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Результаты 351-360 из 482
Human focal nodular hyperplasia-like lesion in the liver of a cat
Ochiai, K. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Takechi, M. | Matsumoto, T. | Itakura, C.
Characterization of two monoclonal antibodies which recognize different subpopulations of chicken T lymphocytes
Kondo, T. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Hattori, M. | Kodama, H. | Onuma, M. | Mikami, T.
Infectivity, reproductive capacity and distribution of Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis larvae in experimentally infected sheep
Alkarmi, T. (Kuwait Univ.) | Behbehani, K. | Abdou, S. | Ooi, H.K.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism for the Yc subunit gene of rat liver glutathione S-transferase
Sasaki, Y. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Hayashi, M. | Matsumoto, K. | Namioka, S.
Studies on the chromosomes of trematoda, Fasciola spp, Eurytrema pancreaticum and Calicophoron calicophorum in Korea
Jang, D.H. | Noh, J.W. | Kang, D.W. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, B.K. (Bayer Vetchem Company Ltd., Seoul (Korea Republic). Animal Pharmaceuticals Institute) | Kim, S.W. (Seoul Metropolitan Institute of Health and Environment, Seoul (Korea Republic))
Studies on enzootic bovine leukosis - (1) - The changes of antibodies against bovine leukemia virus and peripheral blood lymphocyte on Holstein cattle in a dairy farm
Kim, C.J. | Son, J.Y. | Ko, K.W. (Yeungnam University, Kyeongsan (Korea Republic). Department of Animal Science)
Prevalence of Sarcocystis infections in the slaughtered cattle in Cheju
Yang, J.H. | Kang, Y.B. | Wee, S.H. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute) | Lee, S.T. | Kim, K.S. (Cheju Provincial Veterinary Office, Cheju (Korea Republic))
Effect of administration with fat-free diet and dietary iron on polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamin E and their derivatives in male rats
Huh, R.S. | Kim, Y.H. | Do, J.C. | Lee, Y.H. | Choi, Y.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Taejon (Korea Republic))
Studies on enzootic bovine leukosis - (2) - Survey for antibodies to bovine leukemia virus in the Holstein calves in a dairy farm
Kim, C.J. | Son, J.Y. | Ko, K.W. (Yeungnam University, Kyeongsan (Korea Republic). Department of Animal Science)
Studies on the improvement of reproductive efficiency in Korean native cows - Plasma progesterone concentrations for monitoring ovarian activity in the postpartum period
Choi, H.S. | Kang, B.K. | Son, C.H. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Suh, G.H. (National Animal Breeding Institute, Namwon (Korea Republic). Namwon Branch)