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Morphopathogenesis of the abscess induced by Dermatophilus like microorganism in mice.
Ha C.S. | Park U.B.
Avidin-biotin complex for immunohistochemical diagnosis of Aujeszky's disease and hog cholera.
Kim S.B. | Sur J.H. | Moon U.G.
Real-time quantitative PCR for detection and identification of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2
Dors, Arkadiusz | Kowalczyk, Andrzej | Pomorska-Mól, Małgorzata
Introduction: Porcine pleuropneumonia inflicts important economic losses on most commercial herds. Detection of subclinical or chronic infection in animals still remains a challenge, as isolation and identification of A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes is difficult and quantification of the bacteria on agar plates is often almost impossible. The aim of the study was to develop and evaluate a serotype-specific quantitative TaqMan probe-based PCR for detection of serotype 2 in pig lungs, tonsils, and nasal swabs.Material and Methods: The primers were designed from the capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis genes of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2. PCR specificity and sensitivity were evaluated using reference strains and several other bacterial species commonly isolated from pigs.Results: The real-time qPCR for detection of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 was highly specific and gave no false positives with other serotypes or different bacterial species of pig origin. The detection limit for pure culture was 1.2 × 10⁴ CFU/mL, for lung tissue and nasal swabs it was 1.2 × 10⁵ CFU/mL, and for tonsils - 1.2 × 10⁵ CFU/mL.Conclusion: The method can be used to serotype A. pleuropneumoniae isolates obtained during cultivation and to detect and identify A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 directly in nasal swabs and tonsil scrapings obtained from live pigs or lung tissue and tonsils collected post-mortem.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Susceptibility of piglets to rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus following experimental infection
Shien, J. H. | Lee, L. H.
The possibility exists that rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) can be transmitted to swine, through lapinized hog cholera virus (HCV) vaccine. To investigate the infectivity of RHDV in swine, 16 four- to six-week-old piglets were inoculated subcutaneously with RHDV, and samples of liver, lung, spleen, kidney, bile, adrenal gland, tonsil, mesenteric lymph node, thymus, urine, buffy coat, and feces were collected from each of 2 animals on Days 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 28 post infection. Using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, viral RNA was detected in most tissues by Day 3 and was absent after Day 5, except in lung and liver tissues, in which viral RNA was detected up to Day 14. Viral RNA was not detected in kidney, urine, feces or bile. Antibody responses, as detected by hemagglutination inhibition, were of low titer and short duration, and were similar in animals inoculated with viable RHD and in those given formalin-inactivated RHDV (n = 2). Neither viral RNA nor antibody were detected in the negative control or in the uninfected, in-contact animals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Colonization of the tonsils of calves with Pasteurella haemolytica
Frank, G.H. | Briggs, R.E.
Tonsils of 10 calves were inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica (PH) and the degree of colonization was followed by collecting sequential tonsil wash specimens. Tonsils were colonized for at least 3 weeks after instillation of PH into the tonsillar sinus. Calves with colonized tonsils responded with serum and nasal secretion antibody responses to PH and to leukotoxin. Pasteurelia haemolytica was detected in nasal mucus specimens of 2 calves during the week after inoculation of the tonsils, but all other specimens were culture-negative. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-induced respiratory tract disease 25 days later did not elicit a population increase of PH in the tonsils, and did not elicit shedding of PH in nasal mucus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Investigation of sites of pseudorabies virus latency, using poymerase chain reaction
Wheeler, J.G. | Osorio, F.A.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) latency was investigated, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A PCR protocol was developed that specifically amplified a 217-base pair sequence within the gene encoding the essential glycoprotein gp50 of PRV. Using this PCR procedure, the gp50 sequence was amplified from tissues of pigs infected with various doses of PRV (Becker strain). At postinoculation day 64, viral isolation was performed on nasal swab specimens and homogenates of tonsils and trigeminal nerve ganglia obtained from 11 PRV-convalescent, seropositive pigs. Results were negative in all cases. By use of PCR, 11 of 11 pigs had PRV-positive trigeminal nerve ganglia and brain stem, 10 of 11 pigs had PRV-positive tonsils, and 9 of 11 pigs had PRV-positive olfactory bulbs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Salmonella fecal shedding in pigs from birth to market and its association with the presence of Salmonella in palatine tonsils and submandibular lymph nodes at slaughter
Ainslie-Garcia, M. H. | Farzan, A. | Newman, J. E. | Friendship, R. M. | Lillie, B. N.
Salmonella is an important cause of foodborne illnesses in humans. Food-producing animals, including swine, are a major source of Salmonella in food products. This study investigated on farm Salmonella fecal shedding in pigs at different production stages - from weaning to marketing - and its association with the presence of Salmonella in tissues at slaughter. Fourteen groups from 8 commercial farrowing sources (N = 809 pigs) were monitored 5 times from birth to slaughter. Fecal and tissue samples were collected from pigs and cultured for Salmonella. A survey was conducted to collect farm management information. A multi-level mixed-effects logistic regression modelling method was used to analyze Salmonella shedding over time and the association between Salmonella shedding and the presence of Salmonella in tissue samples. Salmonella was recovered from 13% (421/3339) of fecal samples collected from 809 pigs over the course of the study. Overall, 35% (284) of pigs shed Salmonella at least once, while 12% (99) shed more than once. Salmonella shedding increased as pigs aged (P = 0.01) and increased in the summer months (P < 0.01). Salmonella was isolated from tissue samples collected from 23% (134/580) of pigs; however, the presence of Salmonella at slaughter was not associated with on farm shedding. The seasonal trend in Salmonella shedding and its association with age may be used to identify high-risk groups and implement more effective control measures accordingly. The identification of repeat shedders warrants interventions that target this source of infection on swine farms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of synbiotics injected in ovo on regulation of immune-related gene expression in adult chickens
Sławińska, Anna | Siwek, Maria | Bednarczyk, Marek F.
Objective—To determine immunomodulatory effects of synbiotics administered in ovo on immune-related gene expression in adult chickens. Animals—30 Green-legged Partridgelike chickens. Procedures—On incubation day 12, eggs were injected with 3 synbiotics (Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis IBB SL1 with raffinose family oligosaccharides [RFOs; S1], Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris IBB SC1 with RFOs [S2], and Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus faecium with lactose [S3]). Control eggs were injected with RFOs prebiotic or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Gene expression of 6 cytokines (interleukin [IL]-4, IL-6, IL-12p40, IL-18, interferon [IFN]-β, and IFN-γ) and 1 chemokine (IL-8) was analyzed in the cecal tonsils and spleen of 6-week-old chickens by means of reverse transcription quantitative PCR assays. Results—Gene expression for IL-4, IL-6, IFN-β, and IL-18 was significantly upregulated in the spleen of chickens in groups S2 and S3. In contrast, IL-12 expression was downregulated in group S2 and IFN-γ expression was downregulated in group S3. Expression of IL-8 did not change in chickens treated with synbiotics in ovo. Gene expression of all cytokines, except for IL-18, was downregulated in cecal tonsils. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—In ovo administration of synbiotics activated the immune system in adult chickens. The intestinal immune system (cecal tonsils) had downregulation of expression for the cytokines evaluated, which indicated an increase in oral tolerance, whereas in the peripheral part of the immune system (spleen), expression of IL-4 and IL-6 was upregulated. Evaluation of immune-related gene expression patterns may be useful when monitoring the effectiveness of synbiotic selection with respect to immunobiotic properties.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Detection of pseudorabies viral DNA in tonsillar epithelial cells of latently infected pigs
Brown, T.T. Jr | Shin, K.O. | Fuller, F.J.
The Rice strain of pseudorabies virus (PRV) was intranasally instilled in pigs that were seronegative to PRV. Cells were scraped or brushed from tonsillar surfaces biweekly until pigs were euthanatized at either 10 or 16 weeks after infection. The DNA extracted from tonsillar cells or parenchyma were subjected to polymerase chain reaction analysis, using either a single set of oligonucleotide primers or nested primers from the PRV gII glycoprotein gene. Pigs became seropositive to PRV by 3 weeks after infection. The virus was isolated from the trigeminal ganglia and tonsils of pigs that were euthanatized or died 1 to 2 weeks after infection, but not from pigs that were euthanatized 10 or 16 weeks after infection. The PRV gene products were consistently detected in trigeminal ganglia and tonsils of all pigs at 1, 10, and 16 weeks after infection, and sporadically in the nasal mucosa, lymph nodes, and lungs of pigs that were euthanatized or died during the first 2 weeks after infection. Cells collected biweekly from tonsillar surfaces were mostly nucleated, squamous epithelial cells with fewer lymphocytes and neutrophils. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA extracted from these cells revealed PRV DNA in a large proportion of the samples when sufficient cells were collected to provide 1 microgram of extracted DNA for use in the reaction mixtures. A second group of pigs had PRV strain 4892 intranasally instilled. The virus was isolated from tonsillar swab specimens until 3 weeks after infection. Tonsillar brushing specimens were collected biweekly until 14 weeks after infection. Some brushing specimens contained all nucleated, squamous epithelial cells, whereas other specimens contained a mixture of epithelial cells and up to 15% neutrophils, lymphocytes, and small mononuclear cells. Results of polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA extracted from tonsillar cells collected 5, 11, and 14 weeks after infection were consistently positive for PRV gene products. Intact cells collected from tonsillar surfaces were placed in polymerase chain reaction mixtures with nested oligonucleotide primers from the PRV gII glycoprotein gene and were subjected to multiple amplification cycles. Afterward, the specificity of the amplified PRV gene products was determined by hybridization procedures, using a virus-specific oligonucleotide probe. Most nucleated, squamous epithelial cells stained positive for PRV DNA, suggesting that these cells were the primary source of PRV gene products in tonsillar brushing specimens.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Investigation of pseudorabies virus DNA and RNA in trigeminal ganglia and tonsil tissues of latently infected swine
Cheung, A.K.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) nucleic acids in the trigeminal ganglia and tonsils of swine latently infected with the virus were analyzed. By use of DNA-polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 14 of 14 trigeminal ganglia and 12 of 14 tonsils were positive for PRV genomes. By use of RNA-PCR, RNA containing the large latency transcript splice junction were detected in 4 of 4 trigeminal ganglia and 4 of 5 tonsils. In general, results of both PCR procedures indicated that the amounts of PRV DNA and RNA per microgram of cellular nucleic acids were higher in trigeminal ganglia than in tonsils. Identification of peripheral tissues that harbor latent PRV is an important asset for PRV research. The presence of large latency transcript in tonsil tissues, in the absence of virus replication, is a critical characteristic, which indicates that the tonsil is a site of PRV latency. For diagnostic purposes, animals need not be euthanatized to obtain their nervous tissue to determine latency; instead, tonsil biopsy specimens could be obtained from live animals for analysis. For pathogenesis studies, multiple specimens obtained sequentially from the same animal would be available for examination for the duration of the experiment.
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