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Effects of supplementation of crystal lodine to drinking water on Broiler
Eren, M. | Yavuz, H.M. | Deniz, G. | Kardes, S. (Uludag Univ. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bursa (Turkey))
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of 2 ppm iodine supplementation to drinking water of broilers on body weight, feed efficiency, carcass dressing percentage, feed consumption per kg carcass, mortality and litter moisture. In the present study a total of 512 day-old sexed Avian Farm broiler chicks were used
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Интерьерные особенности утят при межлинейной гибридизации
Petrukovich, T.V. | Ryskova, I.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the possibility of increasing of meat yield productivity of ducklings of Temp cross in the conditions application of parental lines of Peking ducks of German breeding Stolle Seddin Vital (SVV) cross. In course of the study there was realized a comparative evaluation of linear and crossbred ducklings in accordance with meat qualities and blood indexes. There were presented the results of morphological composition of liner and crossbred duck carcasses; dynamics of changes of lipid exchange (total lipids; cholesterine; triglyceride) of ducklings; morphological composition of carcasses of father and mother combinations; blood indexes of ducklings; blood indexes of crossbred ducklings of final combinations. Research results showed that crossbred ducklings had high meat properties which exceeded the purebred ones. In ducklings with lower indexes of fattiness of carcasses there was noted the lowering of concentration of total lipids, cholesterine and triglyceride in blood.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Фенотипические особенности ремонтных телочек, полученных методом трансплантации замороженно-оттаянных эмбрионов
Minina, N.G., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The study has stated that heifer replacements, from the date of birth to 18 months, got through transplantation of frozen-defrosted embryos were not inferior to and in many cases superior to the heifers of their age but got through traditional reproduction. Transplant first-calf heifers have a high level of milk productivity which amounts to 7536,10 kilos, with 3,62% of fat and 3,23% of protein. Thus they provide a good selection material for new generation champions to be chosen among them and for being used as mothers of bulls for service
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Эффективность выращивания телят в профилакторный и молочный периоды в зависимости от способов их содержания
Smunev, V.I. | Bushmovich, M.I. | Smuneva, V.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Research and production experiment on studying the efficiency of calve growing depending on the methods of their husbandry at the prophylactic and lactic periods was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. It was established, that calves which were kept in course of the analyzed periods in group cages of a calf-house at the age of 180 days had live weight on 9 kg (or on 5,4%) higher than cattle kept in course of the prophylactic period in individual cages of a prophylactorium calf house, and at the same time their live weight was on 3 kg higher (or on 1,7%) rearers kept in the same period in group cages on the open air conditions. The average daily live weight gain of cattle was also higher on 7,2 and 1,6%, respectively. However, in the conditions of the group husbandry of growing stock in the calf houses there was stated that the analyzed animals were more often ill, so it could be concluded that the presented animal husbandry method could be used only in favorable epizootic conditions in animal husbandry farms. In the conditions of an open air husbandry the ways of infection diseases incidence was substantially lower, and calves showed high development indices in case of complete feed diets application
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Взаимосвязь между основными показателями молочной продуктивности крупного рогатого скота и различными генотипами каппа-казеина
Tanana, L.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Peshko, V.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Epishko, T.I., Polesje State Univ., Pinsk (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the interrelation between the main indexes of cattle milk performance of dairy cattle of Large Red Belarusian breed and Belarusian Black-and-White breed with different genotypes of kappa casein gene. In course of the study there was determined the frequency of occurrence of genotypes and alleles by kappa-casein gene in population of cows of mentioned above breeds. Values of correlation coefficients between some indexes of milk performance of the studied breeds were analyzed. Correlation factors between the basic indexes of milk performance of cows with different genotypes of kappa casein. Research results showed that milk protein content and butter-fat yielding capacity were in negative association with the main breeding trait of dairy cattle – amount of milk yield. Butter-fat yielding capacity and milk protein content correlated positively. Thus, selection breeding in accordance with one of this traits will promote increasing of the other. Besides, it is necessary to realize DNA-diagnostics of cattle according to kappa casein gene and to select animals having in their genomes allele CSN3**B connected with higher milk protein content.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Перспективы использования уток немецких линий для повышения мясной продуктивности утят отечественного кросса Темп
Petrukovich, T.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Possibility of increasing of meat productivity of ducklings of Temp cross after application of duck parental forms of German selection was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was revealed the dynamics of changes of live weight and feed expenses for live weight gain of linear and hybrid ducklings; as well as their meat qualities were determined. In course of studied there were used linear and hybrid ducklings obtained after crossbreeding of parental forms of Belarusian and German crosses of Peking breeds. There were formed 8 groups of one-day old ducklings. In the father's line the first (control) group was presented by pure bred line T1 of Temp cross; in the second group – by hybrid NT1 x T1, obtained after the direct crossing of male ducks of NT1 with female ducks of T1 lines; in the third group – by hybrid T1 x NT1, obtained after the backcrossing of male ducks of T1 with female ducks of NT1 lines; in the fourth group the combination NT1 was obtained by NT1 x NT1. In fifth group the maternal line was presented by pure line of T2 Temp cross (control); the sixth group was presented by hybrid T2N x T2 obtained after direct crossing of male ducks of T2N line with maternal ducks of T2 line; in the eighth group the combination T2N was obtained by T2N x T2N. Research results showed that application of Germal ducks in schemes of crossbreeding rendered the positive influence on live weight increasing of ducklings of father's line. In the carcasses of hybrid ducklings of all studied crossbreeds there was stated the decreasing number of skin with adipose layer and increasing number muscles including the pectoralis
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