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Efficacy of ivermectin delivered from a sustained-release bolus against inhibited early fourth-stage larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi and other namatodes in cattle
Williams, J.C. | Plue, R.E.
The anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin (IVM) delivered from a sustained-release (SR) bolus was evaluated against natural infections with gastrointestinal tract nematodes in 12 crossbred beef heifers in spring. The 12 calves were randomly allotted to 2 groups of 6 calves each. Group-1 calves were treated with an SR bolus designed to deliver 8 mg of ivermectin/d. Group-2 calves were nontreated controls. Cattle groups were kept in separate concrete-floored pens (grass hay nutrition) and slaughter was performed at 35 days after treatment. Fecal egg counts for group-1 calves remained zero after treatment, except for detection of < 1 egg/g of feces in 1 calf at the time of slaughter; counts in nontreated calves increased. Mean and range of Ostertagia ostertagi inhibited larvae in nontreated calves were 27,093 and 10,622 to 56,368, respectively. Efficacy of the IVM SR bolus was 100% against O ostertagi developing fourth-stage larvae (L4) and inhibited early L4, Haemonchus placei adults, Cooperia punctata and C spatulata adult males, Cooperia spp adult females, Cooperia spp L4, Trichostrongylus colubriformis adults, Bunostomum phlebotomum adults, and Oesophagostomum radiatum adults. Efficacy for O ostertagi and T axei adults was 99.9%. Numbers of nontreated calves infected with C pectinata adult males and Oes radiatum L4 were too low to evaluate efficacy. Calves treated with the IVM bolus gained 10.2 kg, whereas nontreated calves lost 1.8 kg. Abomasal lesions were dearly greater in nontreated calves on the basis of index comparisons of abomasal weight and total live weight and gross pathologic features.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of the antibody response to transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus, using monoclonal antibodies to antigenic sites A and X of the S glycoprotein
Nieuwstadt, A.P. van | Boonstra, J.
Pigs were inoculated with various strains of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) or with porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV), and antigenic site-specific antibody responses were compared. A blocking-ELSIA was used to study to what extent antibodies in convalescent sera interfered with the binding of monoclonal antibodies (MAB) 57.16 or 57.110 to the attenuated TGEV/Purdue virus. Monoclonal antibody 57.16 is directed against the A site on the peplomer, neutralizes virus, and recognizes TGEV and PRCV. Monoclonal antibody 57.110 is directed against the X site on the peplomer, but does not neutralize virus, and recognizes only TGEV. Antibodies directed against TGEV and PRCV could be detected in a blocking ELISA, using MAB 57.16 as a conjugate. Antibodies directed against both viruses were detectable as early as 1 week after inoculation. Antibody titers correlated well with those in a virus-neutralization test. Antibodies against TGEV could be detected in a blocking ELISA, using MAB 57.110 as a conjugate. Such antibodies were not induced by a PRCV infection. In the blocking ELISA, using MAB 57.110 as a conjugate, antibodies were detectable as early as 2 weeks after inoculation. There was a significant difference between antibody titers reached after infection with various TGEV strains, however. This difference is ascribed to a variation of the antigenic site defined by MAB 57.110 in TGEV strains. Conditions for a differential test for TGE serodiagnosis, and for serologic discrimination between TGEV- and PRCV-infected pigs, are discussed. It is concluded that by using a blocking ELISA with MAB 57.110, no definite distinction can be made between antibodies directed against TGEV and PRCV, because low antibody titers develop after infection with some TGEV strains, and because antibodies directed against antigenic sites that PRCV has in common with TGEV may interfere with the binding of MAB 57.110 to TGEV.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ultrasonographic examination of the liver in sheep
Braun, U. | Housammann, K.
The purpose of the study reported here was to get detailed information about the normal size and texture of the liver in sheep by means of ultrasonographic examinations. Structure, location, and shape of the liver, gallbladder, portal vein, and caudal vena cava were examined ultrasonographically in 100 sheep. Furthermore, 10 sheep were scanned 10 times within 2 weeks to determine reproducibility of findings. Examinations were performed on the right side of the abdomen in the seventh through twelfth intercostal spaces. In each intercostal space, the dimensions of the liver, and, if visible, the location and diameter of the caudal vena cava and portal vein were determined. The angle of the liver, and location and size of the gallbladder also were determined. Ultrasonographic measurements of liver size and location in healthy sheep can be used as references for changes in liver size attributable to illness.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Polymorphisms of a scrapie-associated fibril protein (PrP) gene and their association with susceptibility to experimentally induced scrapie in Cheviot sheep in the United States
Maciulis, A. | Hunter, N. | Wang, S. | Golʹdman, V. K (Vilʹgelʹm Karlovich) | Hope, J. | Foote, W.C.
The duration of the incubation period for scrapie, a fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorder of sheep and goats, is mainly determined by the Sip gene, which has 2 alleles (sA-susceptible and pA-resistant). A diagnostic test is not available to detect scrapie in live animals. We analyzed genomic DNA extracted from frozen sheep brains collected from Cheviot sheep of the United States that had been inoculated with the SSBP/1 scrapie inoculum. Digestion of the DNA with EcoRI or HindIII followed by the addition of a scrapie-associated fibril protein (PrP)-specific marker probe, yielded fragments of 6.8 (e1) and 4.0 (e3) kb, or 5.0 (h1) and 3.4 (h2) kb, respectively. Fragments e1 and h2 were associated with the histopathologic diagnosis of scrapie, and fragments e3 and h1 were associated with survival. A valine/alanine polymorphism within the PrP coding region that resulted in a BspHI site was further used to determine the genotype of these Cheviot sheep. Digestion of polymerase chain reaction fragments with BspHI resulted in an undigested fragment b- (0.840 kb), digested fragments b+ (0.460 and 0.380 kb), or both types of fragments. Survival time of b+/b+ homozygous sheep was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter (218 +/- 26.0 days) than survival time for b-/b- sheep (> 700 days after inoculation). Results indicated that b+ and b- are markers for the Sip sA and pA alleles, respectively. The intermediate duration of the incubation period for heterozygous sheep (b+/b-; 342.9 +/- 25.3 days) indicated that the Sip sA allele is expressed codominantly to the Sip pA allele.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Identification and categorization of the vascular patterns to muscles of the thoracic limb, thorax, and neck of dogs
Purinton, P.T. | Chambers, J.N. | Moore, J.L.
Vascular patterns to thoracic limbs, thorax, and neck muscles were studied in 10 dogs (20 limbs) to identify muscles most suitable for transposition in the treatment of large wounds. Gross dissection of injected specimens and angiography were used to identify vascular pedicles. Size and location of pedicles were generally consistent, and any variations would not interfere with most muscle transfers. The cutaneous trunci, latissimus dorsi, sternothyroideus, sternohyoideus, deep pectoral, anconeus, ulnaris lateralis, and ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscles were identified as suitable for transfer. The cranial trapezius, caudal omotransversarius, cleidobrachialis, and caudal sternocephalicus muscles also had potential for use. Other muscles, because of inaccessibility or unfavorable vascular pattern, were not suitable candidates for transfer.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Detection of African swine fever viral antigens in paraffin-embedded tissues by use of immunohistologic methods and polyclonal antibodies
Martínez Fernández, Ángel | Pérez, J. | Carrasco, L. | Sierra, M.A. | Sanchez-Vizcaino, M. | Jover, A.
Tissues obtained from pigs inoculated with African swine fever virus (ASFV), fixed by vascular perfusion using glutaraldehyde, and embedded in paraffin or araldite were used for an immunohistologic electron microscopic study. To detect ASFV antigens, 4 methods were used on paraffin sections with or without pretreatment of the tissues. Use of biotinylated anti-ASFV antiserum combined with avidin -biotin complex and peroxidase proved to be the most suitable method, and antigen was detected in tissues infected with 2 ASF viruses of different virulence. Use of the glutaraldehyde fixation method should ensure optimal morphologic (structural and ultrastructural) data while allowing an immunohistologic study, and add to knowledge of the pathogenesis of ASF.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Association between growth indicators and volume of lesions in lungs from pigs at slaughter
Hill, M.A. | Scheidt, A.B. | Teclaw, R.F. | Clark, L.K. | Knox, K.E. | Jordan, M.
Conflicting findings exist among studies on the effect of pneumonia on growth in pigs. We determined the extent of pneumonia in market-weight pigs by use of an objective, volumetric method and linear regression analyses of mean daily gain and days-to-slaughter weight on the percentage of pneumonic lung. In a range of extent of pneumonia between 1.33 and 70.44%, a 10% increase in the volume of pneumonic lung was associated with a decrease in mean daily gain by 41.1 g and a 16.7-day increase in number of days to a slaughter weight of 104.5 kg.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Variability of alpha-tocolpherol values associated with procurement, storage, and freezing of equine serum and plasma samples
Craig, A.M. | Blythe, L.L. | Rowe, K.E. | Lassen, E.D. | Barrington, R. | Walker, K.C.
Recent evidence concerning the pathogenesis of equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy indicated that low blood alpha-tocopherol values are a factor in the disease process. Variables that could be introduced by a veterinarian procuring, transporting, or storing samples were evaluated for effects on alpha-tocopherol concentration in equine blood. These variables included temperature; light; exposure to the rubber stopper of the evacuated blood collection tube; hemolysis; duration of freezing time, with and without nitrogen blanketing; and repeated freeze/thaw cycles. It was found that hemolysis caused the greatest change in high-performance liquid chromatography-measured serum alpha-tocopherol values, with mean decrease of 33% (P < 0.001). Lesser, but significant (P < 0.01) changes in serum alpha-tocopherol values were an approximate 10% decrease when refrigerated blood was left in contact with the red rubber stopper of the blood collection tube for 72 hours and an approximate 5% increase when blood was stored at 20 to 25 C (room temperature) for 72 hours. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) 3% decrease in alpha-tocopherol values in heparinized plasma by the third thawing cycle. Freezer storage for a 3-month period without nitrogen blanketing resulted in slight (2%) decrease in mean serum alpha-tocopherol values, whereas values in serum stored for an identical period under nitrogen blanketing did not change. A significant (P < 0.001) mean decrease (10.3%) in alpha-tocopherol values was associated with freezer (-16 C) storage of nitrogen blanketed serum for 6 months. Comparison of alpha-tocopherol values in serum vs heparinized plasma vs EDTA-treated plasma resulted in serum values being significantly (P < 0.001) higher (approx 4%) than values in either type of plasma. It was concluded that the optimal method for storing equine blood samples prior to alpha-tocopherol analysis is in an upright position in a refrigerator for up to 72 hours. If a longer period is needed prior to analysis, it is recommended that the serum or plasma be separated from blood, blanketed with nitrogen gas, and frozen in the smallest possible vial. The alpha-tocopherol in these samples should be stable at -16 C for at least 3 months.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pharmacokinetics of clindamycin phosphate in dogs after single intravenous and intramuscular administrations
Budsberg, S.C. | Kemp, D.T. | Wolski, N.
Clindamycin phosphate was administered to dogs at dosage of 11 mg/kg of body weight via IV and IM routes. The disposition curve for IV administration was best represented as a 2-compartment open model. Mean elimination half life was 194.6 +/- 24.5 minutes for IV administration and 234.8 +/- 27.3 minutes for IM administration. Bioavailability after IM administration was 87%. Dosage of 11 mg/kg, IV, given every 8 hours, provided serum concentration of clindamycin that exceeded the minimal inhibitory concentration for all Staphylococcus spp, as well as most pathogenic anaerobes, throughout the dosing interval. Intramuscular administration induced signs of pain and cannot be recommended.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Quantitative analysis of computer-averaged electromyographic profiles of intrinsic limb muscles in ponies at the walk
Jansen, M.O. | Raaij, J.A.G.M. van | Bogert, A.J. van den | Schamhardt, H.C. | Hartman, W.
The function of several intrinsic muscles of the fore-and hind limbs of 5 ponies walking normally was evaluated via surface electromyography. Electromyographic signals were band-pass filtered, rectified, linear enveloped, and standardized to the stride duration. Mean data from the muscles of the left and right limbs that were obtained from at least 30 strides in 2 recording sessions were recorded as electromyographic signals-time curves. The timing of muscle activity was determined from these graphs. On the basis of the major peaks in the electromyographic signal, muscle functions were identified. In the forelimb, the extensor carpi radialis muscle was involved in extension of the carpus at the end of the swing phase of the stride, and it provided support to flexion of the cubital joint at the beginning of the swing phase. The common digital extensor muscle extended the distal joints of the forelimb at the end of the swing phase. The ulnaris lateralis muscle provided support to extension of the cubital joint at the beginning of the stance phase, and the flexor carpi radialis muscle flexed the carpus at the beginning of the swing phase. The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle extended the cubital joint at the end of the swing phase. In the hind limb, the long digital extensor muscle flexed the tarsus at the beginning of the swing phase and extended the digital joints preceding the stance phase. The deep digital flexor muscle prevented overextension of the distal interphalangeal joint during the stance phase and flexion of the digital joints during the swing phase. The gastrocnemius muscle prevented flexion of the tarsus on impact and supported flexion of the femorotibial the beginning of the swing phase.
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