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Effect of different energy and protein levels on the egg production of rural poultry
Rehman, A. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
A study was conducted to determine the effect of different nutrients i.e. metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) content of ration on the egg production and egg weight of rural layers. For the purpose six different experimental rations containing 2700, 2900 kcal/kg ME and 14, 16, 18 percent CP were offered to the birds. The results indicated that egg number increased with proportional adversely affected as the CP of the ration was increased weight of the layers was proportionally increased with ration at constant ME level, while increase in ME level egg weight. increase in ME, while it was at constant ME level. The egg increase in CP content of the did not significantly affect the egg weight.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Формирование мясной продуктивности и синтез белка, жира в тканях тела бычков при повышенном уровне энергии в рационе
Tsaj, V.P. | Lemeshevskij, V.O. | Shevtsov, A.N. | Gurina, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Zhalnerovskaya, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the productivity of 13-18-month old young stock of cattle which was bred for meat with various levels of energy value nutrition. Also, there were noted their slaughter qualities and chemical composition of meat. Administration of diet rations with an increased level of exchange energy and the best indices of protein fissility rendered a positive influence on productivity of young stock of fattening cattle and made it possible to obtain 1103-1100 gram of body weight gain. As a result, the energy value gain was 22,9-22,6 MJ along with conversion of metabolizable energy at a gain - 24,7-25,3%. Consumption of metabolizable energy per 1 MJ along with body weight gain were within 4,7-5,0 MJ. Feeding of rations with various levels of the studied factor rendered the positive influence on slaughter qualities, made it possible obtain slaughter yield of 53,6-54,6% at an optimum ratio of nutrients in meat. Feeding of bull calves with diets with excessive content (up to 10%) of metabolizable energy made it possible to lower the prime cost of obtained breeding products on 0,55%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Переваримость питательных веществ и обмен энергии у молодняка крупного рогатого скота в зависимости от кормового фактора
Lemeshevskij, V.O., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the efficiency of 13-18-month old young stock of cattle bred for meat in the conditions of various energy value nutrition levels with the determination of nutrients intake of a diet. It was established that use of rations with various level of metabolic energy and protein breakage rendered the positive influence on nutrient digestibility of rations. This made it possible to improve the digestibility of dry and organic substances, nitrogen-free extractive substances and fibre at the bull calves which were fed with 63% of cleavable protein, as well as to increase the metabolic energy up to 10% in the ration, surpassing the control indexes respectively on 3.1; 2.5; 2.8; and 2.9 items. Adjournment from the acquired nitrogen considerably increased and made up to 64-70%. Productivity of fattening young cattle stock made it possible to obtain 977.7-1011.0 gram of live weight gain. As a result, the growth energy was stated at the level of 15,90-17,33 МJ in the conditions of conversion of metabolic energy into growth of 13,81-14,26% and expenses of metabolic energy of the ration per 1 MJ in live weight gain of 4,72-5,46 MJ.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние карнитина на переваримость и использование питательных веществ корма молодняком свиней
Golushko, V.M. | Furs, N.L., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of influence of combined feed with carnitine and 3% lipids on digestibility of nutrients in ration of fattening stores was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of 8 castrated male pigs of Belarusian meaty breed with body weight of 60-65 kg. Piglets were divided into 2 groups in accordance with analogue pair principle. Selected animals were kept in single cages specially equipped for fecal and urina gathering. Both groups of animals were given the same combined feed SK-26 which included 3% lipids. Experimental piglets were fed with combined feed with carnitine in dose of 50 g/t of mixed fodder. The mixed fodder contained the following ingredients: wheat; triticale; grain mixture; sunflower oil cakes; liprot SG; tricalcium phosphate; calcium carbonate; salt; premix KS-4; vegetable oil. Research results showed that enriching of combined feed carnitine rendered positive influence on digestibility and absorbency of nutrients. It made it possible to increase the digestibility of dry matter on 2,1%, organic matter on 2,0%, crude protein on 3,1%, crude fat on 7,4%, crude fiber on 8,6%, free-nitrogen extract on 1,1%, as well as to increase nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus absorbency. Quantity of saved nitrogen in the experimental group (with carnitine additive) was on 21,1% than in control one. Quantity of saved nitrogen and absorbed with feed was on 9,8% and 5,6% respectively higher than the same indexes for the control group; calcium - on 15,5% and 2,6%, phosphorus - on 23,3% and 3,7%, respectively
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние обработки зерна на гидродинамической установке на его состав
Radchikov, V.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Pentilyuk, S.I., Kherson State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
Treatment of legumes and cereals on hydrodynamic machine TEK-CM allows to obtain tine-dispersed feed products (paste, milk) containing dry matter of 42-30% with better nutrition values compared to initial raw material. Preparation of grain to feeding on hydrodynamic machine TEK-CM increases the sugars contents on 26-56%, free amino acids - on 22-57%, and the quantity of cellular tissue decreases. Activity of the antinutrients containing in a soya, decreases up to a safe level
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Зерно высокобелковых культур в составе БВМД в рационах племенных телок
Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of feeding of a new protein vitamin and mineral additive containing national local protein and mineral raw material sources in diets of 12-16-month old heifers. Instead of sunflower extraction cake the heifers were fed with the protein-vitamin and mineral additive which contained rape grain (Brassica napus), lupine (Lupinus) grain as well as mineral and vitamin additives based on halites, phosphogypsum, phosphate, sapropel and premix in dose of 20-25% by weight as a part of mixed fodders. The additive was used against the background of rations with green mass from a cereal and leguminous mixture - 56-57%, mixed fodder - 36-37%, molasses - 6-7%. In accordance with nutritional value indexes the proposed additive rendered the positive influence on forage consumption, indexes of ruminal digestion, as well as on the morphological and biochemical blood composition. It application made it possible to obtain daily average weight gains of animals at the level of 812-827 grams within forage expenses of 7,0-7,2 сentner of fodder units. Inclusion of the protein vitamin and mineral additive with local protein and mineral raw materials in rations of calves made it possible to lower the mixed fodder cost price on 12-15% and the cost price of 1 centner of gain during the summer period - on 11-13%.
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