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Age and sex comparison in determining baseline blood and coagulation profiles in semi-extensive rusa deer (Rusa timorensis)
Abdullah, R. | Chai, I. I. | Hamzah, H. | F. , Jesse F. A. | Ho, H. W. | Hassim, H. A. | Azlan C. A. | Wahid, H.
The objective of the study was to establish the baseline values for blood and coagulation parameters in normal and healthy rusa deer (Rusa timorensis) of different ages and sexes. The samplepopulation consists of 40 rusa deer, divided into four groups of (i) juvenile males (ii) juvenile females (iii) adult males and (iv) adult females. The findings showed significant (p<0.05) higher values in erythrocyte count, calcium concentration and prothrombin time in the adult males compared to adult female rusa deer. On the other hand, the total protein concentration was significantly higher in adult females than adult male deer. No significant differences in blood or coagulation parameters were observed between sexes in the juvenile deer. Between age group, the adult deer had significantly higher mean cell volume, plasma protein and globulin concentration than juvenile rusa deer. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the age and sex of the rusa deer when using blood reference values for the diagnosis of diseases or health assessment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Oxidative stress and haematological profiles of goats reared under different management systems
Adenkola, A. Y. | Adah, A. S. | Azeez, O. M.
This study was done to assess oxidative stress and haematologicalparameters of twenty male goats aged between eight and 22 months of the West African Dwarf breed reared under twomanagement systems. Ten bucks were reared under an intensive system, and another 10 bucks reared under an extensivesystem were used. The Hb concentration obtained in both groups was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the intensively managedgoats (12.39±0.02 gm %) compared to the extensively managed group. The total erythrocyte count in intensive goats, 35.34±1.36×106/μl, was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the value recorded in the extensive group (30.01±1.41×106/μl). Therecorded leucocytes counts in intensive goats of 10.26±0.70×103/μl was significantly (p<0.05) lower than 12.38±1.23×103/μlrecorded in the extensively managed goat, while the calculated value of MCV in intensive goat (9.8±0.73 fl) was significantly(p<0.05) higher than the recorded value in extensive group. The obtained value of MCH was significantly higher (p<0.05) in theextensively managed goats. The recorded neutrophil value of 5.00±0.50×103/μl in extensively raised goats was significantly(p<0.05) higher than 3.70±0.20×103/μl obtained in the intensively raised group likewise the lymphocyte count of 5.60±0.08 ×103/μl in intensively raised goats was significantly (p<0.05) lower than the value obtained in the extensively raised goat. The neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the extensive versus the intensive group viz. 0.75±0.03 asagainst 0.67±0.04. In the extensive group a higher malondialdehyde (MDA) value of 2.30±0.07 ng/ml was recorded and this was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the corresponding value of 1.28±0.11 ng/ml obtained in the intensively managed goats. The recorded value of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase was significantly (p<0.05) higher in theextensive group than those on the intensive group. The fragility test of the extensively managed goats shifts more towards rightand was significantly (p<0.05) highest at a sodium chloride concentration of 0.2-0.7% in extensively managed goats. It can beconcluded from the present study that the biomarkers of oxidative stress were higher in the extensively than the intensively managed goats.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fresh and artificially dried forages ruminal degradability. I. Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) and colonião grass (Panicum maximum Jack) degradabilities through "in situ" dacron bags in rumen fistulated steers | Degradabilidade ruminal de forragens nas formas verde e desidratada I. Degradabilidade dos capins Colonião (Panicum maximum Jack) e elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) pela técnica dos sacos de náilon “in situ", com bovinos dotados de fístula ruminal
Laércio Melotti | Carlos de Souza Lucci | Edson Valvasori | Benedito do Espírito Santo Campos | José Aparecido Cunha
<p>Ruminal degradability rates for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF) of Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum, grasses, both fresh and artificially dried, were fixed by nylon bags “ in situ” technique. Eight crossbred male rumen fistulated steers were used in a “changover” design 4 x 4, to test the following treatments: A) Napier grass; B) Napier grass, dried; C) Colonião grass; D) Colonião grass, dried. Results were statistically similar and with 48 h of incubation time were the following ones: DM = 42.5%, 45.9%; 52.7%; 50.7% CP = 37.9%; 53.0%; 49.7%; 46.9% CF = 32.2%; 39.7%; 40.0%; 45.2% for A, B, C and D treatments respectively.</p> | <p>As taxas de degradação ruminal da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra bruta dos capins Colonião e Napier, nas formas fresca e desidratada, foram determinadas pela técnica de sacos de náilon “in situ”. Oito bovinos machos mestiços, com fístulas de rúmen, foram usados em um delineamento em “change-over” com dois grupos de 4 animais, para testar os seguintes tratamentos: A) capim Colonião; B) capim Colonião desidratado; C) capim Napier e D) capim Napier desidratado. As taxas de degradabilidade mostraram-se estatisticamente semelhantes e foram as seguintes, com 48 horas de incubação: MS = 42,5%; 45,9%; 52,7% e 50,7%, PB = 37,9%; 53,0%; 49,7% e 46,9%, FB = 32,2%; 39,7%; 40,0% e 45,2% para os tratamentos A, B, C e D respectivamente.</p>
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Degradabilidade ruminal de forragens nas formas verde e desidratada I. Degradabilidade dos capins Colonião (Panicum maximum Jack) e elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) pela técnica dos sacos de náilon “in situ", com bovinos dotados de fístula ruminal
Laércio Melotti | Carlos de Souza Lucci | Edson Valvasori | Benedito do Espírito Santo Campos | José Aparecido Cunha
As taxas de degradação ruminal da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra bruta dos capins Colonião e Napier, nas formas fresca e desidratada, foram determinadas pela técnica de sacos de náilon “in situ”. Oito bovinos machos mestiços, com fístulas de rúmen, foram usados em um delineamento em “change-over” com dois grupos de 4 animais, para testar os seguintes tratamentos: A) capim Colonião; B) capim Colonião desidratado; C) capim Napier e D) capim Napier desidratado. As taxas de degradabilidade mostraram-se estatisticamente semelhantes e foram as seguintes, com 48 horas de incubação: MS = 42,5%; 45,9%; 52,7% e 50,7%, PB = 37,9%; 53,0%; 49,7% e 46,9%, FB = 32,2%; 39,7%; 40,0% e 45,2% para os tratamentos A, B, C e D respectivamente.
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