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Evaluation of analgesia and cardiorespiratory effects of epidurally administered butorphanol in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs.
Troncy E. | Cuvellliez S.G. | Blais D.
Preparation and transfusion of canine platelet concentrates.
Abrams Ogg A.C.G. | Kruth S.A. | Carter R.F. | Valli V.E. | Kamel Reid S. | Dube I.D.
A protocol was developed for preparation of platelet concentrates (PC) to support thrombocytopenic dogs. Four clinically normal dogs with platelet counts that ranged from 200 to 330 X 10(9) platelets/L were used as donors. One unit (450 ml) of blood was collected by venipuncture into a double blood bag. Whole blood (WB) was centrifuged for 4 minutes at 1,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 30 seconds) to prepare platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP was expressed into the satellite bag and was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 36 seconds). The platelet-poor plasma was expressed, leaving 40 to 70 ml of plasma and the pelleted platelets in the satellite bag. The resulting PC was left undisturbed for 60 minutes to promote disaggregation, and the platelets were then resuspended by gentle manual agitation. Forty-eight PC were prepared. Mean (+/- SD) platelet yield from WB to PRP was 78 +/- 13)% (range, 35 to 97%); yield from PRP to PC was 94 (+/- 6) % (range, 75 to 100%); and overall yield (PC from WB) was 74 (+/- 13) % (range, 36 to 91%). Mean PC platelet count was 8.0 (+/- 3.0) X 10(10) platelets/PC (range, 2.3 to 13.4 X 10(10) platelets/PC). The WBC content was 0.1 to 2.3 X 10(9) platelets/PC, representing 3 to 74% of WBC in the WB. Hematocrit was 0.1 to 26.2%. Results of bacterial and fungal culturing were negative.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Lymphoscintigraphy in healthy dogs and dogs with experimentally created thoracic duct abnormalities.
Hodges C.C. | Fossum T.W. | Komkov A. | Hightower D.
Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of the thoracic duct (TD) was performed in 10 healthy and 12 dogs with experimentally created TD abnormalities (6 dogs with TD lacerations and 6 dogs with cranial vena ligations). Complete imaging took 4 hours and caused no adverse effects or complications. Lymphoscintigraphy of healthy dogs failed to image the TD; however, background activity in the abdomen and thorax, and radioactivity in the kidneys, bladder, liver, and heart were noticed. Lacerations and transections of the TD were experimentally created, in 6 dogs to ascertain whether TD rupture could be detected with lymphoscintigraphy. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed within 48 hours of creating the TD defect. There was no significant difference in the scintigraphic pattern of healthy dogs and those with experimentally created TD defects. Ligation of the cranial vena cava was performed in 6 dogs; 3 dogs developed chylothorax. In those 3 dogs, diffuse radioactivity was imaged in the thorax and was compatible with thoracic lymphangiectasia. In one of these dogs, linear activity consistent with the TD and localized regions of radioactivity cranial to the heart (compatible with the mediastina lymph nodes) were noticed. Lymphoscintigraphic findings in these dogs correlated with lymphangiographic findings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development of brachytherapy technique for nasal tumors in dogs.
White R. | Walker M. | Legendre A.M. | Hoopes J. | Smith J. | Horton S.B.
Two groups of 4 dogs underwent nasal and ethmoidal turbinectomies followed by irradiation (mean minimal doses of 5,390 and 6,550 cGy of radiation, respectively) from implanted intracavitary sources of iridium 192. Two dogs from each group were euthanatized for histologic evaluation at 3 months after irradiation. The remaining 2 dogs from each group were euthanatized for similar evaluation at 6 months after irradiation. During the course of the study, few clinical complications were encountered. Histologic evaluation of the tissues forming the nasal passages revealed loss of epithelial lining and fibrous tissue replacement of surrounding bone. A direct correlation of pathologic changes could not be associated with the amount of radiation received, but there seemed to be a tendency for greater change in those dogs given higher doses and those kept alive for 6 months.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of halothane, isoflurane, and pentobarbital anesthesia on myocardial irritability in chickens.
Greenlees K.J. | Clutton R.E. | Larsen C.T. | Eyre P.
The relative myocardial irritant properties of halothane, isoflurane, and pentobarbital were evaluated in chickens. Sixteen adult male broiler chickens were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: group-1 chickens were anesthetized with pentobarbital (30 mg/kg, IV), group-2 chickens were anesthetized with halothane (end tidal halothane 1.2%), and group-3 chickens were anesthetized with isoflurane (end tidal isoflurane 2.1%). Birds in any 2 of the 3 treatment groups were tested on any 1 day. Local anesthesia was induced, and blood pressure, heart rate, ECG, and blood gas variables were measured before general anesthesia was induced. Positive-pressure ventilation with an inspired O2 fraction > 0.95 was adjusted to result in an end tidal CO2 concentration that reflected a PaCO2 similar to that obtained prior to anesthesia and ventilation. All measurements were repeated. The threshold for ventricular fibrillation in response to electrical stimulation of the heart was then determined for all birds. Effects of anesthesia on hemodynamic and blood gas variables were similar in all 3 groups. Compared with halothane or pentobarbital, isoflurane anesthesia resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) lower threshold for electrical fibrillation of the heart.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficacy of ivermectin against experimental and natural infections of Gasterophilus spp in ponies.
Bello T.R.
Antiparasitic efficacy of ivermectin against migrating Gasterophilus intestinalis was evaluated in 36 treated and 24 nontreated (n = 12) or vehicle-treated (n = 12) ponies experimentally and naturally infected with G intestinalis and naturally infected with G nasalis. Each pony was experimentally infected with 500 G intestinalis lst instars in 2 divided doses on days -14 and -7 before treatment. On day 0, ivermectin was administered at the rate of 200 microgram/kg of body weight by IV (n = 12) or IM injection (n = 12) or given as an oral paste (n = 12). Ponies were euthanatized and necropsied 21 days after treatment. In each nontreated or vehicle-treated pony, late lst-, lst- to 2nd-instar molt, and early 2nd-instars of G intestinalis were found in the mouth, and 2nd- and 3rd instars of G intestinalis and 3rd instars of G nasalis were found in the stomach. Bots were not found in any ivermectin-treated pony and, thus, ivermectin was 100% effective against oral and gastric stages. Adverse reactions were not observed in ponies given ivermectin by IM injection or orally, but 1 pony given the vehicle IV and 1 pony given ivermectin (in the vehicle) IV had an anaphylactic reaction, resulting in death of the ivermectin-treated pony. It was speculated that the adverse reaction was caused by histamines released in response to vehicle components given by IV injection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of tromethamine buffer on coagulation variables and ionized calcium concentration in dogs.
Moon P.F. | Barr S.C. | Erb H.N.
Effect of deferoxamine and hyperbaric oxygen on free, autogenous, full-thickness skin grafts in dogs.
Hosgood G. | Hodgin E.C. | Strain G.M. | Lopez M.K. | Lewis D.D.
Free, autogenous, full-thickness skin grafts were applied to 10 dogs; 5 dogs were given an iron chelator, deferoxamine-10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (DEF-HES; 50 mg/kg of body weight, IV), and 5 dogs were given an equal volume of 10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (HES) in 0.9% saline solution (5 ml/kg, IV). All dogs (DEF-HES/HBO- and HES/HBO-treated) were exposed to 60 minutes of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) at 2 atmospheres absolute pressure twice daily for 10 days, beginning the day of surgery. The percentage of viable graft on day 10 was lower in HES/HBO-treated-dogs (mean +/- SD, 13.3 +/- 21.3%; median, 3.0%) than in DEF-HES/HBO-treated dogs (64.7 +/- 39.2%; 88.3%; P = 0.095, Mann-Whitney two-tailed test). There was a positive correlation between percentage of viable graft (on day 10) and percentage of haired skin on the graft site (on day 28) for all dogs (r = 0.91) and for HES/HBO-treated dogs (r = 0.97). The DEF-HES/HBO-treated dogs had less consistent correlation (r = 0.67). Perivascular aggregates of foamy cells were observed in the superficial and reticular portions of the dermis and in the subcutaneous tissue on both surfaces of the panniculus muscle in the graft sites of DEF-HES/HBO-treated dogs. These cells were also observed in the dermis, but not subcutaneous tissue of the control skin sections, and in some viscera of DEF-HES/HBO-treated dogs. Deferoxamine appears to attenuate the detrimental effect of HBO and HES on survival of free skin grafts. However, clinical use of HBO is not recommended as adjunct treatment for free skin grafts in dogs in the first 10 days after grafting. Administration of DEF-HES is not recommended because it has failed to improve the survival of free skin grafts, and the consequence of the cellular response seen in this study is undetermined.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ototoxicity assessment of a gentamicin sulfate otic preparation in dogs.
Strain G.M. | Merchant S.R. | Neer T.M. | Tedford B.L.
Vestibulotoxic and ototoxic effects often are seen after long-term, high-dose systemic treatment with gentamicin, but toxic effects after topical use have not been reported in animals, to the authors' knowledge. Vestibular and auditory effects of twice daily otic gentamicin treatment for 21 days were evaluated in 10 dogs with intact tympanic membranes and in the same 10 dogs after experimental bilateral myringotomy. Each dog served as its own control; 7 drops of gentamicin sulfate (3 mg/ml in a buffered aqueous vehicle) were placed in 1 ear, and 7 drops of vehicle were placed in the opposite ear. Treatment and control ears were reversed after myringotomy. Vestibular function was evaluated daily by neurologic examination and behavioral assessment Auditory function was evaluated twice weekly by determination of brain stem auditory evoked potentials. Gentamicin sulfate placed in the ear of clinically normal dogs with intact or ruptured tympanic membranes, in the quantities used in this study, did not induce detectable alteration of cochlear or vestibular function. Serum gentamicin concentration after 21 days of treatment was detectable in only 2 dogs and was an order of magnitude below documented toxic concentrations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of ketamine, xylazine, and a combination of ketamine and xylazine in Pekin ducks.
Ludders J.W. | Rode J. | Mitchell G.S. | Nordheim E.V.
Effects of ketamine, xylazine, and a combination of ketamine and xylazine were studied in 12 male Pekin ducks (7 to 12 weeks old; mean [+/- SD] body weight, 3.1 +/- 0.3 kg). After venous and arterial catheterization and fixation of a temperature probe in the cloaca, each awake duck was confined, but not restrained, in an open box in a dimly lit room. Blood pressure and lead-II ECG were recorded. Three arterial blood samples were collected every 15 minutes over a 45-minute period (control period) and were analyzed for pHa, Paco2 and Pao2. After the control period, each duck was assigned at random to 1 of 3 drug groups: (1) ketamine (KET; 20 mg/kg of body weight, IV), (2) xylazine (XYL; 1 mg/kg, IV), and (3) KET + XYL (KET 20 mg/kg and XYL, 1 mg/kg; IV). Measurements were made at 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 minutes after drug administration. All ducks survived the drug study. Cloacal temperature was significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) increased above control cloacal temperature at 90 minutes after the administration of ketamine, and from 10 through 90 minutes after administration of ketamine plus xylazine. In ducks of the KET group, pHa, Paco2, and Pao2, remained unchanged after administration of the drug. In ducks of the XYL group, pHa and Pao2 decreased significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) from control values for all time points up to and including 15 minutes after drug administration. In ducks of the KET + XYL group, pHa and Pa02 were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) decreased at all time points up to and including 45 and 15 minutes, respectively, after administration of the drugs. In ducks of the XYL group, Paco2 increased significantly (P less than 0.05) during the first 15 min. after drug administration, and for 45 min. after administration of KET + XYL. Results indicated that ketamine when given alone to ducks, was not associated with pulmonary depression.
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