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Plasma Biochemistry values in wild female hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) during nesting in Mexican coast
Patricia Ishisaki Salvarani | Jaime Rendón von Osten | Fernando Morgado
To obtain plasma biochemistry values, blood was collected for 47 nesting females of apparently healthy Eretmochelys imbricata sea turtles using sodium heparin as an anticoagulant. Blood samples were collected in April-Jun for two years (nesting season). Hematologic characteristics, including packed cell volume, white blood cell counts, red blood cell count and hemoglobin level; and plasma chemistry values, including creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and glucose were measured. The data generated from this study may be useful for clinical assessment of health and disease of wild hawksbill sea turtles on nearshore habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, thus contributing to a conservation of this species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Association of Infestation of Gastrointestinal Nematode With Altitudes of Location of Cattle Raising in Two Different Districts in Aceh Province
Zulfikar Zulfikar | Sayed Umar | Teuku Reza Ferasyi | Maruf Tafsin
This study was aimed to measure the prevalence and the association of altitude of location of raising to the risk of infestation of gastrointestinal nematode in cattle. The study was conducted using cross sectional approach. A purposive sampling method was used to select the location of study (subdistricts and villages) in the two Districts. The inclusion criteria for the lowland were the location with altitude 200 m above sea level and the subdistricts (villages) of North Aceh District. The exclusion criteria for lowland was the location 200 m above sea level. Then, the inclusion criteria for the highland were the location with altitude 200 m above sea level and the subdistricts (villages) of Central Aceh District. The exclusion criteria for lowland was the location 200 m above sea level. A random sampling was used for selection of cattle for collecting faecal sample in two locations of study. A total number of 201 cattle, both male and female, were obtained for taking faecal sample from the two Districts. Faecal sample was examined for the existence of eggs of gastrointestinal nematode. The examination was conducted using floating method. Data were analyzed descriptively. The measurement of association of altitude of location of cattle raising and sex of animals to the risk of infestation of gastrointestinal nematode were analyzed using odds ratio (OR) estimation and continued with chi-square test. The results showed a higher prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infestation in cattle of Lowland location (25%) as compared to Highland (5.8%). As for the altitude, the cattle raising in Lowland were more than 5 times higher risk for infestation of gastrointestinal nematode as compared to Higher land location (P0.005). The female cattle in Lowland was higher risk (6.18) for infestation than Highland (P0.01). A similar trend was obtained for male cattle which higher risk in Lowland (4.12) as compared to Highland, but it was not significant (P0.05). In conclusion, by considering the altitude of location, the cattle raising in Lowland were more than 5 times higher risk for infestation of gastrointestinal nematode as compared to Higher land location. There is a variation of risk between female and male cattle in different altitude.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Action of Buffalo Breeders in the Villages Around Nagan Raya Power Plant on the Impact of Fly Ash Exposure
Ira Susanti | Rinidar Rinidar | Sugito Sugito
One of the biggest contributors of air pollution is the production of coal fly ash from power plant industry. Fly ash has an immediate impact on human and animal health around the power plant. Many buffaloes in Nagan Raya usually grazing near the 110-megawatt steam power plant that using low rank coal. This action raises concerns about buffalo’s health due to exposure to fly ash. This study aimed to examine the relationship of knowledge, attitude and action of buffalo breeders to the impact of fly ash exposure on the buffaloes. This research used analytical survey with cross sectional design. This study was conducted in February 2018 with 30 respondents from four villages around Nagan Raya Power Plant to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes and actions by using questionnaires. The data were analyzed statistically with Chi Square Test with SPSS for Windows version 17.0. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between the knowledge of buffalo breeders and the impact of fly ash exposure (P 0.05), while the attitude and actions of buffalo breeders had a significant correlation with the impact of fly ash exposure (P 0.05). These results concluded that the buffalo breeders in the villages around the power plant did not realize the impact of fly ash arising from coal of power plant. It is expected that the associated institution would conduct a counseling about the impact of fly ash exposure as well as good management of buffaloes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Artificial Insemination of Beef Cattle UPSUS SIWAB Program Based on the Calculation of Non-Return Rate, Service Per Conception and Calving Rate In The North Kayong Regency
Duta Setiawan
This study aims to Determine the success rate of the Artificial Insemination in North Kayong Regency of West Kalimantan Province roomates has been done by IB officers. Artificial insemination is the process of introduction or delivery of cement into the genitals of female cows by means of made devices. North Kayong districts Regency is one of the which is administratively established Republic of Indonesia based on Law no. 6 of 2007 is an area that is developing cattle. The location that Became the focus of the evaluation of the success of Artificial Insemination is in three districts of Maya Island district, Sukadana and Seponti. Data used in this research is secondary Data Obtained from inseminator. The parameters used in this evaluation are the Non Return Rate (NRR), Service per Conception (S / C) and Calving Rate (CvR). The results Showed that the average of the three sub-districts in North Kayong district was for the highest 90% NRR in Sukadana district and the Lowest score of 67% in the Mayan Island district. S / C Obtained the highest number of 3.4 in Maya Island district and the Lowest S / C number district of Seponti 1.8. The highest score was 92% CvR in Sukadana district and the cancel CvR score was 64% in the Mayan Island district. The Conclusions Obtained based on the value of NRR, S / C, and CvR on artificial insemination evaluation with the best artificial insemination implementation are Sukadana district, followed by district of Seponti and last is Maya Island district.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect Of Cellulase Content On Phytoestrogens Formation (Genistein) Materials On Fermented Soybean Waste Aspergillus niger
Vara Tassa Sutari | Nurliana Nurliana | Sugito Sugito | Darmawi Darmawi | Rinidar Rinidar
The activity of the cellulase enzyme and the content of phytoestrogen (genistein) forming is determined during the fermentation of soybean waste with Aspergullus niger. The analysis is performed at fermentation incubation time of 0, 48, 96, 144 and 192 hours and treatment with addition of micro nutrient (V2) and without micro nutrient (V1). Data analysis on cellulase enzyme activity on phytoestrogen forming material is performed using T test. The average of cellulase content of fermented soybean waste increases from 0.032-0.139 IU / ml (V1) and 0.061-0.158 IU / ml (V2) after 48 hours into 0.238 IU / ml (V1) and 0.245 IU / ml (V2) after 192 hours The average of genestein levels in the fermented soybean waste increases as well from 0.101 - 0.573 mg / g (V1) and 0.114 - 0.587 mg / g (V2) after 48 hours and increase into 0.722 mg / g (V1) and 0.699 mg / g (V2) after 192 hours. Statistical analysis indicates that the treatment of V1 and V2 has an effect on the increase of cellulase enzyme content and genistein level (P 0.05). The correlation between enzyme activity of cellulase and genistein on soybean waste fermented with Aspergillus niger is significant (R2 = 0,949). The relationship between the enzyme performance and its formation material is running synergistic, cellulase enzyme activity and genistein level experience significant increase during the fermentation process.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Beef Cattle Business in Dry Land Area Parangloe District Gowa
Supardi Rusdiana | Soeharsono Soeharsono | Teuku Reza Ferasyi
The study was conducted in the village Payangkalang Parangloe District of Gowa in South Sulawesi in 2017, with the field survey method Substance himself to Bali beef cattle breeders, through interviews and questionnaires to 18 farmers, by the way (sample random sampling). Respondents beef cattle breeders, classified into 2 (two) business model with a scale of 2 adult males and 3 females scale adult stem, this data will be analyzed using economic analysis of income B/C. Based on the information that the beef cattle population of Bali is quite a many, so that the criterion for consideration for the study area. Beside that all cattle breeders Bali is already a member of a group of farmers. The results showed that net profit in the maintenance of Bali beef cattle female parent of $13.381.250/year with B/C ratio of 1.2 and a gain on the maintenance of male cattle Bali for $ 3.881.250 year, with B/C ratio of 1.1. To maintain a profitable cattle faremr cows, while the majority of beef cattle Bali parent can still be maintained as an investment for the procreation of children next year.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of alternative extender added of fructose aiming the cryopreservation of boar semen
Ludymila Furtado Cantanhêde | Eduardo Nunes de Freitas | Tatyane Bandeira Barros | Daianny Barboza Guimarães | Aline Viana Dias | Ricardo Toniolli
This study aimed to analyze skimmed milk powder (SMP) and fructose in a new cooling curve to freeze boar semen. A total of 49 semen samples from seven boars were cryopreserved using the new curve with addition of glucose and fructose to the refrigerating diluents: Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS + G; BTS + F) and Skimmed milk powder (SMP + G; SMP + F), totaling four experimental groups for analysis. To finish the curve, aliquots of semen were packaged in 0.5 ml straws and kept in liquid nitrogen. During the cooling curve, SMP mean spermatic vigor and motility were greater than the BTS (p < 0.05). After thawing, a decrease of spermatic force and motility in both extenders was observed, where the BTS presented spermatic vigor (2.1 ± 0.55) and motility (38 ± 21.8), presenting better results (p < 0.05). There was no statistical difference between sugars added to the BTS and SMP in spermatic force and motility (p > 0.05), although the use of fructose allowed an equalization of motility between the SMP and BTS (p > 0.05). Functionality of membrane was better preserved with the addition of fructose, in both extenders. The rate of sperm viability was significantly higher in extender containing glucose and SMP (71.8 ± 12.5). The percentage of intact acrosome was higher on the treatment containing glucose, independent of the extender (BTS + G: 81.8 ± 7.2, SMP + G: 81.4 ± 14.2). To conclude, the results suggest that the BTS is still the best option to cryopreserve and fructose could be used in boar semen cryopreservation in new cooling curve.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Implications of bovine viral diseases for udder health
Aline de Jesus da Silva | Fernando Nogueira de Souza | Maiara Garcia Blagitz | Camila Freitas Batista | Jéssyca Beraldi Bellinazzi | Deisiane Soares Murta Nobre | Kamila Reis Santos | Alice Maria Melville Paiva Della Libera
Several factors can affect bovine mammary gland health and although bacterial mastitis is the most studied and reported cause, viral infections may also have negative effects on bovine udder health. Viral infections can indirectly damage the papillary duct of the teat, and induce or exacerbate signs of bovine mastitis due to viral-induced immunosuppressive effects that may lead to a greater susceptibility to bacterial mastitis and even intensify the severity of established bacterial infections. Some viruses (Bovine alphaherpesvirus 2, cowpox, pseudocowpox, foot-and-mouth disease, vesicular stomatitis and papillomavirus) affect the integrity of the udder skin, leading to teat lesions, favoring the entry of mastitis-causing pathogens. It is therefore possible that the association between mastitis and viruses is underestimated and may, for example, be associated with negative bacterial culture results. Few milk samples are tested for the presence of viruses, mainly because of the more laborious and expensive procedures required. Furthermore, samples for virus testing would require specific procedures in terms of collection, handling and storage. Thus, there is a knowledge gap in regard to the actual impact of viruses on bovine udder health. Despite the fact that serum anti-virus antibodies can be detected, there is not enough evidence to confirm or exclude the effect of viruses on udder health. However, any expectation of milk production from healthy animals should consider the possible impact of viral infections in mastitis development and not underestimate the importance of actions to diagnose and control the disease. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to describe the association of diagnosis and control of viral diseases and their effect on bovine udder health.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of programmed cell death processes on the lens epithelium of older dogs with diabetic and hypermature cataracts
Ana Paula Franco do Amaral Hvenegaard | Paulo Sergio de Moraes Barros | Angélica Mendonça Vaz Safatle | Michelle Barbosa Pereira Braga-Sá | Luana Vicente Melo | Ana Carolina Santana | Bryan Hudson Hossy | Nadia Campos de Oliveira Miguel
It is well known that posterior capsule opacification (PCO), one of the most common late postoperative complications of cataract surgery, is mainly caused by proliferation and differentiation of remaining lens epithelial cells (LECs) on the posterior lens capsule. Many authors suggest that alterations induced by the pathophysiology of cataracts, its metabolism and the use of 0.1% trypan blue (TB) must cause some degree of cellular damage on these cells, wicht would help to prevent and/or reduce the incidence of PCO after cataract surgery in humans. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of cell death markers on LECs of older dogs with diabetic and hypermature cataracts, after capsulorhexis, both using 0.1% TB. Twenty samples collected from 13 dogs of different breeds, with ages varying from 8 to 12 years-old, with diabetic and hypermature cataracts, which had been subjected to phacoemulsification surgery (Phaco) using 0.1% TB for staining were studied. Animals were classified as dogs with diabetic (DC) and hypermature cataracts (HC), and expression of molecular markers for apoptosis and autophagy (caspase-3 and beclin-1) on LECs were obtained by immunofluorescence technique. The expression of caspase-3 and beclin-1 was observed in every studied sample and did not differ between groups. In conclusion, our findings suggest that apoptosis and autophagy processes occur to LECs in older dogs presenting diabetic and hypermature cataracts after Phaco utilizing 0.1% TB. Our results may be helpful to future studies of PCO in post-phacoemulsification surgery patients.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Physics behind the implants used for high strain fractures: literature review
Aline Schafrum Macedo | Paulo Vinicius Tertuliano Marinho | Ísis dos Santos Dal-Bó | Thales Bregadioli | Gabriel Diamante | Bianca Fiuza | André Luis do Valle De Zoppa | Cassio Ricardo Auada Ferrigno
Whenever bone fractures occur, external forces produce continuous interfragmentary motion and a stabilization method is necessary. It is known that the mechanical conditions at the fracture site influence bone callus formation during healing process. To achieve primary (direct) bone healing, absolute stability at the fracture site is necessary. Perren’s concept of strain determines that relative deformation at the fracture gap depends on the original gap’s conformation. Simple fractures (without comminution) are considered high strain fractures since a small force applied to the fracture site results in great movement with deleterious effects on the healing process. The purpose of this study is to review the available literature regarding factors that influence the mechanics of high strain fractures in veterinary medicine, its treatment methods and implants available. Each fracture configuration requires special attention and critical care in choosing the osteosynthesis method and the type of stability required for consolidation to occur within the expected time. One must know the strain theory to become an orthopedic surgeon.
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