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Bacteriological status of fish marketed in Beni-Suef City
F. A. Khalafalla | Fatma H. M. Ali | Abdel-Rahim H. A. Hassan
This study was carried out to evaluate the bacteriological status of fresh Tilapia nilotica, fresh Clarias lazera, frozen Mackerel and smoked Herring fish marketed in Beni-Suef City. The collected samples were examined for total bacterial count, coli form (MPN), faecal coli forms (MPN), E. coli (MPN), Staphylococcus aureus count, total proteolytic count, total lipolytic count, Aeromonas count and Pseudomonas count, as well as the isolation of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes. Most of the examined samples were within the permissible limits recommended by EOS and ICMSF, few samples of fresh Clarias lazera exceeded the recommended limits. The economic importance and public health significance of the isolated organisms were discussed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Genomic identification of Pasteurella multocida isolated from turkey flock in Egypt early 2008
S.A. Nassif | Hanan M. Ibrahim | Zeinab M. Souror | Arwa H. Elnaggar | Hayam Farouk | A. B. Abd Elrazek | M. M. Yousef | Elham.A. Elebiary
Molecular detection and differentiation of Pasteurella multocida strain involved in a separate fowl cholera outbreak in a turkey flock farm located in El-Menofia Governorate, Egypt early 2008 was investigated. The isolated strain was compared with an Egyptian Pasteurella multocida isolate that was previously isolated from turkey flock during last decade besides four vaccinal strain (A:5, A:8, A:9 and D:2) on phenotypic and genotypic characterization basis. Phenotypically all the strains were similar as all the strains produce non haemolytic colonies on blood agar, and all the strains revealed similar biochemial behaviour. On the other hand, the genomic typing of all the stains using rep-PCR techniques [repetitive BOX elements, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) and repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) polymerase chain reaction (PCR)] differentiated the six Pasteurella multocida strains into six different profiles. The molecular identity between the Pasteurella multocida 2008 strain and the previously isolated strain was 76.6 % and were ranged from 65.2% to 79.2% with the 4 vaccinal strains. These results reported the continuous mutations of the field Pasteurella multocida strains among poultry flocks in Egypt indicating the urgent need for the frequent and continuous molecular epidemiological investigations of fowl cholera outbreaks in various poultry flocks to detect these new strains and update the fowl cholera vaccines.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pathological studies on fallopian tube in relation to uterine lesions and ovarian abnormalities
E. A. Mahdy
A total number of 50 genital tracts were collected from cows slaughtered at “Belefia” abattoir in “Beni-Suef” governorate, Egypt. The genitalia were inspected grossly and the ovarian activity was noticed. Tissue specimens were taken from the tips of uterine horns, fallopian tubes, ovaries of both sides. The fallopian tubes were cut and sampled at three levels namely, infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus. All tissue specimens were fixed in 10% formalin solution, embedded in paraffin wax, sectioned at 5 μm and stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain (Bancroft and Stevens 1996) and examined microscopically. The pathological changes in the fallopian tube in relation to lesions in the uterus and ovarian activity were investigated. The uterine pathological lesions were endometritis (12%), adenomyosis (12%), and cystic glandular hyperplasis (8%). Inflammation of the fallopian tube salpingitis, was graduated as mild degree(18%), moderate degree(2%), and severe degree (2%). The intraepithelial microcysts of the uterine tube represented 8% of the examined cases.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The influence of some molluscicides on reproductive activity in rats
S. S. Ibrahim | A. Aboul-Ela | E. A. Mabrouk | G. A. Taha
The present study is an endeavor for profound exploration about the effects of 2 commonly used molluscicides in Egypt (bayluscide and copper sulfate ) on some reproductive aspects in mature male Albino rats. For this purpose, 180 mature male Albino rats were used. Animals were equally divided into 3 groups; the 1st group was considered as controls administered distilled water while those of the 2nd and 3rd groups were administered distilled water containing 1 / 20 LD50 of either baylucide or copper sulfate every 3 days for 8 successive weeks. The results of the present study revealed that administration of either molluscicides induced a serious drastic decline in the levels of the reproductive hormones; an effect which was not completely reversed after removal of the molluscicide for 8 successive weeks. This disruption upon reproductive hormones was concomitant with a significant deviation of semen parameters represented by a drop in the individual motility concomitant with an increase in dead sperm percentage as well as total sperm abnormalities. Moreover, stoppage of molluscicides administration along 8 successive weeks failed to improve all studied semen parameters. Moreover, evaluation of total antioxidant activity disclosed that application of either bayluscide or copper sulfate resulted in significant reduction in the total antioxidant capacity as compared with the corresponding control values; a finding which persisted after prevention of molluscicides administration along 8 weeks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Quality assurance of yoghurt during processing
Saadia H. H. El- Shinawy | A. M. El Kholy | M. M. A. Zeinhom
he present study was carried out to determine the critical points during processing of yoghurt, through examination of Acidity % and Storch's test to detect the efficiency of heat treated milk samples and Microbiological examination of samples collected weekly over a period of 7 months for TCC, Thermoduric, Total coliform, Faecal coliform, E. coli, Enterococci, S. aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica and Total yeast and mould counts. A total of 100 samples of raw milk, heat treated milk, inoculated milk and yoghurt (25 of each) in addition to 75 samples from worker’s hands, plastic packages and mixing vat (25 of each) were collected under strict hygienic conditions, also twenty five samples of yoghurt at the end of the expire date were collected and examined microbiologically. The obtained results concluded that the major sources of yoghurt contamination were raw milk, improperly cleaned and sanitized worker’s hands as well as the added starter culture. Finally, the public health and economic importance of the isolated organisms were mentioned.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The use of a rat model to evaluate the <i>in vivo</i> toxicity and wound healing activity of selected <i>Combretum</i> and <i>Terminalia </i>(Combretaceae) species extracts
Peter Masoko | Jackie Picard | Jacobus N. Eloff
Wound healing is a fundamental response to tissue injury and several natural products have been shown to accelerate the healing process. The present study was undertaken to determine the safety and efficacy of the topical treatment of acetone leaf extracts of <em>Combretum imberbe, Combretum nelsonii,Combretum albopuntactum</em> and <em>Terminalia sericea</em> based on their in <em>vitro</em> antimicrobial activity. Four circular full-thickness skin wounds were made on the backs of eight anaesthetised Wistar rats using aseptic techniques. The treatments were administrated topically using 10% and 20% concentrations of each extract in aqueous cream in separate treatments. Indications of erythema, exudate, crust formation,swelling and ulceration were used to determine the wound healing process. All of the wounds closed completely within 17 days. Throughout the experiment, a subcutaneous probe was used to determine that the body temperature and body weight of the rats were within the normal range. <em>C. imberbe</em> and <em>C. nelsonii</em> extracts accelerated wound healing, but there was no significant difference in wound contraction using 10% and 20% concentrations of the extracts in cream. The results also showed the potential usefulness of this model to measure accelerating wound healing.The extracts could perhaps overcome defects associated with healing failure in chronic wounds and prevent secondary bacterial and fungal infections.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of Eimeria stiedae infestation on the immune response of rabbit vaccinated with oil adjuvant polyvalent rabbit Pasteurellosis
Elham. A. Youssef | N. B. Eskander | Lilian. F. S. Melika | Amina A. El-Bayoumy | M. S. El-Nabarawy
In an attempt to evaluate the possible role of Eimeria stiedae infection on rabbit vaccinated with haemorrhagic septicaemia oil adjuvant vaccine, a total of 60 New-Zealand rabbits were divided into 6 groups (A- F). The first four groups subdivided into two subgroups. The subgroups (A1, A2) vaccinated and infected at time of 1st dose of vaccine, subgroup (B1, B2) vaccinated and infected at 2 weeks post 1st vaccination, subgroup (C1, C2) which vaccinated and infected at the time of 2nd dose of vaccination, finally subgroup (D1, D2) vaccinated and infected at 2 weeks post 2nd dose of vaccine. Group E vaccinated only but the group F left as non vaccinated non infected (control). The results revealed that E. stiedae infection at the time or after 2 weeks from first or second dose of vaccination (A1, B1, C1 and D1) and treated with semduramycine 150 showed slight decrease of the antibody titer in contrast the untreated group (A2, B2, C2 and D2) showed sudden decrease of P. multocida antibody titer measured by indirect haemagglutination and ELISA test. Vaccinated group (E) was the superior one showing the highest antibody titer. The challenge test of all rabbit groups with virulent P. multocida revealed a protective percent of 83.4%, 50%, 100% and 0 % in treated, untreated, vaccinated and control group respectively, but subgroups C2, D2 the protective value was 33.4% this due to challenge concurrency post or at the time of infection. These findings reflect the important to avoid coccidial infection following vaccination programs to obtain better immune response to haemorrhagic septicaemia oil adjuvant pasteurellosis vaccine and high level of protection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of some antioxidants on the reproductive performance in rats
S. S. Ibrahim | A. Aboul-Ela | S. Fathalla | E. A. Mabrouk | A. A. Mohammed
The present study was designed to determine the effect of the antioxidants; taurine, ascorbic acid '' AA '' and beta-mercaptoethanol '' β-ME '' separately or in combination, on reproductive performance of adult male rats suffering from cadmium chloride "CdCl2" - induced oxidative stress. A total of 180 mature male Albino rats were equally divided into 9 groups; the rats of the 1st were administered distilled water while those of the 2nd group were administered 1/100 LD50 of CdCl2. Rats of the remaining groups were administered 1/100 LD50 of CdCl2 followed 3 days later by 1 / 50 LD50 of either taurine, AA and β-ME or a combination of AA and taurine, AA or β-ME, taurine and β-ME as well as AA, taurine and β-ME, respectively for 2 successive months. The results revealed that application of CdCl2 for 8 successive weeks decreased pituitary and serum levels of gonadotropins (gametogenic hormone”FSH” and interstitial cell stimulating hormone “ICSH”) as well as serum testosterone “T” level, altered semen quality, and decreased serum level of total antioxidant capacity with increased serum malondialdhyde "MDA" level. On the other side, application of different antioxidants to CdCl2 –induced oxidative stress increased pituitary and serum levels of gonadotropins and serum level of T as well as improved semen quality, increased serum level of total antioxidant capacity and decreased serum level of MDA. In addition, the best improvement in male reproductive performance was achieved after administration of AA and taurine separately or in combination while the least improvement was obtained when β-ME was applied alone.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative ultrastructure of fibrin networks of a dog after thrombotic ischaemic stroke
Pretorius, Etheresia(University of Pretoria Department of Anatomy Faculty of Health Sciences) | Windberger, Ursula B.(Medical University Vienna Center for Biomedical Research) | Oberholzer, Hester M.(University of Pretoria Department of Anatomy Faculty of Health Sciences) | Auer, Roland E. J.(University of Pretoria University of Pretoria Biomedical Research Centre)
A cerebrovascular accident or stroke is a rare condition in dogs, but previous studies suggest that it is now increasingly being recognised. Platelets and fibrin networks are involved in haemostasis, which is disrupted during a thrombotic event. In this study we investigate the ultrastructure of the fibrin networks of a dog that had suffered ischaemic stroke, following suspected thrombo-embolism from clots that became dislodged during catheter maintenance (flushing with heparinised saline) 2 days after carotid artery catheter insertion. Fibrin networks of blood samples that were collected immediately after the stroke, 15 min after treatment with streptokinase and 24 h after treatment, were studied. The results were compared to those of two control dogs. During a stroke, fibrin morphology changes to form a thick, matted layer. Post-treatment ultrastructure shows that the fibrin morphology returns to that comparable to controls. Our results show that during thrombotic risk, fibrin network morphology changes visibly and reduces the fibrinolytic activity of the coagulation system.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Anti-obesity effects of onion juice in high fat diet-induced obese rats
Kang, W.Y., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Kim, M.Y., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Jin, J.Y., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Yang, H.K., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Hong, H.J., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Kim, D.G., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Han, C.H., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Lee, Y.J., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea
This study investigated the effects of onion juice on the serum lipid components and blood pressure in obese rats fed high fat diets. Thirty-nine of Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups, and were treated for 8 weeks: (1) normal diet (ND); (2) high fat diet (HFD); (3) HFD for first 4 weeks and high fat diet with 40% onion juice for the last 4weeks (H-H+O); (4) HFD with 40% onion juice for 8 weeks (H+O); (5) HFD for first 4 weeks and ND for the last 4 weeks (H-N); (6) HFD for first 4 weeks and ND with 40% onion juice for the last 4 weeks (H-N+O). The rates of increasing body weight were reduced in H+O and H-H+O groups compared with HFD group. The levels of triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and total cholesterol in blood serum were significantly decreased in the H+O and H-H+O groups compared with the HFD group. Administration of onion reduced the size of adipocyte, steatosis, and serum hyperlipidemia in obese rats fed HFD. Moreover, the antihypertensive effects of onion were observed in obesity rat fed HFD. Overall results suggest that onion reduces the serum lipid components and improves hypertension in obese rat fed HFD.
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