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Effects of chemical restraint on the endoscopic appearance of laryngeal and pharyngeal anatomy and sensation in adult cattle
Anderson, D.E. | Gaughan, E.M. | DeBowes, R.M. | Lowry, S.R. | Yvorchuk, K.E. | St Jean, G.
Effects of 2 drugs commonly used for chemical restraint of cattle were evaluated for their effect on laryngeal and pharyngeal anatomy, function, and response to stimuli. Eighteen adult Jersey cows, free of respiratory tract disease, were studied. Cows were assigned at random to 1 of 3 treatment groups. Endoscopic evaluations were performed before and at a predetermined time interval after administration of each drug. Responses to stimuli were evaluated by stimulating 7 preselected sites (epiglottis, left and right arytenoid cartilages, left and right vocal folds, and left and right dorsolateral pharyngeal walls) with a closed, transendoscopic biopsy probe. Xylazine HCl (0.05 mg/kg of body weight, IV) was administered to group-1 cows (n = 6), and endoscopy was repeated 5 minutes after administration of the drug. Xylazine (0.07 mg/kg, IV) was administered to group-2 cows (n = 6), and endoscopy was repeated 5 minutes after administration of the drug. Acepromazine maleate (0.035 mg/kg, iv) was administered to group-3 cows (n = 6), and endoscopy was repeated 10 minutes after administration of the drug. Responses to stimuli were scored as brisk (0), moderate (1), slow (2), and absent (3). Scores for responses to stimuli were compared, using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for data within groups, and a general linear models procedure, using the Kruskal-Wallis test between groups. Interobserver agreement rates were generated for each group. A value of P<0.05 was considered significant. Xylazine profoundly changed laryngeal sensitivity and function at both dosages. The corniculate processes of the arytenoid cartilages were observed to be in a markedly adducted position after sedation. Response to stimuli was significantly (P = 0.03) slower than normal after sedation, using both dosages. Displacement of the soft palate dorsal to the epiglottis was persistent in 50% of the cows after stimulation tests subsequent to sedation with xylazine. Acepromazine had a mild effect on laryngeal sensitivity and function. The corniculate processes of the arytenoid cartilages were observed in paramedian position after sedation. Acepromazine did not significantly affect responses to stimuli. Effects of sedation on responses to stimuli were not significantly different for groups 1 and 2. However, effects for group 3 were significantly different from those for groups 1 and 2 (P = 0.006 and 0.004, respectively). Endoscopic evaluation of the proximal portion of the respiratory tract of cattle should be performed without sedation, when possible. If sedation is required to facilitate restraint for endoscopy, acepromazine maleate is recommended over xylazine on the basis of results of this study.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Treatment of group E streptococci-induced lymphadenitis in swine by feeding various concentrations of chlortetracycline: relation of antibody with prevalence of abscesses
Olson, L.D. | Miller, R.B. | Schlink, G.T.
Consumption of chlortetracycline (CTC) at concentration of 220 mg/kg of feed for 4 weeks in experiment 1 and at concentrations of 110 and 220 mg/kg for 3 weeks and 440 mg/kg for 2 weeks in experiment 2 failed to eliminate streptococci-induced lymphadenitis from swine referred to as principals. Abscesses, mostly in the head and neck, developed in at least a third of all swine in the various groups fed these CTC concentrations. Feeding of 220 mg of CTC/kg of feed in experiment 1 began 12 weeks after exposure of principals to an untypeable group E streptococci (GES; isolate 3X29A). In experiment 2, feeding of 110 and 220 mg of CTC/kg of feed began 5 weeks after exposure of principals to GES and feeding of 440 mg of CTC/kg of feed began 6 weeks after exposure. One or more cohabitating sentinel swine of experiment 1 and one or more sentinels in all groups of principals of experiment 2, except group 2, developed abscesses that were mostly in the head and neck. In experiment 2, correlation between serum GES antibody titer and development of one or more abscesses in the principals was highly significant (P < 0.01); however, correlation between antibody titer and abscesses in the sentinels only approached significance (P < 0.10).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of building ventilation design on environment and performance of turkeys
DeBey, M.C. | Trampel, D.W. | Richard, J.L. | Bundy, D.S. | Hoffman, L.J. | Meyer, V.M. | Cox, D.F.
Environmental variables in 10 commercial turkey confinement buildings, representing 2 natural ventilation designs, were measured during summer and the following winter. Sliding doors spaced at intervals along the walls of 5 of the buildings provided about 35% opening, and continuous wall curtains provided 60 to 80% opening in the other 5 buildings. Environmental variables assessed included airspeed; temperature; relative humidity; gases; particle number, size, and mass per cubic meter of air; and colonies of bacteria, yeasts, and other fungi per cubic meter of air. Colonies of yeasts and other fungi were quantitated in feed and litter. For most of the variables evaluated, significant differences were not attributable to building ventilation design; however, in winter, the total mass of particulate matter per cubic meter of air was higher in the curtain-type houses, compared with sliding door-type houses. Ammonia concentration in the air of sliding door-type houses progressively increased during summer and winter sampling periods. A significant effect of building ventilation design on turkey performance was not detected when using mortality, average daily gain, feed conversion, condemnations at slaughter, or average individual bird weight as measures of production.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Spectrum analysis of diaphragmatic global electromyograms in cattle, with special regard to appropriate strategy for detection of fatigue
Desmecht, D.J.M. | Linden, A.S. | Close, R.P. | Michaux, C.L. | Lekeux, P.M.
Although the respiratory tract of healthy and diseased cattle has been intensively studied during the past few years, only a few attempts to detect dysfunctions of bovine inspiratory muscles have been reported. Such technique would be useful in assessing the possibility of inspiratory muscle fatigue in the context of ventilatory failure. Fatigue in skeletal muscle is associated with characteristic changes in the electromyographic power spectrum. Power spectral analysis was therefore applied to cattle diaphragmatic electromyograms (EMGdi) to precisely determine the exact influence of motion and ECG artifacts, describe its basic frequency content, and extract a spectral index capable of providing an accurate warning of fatigue. The EMGdi was recorded via intramuscularly placed fishhook electrodes in 5 healthy young bulls during resting and stimulated respiration. The EMGdi and EGC signals were analyzed by use of power spectral density analysis after band-pass filtering (20 to 1,800 Hz). The EMGdi spectrum was concentrated in the band width 20 to 530 Hz. Electrode motion artifacts were absent, and it was always possible to find an electrode pair giving ECG-free EMGdi. Of the 12 power and frequency values used to quantitate the spectrum, the most stable was the centroid frequency. It was reproducible within and between calves and was only minimally altered by changing inspiratory, load. Though the clinical relevance of fatigue in the respiratory musculature in case of ventilatory failure is currently unknown, the method described here constitutes a possible approach to detection of such phenomenon in cattle.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Blood cell deformability in horses with intestinal colic
Seahorn, T.L. | Gaunt, S.D. | Berry, C.
Hematologic and rheologic variables ,ere examined in a group of 13 horses with intestinal colic and a control group of 6 horses. All horses had been recently transported to the veterinary teaching hospital, and blood samples were obtained during initial examination. There were no significant differences in blood neutrophil count or plasma fibrinogen concentration between the groups, and PCV was significantly increased in horses with intestinal colic. Cell filterability was measured by passing uniform concentrations of blood, erythrocytes, and neutrophils through micropore filters. There were no significant differences between the control and intestinal colic groups in filterability of erythrocytes. Significant (P < 0.05) prolongation in filterability of blood and neutrophils was observed in the group of horses with intestinal colic, compared with the control group, This neutrophil change, indicative of decreased neutrophil deformability, corresponded with severity of the illness. Horses that failed to survive the intestinal colic episode had significantly (P < 0.05) prolonged blood and neutrophil filterability, compared with horses that survived intestinal colic. These findings indicate that deformability of neutrophils decreases in horses with intestinal colic, possibly a result of endotoxin-induced activation. This change can further impede microvascular blood flow that is altered in association with intestinal ischemia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of mononuclear cell functions in Holstein cattle with leukocyte adhesion deficiency
Nagahata, H. | Nochi, H. | Sanada, Y. | Tamoto, K. | Noda, H. | Kociba, G.J.
Lymphocyte functions in cattle affected with leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD, termed BLAD in cattle) were evaluated by lymphocyte markers, blastogenic response, and immunoglobulin concentrations; mononuclear phagocyte functions were assessed by chemotactic and luminol-dependent chemiluminescent (CL) responses to determine the effects of impaired expression of leukocyte CD18 on mononuclear cell functions. Deficient CD18 expression on lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes from cattle with BLAD was clearly detected by use of flow cytometric analysis. There were no significant differences in the population of peanut agglutinin (PNA)-positive and surface immunoglobulin-bearing blood lymphocytes from clinically normal cattle and cattle with BLAD, as determined by flow cytometric analysis. Lymphocytes from cattle with BLAD had strong mitogen-induced blastogenic responses, which were greater than those from controls. Adherence of mononuclear phagocytes from cattle with BLAD was markedly impaired, and their chemotactic responses had diminished values, compared with those of controls. Luminol-dependent CL of mononuclear phagocytes from affected cattle, stimulated by opsonized zymosan, had significantly (P < 0.01) decreased values, compared with those of controls. Concentrations of IgG were markedly increased in serum from cattle with BLAD, compared with those in controls. These results indicated that impaired expression of leukocyte CD18 has marked effects on adhering activity of mononuclear phagocytes, and significantly inhibits CL response of mononuclear phagocytes mediated by inactivated-complement 3b-dependent functions. High selective immunoglobulin concentrations indicated that lymphocytes of B-cell lineage may have normal function.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of a conductance catheter to assess the effect of endotoxemia on left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationships in anesthetized swine
Hellyer, P.W.
Effects of endotoxemia on left ventricular contractility and systemic hemodynamics were determined in pentobarbital-anesthetized swine. A multielectrode conductance (volume) catheter and a high-fidelity pressure transducer catheter were passed retrograde into the left ventricle to continuously measure pressure and volume. End-systolic pressure-volume relationships were determined during transient (8 to 10 s) caudal vena caval balloon occlusion. Lactated Ringer's solution was administered at a rate sufficient to maintain left ventricular end-diastolic pressure > 6 mm of Hg. Following baseline measurements, Escherichia coli endotoxin (O55-B5) was infused IV at 2.5 micrograms/kg of body weight/h for 3 hours. Left ventricular end-systolic elastance (Ees), the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship; end-systolic elastance normalized for left ventricular end-diastolic volume (Ees norm); the rate of increase of left ventricular pressure (dP/dtmax); and preload recruitable stroke work (PRSW, stroke work-to-end-diastolic volume relationship) did not change in endotoxemic swine, compared with baseline measurements or with values from control (physiologic saline solution-treated) swine. Left ventricular pressures and volumes had marked pig-to-pig variability in the control and endotoxin-treated groups. Determination of Ees, Ees norm, and PRSW was further confounded by development of frequent premature ventricular contractions during caudal vena caval balloon occlusion. Endotoxin significantly (P < 0.05) decreased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, compared with that in control swine, and significantly (P < 0.01) decreased left ventricular end-diastolic volume, compared with baseline. Endotoxin decreased cardiac index and arterial blood pressure, whereas heart rate, central venous pressure, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure increased. Endotoxin did not decrease myocardial contractility, as measured by Ees, Ees norm, dP/dtmax, or PRSW in anesthetized swine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of laser Doppler flowmetry for measuring coronary band and laminar microcirculatory blood flow in clinically normal horses
Adair, H.S. III. | Goble, D.O. | Shires, G.M.H. | Sanders, W.L.
Once daily for 3 days, laser Doppler flowmetry was used in 5 healthy, nonsedated adult horses to evaluate coronary band and laminar microcirculatory blood flow (MBF) in both forelimbs, The coronary band had significantly (P < 0.05) higher MBF than did the laminae on the days evaluated. Significant variation in MBF was not found over the 3-day measurement period in any one site. Significant (P < 0.05) variation was found in coronary band MBF among horses. This variation was not observed in laminar MBF. On occlusion of the digital arteries at the level of the fetlock, marked decrease in coronary band and laminar MBF was observed. Twenty minutes after IV administration of acetylpromazine, marked increase in coronary band and laminar MBF was observed. The technique was easily performed in standing nonsedated horses, did not inflict discomfort, lacked complications, and measurements were repeatable. This technique provides an index of digital MBF, either intermittently or continuously, avoiding introduction of invasive variables associated with other techniques.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Resistance of Chinese Meishan, Fengjing, and Minzhu pigs to the K88ac+ strain of Escherichia coli
Michaels, R.D. | Whipp, S.C. | Rothschild, M.F.
The microscopic brush border membrane adherence assay was used to determine resistance (nonadherence) and susceptibility adherence) of Chinese pigs (n = 289) to the K88ac+ strain of Escherichia coli-mediated disease. This study estimates prevalence of resistance to diarrheal disease in multiple family lines (no common ancestry for a minimum of 3 generations) for the Chinese Meishan, Fengjing, and Minzhu breeds. Results of in vitro assays indicate that pigs of the Meishan breed are highly resistant (nonadherent) to K88ac+ E coli-mediated disease. The gene conferring susceptibility to K88ac+ E coli-mediated disease exists at low frequency in pigs of the Minzhu breed. Minzhu-type (crossbred) pigs of both phenotypes (susceptible and resistant) were identified in ratios consistent with a 1-locus gene model. Given that all susceptible pigs were from 1 site, frequency of susceptibility within this Minzhu population is estimated at 8%. Inheritance within the Fengjing breed is still unclear because a weakly adherent phenotype, as well as the resistant phenotype, was identified. The weakly adherent phenotype was observed in pigs derived from multiple family lines. Expression of the weakly adherent phenotype in terms of susceptibility to disease is not known at this time.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bluetongue virus isolations from vectors and ruminants in Central America and the Caribbean
Mo, C.L. | Thompson, L.H. | Homan, E.J. | Oviedo, M.T. | Greiner, E.C. | Gonzalez, J. | Saenz, M.R.
A regional prospective study of the epidemiology of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes covering 11 countries in Central America and the Caribbean took place between 1987 and 1992. Active surveillance revealed BTV infection to be endemic in the absence of confirmed indigenous cases of bluetongue. During the 6-year span of the study, over 300 BTV isolations were obtained from cattle and sheep. Results of the earlier years of the study were summarized, and surveillance activities in the concluding months of the study from November 1990 to February 1992 were evaluated. Forty-five BTV isolations were made during this time, 44 from sentinel cattle and 1 from a ram with clinical signs compatible with contagious ecthyma. Virus isolation from potential vectors also was attempted, yielding a further 9 BTV isolates from parous Culicoides insignis and C pusillus, 2 BTV isolates from blood-engorged C filarifer, and 1 epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus type-2 isolate from parous C pusillus. Our extensive network of sentinel herds in the region detected BTV-1 as the predominant serotype in Central America in 1991, after an apparent absence of 1 year in the sentinel animals. Other serotypes in Central America at that time included BTV-3 and BTV-6. In Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, BTV-4 became the predominant serotype, without detection of BTV-8 and BTV-17, which were common in recent years of the study. The serotypes found in the Caribbean Basin continued to have marked differences from those in North America. The importance of viewing bluetongue as an infection, the distribution of which is determined principally by ecologic factors, is emphasized.
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