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Evaluation of polyherbal formulation in broilers fed high energy diet: Implications on zootechnical parameters, fat accretion, and serum L-carnitine levels
Prashanth D'souza | Ramasamy Selvam
Objective: The current broiler trial was planned to assess the effects of Kolin Plus™, a polyherbal formulation (PHF), on performance, protein and fat accretion, and serum L-carnitine (LC) levels in broilers fed a high-energy diet (HED). Materials and Methods: A total of 500 1-day-old Cobb 430 male chicks were assigned to 5 treat¬ment groups consisting of 10 replicates, with 10 birds in each replicate (n = 100). Group G1 was a negative control fed HED, and group G2, a positive control supplemented with synthetic choline chloride (SCC) 1,500 gm/ton in HED. Groups G3, G4, and G5 were supplemented with PHF in HED at 400, 500, and 750 gm/ton feed, respectively (PHF400, PHF500, and PHF750). Results: The PHF produced a dose-dependent numerical improvement in body weight, feed con¬version ratio, livability, and the European Production Index. There were no changes in carcass nitrogen and protein accretion, whereas a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.05) in carcass fat and fat accretion was observed in the SCC and PHF groups. Moreover, PHF showed a significant increase in serum LC levels. Conclusion: Kolin Plus™ improves performance parameters akin to SCC by improving fat metabo¬lism and mobilization by enhancing serum LC levels and restoring normal fat accretion. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(1.000): 166-174]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Online anatomy teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: assessing the perceptions of undergraduate veterinary medical students
Reda Mohamed | Lisa A. Benjamin | Pradeep Kumar Sahu
Objective: To explore veterinary students' perceptions of online anatomy teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the School of Veterinary Medicine, where we collected data from year 1 and 2 undergraduate students. A Google Form link to the questionnaire and an introductory message were sent via email to all 68 students who had participated in an online anatomy class between March 2020 and May 2021. Results: The response rate was 82.2% (56/68). Most students were female (71.43%) and between the ages of 18 and 22 years old (83.93%). Overall, 58.1% of the students found it difficult to learn online anatomy, and most (82%) agreed that it was difficult to learn practical topics online. Nevertheless, 58.9% of the responding students recommended the continued use of online strategies in teaching this subject. Students reported that they could communicate with the lecturer and receive feedback. Perceived benefits of online learning included the convenience of attending class at home and having more available time, as well as the availability of prerecorded videos of course topics. Conclusions: During the pandemic, students got the opportunity to attend online classes from home. Students thought that online practical anatomy was less useful, and this is an area where new ideas can be suggested to help students see how anatomical structures work. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(3.000): 453-462]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Azadirachta indica on neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury to sciatic nerve of Wistar rat
Parijat Biswas | Monira Shahnaz | Masuma Akhter | Arifa Parvin Ripa | Taskina Ali | Kazi Rafiq
Objective: The research was designed to assess the consequences of Azadirachta indica aqueous leaf extract (AILE) on neuropathic pain in Wister rats and the role of the ATP-dependent potassium channel (KATP) as an underlying mechanism. Materials and Methods: This experimental layout was conducted on Wistar rats (n = 120) having 150 to 200 gm of body weight. On the foundation of the experimental design, rats were divided into group I (normal saline, 5 ml/kg/body weight) and group II (sham surgery and treatment with NS), group III [chronic constriction injury (CCI) in the sciatic nerve; and treated with NS], group IV (CCI and treated with AILE 400 mg/kg body weight), Group V (CCI, pretreated with Glibenclamide 15 mg/kg followed by treated with AILE 400 mg/kg). All the treatments were given once daily for a consecutive 21 days via the oral route, except Glibenclamide. Glibenclamide was given once through the intraperitoneal route on the day of the experiment. Results: Based on the neuropathic pain evaluation test, all groups were again sub-divided into subgroup "a" (walking tract analysis), "b" (cold tail immersion test), "c" (Von Frey test), and "d" (hot plate test). AILE showed a significantly higher sciatic functional index (p < 0.05) in walking track analysis, tail flick latency (p ≤ 0.05) in the cold tail immersion test, and paw withdrawal threshold (p ≤ 0.05) in the Von Frey test compared to CCI control. In addition, a nonsignificant difference in all these above-mentioned variables between the rats with CCI plus AILE and the CCI plus AILE plus glibenclamide group indicated that the KATP channel was not involved in the beneficial analgesic effects of AILE. Conclusions: The outcome of the present study indicates that AILE prevented worsening of neu¬ropathic pain after chronic constriction injury in the sciatic nerve of Wistar rats in which the KATP channel was not involved. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(3.000): 359-368]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Designer meat production, carcass quality, and hemato-biochemical parameters of broilers fed dietary synbiotic derived from trimmed asparagus by-products combined with probiotic supplementation
Manatsanan Nopparatmaitree | Sittichai Bunlue | Silchai Washiraomornlert | Pornpan Saenphoom | Warangkana Kitpipit | Soranot Chotnipat
Objective: This experiment investigated the effects of synbiotic supplementation produced from probiotics and prebiotics from trimmed asparagus by-products (TABP) on broiler chicken diets in order to yield designer meat production. Materials and Methods: A total of 320 one-day-old Ross 308® chicks were randomly allocated to dietary treatments with four replications each (n = 20). The dietary treatments were composed of a control group without supplementation and treatment groups fed with 10, 30, and 50 gm/kg of TABP supplementation in diets combined with 2 gm/kg probiotics. Results: The results showed that broilers fed dietary supplementation of TABP with 2 gm/kg had a lower level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the serum, which reduced the atherogenic indices of the serum, such as cardiac risk ratio and atherogenic coef¬ficient (p < 0.05). In addition, the cholesterol content and the fatty acid profile of breast meat, including palmitic acid, oleic acid, saturated fatty acid, and omega 9 levels, also declined with the increasing levels of TABP inclusion (p < 0.05). Moreover, the supplementation of TABP in diets caused a decline in the atherogenic and thrombogenicity indices and a rise in Δ-9 desaturase (16) index and hypocholesterolemic to the hypercholesterolemic ratio of meat (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Synbiotic supplementation of up to 30 gm/kg TABP combined with 2 gm/kg probiotics in the chicken diet can potentially be utilized for the production of designer meat. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(3.000): 516-526]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Early metabolic profiling in the periparturient period reduces the occurrence of postparturient metabolic diseases in cows
Mustak Ahammed | Mohammed Nooruzzaman | Md. Taohidul Islam | Md. Rafiqul Alam | Emdadul Haque Chowdhury
Objective: To study the impact of early metabolic profiling and intervention measures in the peri¬parturient period on the occurrence of postparturient metabolic diseases in cows. Materials and Methods: Using a cohort of dairy cows from two selected areas of Bangladesh, we routinely tested the serum calcium level and ketone bodies in the urine at periparturient periods. In addition, milk samples were tested for the presence of mastitis at different stages of lactation. Animals showing reduced serum calcium levels, high ketone bodies in the urine or the presence of clinical and subclinical mastitis received appropriate therapeutic intervention immediately after detection. After the intervention, the number of animals that got sick with diseases or conditions like milk fever, ketosis, mastitis, and dystocia, which are caused by metabolic problems, was recorded. Results: In the periparturient period, most of the animals had lower serum calcium levels (8.13 ± 1.2 mg/dl), which were significantly increased by the following intervention (10.05 ± 1.4 mg/dl). On the other hand, there was a higher number of ketosis-affected animals (33.9%, 20/59) during the periparturient period, which decreased (18.6%, 11/59) during the postparturient period. Similarly, the number of mastitis-affected cows was also decreased in postparturient cows (30.9%, 13/42) than in periparturient cows (59.5%, 25/42), following improved hygienic measures. After early intervention, the number of study animals with metabolic diseases decreased from 51.7% before intervention to 15.3% after intervention. Conclusions: Early metabolic profiling significantly reduced the occurrence of metabolic diseases in cows. Therefore, we recommend regular metabolic profiling of dairy cows and receiving early intervention measures to reduce the occurrence of metabolic diseases on the farm. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(2.000): 295-300]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Detection of antibacterial activity of lactic acid bacteria, isolated from Sumba mare's milk, against Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli
Maxs U. E. Sanam | Annytha I. R. Detha | Nelsi Kurniawati Rohi
Objective: The purpose of this research is to detect the antibacterial properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) against pathogenic bacteria. Materials and Methods: Isolation and determination of Lactobacillus spp. Testing of the antibacterial activity of LAB was conducted using filtrate and nonfiltrate forms. The lactic acid bacterial isolates were confirmed to be identified through Gram staining, cell shape, catalase testing, and motility testing. Results: The results of the analysis of the LAB inhibition zone using filtrate and nonfiltrate forms against the bacteria Bacillus cereus were included in the very strong category. The results of the analysis of the LAB inhibitory zone using filtrate and nonfiltrate forms and the agar well method against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were classified into the very strong category. The results of the LAB inhibitory zone analysis using filtrate and nonfiltrate forms with the well method against Escherichia coli bacteria are included in the very strong category, whereas the results from the LAB inhibitory zone analysis using the filtrate and nonfiltrate forms with the agar diffusion method (disks) are included in the strong category. Conclusion: Based on the results, LAB isolated from Sumba mare's milk displayed antibacterial activity in the strong and very strong categories against pathogenic bacteria such as B. cereus, S. aureus, and E. coli. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(1.000): 53-58]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Acaricide resistance of Rhipicephalus decoloratus ticks collected from communal grazing cattle in South Africa
Mandla Yawa | Nkululeko Nyangiwe | Ishmael Festus Jaja | Munyaradzi Christopher Marufu | Charles T. Kadzere
Objective: This study aimed to determine acaricide resistance in Rhipicephalus decoloratus ticks collected from grazing cattle between November 2018 and May 2019 in Elundini, Senqu, and Walter Sisulu Local Municipalities in the northeastern region of the Eastern Cape Province. Materials and Methods: A sample of 20–30 adult engorged female R. decoloratus ticks were collected from at least 10 randomly selected cattle (highly tick-infested) at each dip tank and placed into the labelled plastic collection bottles containing absorbent paper and with a perforated lid at a constant room temperature of ±28°C and >70% relative humidity until resistance testing commenced. The Shaw larval immersion test method was used to determine R. decoloratus larvae resistance to various acaricide concentration levels [amidines, organophosphate (OP), and synthetic pyrethroids (SPs)]. Results: This study found that most ticks were susceptible to exposure to different acaricide field concentrations of amidines (49% at 250 ppm), OPs (33% and 47% at 300 ppm and 500 ppm, respectively), and SPs (44% and 23% at 150 ppm and 300 ppm, respectively). The resistance test¬ing results showed no resistance to amidines at any localities and no resistance to OP in the Senqu region. However, resistance development of the larvae to amines, OPs, and SPs was extensively observed in Senqu (18%, 6%, and 7%), Elundini (15%, 15%, and 17%), and Walter Sisulu (13%, 19%, and 9%) regions, respectively. Conclusions: The larvae's resistance is a cause for worry. Hence, the continuous monitoring of tick resistance to commonly used acaricides will help mitigate widespread acaricidal resistance and sustain livestock productivity. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(1.000): 33-41]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of arrival weight of Holstein steers of similar age on feedlot growth performance, dietary energetics, and carcass characteristics
Rodrigo Flores | Alejandro Plascencia | Alberto Barreras | Jaime Salinas-Chavira | Noemí Torrentera | Richard A. Zinn
Objective: Evaluate the effect of arrival weight on feedlot growth performance and carcass characteristics of Holstein steers of similar age. Material and Methods: Three hundred calf-fed Holstein steers (age 113 ± 1-day) were distributed in a completely randomly unbalanced design and divided into five categories (105, 112, 117, 123, and 129 kg) of shrunk initial weight (SIW). Calves were weighed on days 1, 112, 224, and 361. Calves were fed steam-flaked corn-based diets. Growth performance and dietary energy were evaluated for each period and the study as a whole (1–361-day). Results: During the rearing period, average daily gain (ADG) increased (linearly effect, p < 0.01) with increasing birth weight. Birthweight was positively associated (p < 0.05) with feedlot arrival weight (R2 = 0.47) and final harvest weight (R2 = 0.36). Overall ADG increased (p < 0.01) with increasing SIW. Dry matter intake increased linearly during the first 224-day but quadratically during the last 137 days. Overall, there was a quadratic effect (p < 0.05) of SIW on gain-to-feed and observed-to-expected dietary NE, with lower efficiencies (4%) for steers in both the lightest and heaviest SIW. Hot carcass weight, Longissimus muscle area, marbling score, and fat thickness increased (linear effect, p ≤ 0.03) as SIW increased, whereas kidney-pelvic-heart fat and yield-grade were unaffected. Conclusions: The initial arrival weight influences the growth performance, energetic efficiency, and carcass characteristics of Holstein steers of similar age. The effect is more pronounced in the lighter ( [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(1.000): 59-65]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Preliminary study on designing the binder of sperm-1 synthetic vaccine using sequence-based methods and molecular docking
Wayan Wariata | Made Sriasih | Anwar Rosyidi | Muhamad Ali | Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede
Objective: The main objective of this study is to design a synthetic vaccine from the binder of sperm-1 (BSP1). Materials and Methods: This study was carried out using bioinformatics-related techniques. BSP-1 has been chosen as one of the biomarkers of a ruminant's male fertility. We hypothesize that the BSP1 synthetic vaccines, which contain T-cell epitopes, can produce antibodies more effectively for the development of a sperm fertility detection kit. A sequence of BSP-1 peptides A0A0K1YXR5 from Bubalus bubalis (Domestic water buffalo) origin has been decided to be used to develop the peptide vaccine. Results: In this study, we succeeded in making synthetic vaccines from BSP-1 with a peptide sequence of LPEDSVPDEERVFPFTYRNRKHF. The three-dimensional theoretical prediction analy¬sis of the peptide binding pattern to its ligand, as well as the molecular docking, has also been revealed. Conclusions: A synthetic vaccine from the BSP-1 has been developed in this study with the amino acid sequence LPEDSVPDEERVFPFTYRNRKHF, which is buffer-soluble, and the three-dimensional theoretical prediction analysis of the peptide binding pattern of BSP-1 to its ligand, as well as molecular docking, has also been revealed. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(1.000): 122-127]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Surgical repair of orocutaneous fistula in the left submandibular region of a day-old calf with ectopic incisors
Mohammad Raguib Munif
Objective: This study focuses on the orocutaneous fistula (OCF), a pathological channel between the buccal cavity and the outer surface (skin) of the face, causing leakage of saliva and fluid from the oral cavity to the face externally and also the ectopic incisors (EIs) erupted in a rare position in a day-old calf. The surgical interventions for these congenital defects were further described in this study. Materials and Methods: The calf was presented with an abnormal and external opening in the left submandibular region, having congenitally exposed jawbone and muscles with the resemblance of a linear groove, and was clinically examined based on the problem of swallowing milk due to lateral passing out of liquid through the unnatural tract before entering into the digestive tract. Clinical observation revealed an OCF with four EIs that abnormally erupted in the externally exposed groove of the fistula. Reconstructive surgery (RS) was performed along with a thorough guided approach to repair the defect, emphasizing normal functionality of the buccal cavity connecting to the pharynx and cranial esophagus, and smooth extraction of the EIs was ensured without making any deep wound. Results: After 2 weeks of postoperative care with supportive medications, the calf was quite recovered, having no further complications in the submandibular region along with no visible defect in swallowing. Conclusion: OCF in calves can be fruitfully treated by RS before getting severely infected and complicated. Outside the oral cavity, submandibular EIs can be easily removed, ensuring no further bleeding and defect. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(3.000): 509-515]
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