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Factors associated with the development of equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy
Dill, S.G. | Correa, M.T. | Erb, H.N. | DeLahunta, A. | Kallfelz, F.A. | Waldron, C.
A case-control study was done to identify factors associated with the development of equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM). Questionnaires were mailed to the owners of 146 horses admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between November 1978 and June 1987 and diagnosed as having EDM by histologic examination. Questionnaires also were sent to owners of 402 clinically normal horses admitted to the college during the same period. Data were compared between the EDM-affected and control groups (56 and 179 questionnaires returned, respectively). Risk factors identified included the use of insecticide applied to foals, exposure of foals to wood preservatives, and foals frequently spending time on dirt lots while outside. Foals spending time outside on green pastures was a protective factor. Foals from dams that had had an EDM-affected foal were at higher risk of developing EDM than were foals from other dams.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Electromyographic evaluation of the external urethral sphincter during cystometry in male cats
Sackman, J.E. | Sims, M.H.
Electromyographic (EMG) evaluation of the external urethral sphincter (EUS) was conducted during cystometry in 11 adult male cats sedated with xylazine and ketamine. A percutaneously placed antepubic catheter was used for bladder infusion and recording intravesicular pressures during cystometrography (CMG). A fine-wire electrode was placed percutaneously into or near the EUS for recording EMG during CMG. The bladder was infused with sterile 0.9% NaCl solution at a rate of 2 to 3 ml/min until a detrusor reflex was initiated. Intravesicular pressures at the onset of infusion, immediately prior to micturition, at the onset of urine flow, and at the maximal voiding pressure were recorded. The time from infusion to micturition, from opening pressure to return to baseline, and from the beginning to the end of the CMG were also recorded. The total volume of 0.9% NaCl solution infused and the residual bladder volume after micturition were also measured. Recordings were replicated once during each trial in all cats, and trials were replicated once approximately 1 week later in 4 cats. Micturition patterns were characterized by slight to moderate EUS EMG activity during vesicular filling, with reduction in activity during emptying. Maximal EMG activity was recorded at the completion of the reflex and was associated with pulsatile expulsion of small amounts of urine. The simultaneous recording of CMG and EUS EMG with fine-wire electrodes was simple and reliable for assessing the neuromuscular integrity and synchrony of detrusor and EUS muscles. There were no significant differences in variables between recordings within trial 1, but there were differences (P less than or equal to 0.05) between trials for pressure at the onset of urine flow and maximal voiding pressure.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pharmacokinetics of etomidate in cats
Wertz, E.M. | Benson, G.J. | Thurmon, J.C. | Tranquilli, W.J. | Davis, L.E. | Koritz, G.D.
Pharmacokinetic variables of etomidate were determined after IV administration of etomidate (3.0 mg/kg of body weight). Blood samples were collected for 6 hours. Disposition of this carboxylated imidazole best conformed to a 2- (n = 2) and a 3- compartment (n = 4) open pharmacokinetic model. The pharmacokinetic values were calculated for the overall best-fitted model, characterized as a mixed 2- and 3-compartmental model. The first and most rapid distribution half-life was 0.05 hour and a second distribution half-life was 0.35 hour. Elimination half-life was 2.89 hours, apparent volume of distribution was 11.87 +/- 4.64 L/kg, apparent volume of distribution at steady state was 4.88 +/- 2.25 L/kg, apparent volume of the central compartment was 1.17 +/- 0.70 L/kg, and total clearance was 2.47 +/- 0.78 L/kg/h.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Endomyocardial biopsy in cats
Rush, J.E. | Keene, B.W. | Eicker, S.W.
A technique for transvenous endomyocardial biopsy of the right ventricle was developed and evaluated for safety and efficacy in anesthetized healthy cats positioned in left lateral recumbency. At least 6 endomyocardial biopsy specimens were obtained from the right ventricle or interventricular septum of 11 cats. In 4 cats, the right jugular vein was torn during attempts to pass the introducing catheter into the right ventricle; however, in only 1 cat did this preclude catheter passage. This cat's heart was biopsied via the left jugular vein. Except for damage to the jugular vein, complications were infrequent, and the biopsy procedure was well tolerated by all cats.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of recombinant bovine interferon gamma and dexamethasone on pneumonia attributable to Haemophilus somnus in calves
Chiang, Y.W. | Roth, J.A. | Andrews, J.J.
The influence of recombinant bovine interferon gamma (rBOIFN-gamma) treatment on resistance of clinically normal and dexamethasone-treated calves to Haemophilus somnus infection was evaluated. Four groups of 6 calves each were treated with saline solution (controls), dexamethasone (0.04 mg/kg of body weight/for 3 days), rBOIFN-gamma (2 micrograms/kg for 2 days), or dexamethasone and rBOIFN-gamma (aforementioned dosages). All treatments were started 24 hours before intrabronchial challenge exposure with 5 x 10(9) colony-forming units of H somnus. Rectal temperature and WBC count were monitored daily. Two of the dexamethasone-treated calves died of pneumonia 4 days after challenge exposure and were necropsied. All other calves were euthanatized and necropsied 7 days after challenge exposure. All calves had pneumonia of variable intensity. Dexamethasone-treated calves had increased volume of pneumonic lung (P < 0.05) and increased severity of pneumonia, compared with control calves. Recombinant bovine interferon gamma treatment resulted in reduction in pneumonic lung volume and severity of pneumonia in dexamethasone-treated calves (P < 0.05), although it did not influence severity of pneumonia in nondexamethasone-treated calves.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Upper-normal prediction limits of lymphocyte counts for cattle not infected with bovine leukemia virus
Thurmond, M.C. | Carter, R.L. | Picanso, J.P. | Stralka, K.
A study was conducted to develop valid estimates of lymphocyte count (LC; cells per microliter) of individual, clinically normal dairy cattle. Estimated weighted regression was used on repeated measures of individual LC to examine 6 models predicting LC as a function of age in cattle not infected with bovine leukemia virus. The generalized growth curve model of analysis of variance was used to estimate intercepts, slopes, and prediction limits for the models and to compare the LC-to-age relationship between Holstein and Guernsey breeds. The best-fitting model (P = 0.0001) with the narrowest prediction interval was LC = 4,414.4 - 84.6X, where X = (age - 48) if age less than or equal to 48 months, and X = 0 if age > 48 months, and 163.6 and 8.1 are the SE of the estimates, respectively. Upper one-sided 95%-predicted normal LC tended to be higher than estimates derived from traditional hematologic keys that use confidence limits of mean LC. Difference was not found in the LC-to-age relationship between the Holstein and Guernsey cattle (P = 0.67). Results of this study provided estimates of normal LC that are more specific in diagnosing lymphocytosis in individual cattle.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pharmacokinetics, inhibition of lymphoblast transformation, and toxicity of cyclosporine in clinically normal pigs
Vaden, S.L. | Riviere, J.E.
Pharmacokinetic variables were calculated from time-concentration data obtained after IV (10 mg/kg of body weight; n = 9) and oral (12.5 mg/kg to group A [n = 3]; 25 mg/kg to group B [n = 3]; and 50 mg/kg to group C [n = 3] pigs) cyclosporine (formerly, cyclosporine A) administration. Resulting mean (+/- SD) pharmacokinetic variables were as follows: half life of distribution, 0.96 (+/- 0.7) hours; half life of elimination, 7.71 (+/- 2.6) hours; volume of distribution at steady state, 4.47 (+/- 2.22) L/kg; volume of the central compartment, 1.71 (+/- 0.78) L/kg; and systemic clearance, 8.95 (+/- 2.7) ml/kg/min. Oral bioavailability was: overall 57 (+/- 19) %; group A, 44 (+/- 11) %; group B, 78 (+/- 15) %; group C, 48 (+/- 6) %. Time to peak concentration was 3.55 (+/- 0.88) hours. During the 22 days of daily oral cyclosporine administration, blood 24-hour trough concentrations were: group A, 224.3 (+/- 78.4) ng/ml; group B, 640.7 (+/- 174.6) ng/ml; and group C, 2,344 (+/- 1,095) ng/ml. Lymphoblast transformation stimulation index was suppressed in all pigs except 1, which had a corresponding cyclosporine concentration of 92.4 ng/ml. Minimal, although statistically significant, decreases in serum albumin and magnesium concentrations and increases in serum creatinine and urea nitrogen concentrations were evident in pigs of some treatment groups. Histologic examination of necropsy specimens revealed mild hepatic necrosis (n = 1 pig), renal tubular dilatation (n = 5), and pulmonary inflammation (n = 2). Pigs given 25 and 50 mg of cyclosporine/kg failed to gain weight.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of age-related effects on the antiviral activity of interferon and induction of 2-5A synthetase in testicular cell cultures derived from swine of various ages
Bosworth, B.T. | Maclachlan, N.J.
The antiviral activity of recombinant DNA-derived bovine alpha 1-1 interferon on an established swine testicular cell line and primary testicular cell cultures derived from swine of various ages (2 days, 3 weeks, and 5 weeks) was determined. Bovine interferon induced a dose-dependent increase in 2-5A synthetase in testicular cells, regardless of the source of the cells. Furthermore, interferon inhibited replication of vesicular stomatitis virus to an equivalent extent in all testicular cell cultures. The results indicate that 2-5A synthetase is a reliable marker of interferon activity in swine testicular cell cultures and that the induction of 2-5A synthetase and antiviral effects of recombinant bovine interferon in primary testicular cell cultures are not dependent on the age of the donor animal.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of diet on struvite activity product in feline urine
Buffington, C.A. | Rogers, Q.R. | Morris, J.G.
Groups of male specific-pathogen-free cats were fed a basal, purified diet (A), with or without 0.45% added magnesium (MgCl2, diet B; MgO, diet C) or 1 of 2 commercial diets (D,E). Urine samples collected for 48 hours after 2 weeks of feeding were analyzed for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, sulfate, phosphate, oxalate, and citrate content. Concentrations were used to calculate the negative logarithm of the struvite activity product (pSAP), using a microcomputer-based program for calculation of supersaturation of the urine with crystal solutes. The pSAP value for all samples also was hand-calculated by use of an equation. Consumption of diet B caused a significant (P < 0.05) increase in urine calcium concentration. Total urine phosphate concentration was lower in urine from cats fed diets A, B, or C than in urine from cats fed diets D or E. For the various diets, urine PO4-3 was: 5.3 microM for diet A; 6.3 microM for diet C; 0.9 microM for diet E; 36 nM for diet D, and 0.5 nM for diet B. Consumption of diets B and C caused significant increases in urine magnesium concentration (53.1 nM and 49.1 mM, respectively). Ammonium ion concentration was highest in urine from cats fed diets B and D, 116.2 mM and 100.3 mM, respectively. When the pSAP, hand-calculated assuming ionic strength u = 0.2, was regressed on that calculated by use of the microcomputer program, the coefficient of determination was 0.96 (P less than or equal to 0.01).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of cyclophosphamide in newly hatched chickens after inoculation with avian nephritis virus
Narita, M. | Kawamura, H. | Furuta, K. | Shirai, J. | Nakamura, K.
Effects of immunosuppression were compared in newly hatched chickens given cyclophosphamide (CY) after inoculation with avian nephritis virus (ANV). All CY-treated infected chickens died within 13 days after inoculation of the virus and had heavy urate deposits throughout the body. However, non-CY-treated infected, CY-treated noninfected, and non-CY-treated noninfected control chickens survived through the observation period. In a chronologic study, the value of serum uric acid in CY-treated infected chickens was more than 3 times higher than that in non-CY-treated infected chickens, and more than 9 times higher than in noninfected chickens. Serum uric acid values were coincident with the positive degree of ANV antigen in the tubular epithelial cells in the kidneys and with the severity of renal degeneration. Serologic and immunohistologic examinations did not reveal detectable antibody and IgG- and IgM-containing cells in the spleen and kidneys of CY-treated infected chickens. However, non-CY-treated infected chickens had an increased number of IgM- and IgG-containing cells and antibody against ANV on postinoculation day 6. These findings demonstrated that CY treatment enhanced the susceptibility of chickens to ANV infection.
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