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Determination of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of flunixin in calves by use of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling
Landoni, M.F. | Cunningham, F.M.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variables of flunixin were studied in calves after IV administration of the drug at a dose rate of 2.2 mg/kg of body weight. The anti-inflammatory properties of flunixin were investigated, using a model of acute inflammation; this involved surgically implanting tissue cages at subcutaneous sites and stimulating the tissue cage granulation tissue by intracavitary injection of carrageenan. The actions of flunixin on exudate concentrations of several substances related to the inflammatory process, including proteases (metalloprotease [active and total] and cysteine and serine proteases), enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, and beta-glucuronidase [beta-glu]), eicosanoid (prostaglandin E2 [PGE2], leukotriene B4, and serum thromboxane B2 [TXB2]) concentrations, and bradykinin (BK)-induced edema, were investigated. Flunixin had a long elimination half-life--6.87 +/- 0.49 hours--and volume of distribution was 2.11 +/- 0.37 L/kg, indicating extensive distribution of the drug in the body. Body clearance was 0.20 +/- 0.03 L/kg/h. Flunixin exerted inhibitory effects on serum TXB2 and exudate PGE2 concentrations, B-glu activity, and BK-induced swelling. Other enzymes and inflammatory mediators were not significantly affected. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of the data revealed similar mean concentration producing 50% of the maximal effect values for inhibition of exudate PGE2 and beta-glu and of BK-induced swelling (0.070 +/- 0.006, 0.064 +/- 0.040, and 0.061 +/- 0.030 microgram/ml), respectively). A lower concentration producing 50% of the maximal effect value was obtained for inhibition of serum TXB2 concentration (0.023 +/- 0.004 microgram/ml). Differences also were observed in equilibration half-life for these actions, suggesting the existence of 3 distribution compartments correlating with 3 sites of action--a central compartment and shallow and deep peripheral compartments. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling proved to be a useful analytical method, providing a quantitative description of in vivo drug pharmacodynamics and indicating possible mechanisms of action.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of xylazine, cisapride, and naloxone on myoelectric activity of the ileocecocolic area in cows
Steiner, A. | Roussel, A.J. | Iselin, U.
The effect of xylazine, cisapride, and naloxone on myoelectric activity of the ileum, cecum, and proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC) was determined in 4 healthy Jersey cows implanted with 8 pairs of bipolar electrodes. A 4 X 4 Latin square design was used. The treatments included xylazine (0.04 mg/kg of body weight), cisapride (0.08 mg/kg), naloxone (0.05 mg/kg), and 0.9% sodium chloride solution (20 ml). All treatments were administered IV during early phase I of the migrating myoelectric complex in the ileum. Myoelectric activity was recorded for 4 hours after treatment, and data were analyzed for each hour separately. Xylazine significantly (P < 0.05) increased the duration of phase I of the first migrating myoelectric complex in the ileum to 220.72 +/- 26.89 minutes, compared with 30.91 +/- 10.11 minutes after administration of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The number of cecocolic spikes per minute per electrode and the duration of cecocolic spike activity (percentage of recording time) were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased for the first 3 hours, and the number of propagated spike sequences in the cecum and PLAC was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased for the first 2 hours after administration of xylazine. Significant difference was not found between control and either,cisapride or naloxone treatment of healthy cows. However, during hour 1 after treatment with cisapride, number of spikes per minute, duration of spike activity, and number of propagated spike sequences were highest, compared with the other treatments. It was concluded that naloxone at the dosage used in this study was not suitable for medical treatment of cecal dilatation in cattle, when hypomotility of the cecum and PLAC must be reversed. Xylazine should not be used for relief of signs of pain in cases of cecal dilatation, because it significantly reduced myoelectric activity of the cecum and PLAC for at least 2 hours after treatment. Furthermore, results of this study indicated a trend (P > 0.05) toward increase of cecocolic myoelectric activity after administration of cisapride. It is the authors' opinion that the potential benefit of cisapride for medical treatment of cecal dilatation in cattle needs further evaluation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Role of low dietary fat in the treatment of dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Westermarck, E. | Junttila, J.T. | Wiberg, M.E.
The main objective of the study reported here was to determine whether signs typical of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) are alleviated when affected dogs are fed a diet with low fat content, compared with feeding ordinary commercial dog food or food prepared by the owner. The most cost-effective amount of enzyme supplement also was estimated. The study consisted of 6 test periods. Duration of the first and third periods was 4 weeks, and that of the others was 2 weeks. During the first 2 periods, the dogs were fed their original diet. The amount of enzyme supplement was reduced by half between the first and the second period. During the last 4 periods, the dogs were fed only the low-fat diet, and amount of the enzyme supplement was reduced stepwise. During the entire study, owners were asked to assess daily the severity of 9 signs typical of EPI. A new index was established by adding the daily scores of each individual EPI sign. This index was designated the EPI index and was used as a measure of the general well-being of the dog. When the mean EPI indexes of the original diet periods were compared with those of the corresponding low-fat diet periods, there were no statistically significant differences by use of Turkeys test or the paired t-test. There was considerable variability between dogs, however. The fat content of the original diet did not correlate with the difference in EPI signs when the dogs were fed the low-fat diet. According to our study, feeding a low-fat diet to dogs with EPI did not significantly alleviate clinical signs of the disease. Decreasing the enzyme supplementation by 50% of the recommended of dose did not significantly increase severity of the cumulative EPI score. Decreasing the enzyme supplement by three-fourths of the recommended dose was excessive, and the severity of the clinical signs increased significantly (P < 0.05) The cost of the low-fat diet, compared with that of the original diet, was high.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of long-term administration of a prolonged release formulation of bovine somatotropin (sometribove) on clinical lameness in dairy cows
Wells, S. J. | Trent, A. M. | Collier, R. J. | Cole, W. J.
A matched case-control study design was used to assess the effects of long-term administration of a prolonged release formulation of bovine somatotropin (sometribove) on clinical lameness and limb lesions in dairy cows. Cows treated with sometribove for at least 2 lactations (cases) and nontreated dairy cows matched by herd, parity, age, and stage of lactation (controls) in 8 herds were evaluated for clinical lameness (as assessed by gait abnormality) and limb lesions by 2 observers, using a standardized scoring procedure at a single herd visit. Although a high proportion of the study cows were clinically lame (43%), an association was not detected between chronic administration of sometribove and prevalent lameness. Of 21 types of limb lesions identified, 2 were positively associated and 2 were negatively associated with long-term sometribove use. Superficial laceration of the tarsus (odds ratio [OR] = 2.1) and superficial swelling of the metatarsophalangeal joint (OR = 4.5) were positively associated with sometribove treatment, whereas femoral lesions (OR = 0.2) and superficial lacerations of the femur (OR = 0.14) were negatively associated with sometribove treatment.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ultrastructural study of the uptake of ferritin by M cells in the follicle-associated epithelium in the small and large intestines of pigs
Liebler, E.M. | Lemke, C. | Pohlenz, J.F.
Uptake of ferritin by M cells in follicle-associated epithelium at various sites in the small and large intestines was examined in 4 healthy 5-week-old pigs by use of electron microscopy. A 2.5% solution of ferritin in saline was injected into ligated loops of the jejunum and ileum containing aggregations of lymphoid follicles (Peyer's patches), as well as into intestinal loops containing lymphoglandular complexes at the ileocecal junction, in the central colonic flexure, and in the rectum. As negative control, saline solution was injected into loops at identical localizations. After an exposure period of 2 hours, uptake of ferritin by M cells, but not by enteroabsorptive cells of the small and large intestines, was observed. Numbers of M cells with ferritin and total M cells were counted and the percentage was calculated. Total number of M cells was highest in lymphoglandular complexes in the rectum and lowest on domes of the ileal Peyer's patch. High numbers of M cells with ferritin were found on domes of the jejunal Peyer's patch, and in lymphoglandular complexes at the ileoceral entrance and in the rectum. Only a few M cells on domes of the ileal Peyer's patch and in lymphoglandular complexes in the central colonic flexure contained ferritin. The percentage of M cells with internalized ferritin was similar on domes of the ileal Peyer's patch, and in lymphoglandular complexes at the ileocecal junction and in the rectum. It was higher on domes of the jejunal Peyer's patches and lower in lymphoglandular complexes of the central colonic flexure. Ferritin was found in the apical tubulovesicular system, multivesicular bodies, and a few vacuoles in the central area of M cells. Ferritin was exocytosed into the lateral intercellular spaces next to M cells. Uptake of ferritin by intraepithelial cells in the follicle-associated epithelium could not be documented, but ferritin was present in vesicles of subepithelial macrophages.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enzyme release by bovine neutrophils
Watson, G.L. | Slocombe, R.F. | Robinson, N.E. | Sleight, S.D.
Release of enzymes from cytoplasmic granules has been postulated to have a major role in neutrophil-mediated tissue injury. Secretion or release of primary granules, specific granules, and cytosolic enzymes by bovine neutrophils was examined by quantifying the release of beta-glucuronidase, B12-binding protein, and lactate dehydrogenase, respectively, in response to predetermined amounts of phorbol myristate acetate, calcium ionophore, and opsonized zymosan. These responses were compared with the enzyme release induced by exposure to live or dead, unopsonized or opsonized Pasteurella haemolytica. The greatest release of beta-glucuronidase, B12-binding protein, and lactate dehydrogenase was observed in neutrophils exposed to live organisms partially because of neutrophil lysis. Bovine neutrophils respond markedly to particulate agonists, live or dead, pathogenic or nonpathogenic, by a selective release of specific granules, an effect enhanced by opsonization. Particulate agonists induce minimal primary granule release other than that induced by cell death. Because bovine neutrophils contain quantitatively high numbers of specific granules, the high rate of secretion/ release in response to P haemolytica organisms could have a major role in the tissue responses that characterize the lesions of pneumonic pasteurellosis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Subcellular pathologic features of glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy in dogs
Rutgers, H.C. | Batt, R.M. | Vaillant, C. | Riley, J.E.
Dogs are particularly susceptible to development of glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy, but the mechanisms are not well understood. We investigated the pathogenesis of glucocorticoid hepatopathy by examining sequential morphologic and biochemical changes in the liver of dogs during steroid administration. Six adult Beagles were given prednisolone acetate (4 mg/kg of body weight, once daily for 24 days, IM). Serum samples and percutaneous liver biopsy specimens were obtained before the start of the study (treatment day [TD] 0) and at TD 5, 10, 15, and 25. There were significant (P < 0.05) and progressive increases in serum activities of alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and alanine transaminase. Light microscopic changes in liver biopsy specimens included progressive hepatocellular swelling and vacuolation. Electron microscopy revealed glycogen accumulation, peripheral displacement of organelles, and prominent dilatation of bile canaliculi, compared with findings at TD 0. Liver biopsy specimens taken at TD 25 had significantly (P < 0.05) increased activities of the plasma membrane enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and y-glutamyltransferase, and 5'-nucleotidase was significantly (P < 0.01) decreased. Subcellular fractionation on reorientating sucrose density gradients revealed high-density peaks of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase, compatible with a specific increase in the biliary canalicular component of the enzyme activities. Neutral gamma-glucosidase activity was shifted to the denser fractions, indicative of an increase in the proportion of rough to smooth endoplasmic reticulum and consistent with enhanced synthesis of plasma membrane proteins. There also was evidence for progressive increase in fragility of intracellular organelles, particularly lysosomes. These findings indicate that glucocorticoid he particularly in dogs is associated with progressive alterations not only to the plasma membrane, but also to other subcellular organelles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Risk of feline infectious peritonitis in cats naturally infected with feline coronavirus
Addie, D.D. | Toth, S. | Murray, G.D. | Jarrett, O.
A longitudinal survey of 820 cats in 73 households was conducted over a period of 6 years to establish the fate of pet cats that were seropositive after natural exposure to feline coronavirus (FCoV). In particular, their risk of developing feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) was determined. The seropositive cats were assigned to 1 of 3 groups: cats from households in which FIP had recently been diagnosed; cats from households in which FIP had not been diagnosed, but from which kittens had been relocated and subsequently died of FIP; and cats from households in which FIP had not been diagnosed. Cats in the first group were not at greater risk of developing FIP than were cats in the other 2 groups. Consequently, any household in which seropositive cats live must be considered a potential source of FCoV that can cause FIP. There was no evidence that the enhanced disease, which has been described after experimentally induced infection of seropositive cats, exists in nature. Thus, analysis of the survival of the seropositive cats over periods of up to 36 months indicated that their risk of developing FIP decreased with time, suggesting the development of immunity rather than increased susceptibility to disease. In addition, of 56 cats deemed to have been naturally reinfected because their anti-FCoV antibody titers decreased and subsequently increased, only 3 developed FIP.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Diaphyseal structural properties of equine long bones
Hanson, P.D. | Markel, M.D. | Vanderby, R. Jr
We evaluated the single-cycle structural properties for axial compression, torsion, and 4-point bending with a central load applied to the caudal or lateral surface of a diaphyseal segment from the normal adult equine humerus, radius, third metacarpal bone, femur, tibia, and third metatarsal bone. Stiffness values were determined from load-deformation curves for each bone and test mode. Compressive stiffness ranged from a low of 2,690 N/mm for the humerus to a high of 5,670 N/mm for the femur. Torsional stiffness ranged from 558 N.m/rad for the third metacarpal bone to 2,080 N.m/rad for the femur. Nondestructive 4-point bending stiffness ranged from 3,540 N.m/rad for the radius to 11,500 N.m/rad for the third metatarsal bone. For the humerus, radius, and tibia, there was no significant difference in stiffness between having the central load applied to the caudal or lateral surface. For the third metacarpal and metatarsal bones, stiffness was significantly (P < 0.05) greater with the central load applied to the lateral surface than the palmar or plantar surface. For the femur, bones were significantly (P < 0.05) stiffer with the central load applied to the caudal surface than the lateral surface. Four-point bending to failure load-deformation curves had a bilinear pattern in some instances, consisting of a linear region at lower bending moments that corresponded to stiffness values from the nondestructive tests and a second linear region at higher bending moments that had greater stiffness values. Stiffness values from the second linear region ranged from 4,420 N.m/rad for the humerus to 13,000 N.m/rad for the third metatarsal bone. Differences in stiffness between nondestructive tests and the second linear region of destructive tests were significant (P < 0.05) for the radius, third metacarpal bone, and third metatarsal bone. Difference between stiffness values of paired left and right bones was not detected for any test. Four-point bending ultimate failure bending moments ranged from 260 N.m for the femur to 940 N.m for the third metatarsal bone. There was no difference in failure bending moment between the directions of applied central load for a given bone.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for differentiation of vaccine strain RB51 from field isolates of Brucella abortus from cattle, bison, and elk
Jensen, A.E. | Cheville, N.F. | Ewalt, D.R. | Payeur, J.B. | Thoen, C.O.
Restriction endonuclease patterns of genomic fragments separated by use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis were used to differentiate Brucella abortus strain RB51, a rifampin-resistant mutant of the standard virulent strain 2308, from other brucellae. Results were compared with results obtained by use of standard methods for characterizing brucellae. Electrophoretic patterns of the ATCC type strains allowed identification of the strains to the level of species. Genomic profiles of B abortus biovars 1, 2, and 4 were similar, as were those of biovars 5, 6, and 9. The profile of biovar 3 was similar to that of biovars 5, 6, and 9, except for a missing band at 93 kb and additional bands at 65 and 67 kb. A different fingerprint was detected in B abortus strain RB51, using the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns of genomic DNA digested with restrictive endonuclease Xba I. The profile of B abortus strain RB51 contained a band at 104 kb, as opposed to a 109-kb fragment within profiles of B abortus isolates from naturally infected cattle, bison, and elk. Despite known biochemical and biological differences between RB51 and its parent strain (2308), restriction endonuclease analysis results were similar.
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