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Морфологические изменения в органах иммунитета цыплят, вакцинированных против болезни Марека
Prudnikov, V.S. | Kazyuchits, M.V. | Klets, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a comparative studying of immune reactivity of broiler chickens immunized against Marek's disease by means of vaccines of Russian production. In course of the study it was established, that in broiler chickens vaccinated against Marek's disease (by means of cultural dry viral vaccine on the basis a virus of herpes of turkeys FS-126 and by liquid bivalent cultural virus vaccine Bimarek on the basis of strains of a herpes virus of turkeys and a herpes virus of hens) the revealed morphological changes in immune system organs of did not essentially differ and testified to the development of intense postvaccinal immunity. Economic efficiency of immunization of broiler chicken against Marek's disease under production conditions made 4,87 and 2,94 Belarusian roubles per 1 rouble of expenses, respectively. | Целью исследования явилось сравнительное изучение иммунной реактивности организма цыплят-бройлеров, иммунизированных против болезни Марека вакцинами российского производства. В ходе исследований установлено, что у цыплят-бройлеров, вакцинированных против болезни Марека культуральной сухой вирусвакциной из вируса герпеса индеек ФС-126 и жидкой бивалентной культуральной вирусвакциной Бимарек из штаммов вируса герпеса индеек и вируса герпеса кур выявленные морфологические изменения в органах иммунной системы существенно не отличаются и свидетельствуют о выработке напряженного поствакцинального иммунитета. Экономическая эффективность иммунизации цыплят против болезни Марека в производственных условиях составляет 4,87 и 2,94 рубля на 1 рубль затрат соответственно.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Цитологические и цитохимические параметры экзокринного отдела поджелудочной железы у гусей в разные возрастные периоды
Somova, O.V. | Gukov, F.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Research of a pancreas of geese in course of different age-specific periods was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Ecological features of water fowl inhabitance, prevalence of phytogenous forages in a diet of led in first two life decades to rapid growth of body weight and pancreas which was capable to adapt an organism to new conditions of existence. The subsequent growth and differentiating processes in a pancreas of geese showed direct correlative dependence on the basic physiological states of their organism (plumage, a moult, puberty, egg production efficiency). By the beginning of egg production (6 months) the basic structural components of secretory parts of gland of geese reached a rather developed condition, but their full morphological and functional maturity occurred by 2-year-old age, possibly, because of a long reproductive period of life. | Проведено исследование поджелудочной железы у гусей в разные возрастные периоды. Экологические особенности среды обитания водоплавающих птиц, преобладание в рационе кормов растительного происхождения приводят в первые две декады жизни к бурному росту массы тела животных и поджелудочной железы, способной адаптировать организм к новым условиям существования. Последующие ростовые и дифференцировочные процессы в поджелудочной железе гусей проявляют прямую коррелятивную зависимость от основных физиологических состояний их организма (оперение, линька, половое созревание, яйценосная продуктивность). К началу яйценоскости (6 месяцев) основные структурные компоненты секреторных отделов железы гусей достигают достаточно развитого состояния, но их полная морфофункциональная зрелость наступает к 2-летнему возрасту животных, вероятно, из-за продолжительного репродуктивного периода жизни.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Способ стабилизации эритроцитов для постановки реакции задержки гемагглютинации
Korochkin, R.B. | Prudnikov, V.S. | Verbitskij, A.A. | Prudnikov, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Data confirming a significant influence of potato (Solanum tuberosum) variety on increasing the efficiency on potato growing was analyzed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. A method for erythrocyte fixation intended for hemagglutination inhibition test through the use of 50% solutions of formalin (the identical volume of the isotonic solution of sodium chloride was added to 40% solution of formaldehyde). Fixing of erythrocytes was spent at room temperature within 48 hours with the subsequent six-fold washing up by their sterile isotonic solution of sodium chloride by means of centrifuging. Stabilized by the presented method erythrocytes were stored at 4 deg С up to one year (supervision term) in course of which they were completely suitable as a component of reaction with preservation of its sensitivity and specificity. Thus, as a result of realized research there were made the following conclusions: for fixation of erythrocytes, intended for statement of hemagglutination inhibition test it was possible to use a solution of formaldehyde. Fixed in such a way erythrocytes preserved the capability for hemagglutination by influenza virus in the hemagglutination inhibition reaction in course of one year. Arrangement of hemagglutination inhibition reaction by means of application of fixed erythrocytes made it possible to realize an authentic serological diagnostics of pig influenza. | Способ стабилизации эритроцитов, предназначенных для постановки реакции задержки (торможения) гемагглютинации, основан на фиксации полученных из крови эритроцитов равным объемом 50%-ного раствора формалина (к 40%-ному раствору формальдегида добавляют одинаковый объем изотонического раствора натрия хлорида). Фиксация эритроцитов проводится при комнатной температуре в течение 48 часов с последующим шестикратным отмыванием их стерильным изотоническим раствором натрия хлорида путем центрифугирования. Стабилизированные таким образом эритроциты хранят при 4 градусах по Цельсию до одного года (срок наблюдения), в течение которого они полностью пригодны в качестве компонента реакции с сохранением ee чувствительности и специфичности. Таким образом, в результате исследований сделаны следующие выводы: Для фиксации эритроцитов, предназначенных для постановки реакции задержки (торможения) гемагглютинации возможно использование раствора формальдегида. Фиксированные таким образом эритроциты сохраняют способность к гемагглютинации вирусом гриппа в реакции задержки гемагглютинации в течение одного года. Постановка реакции задержки гемагглютинации с использованием фиксированных эритроцитов дает возможность достоверной серологической диагностики гриппа свиней.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Продуктивность мясных телят и условие их выращивания как основа качественного сырья для продуктов детского питания
Apanasevich, T.L. | Petrushko, I.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed high productive traits of meaty calves and cross breeds bred in accordance with a system cow-calf, as well as the possibilities of using veal meat obtained in ecologically safe areas for infant food production. At the age of 6,5-7 months the weight of fresh carcass of bull-calves of sharolez breed in comparison with aberdin-angus х black-motley herdmates was on 41,6 kg (Р less than 0,001) higher, carcass yield and slaughter yield – on 13,8% (Р less than 0,001) and 13,6% (Р less than 0,001), respectively. The fat content in sharolez meat was 4,9% against 8,9%; protein - 21,9% against 18,8%. The black-motley suckling bull-calves surpassed their herdmates which were grown up by technology of dairy cattle breeding at the age of 6-6,5 months according to indexes of weight of fresh carcass - on 16,3 kg or 21,7% (Р less than 0,01); according to indexes in a slaughter yield - on 16,6% (Р less than 0,001); and according to indexes meat flesh in a carcass - on 1,5%. According to quality indexes, amino acid structure, acceptable concentration of toxic elements content, pesticides, antibiotics, radionuclides and other harmful substances the veal meat of calves which were bred on a system a cow-calve in ecologically pure zones proved to be important meat raw materials to produce infant food products.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Активность гепатоспецифических ферментов сыворотки крови бычков на откорме при применении цинксодержащих препаратов
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Kotovich, I.V. | Golub, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the activity of hepatic specific enzymes of blood serum of bull calves of black-and-white breed in course of application of various doses of zinc-containing preparations. Application of zinc-containing preparations led to multidirectional change of activity of hepatic specific serum enzymes. Application of Zinkovet preparation in dose of 1,8 g/100 kg of live weight made it possible to essentially grade the indexes of hepatic tissue affect. In the experimental group at animals there was marked the lowering in activity alanine-aminotransferase, serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. At the same time, there was noted the increasing of zinc-containing enzymes activity (sorbitol dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase). All these processes were caused by zinc inclusion into the metabolic process.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Адаптационно-иммунные процессы у ягнят в молозивно-молочный период их развития
Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the nonspecific resistance of lambs of Latvian Black Face breed during the colostrum and milk fed period of their growth development. In course of the experiment there were used 10 newborn lambs. Analysis of resistance was realized in accordance with a scheme: before colostral milk sucking; in 6, 12, 24 hours; in 3, 7, 14, 21 days; in 1, 2 and 3 months after birth. In lambs during the colostrum and milk fed period of growth there were marked two critical periods, which were characterized by low indicators of resistance: before colostral milk uptake and at 7-21 day-old age. Increasing of leukocytes, bactericidal, lysozymic activity of blood serum, phagocytal activity of leukocytes, crude protein and antibodies in the first days of lamb life took place due to their entrance in blood with colostral milk, just because at this time the intestines wall possessed ability to transit in native condition the antibodies, enzymes, and leukocytes. At 7-21 day-old age in connection with reduction of these factors quantity of in colostral milk, and also due to reduction of intestines capacity, their was stated that their entrance in blood of newborn lambs decreased, but at 3 month old age of lambs there were stated to form internal protective factors of resistance because of which their quantity in blood started to increase.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Показатели прооксидантно-антиоксидантного статуса и активность гепатоспецифических ферментов плазмы крови поросят в условиях промышленной технологии выращивания
Petrovskij, S.V. | Kotovich, I.V. | Pozyvajlo, O.P. | Shestakova, M.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied a state of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection and activity of hepatospecific enzymes of blood plasma of piglets. Research results showed that weanling piglets which had low body weight in the conditions of industrial breeding technology were characterized by high intensity of processes of lipid peroxidation. At the same time, the antioxidant system reacted adequately to the mentioned above changes. There was noted a high dependence between the content of Schiff's bases which were the end-products of lipid peroxidation processes, and the activity display of amplifier hepatospecific enzymes of blood plasma of weanling piglets. The received results of research can be used for estimation of a condition of prooxidant and antioxidant status, and in a complex with data on activity of sorbitol dehydrogenases, isocitratdehydrogenases and glutamatedehydrogenases - for an estimation of a functional state of a liver of weanling piglets with low body weight at an initial stage of their breeding.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Полиморфизм трансферринов сыворотки крови цыплят-бройлеров и его связь с обменом железосодержащих белков
Rumyantseva, N.V. | Kholod, V.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were determined types of transferrins of 46-day old broiler chickens and their relation with indexes characterizing ferrum transport fund. In broilers of Smena-2 cross there were stated four transferrin phenotypes, which revealed at a electrophoregram in a form of two fractions with various mobility and intensity. The quantity of the found out phenotypes should be considered as a minimum one because it was possible to find out the infrequent forms only after realization of a very big number of research studies (for example, occurrence of some phenotypes can be 1:1000 and even lower). Perfection of electrophoresis techniques or application of other carriers (for example, polyacrylamide gel) can also increase a number of phenotypes owing to high resolving power and division of homogeneous transferrin fraction into several sub-factions. The type of transferrin actually did not render influence on the content of haemin proteins, while the indices of ferrum transport fund showed out such kind of dependence. Taking into account that total iron binding capacity (TIBC) was caused by transferrin presence in blood serum, the distinction in this indicator characterized both the transferrin content, and its transport possibilities in relation to iron. The highest content of total iron and TIBC was observed at a slow phenotype of CD tranferrin type (formed by fractions with the least mobility). Fast type of tranferrin АВ (formed by the most mobile fractions) had high enough content of the totaliron but possessed the least iron-binding ability that specifies to the worst performance capabilities of transportation of iron ions. Taking into consideration the transferrin value in formation of antibacterial immunity, it is possible to assume, that broilers with phenotype СD should be more resistant to infections.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Фармакологическая активность и токсикологическая безопасность лекарственного средства растительного происхождения ФитоМП для местного лечения хирургической инфекции
Frolova, A.V., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus) | Petrov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Kosinets, A.N., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus) | Zholnerovich, M.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Grushin, V.N., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example model of a purulent wound at rats there was realized an experimental study of pharmacological activity of a medical remedy PhytoMP (containing active substances of Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde of Papaveraceae family; and Plantago major L. of Plantaginaceae family) in the form of powder. It was established, that the intensity wound-healthing effect depended on a ratio of the components plume poppy / greater plantain 1 + 1:1, 2:1, 1:2. Studying of the remedy safety showed that PhytoMP in the maximal dozes was not toxic for animals after a single unitary intragastric administration in dose of 50000 mg/kg to mice and in dose of 20833 mg/kg to rats. The mentioned above indexes surpassed the recommended for human dose after application tonsilles (1,428 mg/kg) in 35014 and 14589 times, and also the recommended for human doses for application at a wound with size of 2x2 square cm (11,424 mg/kg) - in 4377 and 1824 times, respectively.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние различных уровней органической формы селена на формирование репродуктивной функции племенных бычков
Karpenya, M.M. | Goryachev, I.I. | Shamich, Yu.V. | Karpenya, S.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Influence of various levels of the organic form of selenium of Sel-Pleks on the formation of reproductive function of breeding bull-calves is studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Feeding of organic selenium to bull-calves promoted volume increase of ejaculate on 5,0%, quantities of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 9,1% and concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 7,5% in comparison with animals in which rations sodium selenit was used. Application in winter period of the premix with inclusion of selenium in a dose of 0,4 mg per 1 kg of a dry matter of a ration allows to increase the quantity and quality of sperm of bull-calves: volume ejaculate - on 9,5%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 16,4% (Р less than 0,05) and activity of male germ cells - on 8,9% (Р less than 0,001). Increasing of a dose of selenium up to 0,4 mg per 1 kg of a dry matter in rations of bull-calves in summer period allows to increase quantity and quality of sperm. At bull-calves of the third experimental group the ejaculate volume has increased on 4,5%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 15,7% (Р0,05) and activity of male germ cells - on 7,3% (Р less than 0,001).
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