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Cytochemical aspects of the peripheral blood cells of Oreochromis (Tilapia) niloticus. (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae, Teleostei): part II | Aspectos citoquímicos das células do sangue periférico de Oreochromis (Tilapia) niloticus. (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae, Teleostei): parte II
Ivete Kotomi Ueda | Mizue Imoto Egami | Wilson da Silva Sasso | Eliana Reiko Matushima
Morphologicaly, seven types of cells were identified in the blood of Oreochromis niloticus: erythrocytes, thrombocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Glycogen was present not only in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and thrombocytes but also in some lymphocytes and monocytes. The positive reaction for myeloperoxidase and Sudan black was observed in neutrophils and eosinophils. The bromphenol blue method was strongly positive for erythrocytes and eosinophils. | Morfologicamente foram identificados no sangue de Oreochromis niloticus sete tipos de células: eritrócitos, trombócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, basófilos, linfócitos e monócitos. Em relação aos resultados citoquímicos foi contastada a presença de glicogênio em neutrófilos, trombócitos e em alguns linfócitos e monócitos. Os grânulos citoplasmáticos de neutrófilos e eosinófilos mostraram positividade para mieloperoxidade e Sudan black. O azul de bromofenol foi totalmente positivo em eritrócitos e eosinófilos.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Isolation of Mycobacterium spp. in milk from cows suspected or positive to tuberculosis | Isolamento de Mycobacterium spp. do leite de vacas suspeitas e positivas para tuberculose
Renata Bonini Pardo | Hélio Langoni | Lia Jeanne Pereira Mendonça | Kung Dahr Chi
This study was performed considering the public health hazards related to the elimination of mycobacteria through milk of dairy cows suspected or positive for tuberculosis presenting no clinical alterations. A total of 780 milk samples from 52 animals, positive or suspected for tuberculosis, according to Stormont's test, were analysed to detect Mycobacterium spp. The samples consisted of 300 ml/cow, collected in the first milking of the day, during 15 days. Frozen samples were sent to the laboratory, inoculated in Löwenstein-Jensen with reduced glicerol (0.5%) and Stonebrink media and kept under 37ºC for at least 90 days. The genus of each observed colony was initially confirmed by Ziehl-Neelsen and auramin staining methods. The isolation of Mycobacterium spps was confirmed in 78 (10%) samples collected from 19 (36.54%) animals. According to thin layer chromatography, time and temperature growth characteristics and colonies aspects, the 19 animals eliminated: M. avium (5.26%), M. fortuitum (10.52%), M. bovis (5.26%) and Mycobacterium spp. (78.95%). | Considerando-se o risco à saúde pública representado pela eliminação de micobactérias pelo leite, foram colhidas 780 amostras de 52 fêmeas bovinas leiteiras consideradas suspeitas ou positivas para tuberculose ao teste de Stormont. As amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa de Mycobacterium spp. e consistiam de 300 ml de leite/vaca, colhidos na primeira ordenha do dia, durante 15 dias. As amostras congeladas foram enviadas ao laboratório, processadas pelas técnicas preconizadas por Kantor16, Quinn et al.24 e Corner et al.5, inoculadas em meios de Löwenstein-Jensen com teor reduzido de glicerol (0,5%) e de Stonebrink, e incubadas a 37ºC por um período mínimo de 90 dias. O gênero de cada colônia isolada foi inicialmente confirmado pelos métodos de coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen e da auramina. O isolamento de Mycobacterium spp. foi confirmado em 78 (10%) amostras provenientes de 19 (36.54%) animais. De acordo com a cromatografia em camada delgada, as características de tempo e temperatura de crescimento e os aspectos coloniais, os 19 animais eliminaram: M. avium (5.26%), M. fortuitum (10.52%), M. bovis (5.26%), and Mycobacterium spp. (78.95%).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bovine fascioliasis: control with Christ's crown latex (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii) | Fasciolose bovina: controle com látex da "coroa-de-Cristo" (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii)
Edwin Pile | José Augusto Albuquerque Santos | Juliana de Barros São Luiz | Maurício Carvalho Vasconcellos
The use of the "Christ's crown" latex (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii) in the hepatic fascioliasis control was evaluated. The evaluation was made analyzing the metacercariae readiness in the grass, using tracer animals in a farm in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil. The results, obtained examining feces of 60 animals with "Quatro Tamises" technique, showed significant fall in the infection prevalence during the experience, indicating one more subsidy in the control of the problem. | Foi avaliada a utilização do látex da "coroa-de-Cristo" (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii) no controle da fasciolose hepática. A avaliação foi feita analisando a disponibilidade de metacercárias na pastagem, utilizando animais traçadores numa fazenda de gado de corte no município de Taubaté, São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos, examinando fezes de 60 animais através da técnica de Quatro Tamises, demonstraram uma queda significativa na prevalência da infecção durante a experiência, indicando mais um subsídio no controle do problema.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Post partum reproductive assessment in lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris): a case report | Avaliação reprodutiva pós-parto em Tapir (Tapirus terrestris): relato de caso
Cláudio Alvarenga de Oliveira | Guilherme de Paula Nogueira | João César Bedran de Castro
The lowland tapir is the biggest Brazilian terrestrial mammal, which belongs to the order Perissodactyla, suborder Hippomorpha, superfamily Tapiroidea and a member of the family Tapiridae. At tropical forest the tapir is involved with seed dispersal. The knowledge of this wild animal reproductive cycle is one way to help its preservation. The stress due to restrain of captive or free-ranging wild animal in order to sample collection limits endocrine study once it can be hazard for the estrous cycle. One possibility is to quantify gonadal hormones at the excreta. Progesterone milk levels were studied in a tapir housed at the Araçatuba Zoo, in São Paulo, Brazil. Milk samples, vaginal cytology and rectal temperature were collected during lactation. The progesterone was quantified by radioimmunoassay solid phase (Coat-a-Count, DPC®). The standard was supplied by CENA-FAO and the assay showed sensitivity of 1.25 nmol/L with intra-assay variation of 15.36%. During most of the lactation (November to June) the female showed no detectable levels of progesterone. After 158 days (from November to April) it was detected the first progesterone peak with 2.3 nmol/L that lasted for 5 days. The second progesterone peak of 3.54 nmol/L lasted for 23 days. The lactation ceased 74 days after the first milk progesterone surge. This animal showed a prolonged lactational anestrous period (nearly 5 months) and the return of gonadal cycle by fall suggested no positive photo-period influence. The milk progesterone quantification showed to be useful for reproductive cycle evaluation of this animal, although vaginal cytology and temperature fluctuation had no relationship with hormonal levels. | O tapir ou anta, descrito como o maior mamífero terrestre brasileiro, pertence à ordem Perissodactila, subordem Hippomorfa, superfamília Tapiroidea e família Tapiridae. Na floresta úmida está envolvido com a dispersão de sementes em função das características do tubo digestivo. O acompanhamento do ciclo estral permite avaliar e compreender a atividade reprodutiva nas espécies animais. Nos animais silvestres, o estresse da contenção pode interferir na própria ciclicidade gonadal, uma das alternativas é o acompanhamento dos hormônios gonadais nas excretas. Buscamos neste trabalho o acompanhamento periódico da atividade gonadal através da quantificação de progesterona no leite. Utilizamos uma fêmea recém-parida no Zoológico de Araçatuba, da qual colhemos leite, esfregaço vaginal e temperatura retal. A progesterona foi quantificada por radioimunoensaio de fase sólida (Coat-a-Count, DPC®) com curva padrão fornecida pela F.A.O. O ensaio mostrou sensibilidade de 1,25 nmol/l com coeficiente de variação intra-ensaio de 15,36%. Durante a fase de lactação, a fêmea não apresentou níveis detectáveis de progesterona por 158 dias (de novembro a abril). O primeiro pico de produção foi de 2,3 nmol/l e apresentou duração de 5 dias. O segundo pico de 3,54 nmol/l teve uma duração de 23 dias. Setenta e quatro dias após o aparecimento da progesterona no leite a lactação cessou. Podemos concluir que a fêmea de tapir apresentou um período de anestro lactacional de aproximadamente 5 meses e voltou a ciclar no outono (abril) sugerindo pouca influência do fotoperíodo. A quantificação da progesterona no leite mostrou-se útil para o acompanhamento do ciclo estral na espécie, porém a variação da citologia vaginal e temperatura retal não apresentaram correlação com os níveis hormonais.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Experimental infection of European wild boars and domestic pigs with pseudorabies viruses with differing virulence
Müller, Thomas | Teuffert, Jürgen | Zellmer, R. | Conraths, Franz Josef
OBJECTIVE: To determine susceptibility of European wild boars (Sus scrofa) to infection with pseudorabies virus (PrV) and to characterize the virulence of a wildboar PrV isolate for wild and domestic pigs. ANIMALS: 18 wild boars and 16 domestic pigs. PROCEDURE: Three groups of 4 wild boars were inoculated with PrV Bartha, Kaplan, and a wild-boar isolate (BFW1) and housed with uninfected pigs. Two groups of domestic pigs (4 and 8 pigs/group, respectively) were inoculated with various doses of BFW1. Animals were observed daily for clinical signs, and samples were tested for PrV excretion and homologous antibodies. After reactivation of latent infection by induced immunosuppression, PrV was detected in tissues of necropsied animals, using cell culture and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Clinical signs depended on virulence of the PrV strain and dose of inoculum. Only infection with PrV Kaplan resulted in severe disease and death. Virus was isolated from nasal and genital swab specimens. Antibodies were first detected on day 7 after inoculation; a specific humoral immune response was delayed in BFW1-infected animals. Virus was isolated from various tissues of Kaplan-infected wild boars, whereas mainly viral DNA was detected in a few tissues of Bartha- and BFW1-infected animals, using PCR after immunosuppression. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: European wild boars are susceptible to transmission of PrV infection from domestic pigs and vice-versa. The PrV isolate BFW1 is of low virulence and seems to be adapted to the wild boar population from which it was isolated
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from vaccine site-associated sarcomas of cats for papillomavirus DNA and antigen
Kidney, B.A. | Haines, D.M. | Ellis, J.A. | Burnham, M.L. | Teifke, Jens Peter | Czerwinski, Gabriele | Jackson, M.L.
Objective—To determine whether vaccine site-associated sarcomas (VSS) from cats contain papillomavirus antigen or DNA. Sample Population—50 formalin-fixed paraffinembedded tissue blocks of VSS from cats. Procedure—Sections from each tissue block were evaluated for papillomavirus antigen by use of an avidin-biotin-complex immunohistochemical staining method, using rabbit anti-bovine papillomavirus type-1 antibody. The DNA was extracted from sections of each tissue block, and polymerase chain reaction assays were performed, using primers designed to amplify regions of the E5 gene of bovine papillomavirus and consensus primers designed to amplify a region of the L1 gene of animal papillomaviruses. Sections from 20 of the tissue blocks were evaluated by use of nonradioactive in situ hybridization for bovine papillomavirus DNA. Results—Papillomavirus antigen and DNA were not detected in any of the VSS. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results suggest that papillomaviruses likely do not have any direct involvement in the pathogenesis of VSS in cats.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of maternal immunity on the immune response to oral vaccination against rabies in young foxes
Müller, Thomas | Schuster, P. | Vos, A. | Selhorst, Thomas | Wenzel, U. | Neubert, A.
Objective-To determine effect of maternal antibodies on immune response to oral vaccination against rabies in young foxes. Animals-250 cubs from 48 vixens. Procedure-Sera were obtained from cubs of 36 vaccinated (maternally vaccinated [MV+]) and 12 nonvaccinated (MV-) vixens between 23 and 71 days of age and tested for neutralizing antibodies. Seventy-one MV+ cubs and 33 MV- cubs were vaccinated orally with modified-live virus vaccine SAD B19. Geometric mean titer (GMT) was determined in these cubs approximately 21, 39, and 57 days after vaccination. In a subsequent experiment, 10 vaccinated MV+ cubs, 6 vaccinated MV cubs, and 6 control cubs were challenge inoculated with virulent rabies virus approximately 100 days after vaccination. Results-Serum GMT of nonvaccinated MV- cubs (0.23 U/ml) was significantly greater than that of nonvaccinated MV- cubs (0.15 U/ml). The GMT of vaccinated MV+ cubs 21, 39, and 57 days after vaccination were 2.85, 2.11, and 0.79 U/ml, respectively, and were significantly less than those of vaccinated MV- cubs (12.19, 6.76, and 4.02 U/ml, respectively). All challenge-inoculated cubs with GMT <0.5 U/ml succumbed to rabies. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance-Partially impaired immune response in cubs <8 weeks old from vaccinated vixens causes insufficient protection against rabies. Inhibition of the immune response persists longer than the period during which maternal antibodies are detectable. Thus, oral vaccination campaigns for young foxes in areas where vaccination has been performed need to be reconsidered
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