AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Результаты 1-3 из 3

Efficacy of an in-feed preparation of ivermectin against endoparasites and scabies mites in swine.


Primm N.D. | Hall W.F. | DiPietro J.A. | Bane D.P.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Effect of ivermectin on the control of ear mites (Psoroptes cuniculi) in naturally infested rabbits


Bowman, D.D. | Fogelson, M.L. | Carbnone, L.G.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Efficacy of an in-feed preparation of ivermectin against endoparasites and scabies mites in swine


Primm, N.D. | Hall, W.F. | DiPietro, J.A. | Bane, D.P.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America