AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

[ Опубликовано в: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Результаты 621-630 из 695

Nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites of growing cattle-fed fermented cassava pulp with added flavoring agents


Watcharawit Meenongyai | Kannika Wongpanit | Piyamas Phongkaew | Chunjit Kaewkunya | Theerayut Juntanam | Md. Islam | Pichad Khejornsart

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Production performance of Charolais crossbred steers fed total mixed ration containing a high level of dried cassava top


Ekkapan Inngarm | Ruangyote Pilajun | Kungwan Thummasaeng | Areerat Lunpha | Sophany Morm

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Nonessential amino acids in tropical ruminant feed: Investigating grass and legume forages of Indonesia


Gresy Eva Tresia | Yenny Nur Anggraeny | Wiwik Heny Winarsih | Setiasih Setiasih | Eni Siti Rohaeni | Mariyono Mariyono | Dicky Pamungkas

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Genetic diversity of Gallus sp. in Southeast Asia based on d-lopp: In silico study


Zultinur Muttaqin | Tike Sartika | Ferdy Saputra

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Cryptosporidium species diagnosis in handlers of domestic pigeons in Baghdad City: Molecular and microscopic approaches


Yahya F. Hashim | Mohammed Th. S. Al-Zubaidi

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The balance of rumen degradable protein and readily available carbohydrate in sheep rations on in vitro fermentability


Yunilas Yunilas | Mardiati Zain | Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria | Jasmal Ahmari Syamsu

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Utilization of marigold leaves (Tagetes erecta L.) in rations and their effect on rumen enzyme activity, fermentation parameters, methane emission, and nutrient digestibility in vitro


Chusnul Hanim | Moh. Sofi'ul Anam | Lies Mira Yusiati | Muhsin Al Anas

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Comparative feed management system in sheep fed different physical forms of ration containing Ipomoea aquatica on the performance, rumen characteristics, and chewing activity


Retno Adiwinarti | Edy Rianto | Endang Purbowati | Vita Restitrisnani | Agung Purnomoadi

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Abortion associated with postpartum opportunistic bacterial invasion reduces fertility and induces disturbances of reproductive hormones, hematological profile, and oxidant/antioxidant profiles in dairy cows


Yahia A. Amin | Gamal A. M. Omran | Samer S. Fouad | Mariam A. Fawy | Rawia M. Ibrahim | Fatma Ahmed Khalifa | Rana A. Ali

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Comparing the effects of Cyperus esculentus hydroethanolic extract and Euterpe oleracea on reproductive efficacy against cadmium-induced testicular toxicity in male rats


Sura Safi Khafaji

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden