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Ultra-sonografia dúplex-Doppler na avaliação morfológica e hemodinâmica das artérias aorta e mesentérica cranial em cães
Cibele Figueira Carvalho | Maria Cristina Chammas | Franklin de Almeida Stermann | Nestor de Barros | Giovanni Guido Cerri
O conhecimento dos sinais normais ao ultra-som Doppler de cada vaso sanguíneo é fundamental na sua identificação. Existem poucos artigos na literatura veterinária que tratam do aspecto normal dos vasos abdominais nos cães. Com o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade técnica da aplicação do US-Doppler na avaliação da aorta abdominal e da artéria mesentérica cranial; vinte cães normais foram submetidos a este exame sem sedação. Foi descrito e avaliado o padrão de mapeamento dúplex-Doppler colorido destes vasos e os resultados comparados com aqueles descritos em literatura. Embora encontradas algumas limitações técnicas, verificamos que o US-Doppler pode ser aplicado com sucesso como meio não invasivo para a detecção de alterações no fluxo sanguíneo mesentérico em cães sem a necessidade de submete-los a contenção química.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços sob diferentes condições de manejo na região do médio Paraíba Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais
Rita de Cássia Campbell Machado Botteon | Paulo de Tarso Landgraf Botteon | Juracy de Castro Borba Santos Júnior | Melissa Hanzen Pinna | Zelson Giácomo Lóss
As principais doenças que acometem bezerros e acarretam maiores gastos com medicação e perdas por mortalidade, são diarréia, tristeza parasitária e pneumonia. Em geral, estas enfermidades estão relacionadas ao manejo inadequado e precárias condições de higiene alimentar e ambiental. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando verificar a freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços submetidos a diferentes condições de manejo. O levantamento foi efetuado de agosto de 1998 a julho de 1999, envolvendo 1974 bezerros em 20 Unidades de Produção de Leite C, localizadas no Vale do Rio Preto, entre Valença (RJ), Rio das Flores (RJ) e Rio Preto (MG). A freqüência de casos de diarréia em relação a diferentes aspectos de manejo evidenciou menor ocorrência de diarréia entre os bezerros que permaneceram com a mãe após o parto por pelo menos 24 horas, nas unidades de produção que utilizaram o sistema de aleitamento natural e naquelas propriedades em que os bezerros receberam alimentação suplementar na forma de volumoso picado e concentrado fornecidos no cocho. Em geral, estas propriedades apresentaram em relação às demais, menos vacas em lactação, menor produção de leite e mão de obra do tipo familiar, que podem ter resultado em maior controle das medidas de higiene além de mais atenção e cuidados por parte dos criadores.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Freqüência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em soros de caprinos do estado de São Paulo e sua relação com o manejo dos animais | Frequency of antibodies anti-Neospora caninum in sera of goats of the State São Paulo and its relationship with flock management
Modolo, José R. | Stachissini, Anee V.M. | Gennari, Solange M. | Dubey, Jitender P. | Langoni, Helio | Padovani, Carlos R. | Barrozo, Lígia V. | Leite, Bárbara L.S.
In order to assess the frequency of dairy goats seropositive for Neospora caninum in the state of São Paulo, and its relationship with age, sex, presence of dogs and reproductive problems in goat pens, serum samples were obtained from 923 goats of both sexes older than 3 months of age. Samples were collected in 17 properties located in different municipalities. Neospora agglutination test (NATe"25) was used to determine the presence of Neospora caninum in all animals. Epidemiological and reproductive data were obtained through a questionnaire which was administered in all goat pens. Significance level was set at 5% for all statistical tests. N. caninum positivity rate was 19.77%. Only one of the properties had no seropositive animal revealing N. caninum diffusion in the state. Seropositivity frequency did not correlate with sex, age, or reproductive problems. However, the presence of dogs was associated with a higher frequency of N. caninum seropositivity. A choroplethic map with hatch patterns showing the geographical distribution of goats seropositive for Neospora caninum may considerably contribute to geographic epidemiological studies and the development of disease control strategies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Пробиотики в кормлении сельскохозяйственной птицы
Glaskovich, M.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Data on studying of efficiency of application of immunobiological preparations on efficiency and other clinical and biochemical indicators for chickens-broilers are cited. It is established, that their application to chickens-broilers promotes increase of biological value of fowl as foodstuff and is economically expedient. Application of a preparation the Biococktail-NK in an optimum dose 0,1 - 0,2 ml/goal (10,0-20,0 million microbic bodies) has allowed to increase intensity of growth of chickens-broilers by 3,5%, to lower forage expenses for production of a gain of body weight of 1 kg on 4,95%, to raise safety of young growth of birds on 3,4 % and to lower a case of birds to 1,6% (technological norm of 5%). The carried out calculations have shown, that introduction of the Biococktail-NK in a ration of broilers is economically justified, as safety of young growth in 4th trial group has raised on 3,4%, in the third - on 2,5%, in the second - on 1,3%. On the basis of the spent research fowl of the delivered samples in which ration it was entered the probiotic Biococktail-NK from calculation 0,1 - 0,2 ml/goal (10,0-20,0 million microbic bodies) since daily age within the first 5 days into 4 cycles with an interval of 7 days till the end of the cultivation period is established, that on organoleptic, physical and chemical, bacteriological indicators, and also biological value and harmlessness does not concede to meat of control group and is good-quality. In the literature there are data about influence of biologically active substances on growth and development of bird. Despite it, about influence of probiotical and immunostimulatory preparations as separately, and in a complex with probiotics, on an organism of chickens-broilers it is not enough data that induces carrying out of scientific research in the given direction. Simultaneous use of probiotics on the basis of an intestinal stick in rations of chickens-broilers is the perspective directions. Proceeding from it, working out of new effective ways of increase of chickens-broilers efficiency with a view of reception of ecologically pure and safe products of poultry farming is actual for poultry-farming economy of Belarus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Задачи зооспециалистов по профилактике нарушений обмена веществ у высокопродуктивных животных
Zhuk, L.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Definition of quality parameters and chemical composition of feeds, evaluation their nutritional value and composing on this basis optimal rations for high productive animals are the most significant conditions for their health and production. More often metabolism disorders registers in the conditions of intensive animal production, at high dairy efficiency and intensive fattening. At animals at disorder of key parameters of technology (unbalanced feeding, hypodynamia, lack of insolation) is broken metabolism, decreases natural resistance, goes down quality of production that conducts to disease, premature culling and to the compelled slaughter of animals. On frequency these diseases occupy on the average 10% from all noncontagious diseases, and on dairy complexes with industrial technology and in specialized feeding economy at intensive cultivation on their share it is necessary over 30% of a noncontagious pathology. Today the control of rations on such indicators, as dry matter level, quantity of exchange energy, the maintenance of a crude and digested protein, amino acids, sugars, starch, cellulose, fat, macro-and microelements, vitamins, and also sugar-energy-protein and calcium-phosphoric parities, acid-base balance has got special value. The lack of those or other nutrients causes infringement of a clinical condition of animals and reduces their efficiency. Among the most widespread diseases of the animals registered in animal industry: cattle ketosis, osteodystrophy, endemic struma, hypomagnesiemia tetany, pasturable tetany, microelementosis, hypovitaminoses A and Е.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Низкоинтенсивное лазерное излучение красной области спектра при профилактике абомазоэнтеритов у телят
Kozlovskij, A.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Belko, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Ivanov, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Pajterova, V.V,, The Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Skryabin (Russian Federation)
The use of low intensive red spectrum laser radiation for prevention of abomasoenteritis in calves is effective method. As a result the increase of erythrocytes level and saturation of them with hemoglobin happens. Natural resistance with bactericide and lysozyme activity are going up phagocytosis of neutrophils is activated. The most successful method are magnet-laser radiation of blood and laser acupuncture. There was studied the low intensive red spectrum laser radiation for prevention of abomasoenteritis in calves. During the research it is established, that preventive efficiency at abomasoenteritis in the first trial group has made 80%, in the second and the third - 90%. As a result of the spent work high preventive efficiency of action of the low intensive red spectrum laser radiation is established at prescription of through-skin blood irradiations by the therapeutic laser in a combination to a constant magnetic field and as a result influences on biologically active points. Application of these ways allows to reduce level of disease of animal abomasoenteritis. As a result of physiotherapeutic influence there is content increase of erythrocytes in blood of calves and saturation their haemoglobin. Natural resistance with bactericide and lysozyme activity are going up phagocytosis of neutrophils is activated. The most successful method are magnet-laser radiation of blood and laser acupuncture. It is caused by that positive changes occurring in an organism, have been more brightly expressed and besides preventive and economic efficiency of these ways of irradiation also were at higher level. In the tabular form dynamics of morphological indicators at calves under the influence of laser radiation, dynamics of indicators of natural resistance at calves as a result of the laser therapy, some biochemical indicators of blood is presented at carrying out of research.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Паразитоценозы плотоядных и их влияние на микрофлору кишечника
Subbotin, A.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Sandul, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Krakovskij, I.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Subbotina, I.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In course of realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus research there were studied the relations of the most widely spread helminthes and protozoan which infest in gastrointestinal tract of dogs with the normal microflora of small intestine and large intestine. Research results showed that in the conditions of single-agent infestation and associative parasitic disease of dogs caused by Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Dipylidium caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Taenia sp., Isospora ochioensis, Isospora canis and Eimeria canis in small and large intestine of sick animals there was seldom stated the changes of quality and quantity composition of microflora. In the conditions of mixed agents infestation the microflora composition changed more intensively
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Совершенствование воздухообмена и теплового режима животноводческих помещений
Kartashova, A.N. | Savchenko, S.V. | Lapina, E.U., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
During the sanitary-hygienic evaluation of livestock-rearing farm building (cow kennel and calf pens) by means of industrial and traditional technology there were revealed the infringements of constructive and exploit matter in ventilation system which proved to be the reason for formation of dissatisfactory stable climate. In case of the appropriate estimation, adherence to specification of ventilation construction and rather attentive attitude to the problem of ventilation regulation there could be obtained the positive results in optimization of air medium in animal husbandry houses. Support of air physical properties in livestock houses at the optimum hygienic level was possible only by means of ventilation and a choice of construction materials corresponding to the veterinary and hygienic requirements. The necessity of heat accumulation in livestock houses unites all mentioned above requirements. In some animal husbandry farms in the Republic of Belarus there was applied the mechanical ventilation. However, it was a great mistake to install only the air-moving device without heat exchanger installation. Therefore, an important point for optimization of microclimate livestock houses should be the determination of building thermal balance
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Эффективность различных способов создания микроклимата для поросят-сосунов
Kuksa, I.M. | Kolesen, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the pig enterprises of Belarus the most widespread sources of heat for pigs heating proved to be the infrared radiation lamps. In recent years there was stated the wide application of electric heated rugs of various designs or the electric heated floors. The special brooders, equipped with various sources of heat, passed the experimental check possibility of use for heating of pig houses. Their advantage was in decreasing of heat losses in the sleeping areas of pigs that demanded lower expenses of energy for heating of stores. However, till the present the effective brooder design, which could be convenient in use, cheap, easily sanitized and providing an optimum microclimate for piglets, was not offered for the production yet. Agricultural enterprise Kadehks has developed a design and the pre-production model of a warmed den for pigs under the name Logovo Dlya Porosyat UKhL-4 (Logovo). Application of brooder Logovo in combination with the warming plate made it possible to design more favorable mode for sleeping areas of pigs, to reduce preheating time of plates up to 10 days, to save (in comparison with incandescent lamps) up to 155 kw/h of electric power used for heating of pig sleeping area without decreasing their growth rate and safety. Application of the presented device in combination with heating plates made it possible to reduce the expenses for pig production and for the equipment of heating plates temperature regulators. Application of the differentiated heating mode with the possibility to deactivate the heating plates from the electric power sources after 10 days of the suckling period made it possible to lower the expenses for production of female socket of pigs
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Воспроизводительные особенности маточного поголовья помесей герефорд х черно-пестрой породы в сравнении с чистопородными черно-пестрыми сверстницами
Linnik, L.M. | Zhdanova, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Beef production in the Republic of Belarus could be competitive only in case of development of the specialized beef cattle breeding. Therefore, for the increasing of beef production and improvement of its quality in Belarus there was noted the necessity to use cattle beef breeds both in case of straightbred breeding, and in crossing with low income-earning Black-and-White cow stock. Research results showed that hybrid Gereford x Black-and-White breeds of the first and second filial generations showed higher reproductive abilities which were manifested in 105-120 days age reduction at the stage of the first insemination, 18-44 days reduction of service period, 0,07-0,1 times increasing of breeding efficiency index, 9,8-14,4% increasing of calf crop per 100 dams, and 14,4-16,4% increasing of young stock livability in comparison with the Black-and-White breeds calves. Research results showed that the non-heating season of the mongrel Gereford x Black-and-White heifer breeds of the first and second filial generations was 396-400 days, breeding efficiency index (rate of fertilization) - 1,29-1,32, breeding performance index - 85,4-90,0%, while for the at Black-and-White heifer breeds the same indices were 425 days, 1,29 and 75,6%, respectively
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