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[ Опубликовано в: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Результаты 1-7 из 7

Comparison of estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in normal and tumor mammary tissues from dogs.


Donnay I. | Rauis J. | Devleeschouwer N. | Wouters Ballman P. | Leclercq G. | Verstegen J.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Effects of postmilking teat treatment on the colonization of Staphylococcus aureus on chapped teat skin


Fox, L.K. | Nagy, J.A. | Hillers, J.K. | Cronrath, J.D. | Ratkowsky, D.A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Use of predictive modeling to evaluate the manipulation of milking frequency, temperature, and oxygen tension on growth of Escherichia coli in an artificial intramammary environment


Goldberg, J.J. | Bramley, A.J. | Chen, H. | Pankey, J.W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Anti-neoplastic effects of topoisomerase inhibitors in canine mammary carcinoma, melanoma, and osteosarcoma cell lines


Ong, S.M. (The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (Japan). Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery) | Yamamoto, H. | Saeki, K. | Tanaka, Y. | Yoshitake, R. | Nishimura, R. | Nakagawa, T.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

Single nucleotide variations of the canine RAD51 domains, which directly binds PALB2 and BRCA2


Ozmen, O. (Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Genetics) | Kul, S. | Risvanli, A. | Ozalp, G. | Sabuncu, A. | Kul, O.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

The DNA methylation inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine retards cell growth and alters gene expression in canine mammary gland tumor cells


Ito, T. ((Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo (Japan). Faculty and Institute of Agriculture, Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy), (The Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Ibaraki (Japan))) | Kaneda, M.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

Pathologic observations on the canine mammary gland tumors and immunohistochemicl study on the origin of chondroid tissue in mammary gland mixed tumors


Kim, Y.B. (National Animal Quarantine Service, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Seo, I.B. (Semyung University, Jechon (Korea Republic). Department of Oriental Medicine) | Kim, J.H. | Bak, E.J. (National Veterinary Research Institute, RDA, Anyang (Korea Republic)) | Kim, D.Y. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of veterinary Medicine) | Han, J.H. (Kangwon National University, Chunchon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine)

Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library - Republic of Korea