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Продуктивность и кормовые достоинства просо-сорговых культур
Zenkova, N.N. | Shloma, T.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the yielding capacity and quality composition of nontraditional high-energy crops (sorghum and Sudan grass hybrid; millet (Panicum); white panicum (Japanese millet)) as well as there was developed a technology fodder conservation. In course of the study there was analyzed accumulation of nutrients in accordance with crop development phases and their quality composition; also there was determined a method of application of grass stands of the studied crops for their production use. It is established, that the most suitable for conditions of Vitebsk region from high-quality cultures is sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid which reaches phases of seed formation and provides productivity of dry matter more than 9 t/ha with humidity of green mass of 69% that is optimum for preparation of tinned forage. Sugar sorgho and grain is reached by phases of ear formation and have provided productivity of green mass of 25,9-25,7 t/ha, dry matter - 3,5 t/ha. To use double-cut sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid on a silo less effectively as the received green mass has high humidity (92%), and the general gathering of dry matter twice more low, than at single-cut use. At single-cut use the culture reaches phases of grain formation in which contains about 31% of dry matter that is favorable for conservation. Double-cut use of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid is comprehensible at its cultivation in the green conveyor to use as green top dressing during the pasturable period. Japanese millet is better to use double-cut as it has provided the maximum productivity of green mass of high quality (63,9 t/ha) and dry matter (9,1 t/ha), it is in 2,3 and 1,6% of time above, than at single-cut use. Single-cut crops of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid are expedient for using as a component at siloing of galega orientalis. In an early phase of development (7-8 leaves) the new-mown green mass of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid possesses toxicity on the bottom border of average degree, but in 2 hours after mowing the forage becomes not toxic. In later phase of development there is an accumulation of sugars, and new-mown mass of sorgho is nontoxical. Sorghum cultures contain high percent of non-decomposed protein - 58,3-84,6% that is very important in feeding of highly productive cows.
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