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Reversibility of furazolidone-induced cardiotoxicosis in ducklings
Webb, D.M. | Van Vleet, J.F.
Furazolidone cardiotoxicosis was induced in 2 groups (FZ and FZ-CR groups) of newly hatched male Pekin ducklings (100/group) by feeding a ration containing 650 mg of furazolidone/kg of feed (ppm) for 28 days. A third group (control ration, CR group; n = 100) was fed the same ration without furazolidone. On day 28, the control ration was initiated for the FZ-CR group initially given the furazolidone-containing ration, to allow recovery from the effects of the drug, whereas ducklings of the FZ group continued to consume the furazolidone-containing ration. Biweekly, beginning with week 4, ducklings were euthanatized to assess severity of gross lesions and to obtain sections of myocardium for histologic and ultrastructural examination. Clinical evidence (increased weight gain, increased feed consumption, decreased mortality, reduced prevalence of palpable ascites) of regression of cardiotoxicosis of ducklings of the FZ-CR group was nearly complete by day 56 (28 days after cessation of furazolidone intake). Likewise, regression of gross lesions, as measured by overall prevalence of gross lesions, left ventricular volume, and ascites prevalence and severity, were also essentially complete by day 56. Myofibrillar lysis was not seen in sections from the heart (examined ultrastructurally) obtained from ducklings of the CR group that were euthanatized on day 28, 56, or 98. Myofibrillar lysis was detected in all ducklings (4/4) fed furazolidone (FZ and FZ-CR groups) and euthanatized on day 28. Myofibrillar lysis was not seen in the heart of ducklings of the FZ-CR group that were euthanatized on day 56 or 98. Myofibrillar lysis was detected in the heart from all ducklings of the FZ group that were euthanatized on day 56. Leptomeres were observed in cardiac myocytes of ducklings that had been fed furazolidone, but not in those fed only the control ration. Our clinical, gross pathologic, and ultrastructural findings indicate that regression of the cardiac lesions of furazolidone toxicosis may be essentially complete by 28 days after cessation of furazolidone intake. Our ultrastructural findings indicate that furazolidone consumption may result in cardiac dilatation by altering myofibrillar/cytoskeletal attachments of myocytes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of whole-body potassium depletion on plasma, erythrocyte, and middle gluteal muscle potassium concentration of healthy, adult horses
Johnson, P.J. | Goetz, T.E. | Foreman, J.H. | Vogel, R.S. | Hoffmann, W.E. | Baker, G.J.
The effects of whole-body potassium depletion induced by food deprivation on plasma, erythrocyte, and middle gluteal muscle K concentrations was quantified in 16 healthy, adult horses before, during, and at the end of a 7-day period of food deprivation during which water and sodium chloride were available ad libitum. Potassium concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Plasma K concentration remained constant (3.49 +/- 0.09 mM K/L of plasma; mean +/- SEM) throughout the study. Erythrocyte potassium concentration decreased from 93.10 +/- 1.94 mM K/L of erythrocytes on day 0 to 88.63 +/- 2.39 mM K/L of erythrocytes on day 2 (decrease of 4.8%; P < 0.05) and thereafter did not change. The K concentration of the middle gluteal muscle decreased from 91.06 +/- 2.96 micromole K/g of muscle (wet weight) to 79.61 +/- 2.09 micromole K/g of muscle (decrease of 12.6%; P < 0.05) on day 4 and decreased further on day 7 to 73.62 +/- 1.85 micromole K/g of muscle (decrease of 19.2%; P < 0.05). There was no correlation between the plasma and erythrocyte K concentrations (r = -0.066), the erythrocyte and middle gluteal muscle K concentrations (r = 0.167), or the plasma and middle gluteal muscle potassium concentrations (r = -0.018). The water content of the middle gluteal muscle remained constant (73.23 +/- 0.36%) throughout the study. Erythrocyte membrane potential did not change (-99.26 +/- 0.87 mV) during the study, whereas the magnitude of the membrane potential of the middle gluteal muscle decreased from -105.84 t 1.67 mV on day 0 to -100.93 +/- 2.10 mV on day 7 (P < 0.05).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of hyperlipemia on radioimmunoassays for progesterone, testosterone, thyroxine, and cortisol in serum and plasma samples from dogs
Lee, D.E. | Lamb, S.V. | Reimers, T.J.
Hyperlipemic serum and plasma samples often are received by clinical laboratories for endocrinologic analysis by radioimmunoassay. We designed a study to determine what effect, if any, hyperlipemia has on estimation of lipid-soluble hormone concentrations determined by solid-phase radioimmunoassays. Progesterone, testosterone, thyroxine, and cortisol concentrations were determined in canine plasma and serum with various degrees of lipemia. Samples of serum, heparinized plasma, and EDTA-treated plasma were obtained from blood collected from 4 female and 4 male Beagles by use of evacuated tubes. To induce hyperlipemia in vitro, IV fat emulsion was diluted in deionized water to produce 0 (water only), 33, 67, or 100% mixtures. Twenty microliters of each mixture then was added to the subsamples of serum and plasma from each dog. Hormone concentrations were determined, using validated radioimmunoassays. Triglyceride concentrations were determined by enzymatic assay. Addition of IV fat emulsion in vitro was an accurate and reproducible means of altering triglyceride concentrations in the samples. Triglyceride concentrations as high as 700 mg/dl had no effect on radioimmunoassays for progesterone, testosterone, and thyroxine in serum, heparinized plasma, or EDTA-treated plasma. Addition of 100% (but not 33 or 67%) fat emulsion reduced the mean cortisol concentration in heparinized plasma by 12% (P < 0.05). This severe hyperlipemia did not affect quantification of cortisol in serum or EDTA-treated plasma.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of age on the concentrations of amino acids in the plasma of healthy foals
Zicker, S.C. | Spensley, M.S. | Rogers, Q.R. | Willits, N.H.
The concentrations of 23 amino acids in the plasma of 13 healthy foals were determined before suckling, when foals were 1 to 2 days old, 5 to 7 days old, 12 to 14 days old, and 26 to 28 days old. The ratio of the branched chain amino acids to the aromatic amino acids was also calculated at the 5 time points. Analysis of the concentrations at the 5 ages revealed a significant temporal relationship for each amino acid ranging from a polynomial order of 1 to 4 inclusively. There were significant differences between several concentrations of amino acids in plasma at specific sample times; however, no consistent patterns were revealed. The concentrations of amino acids in healthy foals were markedly different from previously determined values in adult horses. The significant differences in the concentrations of amino acids in plasma of healthy foals at the 5 ages may represent developmental aspects of amino acid metabolism or nutrition.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of midazolam preanesthetic administration on thiamylal induction requirement in dogs
Tranquilli, W.J. | Graning, L.M. | Thurmon, J.C. | Benson, G.J. | Moum, S.G. | Lentz, E.L.
The thiamylal sparing effect of midazolam was studied in 30 healthy Beagle and mixed-breed dogs. Using a replicated Latin square design, all dogs were given placebo (saline solution) and 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg of midazolam/kg of body weight prior to IV administration of thiamylal sodium. The 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg dosages significantly decreased the amount of thiamylal required to obtund swallowing reflex and easily achieve endotracheal intubation. Midazolam at 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg reduced thiamylal requirement by 16.4% and 18.9%, respectively, whereas the 0.05 mg/kg dosage decreased thiamylal requirement by only 6.8%. The 0.2 mg/kg dosage did not further decrease thiamylal requirement beyond that achieved with the 0.1 mg/kg dosage of midazolam. This study demonstrates that the preanesthetic IV administration of midazolam reduces the thiamylal dose necessary to accomplish intubation. The optimal preanesthetic dosage (lowest dosage with significant effect) was 0.1 mg/kg.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Acute hemolytic anemia induced by oral administration of indole in ponies
Paradis, M.R. | Breeze, R.G. | Laegreid, W.W. | Bayly, W.M. | Counts, D.F.
Eight ponies were allotted to 2 groups of 4. Group-1 ponies (1-4) were given 0.2 g of indole/kg of body weight orally and group-2 ponies (5 to 8) were given 0.1 g of indole/kg. Various physical, hematologic, and physiologic measurements were obtained after administration of indole. Intravascular hemolysis and hemoglobinuria were detected in both groups within 24 hours of dosing. Hemolysis was reflected by decreases in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC count, and an increase in indirect bilirubin. Erythrocyte fragility appeared to increase in both groups at 8 hours after dosing and peaked at 16 hours after dosing. At 72 hours after dosing, the RBC fragility value was less than predose measurements. Heinz body formation was noticed in group-2 ponies, but not in group 1. Plasma indole concentrations increased in both groups from the nondetectable predose concentrations. Group-1 values were 203% of group-2 values. In group 2, plasma indole was nondetectable by 12 hours, whereas low concentrations could still be measured in the group-1 ponies at 24 hours. Ponies in group 1 died or were euthanatized between 24 and 72 hours after dosing, whereas group-2 ponies were euthanatized between 48 and 120 hours. At necropsy, all body fat, mucous membranes, and elastic tissue were stained yellow. Hemoglobinuric nephrosis was the most prominent microscopic lesion. Results of this study indicated that indole, a metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan, causes acute intravascular hemolysis in ponies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Differences in signs and lesions in sheep and goats with enterotoxemia induced by intraduodenal infusion of Clostridium perfringens type D
Blackwell, T.E. | Butler, D.G. | Prescott, J.F. | Wilcock, B.P.
Enterotoxemia was induced in 4 lambs and 4 goat kids by continuous intraduodenal infusion of a whole culture of Clostridium perfringens type D. Clinical signs, hematologic values, biochemical alterations, and postmortem lesions in the lambs and goat kids were compared. The 4 lambs and 4 goat kids died within 25 hours of beginning the infusions. Lesions were not observed in the gastrointestinal tract of the 4 lambs; however, severe hemorrhagic enterocolitis was found in the 4 goat kids. This difference between the lambs and goat kids in the lesions caused by experimentally induced enterotoxemia may explain the discrepancies reported between sheep and goats in clinical signs, response to treatment, and efficacy of vaccination observed in naturally induced enterotoxemia in the 2 species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Hematologic values of captive Mexican wolves
Drag, M.D.
Hematologic reference values were determined for a captive population of 11 Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi). Wolf pups from 4 to 24 weeks old had progressive age-related increases in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, mean cell volume, and RBC counts similar to those seen in domestic dog pups (C familiaris). Hematologic indices in wolves older than 24 weeks were comparable to those of the adult domestic dog; however, PCV, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC counts were higher.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chemoprophylactic effects of milbemycin oxime against larvae of Dirofilaria immitis during prepatent development
Grieve, R.B. | Frank, G.R. | Stewart, V.A. | Parsons, J.C. | Belasco, D.L. | Hepler, D.I.
Three studies were conducted to determine the efficacy of milbemycin oxime in the prevention of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs. Dogs were given single or multiple experimental inoculations with infective third-stage D immitis larvae and were treated with milbemycin oxime at a target dosage of 0.5 mg/kg of body weight either once or at monthly intervals at various times after inoculation. The compound was effective in preventing infection when 1 dose was administered 30 or 45 days after inoculation. Significant, but incomplete, protection was achieved when single treatments were administered 60 or 90 days after inoculation. Multiple monthly treatments beginning 60 days after inoculation appeared to provide additive effects that resulted in restoration of complete efficacy.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of repeated phlebotomy on iron status of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Mandell, C.P. | George, J.W.
Iron status, as determined by hematologic values, serum iron concentration, total iron-binding capacity, and zinc protoporphyrin concentration, was determined in 2 groups of 6 nonpregnant monkeys. Monkeys of groups 1 and 2 had 10 and 5%, respectively, of their blood volume withdrawn per week for up to 10 weeks or until blood hemoglobin concentration was less than or equal to 10 g/dl. A third group of 6 monkeys served as controls. The majority (8/12) of the monkeys became anemic (hemoglobin concentration, less than or equal to 10 g/dl) after approximately 30 to 70% (mean, 49%) of their blood volume was removed. Anemia was accompanied by decrease in serum iron concentration and percentage of transferrin saturation. Microcytosis, hypochromasia, and increased zinc protoporphyrin concentration, all hematologic characteristics of iron deficiency, developed later. The calculated iron stores ranged from 1 to 133 mg, with mean value of 51 mg. Iron-depleted monkeys had mean calculated available iron store of 20.8 mg, whereas iron-replete monkeys had mean available iron store of 114.0 mg. Changes were not observed in monkeys of the control group during the study period. None of the baseline hematologic or biochemical analytes measured were good predictors of iron stores. The diet used at the research center did not provide sufficient iron to prevent iron deficiency in most of the monkeys from which a total amount of 30 to 70% of blood volume at 5 or 10%/week was withdrawn. Studies requiring that much blood may need to be modified to include iron supplementation, reduction of sample volume, or iron replacement after termination of projects.
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