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Comparative pathogenicity of selected bovine viral diarrhea virus isolates in gnotobiotic lambs
Jewett, C.J. | Kelling, C.L. | Frey, M.L. | Doster, A.R.
The infectivity and pathogenicity of selected bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) isolates were determined in gnotobiotic, colostrum-deprived neonatal lambs. Five-day-old cesarean-derived gnotobiotic lambs were exposed to 1 of 10 BVDV isolates via aerosol suspension. These isolates were from tissues or secretions of calves or lambs affected with respiratory tract disease, weak neonatal calves, aborted bovine fetuses, or reference Singer or Draper BVDV. The pathogenicity of each isolate, relative to the others, was evaluated in lambs by measurement of the neutralizing antibody response, virus isolation from nasal secretions or tissues, and postmortem lesions. The BVDV isolates varied in their infectivity and pathogenicity. Singer, the cytopathic reference strain, was the most lymphotrophic isolate and stimulated the greatest neutralizing antibody response. Encephalitis was the most consistent lesion observed and was used as the final determinant of relative pathogenicity of the viruses. The most neuropathogenic isolates were the 2 viruses originating from lambs affected with respiratory tract disease, the 2 weak neonatal calf isolates, and 1 isolate from an aborted bovine fetus. The least pathogenic isolates were the 2 reference isolates, Draper and Singer; the 2 mucosal disease isolates; and 1 isolate originating from an aborted bovine fetus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Muscle responses of Thoroughbreds to conventional race training and detraining
Foreman, J.H. | Bayly, W.M. | Allen, J.R. | Matoba, H. | Grant, B.D. | Gollnick, P.D.
Ten healthy sedentary Thoroughbreds with previous race training experience were trained conventionally for 9 weeks. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained before and after training and after 6 weeks of detraining pasture rest. Biopsy samples were obtained from the right deltoid, triceps, vastus lateralis, middle gluteal, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus muscles. The deep-frozen biopsy samples were analyzed for activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), 3-hydroxy-acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase (HAD), and phosphorylase (PHOS) and for glycogen concentration. The triceps and gluteal muscle samples were also serially sectioned and stained for myofibrillar actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity after alkaline (pH 10.3) and sequential acidic (pH 4.34) ATPase inactivation. Fiber types I (alkaline preincubation), IIA1, IIA2, and IIA3 (sequential acidic preincubation over 5 minutes) were identified and were evaluated for fiber-type distribution and fiber areas. Increases in response to training were observed in deltoid and vastus muscle SDH and gluteal muscle HAD activities, and deltoid muscle glycogen concentration (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). Changes in PHOS activity were not observed. Type-IIA1, -IIA2, and -IIA3 fiber areas in triceps muscle were increased in response to training (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). Changes in fiber-type distribution did not occur in response to training. Changes in muscle enzyme activities, glycogen concentration, fiber types, and fiber areas were not seen from posttraining to detraining. Further increases were observed when detraining values were compared with pretraining values in deltoid, triceps, vastus, gluteal, and biceps femoris muscle SDH activities and in gluteal muscle glycogen concentration (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01). It was concluded that the predominant failure to detect training-induced muscle enzyme changes, along with documentation of increases in fast-twitch muscle fiber areas, indicate that conventional Thoroughbred training is principally of a sprinting nature. A greater emphasis on longer, slow endurance work early in training might add greatly to Thoroughbred horses' abilities to withstand the rigors of sprint training.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of muramyl dipeptide on immunogenicity of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis whole-cell vaccines in mice and lambs
Brogden, K.A. | Chedid, L. | Cutlip, R.C. | Lehmkuhl, H.D. | Sacks, J.
Colostrum-deprived lambs and CF1 mice were vaccinated with water-in-oil emulsion vaccines containing nonviable whole cells (WC) of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis with and without muramyl dipeptide (MDP). Efficacy of vaccines was determined from the survival of mice and lesions in lambs after IV injection of 10(4) colony-forming units of C pseudotuberculosis. In mice, protection was related to the concentration of WC in the vaccine. At 50, 100, or 150 micrograms of WC, protection was good (78.8%). At 10 or 25 micrograms of WC, protection was considerably less (54.7%). At high WC concentrations, protection could only be moderately increased to 82.3% with high (50 and 100 micrograms) concentrations of MDP or increased to 90% protection with low (5 and 10 micrograms) concentrations of MDP. At low WC concentrations, protection significantly decreased to 32% (P < 0.025) with high concentrations of MDP, but significantly increased to 72.5% (P < 0.025) with low concentrations of MDP. Therefore, the amount of protection with lower concentrations of WC and MDP was comparable with the amount of protection with higher concentrations of WC without MDP. In lambs, high prechallenge antibody titers (geometric mean titers from 5.1 to 5.4 by day 35) were observed after vaccination with WC. Protection and vaccination site abscesses in lambs were related to the concentration of WC and MDP. Pulmonary or vaccination site abscesses were not observed in 4 of 4 lambs vaccinated with 1 mg of WC + 50 micrograms of MDP.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Population biology of pseudorabies in swine
Smith, G. | Grenfell, B.T.
A deterministic mathematical model of the population biology of pseudorabies in swine was used to clarify some of the basic features of the host-virus relationship and to inquire into the circumstances that promote or impede virus persistence in a single herd. When the basic reproductive rate of the infection (ie, the number of secondary infections resulting from the introduction of a single infective animal into a wholly susceptible herd) is greater than unity, the model suggests that the number of infective individuals in the herd will undergo highly damped oscillations to a final equilibrium level. The most important determinants of virus persistence are herd size and the density at which sows are maintained. There is a threshold density of susceptible individuals below which the virus will eventually be eliminated from the herd, even when specific control measures are lacking. Test and removal strategies hasten virus elimination when herd density is already below threshold, but are otherwise likely to succeed only when the removal of latent infections reduces the basic reproductive rate of the infection below unity. Vaccination strategies may also result in virus elimination, but only in relatively small herds.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In vivo and in vitro genetic recombination between conventional and gene-deleted vaccine strains of pseudorabies virus
Henderson, L.M. | Katz, J.B. | Erickson, G.A. | Mayfield, J.E.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV), an alpha-herpesvirus, causes substantial economic losses in the swine industry and is currently the focus of eradication and control programs. Some of these programs rely on the ability of veterinarians to differentiate animals exposed to virulent strains of PRV from animals exposed to avirulent vaccine strains of PRV on the basis of a serologic response to nonessential glycoproteins that are deleted in some vaccine strains of PRV. Genetic recombination resulting in the creation of virulent strains of PRV with the same negative immunologic markers as vaccine strains could disrupt these programs. Two strains of PRV were coinoculated either into tissue culture or into sheep to facilitate recombination. Progeny viruses were selected to detect a specific recombinant phenotype. We were able to detect genetic recombination between vaccine strains of PRV following in vitro or in vivo coinoculation of 2 strains of PRV. The selected recombinants had marker-deleted phenotypes in strains with restored virulence genes. Increased virulence was observed in sheep after coinoculation of 2 avirulent vaccine strains of PRV.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bovine monoclonal antibodies specific for bovine herpesvirus-1 glycoprotein gIII
Srikumaran, S. | Onisk, D.V. | Zamb, T.J. | Osorio, F.A. | Rice, D.N.
Spleen cells from a calf immunized with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) were fused with the nonsecreting murine cell line SP2/0. Several bovine-murine hybridomas secreting bovine immunoglobulins were stabilized. Of these, 9 hybridomas secreted bovine monoclonal antibodies that specifically bound to BHV-1 in a radioimmunoassay. Two of these monoclonal antibodies reacted specifically with BHV-1 in an indirect fluorescent antibody test and immunoprecipitated a BHV-1 glycoprotein with molecular mass of 97 kilodaltons.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Prevalence of four enterotoxin (STaP, STaH, STb, and LT) and four adhesin subunit (K99, K88, 987P, and F41) genes among Escherichia coli isolates from cattle
Mainil, J.G. | Bex, F. | Jacquemin, E. | Pohl, P. | Couturier, M. | Kaeckenbeeck, A.
Colony hybridizations with DNA probes for 3 heat-stable (STaP, STaH, and STb) enterotoxins and 1 heat-labile (LT) enterotoxin and for 4 adhesins (K99, F41, K88, 987P) were performed on 870 Escherichia coli isolates to determine pathotypes prevalent among enterotoxigenic E coli (ETEC) isolated from cattle in Belgium. One hundred thirty-two E coli isolates (15.2%) hybridized with probes STaP, K99, and/or F41. The 5 other probes were not hybridized by E coli isolates. Therefore, only STaP enterotoxin and K99 and F41 adhesins were virulence factors of ETEC isolated from cattle. Two major pathotypes accounted for 95% of the ETEC: STaP+K99+F41+ (67.4%) and STaP+K99+ (27.3%). The last 5% of probe-positive isolates had STaP+, STaP+F41+, or K99+F41+ minor pathotypes. Of 12 American ETEC isolates also assayed, 7 were positive with STb and/or 987P probes (pathotypes STaP+STb+,STaP+ 987P+, or STaP+STb+987P+) and may be porcine- rather than bovine-specific enteropathogens. The remaining 5 American ETEC isolates belonged to 3 minor pathotypes (STaP+,STaP+F41+, and K99+F41+) also found among Belgian E coli isolates. Such isolates may be derivatives of STaP+K99+F41+ or STaP+K99+ ETEC after in vivo or in vitro loss of virulence genes and/or non-ETEC isolates, which have acquired virulence genes by in vivo transfer.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Experimental model of hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis caused by diversion of abomasal outflow in sheep
Smith, D.F. | Lunn, D.P. | Robinson, G.M. | McGuirk, S.M. | Nordheim, E.V. | MacWilliams, P.S.
Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis accompanied by hypokalemia and hyponatremia was induced experimentally in 7 adult sheep by diversion (loss) of gastric contents through an Ivan and Johnston cannula placed in the cranial part of the duodenum just distal to the pylorus. Cannula placement was easily accomplished, and cannulae were tolerated well by the sheep. Volume of effluent produced during the 60- to 120-hour period of diversion ranged from 7.7 to 14.9 L and tended to be greatest during the first 24 hours. All sheep became dehydrated, with mean PCV and plasma total protein concentration increases of 94.2 and 61.7%, respectively. Plasma chloride concentration decreased in linear fashion from a prediversion mean of 113 mEq/L (range, 111 to 117 mEq/L) to an end-point mean of 54 mEq/L (range, 45 to 65 mEq/L). Plasma sodium and potassium concentrations also decreased, though potassium concentration increased terminally. There were rapid increases in arterial blood pH and bicarbonate and base excess concentrations during the first 48 hours after diversion. However, during the final stages of diversion, sheep developed superimposed metabolic acidosis with increased plasma lactate concentration and high anion gap.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Reactivation of latent pseudorabies virus infection in vaccinated commercial sows
Cowen, P. | Li, S. | Guy, J.S. | Erickson, G.A. | Blanchard, D.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was isolated from 9 of 44 PRV-vaccinated seropositive sows on 5 of 11 farms. Although serum-neutralization antibody titers were 1:16 to 1:256, 28 virus isolates were obtained from tonsil, nasal, or buccal swab samples from 9 sows given 2 ml of dexamethasone/kg of body weight IM for 5 days. Pseudorabies virus was isolated from 6 of 20 sows (3 of 5 farms) given a killed-virus vaccination. Virus was obtained from 3 of 24 sows (2 of 6 farms) given modified-live virus and killed-virus vaccination. Evaluation of the 9 PRV with 5 restriction endonucleases revealed 4 PRV existing genotypes. The 9 isolated types of PRV appeared to be indistinguishable by Kpn I and BamHI restriction endonuclease analysis; however, when analyzed with Sal I, HinfI, and Pst I, isolates 7 (farm D), 8 (farm C), and 9 (farm B) had numerous differences. Isolates 1, 2, 3, and 4 (farm F) and 5 and 6 (farm G) appeared to be the same genotype when further analyzed with Pst I, HinfI, and Sal I.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of cortisol and different steroidogenic pathways on estrogen synthesis by the bovine placenta
Hoedemaker, M. | Weston, P.G. | Wagner, W.C.
The influence of cortisol on estrogen synthesis by the bovine placenta and the importance of the delta 4 and delta 5 pathway for estrogen production were investigated. For experiment 1, portions of fetal villi (200 mg) were incubated for 48 hours with 0, 10, 100, and 1,000 ng of cortisol/ml with [3H]androstenedione (3H-A) or [3H]pregnenolone (3H-P5). Villi were also incubated for 4, 28, and 52 hours with or without cortisol (500 ng/ml) and with 3H-A or 3H-P5 (experiment 2). The conversion of various [3H]steroid metabolites such as A, P5, 17 alpha-OH-pregnenolone (17 alpha-OH-P5), progesterone (P4), 17 alpha-OH-P4, cholesterol (chol), and chol plus lipoprotein (500 micrograms/ml) into estrogen was measured during a 4-hour incubation (experiment 3). In experiment 1, cortisol increased conversion of 3H-A and 3H-P5 into estrogen by 3 to 41% and 7 to 34%, respectively, in a dose-dependent manner (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, times of incubation did not influence conversion of 3H-A into estrogen, which, however, was increased significantly (P < 0.05) over all times of incubation by administration of 500 ng of cortisol/ml. Conversion of 3H-P5 into estrogen increased over time of incubation and was stimulated by cortisol (P < 0.05). However, there was no interaction between cortisol treatment and time of incubation. In experiment 3, conversion of 3H-A, 3H-P5, and 3H-17 alpha-OH-P5 into estrogen was greater than the conversion of the other precursors tested. Mean conversion of 3H-A, 3H-P5, 3H-17 alpha-OH-P5, 3H-P, 3H-17 alpha-OH-P4, 3H-chol, and 3H-chol plus lipoprotein was 23%, 10.6%, 11.0%, 1.8%, 1.8%, 0.3% and 0.7%, respectively. Our results suggest that, in cows, the delta 5 pathway is the preferred pathway for placental estrogen synthesis and that cortisol directly stimulates estrogen production, probably by activating enzymes involved in this pathway.
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