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Bromodeoxyuridine labeling and DNA content of pulmonary arterial medial cells from hypoxia-exposed and nonexposed healthy calves.
Orton E.C. | LaRue S.M. | Ensley B. | Stenmark K.
Vascular medial thickening is a prominent finding in people and animals with refractory neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Smooth muscle cells are capable of 2 distinct growth responses in vivo: hypertrophy or hyperplasia. Hypertrophic smooth muscle cells may undergo DNA synthesis without cell division, leading to a polyploid state. To better understand the nature of smooth muscle cell growth in healthy and pulmonary hypertensive neonatal calves, we measured incorporation of the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and total DNA content in medial cells from control (pulmonary arterial pressure = 32 +/- 2 mm of Hg) and hypobaric hypoxia-exposed (pulmonary arterial pressure = 120 +/- 7 mm of Hg) calves. Labeling of medial cells with BrdUrd measured by flow cytometry was increased (P < 0.02) in pulmonary arteries of hypoxia-exposed calves (n = 5), compared with control calves (n = 5). Immunohistochemical localization of BrdUrd indicated that BrdUrd labeling of large elastic pulmonary arteries from hypoxia-exposed calves was increased almost exclusively in the outer half of the medial wall. Increased BrdUrd labeling of muscular pulmonary arteries from hypoxia exposed calves was observed in the arterial media and adventitia, and tended to exit in clusters. Analysis of DNA content by flow cytometry indicated a decrease (P < 0.05) in percentage of tetraploid medial cells in pulmonary arteries from hypoxia-exposed calves, compared with control calves. Bivariate analysis for BrdUrd labeling and DNA content of cells from the pulmonary arteries of hypoxia-exposed calves indicated a subpopulation of diploid cells with positive BrdUrd labeling, suggestive of DNA synthesis and subsequent cell division. Results are suggestive of smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in the vascular media of hypoxia-exposed calves.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate on normal articular cartilage and on healing of experimentally induced osteochondral defects in horses.
Shoemaker R.S. | Bertone A.L. | Martin G.S. | McIlwraith C.W. | Roberts E.D. | Pechman R. | Kearney M.T.
The effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) on the healing of full-thickness osteochondral defects and on normal cartilage were evaluated in 8 horses. In group-1 horses (n = 4), a 1-cm-diameter, full-thickness defect was created bilaterally in the articular cartilage on the dorsal distal surface of the radial carpal bone. Cartilage defects were not created in group-2 horses (n = 4). One middle carpal joint was randomly selected in each horse (groups 1 and 2), and treated with an intra-articular injection of 100 mg Of MPA, once a week for 4 treatments. Injections began 1 week after surgery in group-1 horses. The contralateral middle carpal joint received intra-articular injections of an equivalent volume of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (SCS), and served as a control. Horses were evaluated for 16 weeks, then were euthanatized, and the middle carpal joints were examined and photographed. Synovial and articular cartilage specimens were obtained for histologic and histochemical evaluation. Gross morphometric evaluation of the healing defects in group-1 horses revealed that 48.6% of the defect in control joints and 0% of the defect in MPA-treated joints was resurfaced with a smooth, white tissue, histologically confirmed as fibrocartilage. This replacement tissue was a firmly attached fibrocartilage in control joints and a thin fibrous tissue in MPA-treated joints. The articular cartilage in joints treated with MPA had morphologic changes, including chondrocyte cluster formation, loss of palisading architecture, and cellular necrosis in both groups of horses. Histochemical (safranin-0) staining intensity was reduced significantly (P < 0.05) in all layers of articular cartilage in MPA-treated joints in groups 1 and 2. In the replacement tissue, intense safranin-O staining was found only in the chondrocyte clusters deep in the tissue of control joints, confirming fibrocartilage repair. Intra-articular administration of MPA in this dosing regimen thus induced degenerative changes in normal articular cartilage and resulted in histomorphologic changes in the repair of full-thickness articular osteochondral defects in horses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Lymphoscintigraphy in healthy dogs and dogs with experimentally created thoracic duct abnormalities.
Hodges C.C. | Fossum T.W. | Komkov A. | Hightower D.
Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of the thoracic duct (TD) was performed in 10 healthy and 12 dogs with experimentally created TD abnormalities (6 dogs with TD lacerations and 6 dogs with cranial vena ligations). Complete imaging took 4 hours and caused no adverse effects or complications. Lymphoscintigraphy of healthy dogs failed to image the TD; however, background activity in the abdomen and thorax, and radioactivity in the kidneys, bladder, liver, and heart were noticed. Lacerations and transections of the TD were experimentally created, in 6 dogs to ascertain whether TD rupture could be detected with lymphoscintigraphy. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed within 48 hours of creating the TD defect. There was no significant difference in the scintigraphic pattern of healthy dogs and those with experimentally created TD defects. Ligation of the cranial vena cava was performed in 6 dogs; 3 dogs developed chylothorax. In those 3 dogs, diffuse radioactivity was imaged in the thorax and was compatible with thoracic lymphangiectasia. In one of these dogs, linear activity consistent with the TD and localized regions of radioactivity cranial to the heart (compatible with the mediastina lymph nodes) were noticed. Lymphoscintigraphic findings in these dogs correlated with lymphangiographic findings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of the Doppler ultrasonic method of measuring systolic arterial blood pressure in cats.
Grandy J.L. | Dunlop C.I. | Hodgson D.S. | Curtis C.R. | Chapman P.L.
The accuracy of the Doppler technique for indirect systolic blood pressure measurement was assessed in 16 anesthetized cats. Eight cats were anesthetized with isoflurane and 8 were anesthetized with halothane. Anesthetic depth and mode of ventilation were varied to obtain a wide range of arterial blood pressure. A Doppler transducer was placed on the palmer surface of the left fore-limb over the common digital branch of the radial artery to detect blood flow, and a blood pressure monitoring cuff with a width 37% the limb circumference was placed half way between the elbow and the carpus. To enable direct arterial pressure measurements, the left femoral artery was catheterized and the blood pressure waveforms recorded simultaneously. Systolic blood pressure measured by use of the Doppler ultrasonic technique was significantly lower than that obtained from the femoral artery catheter. Using linear regression, we determined a clinically useful calibration adjustment for Doppler indirect blood pressure measurement in cats: femoral systolic pressure = Doppler systolic pressure + 14 mm of Hg.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of sulbactam plus ampicillin for treatment of experimentally induced Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection in foals.
Hoffman A.M. | Viel L. | Muckle C.A. | Yager J.S. | Staempfli H.R.
Efficacy of sulbactam, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, in combination with ampicillin, was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced pneumonia caused by beta-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection was experimentally induced in 18 healthy weanling foals that were randomly allocated to 3 treatment groups: sulbactam plus ampicillin (S/A, 3.3 and 6.6 mg/kg of body weight, respectively), ampicillin (6.6 mg/kg), or vehicle only. Foals were treated daily for 7 days; the observer was unaware of treatment status. Compared with ampicillin and vehicle, treatment with S/A resulted in a statistically significant (P < 0.05) decrease in severity of pneumonia, with regard to bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings (decreased total cell and neutrophil numbers, and increased lymphocyte numbers) and extent of macroscopic lesions in lung tissue of the noninoculated regions. Marked trends toward improvement of S/A-treated foals were observed for quantitative results of bacteriologic culture of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples (P < 0.07), macroscopic pathologic features of the whole lung (P < 0.1), and histopathologic variables (P < 0.07), compared with ampicillin- and vehicle-treated foals. Treatment effects were not observed for radiographic, hematologic, and blood gas abnormalities that resulted from infection. In conclusion, the combination of sulbactam plus ampicillin was found to have synergistic effects in vivo, to reduce the extent and severity of experimentally induced grain-negative lung infection in foals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Intestinal permeability in pigs during rotavirus infection.
Vellenga L. | Egberts H.J.A. | Wensing T. | Dijk J.E. van | Mouwen J.M.V.M. | Breukink H.J.
Macromolecular permeability of the small intestine was tested in four 3-week-old gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with porcine rotavirus strain RV277 (group A). Pigs were administered 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight [mol wt], 40,000) orally 1 day before and 2 and 24 hours after virus inoculation, and blood samples were obtained every 6 hours. Eight hours after rotavirus inoculation, pigs had watery diarrhea. Increased permeation of 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone was not observed after clinical signs of infection had developed. Serum total protein and urea nitrogen concentrations increased slightly at the end of the study, probably as a consequence of dehydration. Differences in blood glucose concentration were not seen. At 48 hours after viral inoculation, macromolecular permeability was tested morphologically by injecting horseradish peroxidase (mol wt, 40,000) into the jejunal lumen just distally to the ligamentum colicoduodenale. After an incubation period of 20 minutes, small segments of jejunum were obtained for stereomicroscopic, histologic, and ultrastructural investigations. Moderate hyperregenerative villus atrophy was found. Ultrastructural changes of the villus epithelium were minor, and increased macromolecular permeation was not observed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Blood biochemical characteristics of cattle at sea level and at moderately high altitude (3,000 m).
Ramirez G. | Bittle P.A. | Colice G.L. | Santacruz R. | Hidalgo A. | Noguera I. | Agosti S.J. | Foulis P.R.
We investigated the biochemical composition of blood from Holstein cows, native breed (criollas), and cows descended from fighting bulls (Vacas de lidia) raised at an altitude of 3,000 m (moderately high altitude, MHA), and compared the results with those from Holsteins and cows of similar genetic ancestry as the criollas (scrub cows), both raised at sea level (SL), to determine blood biochemical values characteristic of adaptation to high altitude. Only potassium and calcium concentrations were similar among groups. Glucose concentration was lower in MHA cows, with the exception of Vacas de lidia. Serum bicarbonate concentration was lower in MHA cows; this finding can be explained by hyperventilation in the hypoxic environment. Serum magnesium concentration was lower in SL and MHA Holsteins than in other groups. Serum phosphate concentration was lower in scrub cows, MHA Holsteins, and criollas than in other groups. Cholesterol concentrations were lower in SL Holsteins, whereas triglycerides were higher in scrub cows and MHA Vacas de lidia. Concentration of high-density lipoprotein was significantly greater in Vacas de lidia and less in MHA criollas than in the other groups. Uric acid and total protein were higher in MHA groups. Using radioimmunoassay for human proteins, thyroxine-binding globulin was undetectable. Total and free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine were higher in scrub cows, followed by Vacas de lidia; lower values were detected in SL and MHA Holsteins and MHA criollas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of furosemide on hemodynamic responses during exercise in horses.
Olsen S.C. | Coyne C.P. | Lowe B.S. | Pelletier N. | Raub E.M. | Erickson H.H.
Four hours prior to exercise on a high-speed treadmill, 4 dosages of furosemide (0.25, 0.50, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/kg of body weight) and a control treatment (10 ml of 0.9% NaCl) were administered IV to 6 horses. Carotid arterial pressure (CAP), pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), and heart rate were not different in resting horses before and 4 hours after furosemide administration. Furosemide at dosage of 2 mg/kg reduced resting right atrial pressure (RAP) 4 hours after furosemide injection. During exercise, increases in treadmill speed were associated with increases in RAP, CAP, PAP, and heart rate. Furosemide (0.25 to 2 mg/kg), administered 4 hours before exercise, reduced RAP and PAP during exercise in dose-dependent manner, but did not influence heart rate. Mean CAP was reduced by the 2-mg/kg furosemide dosage during exercise at 9 and 11 m/s, but not at 13 m/s. During recovery, only PAP was decreased by furosemide administration. Plasma lactate concentration was not significantly influenced by furosemide administration. Furosemide did not influence PCV or hemoglobin concentration at rest prior to exercise, but did increase both variables in dose-dependent manner during exercise and recovery. However, the magnitude of the changes in PCV and hemoglobin concentration were small in comparison with changes in RAP and PAP, and indicate that furosemide has other properties in addition to its diuretic activities. Furosemide may mediate some of its cardiopulmonary effects by vasodilatory activities that directly lower pulmonary arterial pressure, but also increase venous capacitance, thereby reducing venous return to the atria and cardiac filling.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Modulation of thermal killing of bovine lymphocytes and preimplantation mouse embryos by alanine and taurine.
Malayer J.R. | Pollard J.W. | Hansen P.J.
Addition of alanine and taurine blocked killing of lymphocytes caused by culture at 45 C. The optimal concentration for thermoprotection was achieved at 12.5 mM for L-alanine and 5 mM for taurine. Both D and L forms of alanine provided thermoprotection. The effect of these agents was not simply to increase osmolarity of the culture medium, because NaCl did not provide thermoprotection at comparable concentrations. Alanine and taurine were each tested at concentration of 50 mM for ability to block heat shock-induced killing and developmental retardation of 8- to 16-cell mouse embryos. Both agents enhanced embryo development after exposure to high temperature, though development remained less than that for embryos not exposed to high temperature. In one experiment, for example, 81% of embryos cultured at 38 C advanced in development during culture vs 0% at 42 C, 15% at 42 C with alanine, and 32% at 42 C with taurine. The beneficial effect of alanine at high temperature may have been partly attributable to effects independent of thermoprotection, because development of embryos cultured at 38 C was also improved by alanine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of monensin and supplemental hay on ruminal 3-methylindole formation in adult cows after abrupt change to lush pasture.
Potchoiba M.J. | Carlson J.R. | Nocerini M.R. | Breeze R.G.
The effect of feeding monensin, with or without dry hay plus wilted forage, on ruminal formation of 3-methylindole (3MI) was investigated in pastured cattle. Eighty-two cows were allotted to 3 groups. Cows of group-1 served as controls and were given a daily energy supplement (1 kg/head) without monensin for 1 day before and for 7 days after being allowed access to lush pasture. Cows of groups 2 and 3 were given the same daily energy supplement, which also contained monensin (200 mg/kg of supplement). Cows of group 3 also were fed dry hay for 5 days before the start of the study and continued to be given supplemental hay for 4 days after being allowed access to lush pasture containing a layer of wilted forage. Ruminal 3MI and indole concentrations increased on day 1 after all groups were allowed access to lush pasture. By day 7, 3MI concentration in all cows had decreased to pregrazing concentration. Indole concentration did not reach pregrazing concentration until day 10 for cows of groups 1 and 2. Group-3 cows had pregrazing indole concentration on day 7. Ruminal indole concentration did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups 1 and 2. Ruminal indole concentration was lower (P < 0.01) in group-3 cows on all sample collection days, except day 10, compared with that in the other groups. Monensin reduced (P < 0.01) 3MI formation on days 1 and 7 in group-2 cows, compared with group-1 cows. Group-3 cows had lower 3MI concentration than did group-1 cows (P < 0.01) on days -1, 1, 4, and 7. Monensin, when fed with dry hay and wilted forage, reduced (P < 0.01) 3MI formation on days 4 and 7 in group-3 cows, compared with cows that were only given monensin (group 2). Group-3 cows also had lower (P < 0.05) 3MI concentration, compared with group-2 cows on day 1. Results indicated that monensin reduced ruminal formation of 3MI. Feeding dry hay and wilted forage to cattle during the change to lush pasture resulted in further reduction in the amount of 3MI formed by ruminal microorganisms. To maximize the effectiveness of monensin in reducing 3MI formation, dry hay plus wilted forage should be fed to pastured cattle for at least 4 days after they are allowed access to lush pasture.
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