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Immunogenicity, pathogenicity, and transmissibility of a recombinant vaccinia virus in calves
Wedman, E.E. | Smith, A.W. | Oliver, R.E.
Experiments concerned with the immunogenicity, pathogenicity, and transmissibility of a recombinant vaccinia:Sindbis virus were conducted. The WR strain of the recombinant vaccinia:Sindbis virus was found to be infective for calves and mildly pathogenic, resulting in local tissue reaction. It was not transmissible to other calves. Also, it was found to be immunogenic when inoculated intradermally into calves, and antibody was produced against the parent vector virus (vaccinia) and the Sindbis antigen. Recombinant virus given IV to calves induced no detectable clinical signs, nor did the calves develop neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, second-passage lesion material containing up to 10(7) tissue culture infective doses of the recombinant virus failed to induce development of lesions or illness in intradermally inoculated calves, and virus could not be recovered from the inoculation sites. In this series of experiments, this vaccinia recombinant given intradermally was immunogenic, mildly pathogenic at the local injection site only, and was not transmissible to contact animals, thus demonstrating the potential efficacy and safety of the WR strain of vaccinia virus when used as a live vector system in cattle.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of levamisole on immune function and reproductive performance in first-litter gilts
Purswell, B.J. | Dawe, D.L. | Brown, J. | Williams, D.J.
First-litter commerical cross-bred gilts were treated with levamisole (1.5, 2.5, or 3.5 mg/kg of body weight) weekly during the last 4 weeks of gestation, because similar treatment of dairy heifers had improved postpartum maternal health and neonatal survival. In the gilts, differences in reproductive performance were not found on the basis of pig survival at birth, pig survival at weaning, birth weight, or weaning weight. Also differences between treated and control gilts were not found in response of circulating lymphocytes to mitogen stimulation (phytohemagglutinin A, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen). In all gilts, the lymphocyte response to mitogen stimulation was decreased during the first week after farrowing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Long-term persistence of Toxoplasma gondii in tissues of pigs inoculated with Toxoplasma oocysts and effect of freezing on viability of tissue cysts in pork
Dubey, J.P.
To study the distribution of tissue cysts in porcine tissues, 16 pigs were fed oocysts of 4 strains of Toxoplasma gondii (4 pigs/strain). Pigs were euthanatized between postinoculation days 103 and 875 and portions of 5 to 14 organs were bioassayed in mice and/or cats for T gondii. For bioassays, 50- to 100-g portions of tissue were incubated in acidic pepsin solution to free bradyzoites from cysts in parenchyma, and washed sediment from the digests of each specimen was inoculated SC into mice (6 mice/organ). For bioassays in cats, a 500-g portion or whole organ was fed to Toxoplasma-free cats (1 cat/organ). Toxoplasma gondii was recovered from tissues of 14 of the 16 pigs (from the brains of 12, hearts of 11, tongues of 10, and diaphragms of 6). Toxoplasma gondii was isolated from commerical cuts of meat from 5 infected pigs, from the arm picnic and ham of 3, Boston butt, spareribs, and tenderloin of 2, and bacon and tailbone of 1. Regarding the 4 pigs euthanatized between postinoculation days 759 and 865, cats shed T gondii oocysts after the ingestion of hearts of all 4; tongues of 3; bacons, hams, arm picnics, Boston butts, spareribs, and diaphragms of 2; and livers, kidneys, and tenderloins of 1. Toxoplasma gondii was found to be inconsistently distributed among the organs and muscles, but overall, tongue and heart were more heavily infected than were other tissues. Tissue cysts in pork were rendered nonviable at -12 C for 3 days.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Aerosolized Micropolyspora faeni antigen as a cause of pulmonary dysfunction in ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (heaves)
Derksen, F.J. | Robinson, N.E. | Scott, J.S. | Stick, J.A.
Ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (principal ponies) and their controls were given aerosolized Micropolyspora faeni antigen via endotracheal tube during a period when the principal ponies were in disease remission. In both groups of ponies, we performed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and measured pulmonary function at base line, and 5 hours after aerosol administration of 30 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution or 30 ml of 1% w/v particulate M faeni antigen in 0.9% NaCl solution. In both groups of ponies, aerosolized M faeni antigen increased WBC count, neutrophil numbers, and albumin concentration in BAL fluid, but macrophage numbers decreased. In the principal ponies, BAL mast cell numbers were decreased 5 hours after administration of M faeni antigen. The M faeni antigen had no effect on the mechanical properties of the lungs or on gas exchange in the control ponies, but did increase respiratory frequency minute ventilation and pulmonary resistance, and decreased arterial oxygen tension in the principal ponies. Changes in pulmonary function were apparent only in the principal ponies, which suggests that neutrophils, per se, do not cause pulmonary dysfunction and that M faeni may be one of the etiologic agents involved in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Brucella abortus-specific immunoglobulin in isotypes in serum and vaginal mucus from cattle vaccinated with strain 19 and challenge exosed with virulent strain 2308
Hall, S.M. | Confer, A.W. | Patterson, JM.
The immunoglobulins (IgG1, IgG2, IgM, and IgA) of the Brucella-specific antibody response of 69 crossbred beef heifers were studied after Brucella abortus strain 19 vaccination and strain 2308 challenge exposure. The immunoglobulin isotype responses in serum and vaginal mucus were measured by use of fluorescent immunoassay. Serum antibody responses were detected also by 3 standard serologic tests (complement fixation [CF], Rivanol precipitation, and the CARD test) and 2 primary binding assays that detect IgG antibodies. One month after vaccination, mean antibody titers for all immunoglobulin isotypes were higher for vaccinated cattle (n = 46) than for nonvaccinated controls (n = 23). After vaccination, IgA antibody responses in vaccinated cattle were only 2-fold higher than those for controls, whereas IgG1, IgG2, and IgM antibody responses were 3- to 90-fold greater than those for controls. Measurement of IgA antibody responses classified 21 of 39 vaccinates as seropositive after vaccination, whereas the other isotypes classified 28 or 34 cattle as seropositive. Three months after challenge exposure, the mean antibody responses for each isotype were higher in cattle that aborted or were culutre positive than in cattle that did not abort and were culture negative. Although IgG1, IgG2, and IgM antibody titers were each of benefit in identifying B abortus- infected cattle, it did not appear that the magnitude of the antibody responses provided sufficient discrimination between S19-vaccinated cattle and S2308 challenged-exposed cattle, Serum IgA antibody responses were 10-fold higher after challenge exposure than after vaccination and may be a response to mucosal infection with the virulent organism. Of the isotypes studied, serum IgA antibody responses most mimicked the CF and CARD test results in identifying seropositive cattle after challenge exposure. Serum IgG2 identified the most false-positive reactions. Vaginal mucus antibody respones were measured 3 to 4 months after abortion or normal calving. The mean vaginal mucus IgG1, IgG2, and IgA antibody responses were higher in challenge-exposed cattle than in controls. Brucella-specific antibodies were highest in the vaginal mucus of cultur e-positive cattle that aborted.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Association of bovine respiratory syncytial virus with atypical interstitial pneumonia in feedlot cattle
Collins, J.K. | Jensen, R. | Smith, G.H. | Flack, D.E. | Kerschen, R. | Bennett, B.W. | Jones, R.L. | Alexander, A.F.
Thirty-three cattle with fatal respiratory tract disease were examined for gross and histologic lesions and for the presence of viral and bacterial agents in the lungs. Fifteen cattle had lesions characteristic of atypical interstitial pneumonia (AIP), and 18 had other respiratory tract diseases, including infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, shipping fever pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary abscess, and edema of the trachea. Gross necropsy findings in the cattle with AIP were uncollapsed and emphysematous lungs; histopathologic findings included interstitial edema, thickening of alveolar walls, hyaline membrane formation, and hyperplasia of type-II pneumonocytes. The infective agents found in the lungs of the 33 cattle included bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine herpesvirus type 1, Pasteurella sp, mycoplasmas, and Corynebacterium pyogenes. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus was detected by use of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase on lung tissue sections; bovine herpesvirus type 1 was detected by these techniques and by isolation of the virus. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus was significantly (P = 0.01) associated with lesions of AIP (11 of 15), compared with those of other respiratory tract diseases (5 of 18).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Lethality and bone alterations in chicken embryos and newly hatched chickens given bone-active agents
Smith, R.E. | Torgersen, J. | Long, P.H. | Maurer, J.K.
Studies were undertaken to assess the chicken embryo and newly hatched chicken as models for studying the effects of bone-active agents. Initially, 1,25-dihydroxycholecaliferol (1,25[OH]2D3), sodium fluoride (NaF), parathyroid extract, epidermal growth factor, and prostaglandin E2, were tested for lethality over a broad dose range. One or 3 injections of 1,25(OH)2D3 into the yolk sac of chicken embryos resulted in death of embryos given greater than 0.1 ng/injection, whereas 0.01 ng was tolerated by the embryos. Administering 1,25(OH)2D3 intraperitoneally to newly hatched chickens as a single injection or weekly for 3 weeks resulted in no deaths at doses up to 50 ng. One or 3 IV injections of less than 400 micrograms were tolerated by the embryo. Giving chickens feed and water containing 2.4 g of NaF/kg was lethal but no deaths occurred when chickens were given feed containing less than 1.2 g of NaF/kg. Mortality associated with the administration of epidermal growth factor to embryos was inconsistent, in that death occurred in embryos given a single injection of greater than 250 ng, but no deaths occurred in embryos given 3 injections at similar doses. Parathyroid extract and prostaglandin F2 were not lethal when administered to embryos and chickens in a single-injection or multiple-injection regimen. Overall, lethality in chicken embryos given a particular agent reflected the dose of bone-active agent injected, rather than the number of injections. Three of the bone-active agents were selected to characterize their microscopic bone effects in chicken embryos and chickens. Administration of 1,25(OH)2D3 to embryos on day 14 at doses of 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 ng led to subperiosteal hyperosteoidosis in all 5 of the tibiotarsi examined from the high-dose (100 ng) group necropsied on day 18 of incubation. Three of 5 of the tibiotarsi from the 10-ng treatment group were similarly affected. Bone effects were noticed in chickens hatched from the aforementioned treatment groups or in chickens given 1,25(OH)2D3 intraperitoneally and examined at 3 and 6 weeks of age. Administration of NaF to chicken embryos on the 10, 12th, and 14th days of incubation via the IV route at doses of 160, 80, 40 and 20 micrograms/embryo led to subperiosteal hyperosteoidosis in tibiotarsi from 3 of 10 embryos (examined at 18 days of incubation) from the 2 high-dose groups. Tibiotarsi of chickens from this treatment group were microscopically normal at 3 weeks after hatching. When newly hatched chickens were given a diet containing NaF at dosages of 1.2 g/kg, 0.6 g/kg, and 0.3 g/kg, a dose-dependent increase in osteoid was seen at 3 and 6 weeks. In addition, cortical thinning and expansion of the medullary canal were observed only at 3 weeks. In contrast to the effects observed with 1,25(OH)2D3 and NaF, parathyroid extract caused no microscopic bone alterations when given to embryos or chickens. Overall, the bone alterations in the embryo were attributed to increased subperiosteal osteoid formation and defective mineralization. These findings were consistent with known effects of NaF and 1,25(OH)2D3 on bone, and they establish the chicken embryo as a sensitive model for studying bone-active agents.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of flunixin meglumine on jejunal blood flow, motility, and oxygen consumption in ponies
Stick, J.A. | Arden, W.A. | Chou, C.C. | Parks, A.H. | Wagner, M.A. | Johnston, C.C.
Using isolated autoperfused intestinal segments, the effects of flunixin meglumine administration on systemic arterial blood pressure, jejunal blood flow, vascular resistance, motility, arteriovenous oxygen difference, and oxygen consumption were determined in 10 anesthetized ponies ventilated with a mixture of halothane and oxygen. Saline solution or flunixin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg of body weight) was infused as a single bolus into the left jugular vein. By 10 minutes, flunixin meglumine increased systemic aterial blood pressure and increased intestinal vascular resistance. The jejunal blood flow, however, was not significantly decreased until 1 hour after flunixin meglumine administration. Intestinal motility, arteriovenous oxygen difference, and oxygen consumption were unchanged. Results indicated that acute administration of flunixin meglumine increases systemic arterial pressure and intestinal vascular resistance, but the resulting intestinal vasoconstriction does not lead to compromise of intestinal viability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Cardiac dysrhythmias during anesthesia for cervical decompression in the dog
Stauffer, J.L. | Gleed, R.D. | Short, C.E. | Erb, H.N. | Schukken, Y.H.
In a retrospective study, the risk for cardiac dysrhythmias was evaluated in dogs undergoing ventral decompression and/or fenestration of the cervical spine (CERV) and compared with that for dogs undergoing dorsal laminectomy for decompression of the thoracic or lumbar spine (TL). The dogs in the CERV subset (48 dogs) tended to be heavier and older than the dogs in the TL subset (111 dogs). There was no apparent bias detected in treatment before anesthesia and surgery. The risk for dysrhythmias was 2.5 times greater in the CERV subset, compared with that in the TL subset (P less than 0.01). The risk for ventricular premature contraction was 3.5 times higher in the CERV group (P less than 0.05). Bradycardia was found in any dogsfrom the CERV subset and was not found in any dogs from the TL subset. A logistic model was derived from the data and may be used to evaluate the risk for dysrhythmias in similar patients undergoing similar surgery and anesthesia. This model uses age, preoperative heart rate, and site of surgery (CERV or TL) to estimate the risk.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of ventriculectomy, prosthetic laryngoplasty, and exercise on upper airway function in horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia
Shappell, K.K. | Derksen, F.J. | Stick, J.A. | Robinson, N.E.
Effects of ventriculectomy and prosthetic laryngoplasty on upper airway flow mechanics and blood gas tensions in exercising horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia were assessed. Five adult horses were trained to stand, trot (4.5 m/s), and gallop (7.2 m/s) on a treadmill (6.38? incline). Inspiratory and expiratory airflows (VImax, VEmax, respectively) were measured using a 15.2-cm diameter pneumotachograph in a face mask. Inspiratory and expiratory transupper airway pressures (PuI, PuE respectively) were determined as pressure differences between barometric pressure and lateral tracheal pressure. Blood collected from exteriorized carotid arteries was analyzed for PaO2, PaCO2, pH, hemoglobin (Hb) content, and HCO3-values. Heart rate (HR) was determined with an HR monitor. Measurements were made with horses standing, trotting, and galloping before left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN; base line), 14 days after LRLN, 30 days after ventriculectomy (44 days after LRLN), and 14 days after prosthetic laryngoplasty (58 days after LRLN). Before LRLN (base line), increasing treadmill speed for horses from standing to the trot and gallop progressively increased HR, respiratory frequency, VImax, VEmax, PuI, PuE, Hb, and PaCO2 values and decreased PaO2 pH, and HCO3- values; inspiratory and expiratory impedances were unchanged. After LRLN, inspiratory impedance and PuI were significantly (P < 0.05) increased in horses at the trot and gallop, and PaCO2 was significantly increased in horses at the gallop. The VImax and respiratory frequency were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in horses at the gallop. Left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy had no effect on PuE VEmax, HR, PaO2, pH, Hb or expiratory impedance values. Ventriculectomy failed to improve upper airway flow mechanics induced by LRLN, whereas prosthetic laryngoplasty restored upper airway flow mechanics to base-line values.
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