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Efficacy of a pseudorabies virus vaccine based on deletion mutant strain 783 that does not express thymidine kinase and glycoprotein I.
Oirschot J.T. van | Moormann R.J.M. | Berns A.J.M. | Gielkens A.L.J.
The vaccine efficacy of a genetically engineered deletion mutant strain of pseudorabies virus, strain 783, was compared with that of the conventionally attenuated Bartha strain. Strain 783 has deletions in the genes coding for glycoprotein I and thymidine kinase. In experiment 1, which had a 3-month interval between vaccination and challenge exposure, strain 783 protected pigs significantly (P < 0.05) better against virulent virus challenge exposure than did the Bartha strain. The growth of pigs vaccinated with strain 783 was not arrested, whereas that of pigs vaccinated with the Bartha strain was arrested for 7 days. Of 8 pigs given strain 783, 4 were fully protected against challenge exposure; none of the pigs given strain Bartha was fully protected. In experiment 2, which had a 3-week interval between vaccination and challenge exposure, the growth of pigs vaccinated with strain 783 was arrested for 3.5 days, whereas that of pigs vaccinated with the Bartha strain was arrested for 6 days. In experiment 3, pigs with moderate titer of maternal antibodies were vaccinated twice IM or once intranasally with either strain 783 or Bartha and were challenge-exposed 3 months after vaccination. Pigs given strain 783 twice IM were significantly (P < 0.05) better protected than were the other pigs. They had growth arrest of only 6 days, compared with 9 days for pigs of other groups, and shed less virus after challenge exposure. Results of this study indicate that the vaccine based on the deletion mutant strain 783 is more efficacious than is the Bartha strain of pseudorabies virus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Immunogenicity of Brucella-extracted and recombinant protein vaccines in CD-1 and BALB/c mice.
Pugh G.W. Jr. | Tabatabai L.B. | Bricker B.J. | Mayfield J.E. | Phillips M. | Zehr E.S. | Belzer C.A.
A study was conducted to determine whether subcomponent proteins (previously identified as BCSP20, BCSP3l, and BCSP45, and the corresponding recombinant proteins rBCSP20, rBCSP31, and rBCSP45) that were recovered from the cell surface of Brucella abortus strain 19 were immunogenic and protective for mice when compared with Brucella cell surface protein (BCSP) and with a proteinase K-treated lipopolysaccharide (PKLPS) extracted from B abortus strain 2308. Protection was evaluated after challenge exposure with a virulent culture of B abortus strain 2308, using CD-1 or BALB/c mice or both inoculated with vaccines of various combinations and concentrations, with and without PKLPS or BCSP. Protection was assessed by enumeration of splenic colony-forming units, reduced mean splenic weight relative to controls, and the relative serologic responses (immune response) in an ELISA. The general results indicate that BCSP, PKLPS, BCSP20, and BCSP31 are immunogenic or protective or both. Protectiveness was not observed for each of the recombinant proteins; however, results from the combined recombinant protein vaccine study suggest the immunogenicity of the recombinant proteins. The apparent immune-inducing properties of BCSP20 and BCSP3l are thought to be attributable to the presence of an immunogenic and protective BCSP fraction (possibly lipopolysaccharide) still associated. Serologic results support our conclusion that each of the recombinant protein vaccines did not induce a protective response comparable to that of BCSP or PKLPS, even when the subcomponents were combined. Although the results suggest that the subcomponents of BCSP apparently induced partial protection, they are thought to be only a part of the antigens contained in BCSP that influence the serologic response. Our findings may serve as an experimental model to determine the mechanisms involved in the protective responses induced by Brucella antigens.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Induction of immunocastration in pre-pubertal boars immunized with recombinant gonadotropin-releasing hormone conjugated with Salmonella typhimurium flagellin fljB
Park, W.J. (Konkuk University, Seoul (Korea). College of Veterinary Medicine, Departments of Infectious Diseases) | Park, B.J. | Song, Y.J. | Lee, J.B. | Park, S.Y. | Song, C.S. | Lee, S.W. | Jang, Y.G. | Kim, H.M. | Han, J.H. | Jung, C.H. | Choi, I.S.
Production of the recombinant fibronectin-binding protein of Staphylococcus aureus
Kim, D. | Cheong, C.R. (Kangwon National University, Chunchon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Park, H.M. | Han, H.R. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)