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Acute effects of anti-inflammatory drugs on neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser-induced uveitis in dogs
Millichamp, N.J. | Dziezyc, J. | Rohde, B.H. | Chiou, G.C.Y. | Smith, W.B.
Dogs were treated with flunixin meglumine, a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor; L-651,896, a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor; and matrine, a herbal anti-inflammatory drug. Acute inflammation was induced in the eyes by disruption of the anterior lens capsule, using a neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser. Intraocular pressure, pupil diameter, and eicosanoid production in the aqueous humor were measured. Statistically significant effects were seen in the eyes of flunixin meglumine-treated dogs where mydriasis was maintained and aqueous prostaglandin E2 concentration was reduced.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Antagonistic effect of atipamezole on xylazine-induced sedation, bradycardia, and ruminal atony in calves
Thompson, J.R. | Kersting, K.W. | Hsu, W.H.
Three doses of an alpha2-adrenoreceptor antagonist, atipamezole, were administered to reverse xylazine-induced sedation, bradycardia, and ruminal atony in calves. Once a week for 4 weeks, each of 6 calves was administered IV 1 treatment of:0.3 mg of xylazine/kg of body weight, followed in 10 minutes by 1 ml of 0.9% NaCl; 0.3 mg of xylazine/kg, followed in 10 minutes by 3 microgram of atipamezole/kg; 0.3 mg of xylazine/kg, followed in 10 minutes by 10 microgram of atipamezole/kg; or 0.3 mg of xylazine/kg, followed in 10 minutes by 30 microgram of atipamezole/kg. The order of the 4 treatments in each calf was selected at random. Xylazine alone caused lateral recumbency for 33.6 +/- 7.1 minutes (mean +/-SEM). Atipamezole administered at dosages of 3, 10, and 30 microgram/kg shortened xylazine-induced lateral recumbency to 20.5 +/- 3.0, 10.2 +/- 0.2, and 9.3 +/- 0.5 minutes, respectively. Calves given xylazine alone stood at > 60 minutes after the onset of recumbency. Atipamezole given at 3, 10, and 30 microgram/kg shortened the time from onset of lateral recumbency to standing to 40.2 +/- 6.9, 12.8 +/- 1.1, and 10.0 +/- 0.7 minutes, respectively. Drowsiness was found in calves given the lowest dosage of atipamezole (3 microgram/kg) after the calves stood. Atipamezole given at dosages of 10 and 30 microgram/kg reversed xylazine-induced ruminal atony in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, 30 microgram of atipamezole/kg reversed xylazine-induced bradycardia, but the lower dosages of this antagonist did not. Results indicated that 30 microgram of atipamezole/kg should be a useful antidote for xylazine overdose in cattle.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Seroprevalence of ovine progressive pneumonia virus in various domestic and wild animal species, and species susceptibility to the virus
Cutlip, R.C. | Lehmkuhl, H.D. | Brogden, K.A. | Schmerr, M.J.F.
Ovine progressive pneumonia is caused by a lentivirus of known infectivity only for sheep and goats. Virus susceptibility of 11 other species of animals was examined. Species included cattle, chickens, deer, dogs, goats, hamsters, horses, mice, pigs, rabbits, and rats. Of these species, only goats and rabbits could be experimentally infected with the virus. The infection in rabbits was acute, and virus did not persist or induce antibody production as it does in sheep and goats. Sera obtained from several people working in close contact with the virus and from several wild species, with unknown exposure history, were tested for antibodies to viral antigens. All results were negative. Knowledge of the host range of this virus is important for scientific studies and for virus eradication programs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of affinity of Pasteurella multocida isolates for porcine respiratory tract mucus, and partial characterization of the receptors
Letellier, A. | Dubreuil, D. | Roy, G. | Fairbrother, J.M. | Jacques, M.
The ability of 25 Pasteurella multocida isolates to adhere in vitro to porcine respiratory tract mucus was examined. Microplate wells were coated with crude mucus preparation, then bacteria were added. After incubation, unbound bacteria were removed by washing, and the number of mucus-bound bacteria was estimated by quantitation of the adherent colony-forming units and by use of an ELISA. Pasteurella multocida had affinity to respiratory tract mucus, although significant differences were not observed in affinity of capsular type-A and type-D isolates. Preliminary characterization, using ultrafiltration, gel filtration chromatography, electrophoresis, and enzymatic treatments, indicated that the receptors may be a class of protein molecules of low molecular weight (< 25,000). The origin of these receptors, however, is not known at this time.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mechanical and morphometric analysis of the third carpal bone of Thoroughbreds
Young, D.R. | Richardson, D.W. | Markel, M.D. | Nunamaker, D.M.
The third carpal bone (C3) was collected from both forelimbs of 27 Thoroughbreds. On the basis of age, training, and history, specimens were assigned to 1 of 5 groups: yearling, untrained horses (group 1, n = 4); 2- to 3-year-old, untrained horses (group 2, n = 7); trained 2-year-old horses (group 3, n = 6); trained 3-year-old horses (group 4, n = 6); and 3-year-old, trained horses with carpal pathologic features (group 5, n = 4). A transverse section of subchondral bone 5-mm thick was cut in a precise fashion 10 mm below the proximal articular surface of all specimens. After high-detail radiography was done, indentation testing was performed on the proximal surface of the section at points 5 mm apart. The stiffness of the subchondral cancellous bone was determined from the slope of the load vs displacement curve. Topographic plots of stiffness measurements were compared with radiographs of each specimen. Point determinations were averaged to derive measures for the radial and intermediate facets, and for regions 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm from the dorsal margin of C3. Area fraction (1-p; p = porosity) was measured for the radial and intermediate facets, using an automated image analysis system. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in stiffness and area fraction were found in the C3 from trained horses (groups 3 to 5), compared with untrained horses (groups 1 to 2). Stiffness and area fraction of the radial facet of pathologic C3 were significantly higher than the same variables measured in C. from any other group. A typical profile of regional subchondral stiffness was identified in C3 from normal horses, with maximal stiffness measured 10 mm from the dorsal articular margin. A different pattern was found in pathologic C3, with significantly greater stiffness 15 and 20 mm from the dorsal articular margin when compared with normal horses. A highly significant (P < 0.0001) direct linear correlation between stiffness and area fraction at the radial facet was found. Topographic and radiographic analysis demonstrated good correlation between stiffness and radiographic density of the bone sections. The observed patterns of normal and pathologic C3 were contrasted. In particular, a large gradient in sub-chondral stiffness was identified in pathologic C3 at the dorsomedial aspect of the bone.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Urine-blood carbon dioxide tension gradient in healthy dogs
Shaw, D.H.
The urine-blood carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) gradient was measured in 10 healthy mature Beagles after alkalinization of the urine by administration of sodium bicarbonate. The mean (+/- SD) urine-blood PCO2, gradient was 65.92 +/- 14.42 mm of Hg, with range of 38.2 to 82.2 mm of Hg. Mean urine PCO2, was 110.21 +/- 14.19 mm of Hg, with range of 84.1 to 127.3 mm of Hg. Because urine-blood PCO2 gradient < 30.0 mm of Hg or urine PCO2 < 55 mm of Hg in people is diagnostic for a defect in distal nephron acidification, similar values might be applicable to diseases in dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of newly developed assays for protein C and plasminogen in horses with signs of colic
Welles, E.G. | Prasse, K.W. | Moore, J.N.
Protein C content and plasminogen activity were measured in plasma from 100 horses with signs of colic. Data were analyzed by grouping horses 4 ways. Each horse was allotted to 1 of 2 outcome groups (survivors and nonsurvivors), 1 of 3 broad-category diagnosis groups (inflammatory disorders, strangulating obstructions, and all other gastrointestinal disorders), and 1 of 2 clinical management groups (medical and surgical). In a fourth grouping, all horses (although numbers of horses included in each subgroup were small) were assigned either to specific diagnostic groups that had high expectation for activated hemostasis (intestinal ischemia, endotoxemia, jugular thrombosis, peritoneal adhesions, and laminitis) or to a control group, in which active hemostasis was unlikely. Within 2 to 24 hours after admission, nonsurvivors developed lower protein C content than did survivors. Protein C content and plasminogen activity became low during hospitalization in horses with strangulating obstructions and in horses having surgery. The results from the grouping by specific diagnosis must be considered pilot data because the numbers of horses in each subgroup were small. Although not statistically significant, trends were noticed in protein C and plasminogen: (1) horses with intestinal ischemia and endotoxemia developed low protein C content and plasminogen activity, (2) protein C content became low in horses that developed peritoneal adhesions or laminitis, and (3) plasminogen activity became low in horses that developed jugular thrombosis. Low protein C content or low plasminogen activity, or both, may be useful as predictors for outcome and for these specific complications of equine colic. Protein C content and plasminogen activity were often normal at admission, but decreased by 2 to 24 hours; therefore, the hemostatic alterations appear to be an effect, rather than a cause of the gastrointestinal disorders. A return to normal values over several days may signify clinical improvement.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Morphologic study of induced osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone in horses by use of glued periosteal autografts
Vachon, A.M. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Trotter, G.W. | Norrdin, R.W. | Powers, B.E.
The use of periosteal autografts to resurface osteochondral defects was investigated in 10 horses (2 to 3 years old), and the repair tissue was characterized morphologically. Middle carpal joint arthrotomies were made, and osteochondral defects were induced bilaterally on the distal articular surface of each radial carpal bone. Each defect measured approximatively 1 cm2 and extended 3 mm into the subchondral bone plate. Residual subchondral bone plate of control and principal defects was perforated by drilling. A sterile fibrin adhesive was made by mixing a fibrinogen component and a thrombin component. A periosteal autograft was harvested from the proximal portion of the tibia and was glued onto the recipient osseous surface, with its cambium facing the joint cavity. Control defects were glued, but not grafted. Horses were walked 1 hour daily on a walker, starting at postoperative week 7 and continuing for 9 weeks. Sixteen weeks after the grafting procedure was done, carpal radiography was performed, after which horses were euthanatized. Quality of repair tissue of control and grafted defects was evaluated and compared grossly, histologically, and histochemically. Using a reticule, the proportions of various repair tissue types filling each defect were quantitated. Seven weeks after the grafting procedure was done, bilateral arthroscopy revealed synovial adhesions and marginal pannus formation in control and grafted defects. None of the autograft was found floating unattached within the respective middle carpal joints. At 16 weeks, the gross appearance of most grafted and nongrafted defects was similar, and repair was dominated by a fibrous pannus. In 4 grafted defects, bone had formed either concentrically within the defect or eccentrically in the fibrous adhesions between the defect and the joint margin. Histologically, all grafted and nongrafted defects were repaired similarly by infiltration of a mixture of fibrous tissue, fibrocartilage, and bone. Fibrous tissue was the predominant tissue in most defects and its mean proportion was 56 and 59% in the grafted and nongrafted defects, respectively. Fibrocartilaginous tissue in the deeper layers approximated 20%, and woven bone at the base of the defect was 20% in all defects. Histochemically, difference in staining for proteoglycans was not observed between grafted and nongrafted defects. Little remaining original periosteal graft tissue was evident at the defect sites. The only distinguishing feature of grafted defects was the presence of islands of bone formation either at the defect site (n = 2 horses), or in somewhat dorsally displaced tissue that was incorporated in fibrous adhesions (n = 2 horses). It was concluded that use of periosteal autograft did not improve the healing of osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone. The repair tissue produced in grafted and nongrafted defects was similar and was principally fibrous in nature.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Secretion of interleukin-1 by bovine milk macrophages
Politis, I. | McBride, B.W. | Burton, J.H. | Zhao, X. | Turner, J.D.
The relative sensitivity of bovine blood monocytes and macrophages isolated from milk to lipopolysaccharide, with respect to interleukin 1 (IL-1) production, was evaluated. Addition of lipopolysaccharide (0 to 30 microgram/ml) to theculture medium resulted in increases in secreted and intra-cellular IL-1 activity for monocytes and milk macrophages, with maximal stimulation achieved at 30 microgram oflipopolysaccharide/ml of medium. At this concentration of lipopolysaccharide, monocytes released 76% of the total IL-1, whereas milk macrophages released only 26% of the total IL-1 produced within the cell. Secretion of a small quantity of IL-1 was a common property of macrophages isolated from healthy and mastitic quarters. We concluded that limited secretion of IL-1 may render the milk macrophages less efficient in promoting lymphocyte activation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Vaccination of calves with a modified bacterin or oil-in-water emulsion containing alkali-detoxified Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide
Anderson, J. | Smith, B.P. | Ulrich, J.T.
Twenty-six clinically normal colostrum-fed dairy calves were allotted to 5 groups. Calves of groups 1 and 2 served as nonvaccinated controls and were challenge-exposed with variable numbers of organisms. Group-3 calves were vaccinated SC with a modified Salmonella typhimurium bacterin. The bacterin was composed of killed acid-hydrolyzed S typhimurium G30/C21 (Re-mutant) whole cells coated with alkali-hydrolyzed S typhimurium LT-2 lipopolysaccharide, as antigen, and monophosphoryl lipid A, as adjuvant. Calves of groups 4 and 5 were vaccinated with a 2% mineral oil-in-water emulsion containing lipopolysaccharide as antigen and monophosphoryl lipid A and trehalose 6-6'-dimycolate as adjuvants. Calves of groups 3-5 were vaccinated at 2 weeks of age and again at 4 or 6 weeks of age. Adverse reactions were not observed after vaccination. Calves were challenge-exposed orally at 6 or 8 weeks of age with 1.5 X 10(11) (groups 1 and 4), or 3.0 X 10(11) (groups 2, 3, and 5) colony-forming units of S typhimurium UCD 108-11. Mortality after challenge exposure was 2 of 5 group-1 calves; 4 of 5 group-2 calves; 5 of 6 group-3 calves; 1 of 5 group-4 calves; and 4 of 5 group-5 calves. Statistical difference between calves of similarly challenge-exposed groups was not evident, indicating failure of either vaccine to protect calves of this age from oral challenge exposure with virulent S typhimurium.
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