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Serodiagnosis of paratuberculosis in sheep by use of agar gel immunodiffusion.
Shulaw W.P. | Bech Nielsen S. | Rings D.M. | Getzy D.M. | Woodruff T.S.
An agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test was used over a 3-year period to examine 1,871 serum samples from sheep representing 5 Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infected flocks and 4 flocks presumed to be uninfected. Of 1,032 sheep, 31 had positive AGID test results (scoring 1 to 5), and 23 of these 31 were ecropsied. Infection with M paratuberculosis was confirmed by 1 or more of the following findings: observation of typical lesions on histologic examination of sections of ileum or ileocecal lymph nodes, observation of clumps of acid-fast bacteria in mucosal smears of ileum, and isolation of the organism from feces or tissue. False-positive results on AGID testing were not found in sheep from flocks known to have exposure to Cotynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Diarrhea in infected sheep was observed infrequency; chronic, severe weight loss was the most common sign observed. On histologic examination of tissues from 20 infected sheep, 16 (80%) had diffuse lesions of the ileum and 13 (65%) had acid-fast bacteria in areas of ileal inflammation; 4 had discrete granulomas and peripheral lymphocytic infiltrates in the ileum. Sheep with diffuse lesions tended to have higher mean scores on AGID testing and examination for acid-fast bacteria, compared with those from sheep with more discrete lesions. Bacteriologic culture yielded M paratuberculosis from only 3 sheep with paratuberculosis. On the basis of results of this study, we suggest that the nature of the response to infection with M paratuberculosis may influence the results of diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis, and that AGID testing may be useful to identify M paratuberculosis infection in sheep with chronic weight loss and in flock-screening programs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Correlations between histologic endometrial lesions in mares and clinical response to intrauterine exposure with Streptococcus zooepidemicus.
Troedsson M.H.T. | deMoraes M.J. | Liu I.K.M.
The relationship between histologic lesions in endometrial biopsy specimens and susceptibility to chronic uterine infection (CUI) in mares was investigated. Mares were allotted to 4 groups on the basis of degree of endometrial lesions. Mares in group 1 (n = 6) had no pathologic changes, mares in group 2 (n = 5) had only mild pathologic changes, group-3 mares (n = 7) had moderate changes, and group-4 mares (n = 7) had severe inflammatory and fibrotic endometrial changes. Susceptibility to CUI was determined by the inflammatory response to intrauterine inoculation of 5 X 10(6) Streptococcus zooepidemicus. The inoculum was given on the third day of behavioral estrus and in the presence of a follicle > 30 mm. Mares with > 1 neutrophil/5 high-magnification (400 X) microscopic fields and > 20 colonies of S zooepidemicus at 96 hours after inoculation were considered to be susceptible to CUI. There was a significant association between biopsy grade and susceptibility to CUI among the groups. Histologically normal endometrium was associated with resistance to CUI, and severe histopathologic changes in the endometrium were associated with susceptibility to CUI. Mild to moderate endometrial lesions did not correlate consistently with susceptibility or resistance to CUI.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of sulbactam plus ampicillin for treatment of experimentally induced Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection in foals.
Hoffman A.M. | Viel L. | Muckle C.A. | Yager J.S. | Staempfli H.R.
Efficacy of sulbactam, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, in combination with ampicillin, was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced pneumonia caused by beta-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection was experimentally induced in 18 healthy weanling foals that were randomly allocated to 3 treatment groups: sulbactam plus ampicillin (S/A, 3.3 and 6.6 mg/kg of body weight, respectively), ampicillin (6.6 mg/kg), or vehicle only. Foals were treated daily for 7 days; the observer was unaware of treatment status. Compared with ampicillin and vehicle, treatment with S/A resulted in a statistically significant (P < 0.05) decrease in severity of pneumonia, with regard to bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings (decreased total cell and neutrophil numbers, and increased lymphocyte numbers) and extent of macroscopic lesions in lung tissue of the noninoculated regions. Marked trends toward improvement of S/A-treated foals were observed for quantitative results of bacteriologic culture of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples (P < 0.07), macroscopic pathologic features of the whole lung (P < 0.1), and histopathologic variables (P < 0.07), compared with ampicillin- and vehicle-treated foals. Treatment effects were not observed for radiographic, hematologic, and blood gas abnormalities that resulted from infection. In conclusion, the combination of sulbactam plus ampicillin was found to have synergistic effects in vivo, to reduce the extent and severity of experimentally induced grain-negative lung infection in foals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Intestinal permeability in pigs during rotavirus infection.
Vellenga L. | Egberts H.J.A. | Wensing T. | Dijk J.E. van | Mouwen J.M.V.M. | Breukink H.J.
Macromolecular permeability of the small intestine was tested in four 3-week-old gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with porcine rotavirus strain RV277 (group A). Pigs were administered 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight [mol wt], 40,000) orally 1 day before and 2 and 24 hours after virus inoculation, and blood samples were obtained every 6 hours. Eight hours after rotavirus inoculation, pigs had watery diarrhea. Increased permeation of 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone was not observed after clinical signs of infection had developed. Serum total protein and urea nitrogen concentrations increased slightly at the end of the study, probably as a consequence of dehydration. Differences in blood glucose concentration were not seen. At 48 hours after viral inoculation, macromolecular permeability was tested morphologically by injecting horseradish peroxidase (mol wt, 40,000) into the jejunal lumen just distally to the ligamentum colicoduodenale. After an incubation period of 20 minutes, small segments of jejunum were obtained for stereomicroscopic, histologic, and ultrastructural investigations. Moderate hyperregenerative villus atrophy was found. Ultrastructural changes of the villus epithelium were minor, and increased macromolecular permeation was not observed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Progression of aflatoxicosis in growing barrows.
Harvey R.B. | Huff W.E. | Kubena L.F. | Corrier D.E. | Phillips T.D.
Effect of dietary protein on functional, morphologic, and histologic changes of the kidney during compensatory renal growth in dogs.
White J.V. | Finco D.R. | Crowell W.A. | Brown S.A. | Hirakawa D.A.
Two diets similar in caloric density and mineral content, but markedly different in protein content, were used to study the effects of dietary protein on renal function and morphologic and histopathologic changes in dogs that had functional renal tissue reduced by seven-eighths nephrectomy. The effects of moderate protein intake (MPrI = 15% protein; dry-matter basis) and high-protein intake (HPrI = 31% protein; dry-matter basis) were studied for the initial 7 months (period 1 [P1]) after renal mass reduction. Diets were then switched between groups during the following 7 months (period 2 [P2]) to evaluate the effects of increased or decreased protein intake. The HPrI caused significantly (P < 0.05) greater glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal growth than did MPrI during P1. Dogs that maintained HPrI during P1 and MPrI during P2 (group 1) had significant (P < 0.05) reduction in GFR during P2. Dogs that maintained MPrI during P1 and HPrI during P2 (group 2) had significant (P < 0.05) improvement in GFR and renal growth during P2. At the end of the study, renal reserve was evaluated in both groups of dogs before and after group 1 was returned to HPrI for 2 weeks. During this 2-week feeding trial, group-1 dogs had marked improvement in renal reserve, relative to group 2, and GFR increased to the terminal P1 values. Results indicate a possible residual benefit from HPrI during the early phase of compensatory renal growth in the form of functional compensatory memory to HPrI. The severity of renal lesions was indistinguishable between dogs of dietary groups during both study phases. Plasma electrolyte concentrations rapidly returned to normal range after renal ablation, but mild azotemia and proteinuria persisted throughout most of the study. High protein intake was not associated with increased degree or progression of proteinuria.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pathophysiologic effects of Ostertagia ostertagi in calves and their prevention by strategic anthelmintic treatments.
Xiao L. | Gibbs H.C. | Yang C.
Pathophysiologic effects of Ostertagia ostertagi infection and their prevention by strategic anthelmintic treatments were studied in 3 groups each of 6 steer calves. Group-1 calves were noninfected controls. Group-2 calves were inoculated with 100,000 third-stage larvae on the 1st and 28th days of the experiment and grazed on pasture initially free of contamination. Group-3 calves were on a similar regimen as those in group 2, but were also treated with ivermectin 9 days after each larval inoculation. Group-2 calves had increased plasma pepsinogen and gastrin values and decreased weight gains, and total serum protein and albumin concentrations from the 2nd week of infection onward. They were anemic at 10 to 12 weeks and had lower carcass and meat quality at slaughter. Strategic anthelmintic treatments were effective in preventing these effects and calves in groups 1 and 3 had similar performances. On the basis of our findings, high pepsinogen values were related to worm burdens, whereas high gastrin concentrations were related to gastric lesions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Histomorphologic features of the nasal cavity of pigs exposed to Pasteurella multocida type-D dermonecrotic toxin.
Ghoshal N.G. | Niyo Y.
Microscopic examination of the nasal mucosa of clinically normal specific-pathogen-free pigs and of toxicogenic type-D Pasteurella multocida toxin challenge-exposed specific-pathogen-free pigs indicated that the surface epithelium in pigs of both groups was microscopically normal; erosions or appreciable inflammatory changes were not evident. In pigs of both groups and in aU 3 regions of the nasal cavity, the endothelial lining of all blood vessels appeared normal without detectable changes to the walls at postinoculation day 10. Vascular injury in the cartilage or the bone was not discernible in control or challenge-exposed pigs. There were marked differences in the osseous structures of the conchae when the 2 groups were compared. In control pigs, active bone formation and remodeling were observed, and the septal cartilage was normal. In toxin challenge-exposed pigs, there likewise was normal bone formation and remodeling in the vestibular region, and the septal cartilage was normal. In marked contrast, conspicuous changes were observed in the osseous core of the conchae of the respiratory and, sometimes, the olfactory regions. These changes consisted of bone necrosis and resorption by large numbers of osteoclasts with variable replacement by dense mesenchymal stroma, which resulted in conchal atrophy. In the absence of any discernible damage or injury (angiopathy) to the nasal vessels, it appears that the action of the dermonecrotoxin of P multocida serotype D is on the most active osteoblasts and the associated organic matrix of the bone, with subsequent disruption of normal bone formation and remodeling of the nasal conchae.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of hemorheologic variables as implications for exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in racing Thoroughbreds.
McClay C.B. | Weiss D.J. | Smith C.M. II | Gordon B.
Hematologic and rheologic changes were examined in 49 Thoroughbreds before and after competitive racing. Mean postrace values for RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and PCV increased by 58 to 61%, whereas blood viscosity increased 2 to 3 times. Postrace echinocyte numbers were 162% greater than prerace values. Smaller, but statistically significant, changes were found for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, red cell distribution width, plasma total protein concentration, total WBC count, neutrophil count, and lymphocyte count. Variables measured did not predict whether a horse was a bleeder not treated with furosemide, a bleeder treated with furosemide, or a nonbleeder.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pathological findings on spontaneously occurring renal lesions in pigs.
Baik Y.K. | Rim B.M.
In order to investigate the renal pathology of spontaneously occurring renal lesions, basic macroscopic inspection was conducted to 3,850 pigs randomly collected from local slaughter houses, and a total of 355 pigs (9.2 %) were detected with various gross pathological conditions. Renal morphologic patterns for gross lesions were classified histopathologically as 123 (34.5 %) congestion, 81 (22.8 %) acute interstitial nephritis, 52 (14.7 %) chronic interstitial nephritis, 49 (13.8 %) hemorrhage, 39 (11.0 %) renal cyst, 29 (8.2 %) chronic glomerulonephritis, 18 (5.1 %) acute glomeruonephritis, 14 (3.9 %) infarction, 11 (3.1 %) thrombosis, 5 (1.4 %) atrophy, 5 (1.4 %) pyelonephritis and 1 (0.3 %) lymphosarcoma.
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