section) | Bezuidenhout, A.J. | Burger, W.P.
Observations of lymphoid polyps on the gastrointestinal tract
Kwak, S.D. (Kyongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
The present observations were focussed mainly on the macroscopic and histopathological examinations of polyps found on the stomach of 4-month-old pig, small intestine of 3-month-old pig and cecum of 9-month-old dog. The polyps were gray or pink hemispherical shapes attached by the broad base to the gastrointestinal walls and were 3 to 8 mm in diameter and diffuse appearance. The surfaces of polyps were flat or indented and were ulcerated in some large polyps
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of repeated administration of tirilazad mesylate on healthy and endotoxemic calves: a pilot study
Semrad, S.D. | Dubielzig, R.
Терапевтическая эффективность электрохимическиактивированных растворов при заболевании молодняка крупного рогатого скота
Shparkovich, M.V. | Stolbovoj, D.A. | Belko, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of efficiency of electrochemically active solutions in complex therapy of calves with diseases of the digestive apparatus and respiratory organs was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Calves diseased with dyspepsia and bronchopneumonia were chosen for investigation of gastrointestinal diseases and respiratory diseases. At the first stage there was studied the therapeutic efficacy of water solution of electrochemically active neutral anolyte and sodium hypochloride solution Akvamed for calves sick with dyspepsia. At the second stage there was analyzed the therapeutic efficacy of 0,04 % solution sodium hypochloride Akvamed for the treatment of bronchopneumonia of calves. Research results showed that inclusion into complex therapeutic regimen of calves of electrochemically active solutions promoted the reduction of disease duration and severity. Electrochemically active solutions had high biocidal activity and could be produced in large volumes, had practical safety, low price and acute therapeutic effect
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Терапевтическая эффективность метаболитного пробиотика при гастроэнтеритах у поросят-отъемышей
Pritychenko, A.V. | Pritychenko, A.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of therapeutic effectiveness of metabolic probiotic Diamixan (sterile concentrate of waste products of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus debrueckii, and Streptococcus salivarius) against piglet gastroenteritis appearing at weaning period was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The analyzed preparation contained complex of substances: bioartificial lactic acid, amino acids, polysaccharides, and some other ingdredients. In course of analysis of the state of intestinal microbiocenosis there were analyzed the following indexes: bifidus bacteria; lactic acid bacillus; E. coli; enterococcus; Proteus; Staphylococcus saprophyticus; Clostridia; yeast-like fungi; enterobacteria. Research results showed that application of the examined preparation made it possible to shorter the terms of animal recovery on 2,2 days, as well as to facilitate the severity of a disease. Bottle feeding of the metabolic probiotic promoted the stabilization and normalization of the main hematological indexes. The analyzed preparation created the optimal pH in lumen of the intestine, inhibited the rowth of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, promoted quicker reconstruction of microecological status by means of normalization of standard flora of bifidus bacteria and lactic acid bacillus
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Состояние и перспективы изучения язвенного абомазита у телят
Kurdeko, A.P. | Shabusov, N.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the ulcerous changes in a rennet stomach paries. The analysis of literary data has allowed to choose a way of reproduction of rennet stomach ulcer at calves by means of haemodynamic frustration of rennet stomach site. During experiment has been reproduced ulcer abomasit at 13 heifers. In the course of work the young growth of black-motley breed at the age of 1-2 months has been involved. Before operation to calves neuromuscular relaxant Rometar intramuscularly was entered. Then alcoholic narcosis on M.V.Plakhotin intravenously was entered. Belly cavity on a white line of stomach, receding from chondroxiphoid cartilage on 4-5 cm, was opened. A cut in length 10-12 cm was done. Through the formed aperture rennet stomach was taken, then on the big curvature gastroepiploic artery was found, into which by medical syringe through an insulinic needle was entered warmed up to 38 deg C the 8-% solution of sulfosalicylic acid in a dose of 5 ml. Changes from a serous cover of rennet stomach observed at once after introduction of acid solution. At first on an artery course rough spastic reductions of rennet stomach muscles have been noticed. After that, in the same place, there was anaemia of serous cover, then, stagnant hyperaemia. For the control of results in 3-5 weeks made the compelled slaughter of calves with the diagnostic purpose and found out rennet stomach ulcers of various size. Result of the given work is that the given method gives the chance to reproduce haemodynamic rennet stomach ulcer at calves of any age by means of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid. Thus, the experimental model of rennet stomach ulcer at the calves, caused by introduction of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid, is in the main similar to spontaneous disease. | Целью экспериментальной работы явилось изучение ульцерозных изменений в стенке сычуга. Анализ литературных данных позволил выбрать способ воспроизведения язвы сычуга у телят посредством гемодинамических расстройств участка сычуга. Во время эксперимента был воспроизведен язвенный абомазит у 13 телочек. В процессе работы был задействован молодняк крупного рогатого скота черно-пестрой породы в возрасте 1-2 месяцев. Перед операцией телятам вводили внутримышечно миорелаксант Рометар. Затем вводили внутривенно алкогольный наркоз по M.B. Плахотину. Брюшную полость вскрывали по белой линии живота, отступая от мечевидного хряща на 4-5 см. Делали разрез длиной 10-12 см. Через образовавшееся отверстие извлекали сычуг, затем находили на большой кривизне желудочно-сальниковую артерию, в которую шприцом через инсулиновую иглу вводили подогретый до 38 deg С 8-процентный раствор сульфосалициловой кислоты в дозе 5 мл. Изменения со стороны серозной оболочки сычуга наблюдали сразу же после введения раствора кислоты. Сначала по ходу артерии были замечены бурные спастические сокращения мышц сычуга. После этого, там же, возникала анемия серозной оболочки, затем, застойная гиперемия. Для контроля результатов через 3-5 недель производили вынужденный убой телят с диагностической целью и обнаруживали язвы сычуга различной величины. Результатом данной работы является то, что данный метод дает возможность воспроизводить гемодинамическую язву сычуга у телят любого возраста при помощи 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты. Таким образом, экспериментальная модель язвы сычуга у телят, вызванная введением 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты, в основных чертах сходна со спонтанным заболеванием.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Сабельник болотный (Comarum palustre) и применение его в ветеринарной практике
Titovich, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the propagation, botanical characteristic, chemical composition and pharmacological properties of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) and its application in the veterinary practice against strongylatosis (Strongylata) of gastrointestinal system of cattle young stock. Reserch results showed that the perennial herbage plant marsh cinquefoil from Rosales (Rosaceae) family possessed different therapeutic properties: antipyretic agent; styptic agent; diuretic agent; bonding agent; wound healing substance; tonic agent; promotoring agent. Research results showed that the preparative forms (broth; liqueur; liquid juice; powder) of marsh cinquefoil possessed an active agent proanthocyanidin, a condensed tanning substance which were included into composition of a polyphenolic complex and proved to be efficient for treatment of cattle young stock strongylatosis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Паразитоценозы пищеварительной системы крупного рогатого скота Aйрширской породы
Mironenko, V.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Study of parasitocoenoses of digestive system of Ayrshire breeds of cows and heifers was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of investigation there was presented a highly efficient universal sedimentation and flotation method with centrifuging for diagnostic of low intensity infestations of cattle. Heifers of Ayrshire breed the total infestation with parasites of gastro-intestinal tract was 100%. Species composition of parasites per one animal was 2,0 +/- 0,258. In winter period the components of parasitoses of a digestive tract were the following: eimeria, strongylats, fascioles, moniezia, nematodes, trematodes and cestodes. In cows of Ayrshire breed the total infestation was also 100%, mixed infestation – 70,0 %. Species composition of parasites per one animal was 2,55 +/- 0,170. In winter period the components of parasitoses of a digestive tract were the following: eimeria, strongylats, fascioles, and capillariasis
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Проблема производства высококачественной и экологически чистой продукции свиноводства на крупных промышленных комплексах
Senko, A.V. | Voronov, D.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The article deals with the prevention problem of digestive system diseases in pig-breeding and therapeutic measures perfecting for these diseases. In article are given new methods of prevention without using antibiotics
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