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Suspected cardiac glycoside intoxication in sheep and goats in Namibia due to Ornithogalum nanodes (Leighton)
Bamhare, C. (State Veterinarian, Keetmanshoop (Namibia))
Detection and characterization of foot-and-mouth disease virus in sub-Saharan Africa
Bastos, A.D.S. (Onderstepoort Institute for Exotic Diseases, Onderstepoort (South Africa))
The production of an auxotrophic marked, plamid-cured Salmonella ser. Typhimurium as a live attenuated vaccine
Van der Walt, M.L. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.) | Greeff, A.S.
The distribution of heartwater in the highveld of Zimbabwe, 1980-1997
Peter, T.F. (Florida Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe). USAID/SADC Heartwater Research Project) | Perry, B.D. | O'Callaghan, C.J. | Medley, G.F. | Shumba, W. | Madzima, W. | Burridge, M.J. | Mahan, S.M.
The absence of clinical disease in cattle in communal grazing areas where farmers are changing from an intensive dipping programme to one of endemic stability to tick-borne diseases
Tice, G.A. (Southern African Medical Univ., Medunsa (South Africa). Dept. of Production Animal Medicine) | Bryson, N.R. | Stewart, C.G. | Du Plessis, B. | De Waal, D.T.
Review of tsetse flies and trypanosomosis in South Africa
Kappmeier, K. | Nevill, E.M. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.) | Bagnall, R.J.
Pentastomid infections in cichlid fishes in the Kruger National Park [South Africa] and the description of the infective larva of Subtriquetra rileyi n. sp.
Junker, K. (Southern African Medical Univ., Medunsa (South Africa). Dept. of Veterinary Pathology) | Boomker, J. | Booyse, D.G.
Serum biochemical values of farmed ostrich (Struthio camelus) in Botswana
Mushi, E.Z. (Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone (Botswana)) | Binta, M.G. | Chabo, R.G. | Isa, J.F.W. | Modisa, L.
Contribution to the study of the arterial vascularization of the testicle in buffalo | Contribuição ao estudo da vascularização arterial do testículo de búfalos da raça Murrah
Milton PASSIPIERI | Vicente BORELLI | Maria Angélica MIGLINO
We studied the vascular pattern of arterial blood supply and the number and distribution of penetrating vessels in 30 pairs of testicles of Murrah buffalos, from 8 months to 5 years old, native from Ilha Solteira (São Paulo-Brazil). The vascular pattern was analyzed in plastic models, obtained by injection of vinilyte in the testicular artery and further corrosion of the organ in 30% sulfuric acid. In these animals the testicular artery showed five vascular arrangements. In one case the artery was divided in two branches, named cranial and caudal in 68.4% which showed: a) equivalent participation of both branches in the arterial vascularization in 35.0%; b) the cranial branch was predominant in 21.7%; and finally the predominant branch was the caudal one in 11.7%. In other studied cases, the testicular artery originated three branches: the cranial, the medial and the caudal ones in 20.0% or that artery originated a varied number of cranial (4-7) and caudal (3-5) branches in 11.6%. | Estudamos o comportamento da artéria testicular, o número e a distribuição dos vasos penetrantes em 30 pares de testículos de búfalos da raça Murrah (Bubalus bubalis), com idade entre 8 meses e 5 anos, procedentes da região de Ilha Solteira, no Estado de São Paulo, mediante a análise de moldes obtidos pela injeção de vinil, na artéria testicular e em seguida corrosão do órgão em ácido sulfúrico a 30%. Encontramos mais freqüentemente (68,4%) a artéria testicular cedendo dois ramos, o cranial e o caudal, com participação equivalente de ambos os ramos na vascularização do órgão (35,0%), ou com predominância do ramo cranial (21,7%) ou do ramo caudal (11,7%). Em outros arranjos, a artéria testicular cede três ramos: o cranial, o médio e o caudal (20,0%) ou ainda número variável de ramos craniais (4 a 7) e caudais (3 a 5) (11,6%) para a vascularização arterial do testículo.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative study of the arterial supply of the stomach of the white lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) and of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) [Linnaeus, 1789] | Estudo comparativo sobre o suprimento arterial do estômago do queixada (Tayassu pecari) e do cateto (Tayassu tajacu) [Linnaeus, 1789]
Miguel Ferreira CAVALCANTE FILHO | Maria Angélica MIGLINO | Gilberto Valente MACHADO | Estela BEVILACQUA | Willams Costa NEVES
To carry out the study, the stomachs of 36 animals were used, from which 28 were white lipped peccary and 8 colored peccary. The celiac artery was injected with colored neoprene - latex 650, through the thoracic portion of the aorta, so as to fill the arterial ramifications of this vessel, which were directed to the stomach chambers. Then the samples were fixed in a 10% aqueous formol solution, to be carefully dissected and examined. The results show that, in both species, this organ is supplied by the terminal branches of the celiac artery. The conclusions listed in this research are based on the statistics of this distribution pattern. | Para a realização deste estudo foram coletados os estômagos de 36 animais, 28 queixadas e 8 catetos. Através da porção torácica da aorta, a artéria celíaca recebeu injeção de neoprene-látex 650 corado com o objetivo de preencher ramificações arteriais deste vaso que se dirigiam aos compartimentos do estômago. Em seguida, as peças foram fixadas em solução aquosa a 10% para serem cuidadosamente dissecadas e analisadas. Os resultados mostraram que este órgão, em ambas as espécies, encontra-se suprido pela artéria celíaca em 100% das observações, sendo que nos queixadas, a trifurcação deste vaso, originando as artérias esplênica, gástrica esquerda e hepática, ocorreu com maior freqüência (71,41% ± 7,5), enquanto nos catetos o referido vaso originou principalmente (80% ± 14,14) o tronco gastroesplênico e a artéria hepática individual.
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