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Changes in phospholipids of alveolar lining material in calves after aerosol exposure to bovine herpesvirus-1 or parainfluenza-3 virus.
Engen R.L. | Brown T.T. Jr.
Pulmonary lavage samples were collected from 90- to 130-day-old calves before and 6 days after aerosol inoculation with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) or parainfluenza-3 (PI3) virus. Alveolar lining material was separated from lavage fluids by high-speed centrifugation and phospholipids were extracted from alveolar lining material and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were 74.2 +/- 6.5% and 13.3 +/- 2.8%, respectively, of the total phospholipid content in the surfactant obtained from calves before virus inoculation. Other phospholipids were represented by substantially lower percentages. Infection with either of the 2 viruses caused a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the percentage of phosphatidylcholine to 66.0 +/- 8.0% and 65.1 +/- 10.8% in the calves inoculated with BHV-1 and PI3 virus, respectively. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in the percentage of phosphatidylethanolamine to 18.1 +/- 2.2% and 17.8 +/- 4.5% developed in calves inoculated with BHV-1 and PI3 virus, respectively. Infection with BHV-1 also induced an increase (not significant) in the percentage of phosphatidylinositol from 5.5 +/- 2.8% to 7.8 +/- 2.2%. A similar, but not significant, increase in the percentage of phosphatidylinositol was also seen in the calves inoculated with PI3 virus. Less substantial changes in the percentage of other phospholipids were detected after virus infection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Association between solar radiation and ocular squamouns cell carcinoma in cattle.
Anderson D.E. | Badzioch M.
The association between ocular squamous cell tumors and various measures of solar radiation was evaluated for 2,775 contemporaneous Hereford cattle. The animals were from 34 herds located in 21 states in the United States and in one Canadian province. Examinations and photographs were made of the eyes of all cows and heifers in a herd; 33 herds were examined between June and August 1957 and 1 herd was examined in 1958. Solar radiation was measured by altitude and mean annual hours of sunshine applying to an individual herd, and global radiation, a cloudiness index, and elevation of nearby National Weather Service stations. All measures of solar radiation provided evidence of a significant association between increasing risks of developing cancer eye and increasing levels of radiation; adjustments were made for possible confounding effects of age and corneoscleral pigmentation. Associations were evident whether affliction was defined as the occurrence of any type of tumor (ie, plaque, papilloma, or carcinoma), or as the occurrence of only papilloma or carcinoma. Average ages of affected cattle also tended to be lower at high radiation levels than at low levels, further supporting the hypothesis that solar radiation has an important role in the development of this disease. In view of the heritability of eye pigmentation and its inhibitory effect on lesions, cancer eye may be controlled by selective breeding for increased pigmentation in and around the eye to afford protection against the harmful effects of incident UV radiation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Description of a scale for rating the clinical response of cattle poisoned by larkspur.
Olsen J.D. | Sisson D.V.
Larkspur poisoning is a major cause of acute death of cattle on mountain and high plains rangelands of western United States. A nonlethal method to quantify dose response in cattle is needed to better estimate the toxicity of larkspur plants and the response of cattle to larkspur poisoning and to provide a basis for reference during studies. A numerical system of rating the clinical signs of larkspur poisoning was developed and used to describe the response of 10 Hereford cows given a repeated single daily dose of larkspur (Delphinium occidentale X barbeyi) by gavage. Larkspur poisoning resulted from a short-term cumulative effect, and a statistically significant increase in score was essentially maximal by 4 days. At the dose given, this effect did not persist for more than 4 days after cessation of dosing. Poisoning was most severe between 5 and 9 hours after dosing. Early signs of poisoning can be subtle and sometimes brief. The effect of larkspur poisoning can be exacerbated temporarily by exertion. Therefore, cattle could probably repeatedly consume an otherwise toxic daily dose, without manifesting marked signs of poisoning, if consumption decreased to a sufficient degree intermittently at 2- to 4-day intervals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Electrophysiologic studies of the cutaneous innvervation of the pelvic limb of male dogs.
Haghighi S.S. | Kitchell R.L. | Johnson R.D. | Bailey C.S. | Spurgeon T.L.
The area of skin supplied by the afferent fibers in one cutaneous nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) for that nerve. The CA of peripheral branches of lumbar and sacral spinal nerves responsive to the stimulation of hair follicle mechanoreceptors were mapped in 27 dogs. The amount of overlap among the CA was similar to that found for other CA of the body. The CA of peripheral branches of the sciatic nerve were restricted to the lateral, cranial, and caudal aspects of the pelvic limb distal to the stifle. The CA of the saphenous nerve was located on the medial side of the limb, except for a small area located on the lateral side of the crus. The distal part of the CA of the saphenous nerve was completely overlapped in the hind paw by branches of the superficial peroneal nerve laterally and the medial plantar branch of the tibial nerve medially. The CA for the deep peroneal nerve was located on the dorsal surface of the webbing between digits 2 and 3 and the adjacent skin of these digits. The CA of the plantar branches of the tibial nerve were small in comparison with the diameter of the nerve, suggesting that these branches contained nerve fibers supplying other, deeper structures in the hindpaw and that damage to these nerves would interfere with cutaneous sensation in only a small region on the plantar surface of the hindpaw. Knowledge of the CA of the various branches of the sciatic nerve allows more accurate localization of injury to the sciatic nerve or its branches by using areas of anesthesia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Postnatal development of the visual-evoked potential in dogs.
Strain G.M. | Jackson R.M. | Tedford B.L.
Recordings of visual-evoked potentials that were induced by flashes of white light were obtained from 13 Beagle pups to document the development of the response from age 7 to 100 days. Responses were recorded between needle electrodes placed on the nuchal crest and the interorbital line, with ground at the vertex. Five alternating positive (P) and negative (N) peaks were observed in most visual-evoked potentials: P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3. Responses were recorded from 2 pups prior to opening of the eyelids. Recordings were performed without sedation or dark adaptation. Peak latencies were essentially mature (equal to those of adult dogs) by day 11 for P1, and by day 38 for N1, and P2. The latencies to N2 and P3 did not reach adult values by day 100, but did reach plateau values by day 43. The P1-N1, amplitude measurements reached mature levels by day 14, whereas N1-P2 amplitudes were mature by day 32. The P2-N2 and N2-P3 amplitudes reached plateaus that greatly exceeded adult amplitudes by days 50 and 58, respectively. Maturation of visual-evoked potential responses paralleled reported morphologic development of the visual cortex. All of the measured latency and amplitude values had significant (P less than or equal to 0.004) linear regression lines of latency vs age or amplitude vs age.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of alpha-ketoisocaproate on adrenocorticotropin-induced suppression of lymphocyte function in sheep.
Kuhlman G. | Roth J.A. | Nissen S.
Previous studies of the amino acid analogue, alpha-ketoisocaproate (KIC), indicate that it can stimulate lymphocyte blastogenesis and antibody responses of sheep. To determine whether KIC could overcome the effects of adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH)-induced lymphocyte suppression, 24 lambs were fed a control diet, a diet supplemented with 0.05% KIC, or a diet supplemented with 0.05% of the parent amino acid leucine. Immune status was monitored by determining lymphocyte blastogenic responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin-P (PHA), concanavalin A (conA), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and percentages of T-cell subsets in the blood, using monoclonal antibodies and a flow cytometer. Serum cortisol, insulin, and glucagon concentrations also were determined. After 60 days of consuming the respective diet, lambs were administered either saline solution or ACTH (100 IU) twice daily for 3 consecutive days. Administration of ACTH increased serum cortisol and insulin concentrations; however, no effects were seen for serum glucagon concentration. Compared with saline administration, ACTH administration significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte blastogenesis by approximately 50%, regardless of the mitogen used, and significantly (P < 0.01) decreased the percentage of circulating T lymphocytes and decreased (P < 0.01) the ratio of T4 to T8 cells. Lambs fed KIC had greater PHA- and conA-stimulated blastogenic responses and significantly (P < 0.05) increased ratio of T4 to T8 cells in the blood, compared with lambs fed the leucine-supplemented diet or the control diet and given corresponding injections. These data indicate that ACTH decreased in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis and altered the subset ratios of blood lymphocytes in sheep. These changes were partially prevented by feeding KIC.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of adult dog serum as a substitute for colostrum in the neonatal dog.
Poffenbarger E.M. | Olson P.N. | Chandler M.L. | Seim H.B. | Varman M.
Failure to obtain passive transfer of immunity via colostrum can be detrimental to the health and survival of a young pup. It has been stated that pups that do not receive colostrum in the first 2 days after birth, be given adult dog serum as a source of protective immunoglobulins. Twenty-five Beagle pups were obtained by cesarean section from 6 Beagle bitches. The pups were allotted to 3 groups at birth. Group 1 was a control group and was allowed to suckle colostrum. Group-2 pups received 22 ml of pooled adult dog serum/kg of body weight (10 ml/lb) SC at birth. Group-3 pups were given 22 ml of pooled adult dog serum/kg by stomach tube at birth. Pups from groups 2 and 3 were separated from the bitch for 48 hours to prevent colostral antibody absorption and were fed a commercially available milk replacer by stomach tube. After 48 hours, all pups were returned to the bitch until they were weaned at 6 weeks of age. Blood samples were collected from all of the pups at birth and on days 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35. The concentration of IgA, IgG, and IgM in serum was determined by radial immunodiffusion and compared by use of a one-way analysis of variance. The control pups had significantly higher serum concentrations of IgA and IgG, than the pups in groups 2 and 3 on days 1 and 2 and 2 and 7, respectively. Group-2 pups had significantly higher serum IgM concentrations on day 1 than either group 1- or group-3 pups.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of milk stasis on Brucella abortus infection of the mammary gland in goats.
Meador V.P. | Deyoe B.L.
To compare the effects of milk stasis and milk flow on Brucella abortus infection of the mammary gland under the same systemic conditions, primiparous goats (n = 5) were inoculated IV with B abortus on the day of parturition, and suckling by their neonates was restricted to one mammary gland. Goats were euthanatized and necropsied at 3 weeks after inoculation, and milk, mammary glands, and supramammary lymph nodes were evaluated by bacteriologic, histologic, and immunoenzymatic staining techniques. Nonnursed mammary glands had high titers of brucellae in milk, moderate interstitial mastitis, and brucellar antigen in macrophages located primarily in alveolar and ductal lumina. Brucellae often filled the macrophage cytoplasm. In contrast, nursed mammary glands had fewer brucellae in milk, minimal inflammatory changes, and no detectable brucellar antigen in histologic sections. Hyperplastic changes were only seen in supramammary lymph nodes draining nonnursed mammary glands; these contained more brucellae than lymph nodes draining nursed mammary glands. These studies show that milk stasis may be the sole cause of increased susceptibility of nonnursed mammary glands to B abortus infection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Frequency and severity of osteochondrosis in horses with cervical stenotic myelopathy.
Stewart R.H. | Reed S.M. | Weisbrode S.E.
We compared the frequency and severity of osteochondrosis lesions in young Thoroughbred horses with cervical stenotic myelopathy (CSM) vs that in clinically normal Thoroughbreds of the same age. All lesions of the cervical vertebrae and appendicular skeleton were classified histologically as osteochondrosis or nonosteochondrosis and were measured for severity. Minimal sagittal diameter was significantly smaller in horses with CSM from C2 through C6; no difference was detected at C7. Severity of cervical vertebral osteochondrosis was greater in the horses with CSM, however frequency was not different. Frequency and severity of nonosteochondrosis lesions were not different in cervical vertebrae or appendicular skeleton. Frequency and severity of appendicular skeleton osteochondrosis lesions were both greater in horses with CSM. Osteochondrosis and nonosteochondrosis lesions were more severe on facets at sites of compression than on facets at noncompressed sites in horses with CSM. However, compression was also observed at sites with no articular facet lesions. The association of widespread osteochondrosis and spinal canal narrowing with CSM suggests CSM may represent a systemic failure in the development or maturation of cartilage and bone.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of a live avirulent Escherichia coli vaccine for K88+, LT+ enterotoxigenic colibacillosis in weaned pigs.
Francis D.H. | Willgohs J.A.
Live, avirulent Escherichia coli vaccine strains were constructed and tested for efficacy in preventing colibacillosis in 4-week-old pigs. Either or both of 2 plasmids were inserted into avirulent E coli strain G58-1 (0101:NM). These plasmids were pPMC4, which encodes for LTb subunits of heat-labile enterotoxin, and pDHF1, which encodes for K88ac fimbriae. Litter- and weight-matched pigs were removed from sows when they were 10 days old and vaccinated orally with the constructed strains or with G58-1 (negative control vaccine) when they were 2 weeks old and 5 days later. All pigs were challenge-inoculated with virulent E coli strain 3030-2 (0157:K88, LT+, STb+) 2 weeks after the first vaccination. Only 1 pig vaccinated with G58-1/pPMC4/pDHF1 developed diarrhea and none died following challenge inoculation. Seventeen of 31 control pigs developed diarrhea and 11 died. Of 18 pigs vaccinated with G58-1/pDHF1 then challenge-inoculated with the virulent strain, 5 developed diarrhea and 2 died. Fifteen of 18 litter- and weight-matched controls developed diarrhea and 8 died. When compared with G58-1 (negative control), G58-1/pPMC4 afforded no protection to pigs challenge-inoculated with 3030-2.
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