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Use of a DNA probe to detect the intracellular organism of proliferative enteritis in swine feces
Jones, G.F. | Ward, G.E. | Gebbart, C.J. | Murtaugh, M.P. | Collins, J.E.
A method of extracting bacterial DNA from swine feces was developed and used in a molecular assay for the presence of ileal symbiont (IS) intracellularis, formerly known as the Campylobacter-like organism associated with swine with proliferative enteritis. Hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled, IS intracellularis-specific probe detected the presence of IS intracellularis at a concentration of 10(7) organisms/g of feces. This method was sufficient to detect is intracellularis in the feces of swine with experimentally induced and naturally acquired infection. Results of the hybridization were in agreement with those from histologic postmortem examination.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Free segmental paw pad grafts in dogs
Swaim, S.F. | Bradley, D.M. | Steiss, J.E. | Powers, R.D. | Buxton, D.F.
After removal of 1 metatarsal pad and formation of a granulation tissue bed, free segmental 6- X 8-mm grafts from digital pads were sutured into recessed same-size recipient sites in the granulation tissue. In 5 dogs, the grafted area had been denervated by excision of a segment of the tibial nerve at the level of the tarsus. The grafted area was not denervated in the remaining 5 dogs. In both groups of dogs, the grafts placed around the periphery of the wound healed, blocked ingrowth of delicate epithelium from the surrounding skin, and provided a tough keratinized epithelium that covered the wound's center. As healing progressed, the grafts coalesced as the wounds contracted. Weight bearing resulted in graft expansion to provide functional weight-bearing tissue. Dogs of the denervated group had clinical and histologic evidence of collateral sensory reinnervation of the denervated area. However, with the exception of 1 dog, results of sensory nerve action potential tests indicated that reinnervation may not have been by way of regeneration across the excisional gap in the nerve. Evaluation of reinnervation of the tibial autonomous zone in 2 additional dogs revealed clinical evidence that collateral reinnervation began between 19 and 28 days after nerve excision and progressed proximad to distad. Results of sensory nerve action potential tests indicated that reinnervation may not have been via regeneration across the excision site. Results of fluorescent tracer studies did not have positive findings regarding the route of collateral reinnervation. Segmental paw pad grafts can be used effectively to provide weight-bearing tissue on a dog's limb. With local nerve damage on the distal portion of the limb, collateral innervation can grow into the area to reinnervate tissues, including pad grafts.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of atropine on the arrhythmogenic dose of dobutamine in xylazine-thiamylal-halothane-anesthetized horses
Light, G.S. | Hellyer, P.W.
We investigated the influence of parasympathetic tone on the arrhythmogenic dose of dobutamine in horses premedicated with xylazine, anesthetized with guaifenesin and thiamylal, and maintained on halothane in oxygen. Six horses were used in 12 randomized trials. In each trial, after end-tidal halothane concentration was stabilized at 1.1% (1.25 times minimum alveolar concentration [MAC]) in oxygen, either saline solution (0.02 ml/kg of body weight) or atropine (0.04 mg/kg) was administered IV. Five minutes later, dobutamine infusion was started at dosage of 2.5 micrograms/kg/min, IV. The dobutamine infusion was continued for 10 minutes, or until 4 or more premature ventricular complexes occurred within 15 seconds, or sustained narrow-complex tachyarrhythmia clearly not sinus in nature occurred. If the criteria for termination were not met, dobutamine infusion was increased by 2.5 micrograms/kg/min, after the hemodynamic variables had returned to baseline. The horses were allowed to recover, and were rested for at least 1 week before the second trial. The arrhythmogenic dose of dobutamine was calculated by multiplying the infusion rate by the elapsed time into infusion when arrhythmia occurred. There was significant difference between the arrhythmogenic dose of dobutamine (ADD) in saline-treated horses (mean +/- SEM, ADD 105.6 +/- 16.3 micrograms/kg) and atropinized horses (ADD 36.2 +/- 8.7 micrograms/kg). There were no differences in the prearrhythmia or immediate postarrhythmia ventricular heart rate (HR) or systolic (SAP), diastolic (DAP), or mean (MAP) arterial pressures between treated and control groups. The change in hemodynamic variables from prearrhythmia to immediate postarrhythmia formation was not different between the 2 groups. Ventricular beats were clearly evident in 8 of the 12 arrhythmias meeting the criteria for establishing the ADD. These results indicate that atropine may lower the arrhythmogenic threshold for dobutamine in halothane-anesthetized horses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Transmission of proliferative enteritis to swine by use of embryonating chicken eggs
Jones, G.F. | Ward, G.E. | Collins, J.E. | Gebhart, C.J.
Embryonating eggs were inoculated with filtered porcine ileal mucosa containing intracellular curved rods (ICR) and incubated for 4 to 6 days. Three of 12 pigs given the eggs per os developed microscopic lesions of proliferative enteritis (PE). Nonchallenge-exposed control pigs did not develop lesions of PE. Four of six positive control pigs given ileal mucosa from pigs with PE also developed microscopic lesions of PE. All of the PE lesions were found in pigs necropsied 10 to 29 days after challenge exposure. None of the swine in the study had clinical signs or gross lesions of PE. Campylobacter spp were isolated from pigs with and without exposure to the ileal mucosa from pigs with PE. There was no relationship between Campylobacter spp isolation and development of lesions. Deoxyribonucleic acids extracted from embryonating chicken eggs injected with the equivalent of 0.5 mg of mucosal lesions and incubated for 4 days hybridized to a DNA probe specific for the ICR whereas DNA extracted from 1.5 mg of mucosal homogenates of the same proliferative tissue did not hybridize with the same probe. Results of these experiments indicated that ICR injected into eggs remained infective for pigs and suggest replication of ICR in the first-passage eggs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Toxin production by Pasteurella multocida isolated from rabbits with atrophic rhinitis
DiGiacomo, R.F. | Deeb, B.J. | Brodie, S.J. | Zimmerman, T.E. | Veltkamp, E.R. | Chrisp, C.E.
Naturally acquired turbinate atrophy in rabbits was associated with Pasteurella multocida infection. Several in vitro and in vivo studies were conducted to document toxin production from P. multocida isolates and to determine the relation of toxin to atrophic rhinitis in rabbits. Ten isolates of P. multocida serotype A:12 were obtained from adult New Zealand White rabbits with noninduced atrophic rhinitis. Specific-pathogen-free rabbits inoculated intranasally with isolates of P. multocida developed rhinitis and turbinate atrophy. However, inoculation with filtrates of the same bacteria failed to induce turbinate atrophy. Cytotoxicity was observed in assays, using bovine embryonic turbinate cell cultures with extracts of P. multocida, but not in agar overlay cytotoxicity assays, using bovine embryonic turbinate, bovine embryonic lung, or Vero cell cultures, or in a sandwich ELISA, using monoclonal antibodies to purified P. multocida toxin. Thus, turbinate atrophy was experimentally reproduced in rabbits with isolates of P. multocida, but toxin was only detected in vitro by cell culture assay of P. multocida extracts.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determinants of glomerular ultrafiltration in cats
Brown, S.A.
To investigate the determinants of glomerular ultrafiltration, renal micropuncture studies were performed in 9 cats. Mean single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR), directly measured in outer cortical nephrons, was 29.4 +/- 3.0 nl/min. This was similar to the estimated value for SNGFR (31.3 +/- 4.6 nl/min) obtained by dividing left kidney total glomerular filtration rate (1.41 +/- 0.12 ml/min/kg of body weight) by left glomerular count (175,200 +/- 13,600 glomeruli/kidney). In micropuncture studies performed at mean renal perfusion pressure of 101.3 +/-1.0 mm of Hg, the glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure was 58.0 +/- 1.4 mm of Hg. The glomerular transcapillary hydrostatic pressure gradient (40.0 +/- 1.8 mm of Hg) exceeded colloid osmotic pressure at the efferent end of the glomerular capillaries (28.4 +/- 2.1 mm of Hg) in all cats studied, indicating existence of positive effective filtration pressure throughout the glomerular capillary bed. These results indicate that glomerular capillary pressure is sufficiently high to prevent forces from reaching filtration pressure equilibrium in feline outer cortical nephrons. Thus, the value of SNGFR in feline nephrons depends on the glomerular transcapillary hydrostatic pressure gradient and the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Immunoglobulins in stimulated tears of dogs
Ginel, P.J. | Novales, M. | Garcia, M. | Martin, E.M. | Lopez, R. | Molleda, J.M.
Immunoelectrophoresis and single radial immunodiffusion were used to identify and measure tear immunoglobulin concentrations in 50 healthy dogs. Immunoglobulin A and IgG were detected in all samples analyzed, whereas IgM was not detected in any sample. Mean IgA concentration was 25.28 +/- 1.9 mg/dl, adult dogs (> 18 months) having significantly higher mean value. The IgA concentration related to age had significant (P < 0.006) positive correlation; mean IgG concentration was 23.10 +/- 1.72 mg/dl. Linear correlation analysis revealed significant (P < 0.0007) correlation coefficient between tear total protein and IgA concentrations. The IgA and IgG concentrations also were significantly (P < 0.0001) correlated when expressed as milligrams per 100 mg of protein. Relation with sex was not established for either immunoglobulin.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Capacitation-like membrane changes and prolonged viability in vitro of equine spermatozoa cultured with uterine tube epithelial cells
Ellington, J.E. | Ball, B.A. | Blue, B.J. | Wilker, C.E.
Reliable capacitation of equine spermatozoa has been a major obstacle in the development of equine in vitro fertilization. Experiments were done to compare in vitro capacitation of equine spermatozoa by use of heparin/caffeine, calcium ionophore, uterine tube epithelial cell (UTEC)-conditioned medium, and direct culturing of spermatozoa with UTEC (coculturing). Capacitation-like changes, as determined by chlortetracycline membrane staining patterns, developed with UTEC-conditioned medium and coculturing, equivalent to that with calcium ionophore. Both of these treatments induced more (P < 0.05) capacitation-like changes than did the control, a modified Tyrode's medium. More (P < 0.05) spermatozoa were viable after 24 hours of UTEC coculturing than in the control incubation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Immunocytochemical localization of type A influenza virus nucleoprotein in chicken kidney, using freeze substitution technique for tissue fixation
Inpanbutr, N. | Slemons, R.D.
Kidney tissues were removed from euthanatized mature White Leghorn chickens 4 days after iv inoculation with type A influenza virus. The kidney tissues were then fixed at -70 C, using a freeze substitution technique. Type A influenza virus nucleoprotein was readily detected in the nuclei and cytoplasm of the proximal and distal tubular epithelial cells by immunocytochemistry, and the sharpness of the immunomarker in the cells indicated minimal antigen migration during fixation and tissue section preparation. This tissue fixation technique also resulted in good preservation of cellular morphology. The freeze substitution technique of tissue fixation is an excellent alternative to cryostat-cut acetone-fixed tissue sections or conventional chemical fixation of paraffin-embedded tissues for in situ immunocytochemical localization of type A influenza virus nucleoprotein antigen.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Controlled tests of activity of several antiparasitic compounds against natural infections of Haemonchus contortus and other helminths in lambs from a flock established in 1962
Lyons, E.T. | Drudge, J.H. | Tolliver, S.C. | Stamper, S.
Antiparasitic activity of several compounds was evaluated over a long period (about 25 years) in the same flock of sheep. Haemonchus contortus was of special interest, including its relation to drug resistance, especially to thiabendazole and other benzimidazoles, in addition to phenothiazine. Eleven compounds were evaluated in 15 controlled tests, done between 1966 and 1989 in naturally infected lambs (n = 145) born and raised on the same pasture. Sheep were first placed on the pasture in 1962, and a few more were added thereafter. Internal parasites in these sheep were classified in 3 general categories: indeterminate exposure to parasiticides; H contortus, resistant to thiabendazole; and H contortus, resistant to phenothiazine. The parasitic infections probably became more homogeneous after several years because of few introductions of outside sheep after initial establishment of the flock. Activity against naturally acquired internal helminths was evaluated for cambendazole (CBZ: dosage, 20 mg/kg of body weight), fenbendazole (FBZ: 5 or 7.5 mg/kg), mebendazole (MBZ: 10 mg/kg); oxfendazole (OFZ: 3.5 or 10 mg/kg), oxibendazole (OBZ: 10 mg/kg); parbendazole (PBZ: 15 mg/kg), phenothiazine (PTZ: 550 mg/kg); pyrantel pamoate (PRT: 25 mg base/kg), tetramizole (TET: 15 mg/kg); thiabendazole (TBZ: 30 or 44 mg/kg), and trichlorfon (TCF: 100 mg/kg). Thiabendazole was used more often (9 tests) than the other compounds. Thiabendazole was more active against mature H contortus in later years than when first used in 1966, although it was never 100% effective. Efficacy against immature H contortus for TBZ did not exceed 86%. Activity against immature and mature stages of this parasite was good overall for the other benzimidazoles. Results indicated no definite side resistance of non-TBZ benzimidazoles for this species. Removal of both stages of H contortus was generally low for PTZ. For the other nonbenzimidazoles (PRT, TET, and TCF), efficacy against immature and mature H contortus was 93 to 100%, except for 1 test with PRT (79% on mature worms) and 1 with TCF (77% on immature worms). With regard to other abomasal parasites, activity for the compounds tested against 2 species of Ostertagia was greater than or equal to 97%, with 1 exception; numbers of these parasites in nontreated lambs were less than numbers of H contortus. All compounds, except PTZ and TCF, were effective against a third species, Trichostrongylus axei. Activity against several species of intestinal parasites, most present in low numbers, was determined for 5 compounds (TCF, TBZ, CBZ, PTZ, and PRT) in 5 rests. Thiabendazole, CBZ, and PRT were highly effective against trichostrongylus, with a few exceptions. Trichlorfon and PTZ had overall less activity against trichostrongylus than did the other products. Against trichurids, PRT and TCF were highly efficacious.
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