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Cardiorespiratory effects of glycopyrrolate-butorphanol-xylazine combination, with and without nasal administration of oxygen in dogs
Jacobson, J.D. | McGrath, C.J. | Ko, C.H. | Smith, E.P.
Cardiopulmonary consequences of IV administered glycopyrrolate (0.01 mg/kg of body weight), followed in 11 +/- 2 minutes by butorphanol (0.2 mg/ kg) and xylazine (0.5 mg/kg), were evaluated in 6 dogs, with and without nasal administration of oxygen (100 ml/kg/min). Glycopyrrolate caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in heart rate and cardiac index and significant (P < 0.05) decreases in stroke index. Subsequent administration of butorphanol and xylazine was associated with significant (P < 0.05) increases in systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial blood pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PaCO2, venous admixture, oxygen extraction ratio, and hemoglobin concentration. It caused significant (P < 0.05) decreases in cardiac index, stroke index, breathing rate, minute volume index, oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption. Mean arterial blood pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, tidal volume index, and minute volume index were significantly (P < 0.05) higher when dogs were breathing room air. The arterial and venous PO2, and PCO2, and venous oxygen content were significantly (P < 0.05) higher, and the arterial and venous pH, and oxygen consumption were significantly (P < 0.05) lower when oxygen was administered. Pulsus alternans and S-T segment depression were observed in dogs of both groups. Ventricular premature contractions were observed in 1 dog breathing room air. All dogs were intubated briefly 15 minutes after administration of butorphanol and xylazine. Time to first spontaneous movement was 45 minutes. All dogs remained in lateral recumbency without physical restraint for 60 minutes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of sample handling on measurement of plasma glucose and blood lactate concentrations in horses before and after exercise
Ferrante, P.L. | Kronfeld, D.S.
Collection of a satisfactory blood sample requires special procedures to prevent changes in glucose and lactate content after the sample has been obtained. Changes in measured plasma glucose and blood lactate concentrations attributable to anticoagulants and storage procedures, respectively, were examined in blood samples obtained from horses at rest and after exercise. To evaluate the effect of anticoagulants on measured plasma glucose concentration, blood was preserved with either sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate or lithium heparin. Measured plasma glucose concentration in blood obtained at rest and after exercise was 6 and 10% lower (P = 0.0038), respectively, when blood was preserved with fluoride/oxalate, compared with heparin. The erythrocyte volume in the blood sample was 15% smaller (P = 0.0001) in samples preserved with fluoride/oxalate, indicating a movement of water out of erythrocytes in the blood sample mixed with that anticoagulant. To evaluate the effect of storage procedure on measured blood lactate concentration, part of the blood sample was immediately deproteinized for blood lactate analysis, and the remaining blood was maintained for 30 and 60 minutes at either 0 or 22 C before deproteinization. When blood samples were maintained at 0 C prior to deproteinization, there was no difference in blood lactate concentration, regardless of the incubation time, compared with that in samples immediately deproteinized. Blood lactate concentration was greater (P < 0.01) in samples maintained at 22 C, compared with that in samples immediately deproteinized, and with that in equivalent samples maintained at 0 C. Blood preserved with fluoride/oxalate had lower measured plasma glucose concentration, compared with blood preserved with heparin, which was probably attributable to shrinkage of erythrocytes and dilution of the plasma with intracellular water. Minimal changes in blood lactate concentration were observed in samples maintained at 0 C up to 60 minutes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Plasma ferulenol concentration and activity of clotting factors in sheep with Ferula communis variety brevifolia intoxication
Tligui, N. | Ruth, G.R. | Felice, L.J.
Dynamics of plasma ferulenol concentration and its effect on the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors, prothrombin time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were determined in 4 sheep intoxicated individually with 600 g of powdered Ferula communis variety brevifolia (FCb) given in 8 doses at intervals of 6 hours. Ferulenol was detected in the plasma of all sheep at initial blood sample collection, 6 hours after the first dose of approximately 75 g of FCb was placed in the rumen. The last observed peak of approximately 20 microgram/ml was detected at about 12 hours after the last of 8 doses, and the mean concentration then decreased to < 1 microgram/ml during the next 70 hours. Maximal concentration of ferulenol and time for plasma clearance varied with individual sheep. The PT increased steadily to a maximum of 6 times normal about 70 hours after the last peak plasma ferulenol concentration and about 80 hours after FCb administration was stopped. The PT then retumed to almost normal (ratio of 1.12) from the maximum (ratio of 6.12) within approximately 5 days. The APTT results gnerally paralleled the PT results, but the change was not as marked. Maximal PT and APTT ratios were animal-dependent and not always related to plasma ferulenol concentration. The activity of all the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors was depressed, but the variations were unique to each factor. Factor V, a vitamin K-independent coagulation factor actually had a brief period of increased plasma activity. We concluded that the effects on PT, APTT, and vitarnin K-dependent coagulation factors induced in sheep intoxicated with FCb were consistent with the coumarinic structure of ferulenol, the intoxicating compound in FCb, which seems to have a short-term anticoagulation effect.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ferula communis variety brevifolia intoxication of sheep
Tligui, N. | Ruth, G.R.
Sheep given powdered Ferula communis variety brevifolia at dosage of 2.5 g/kg of body weight/d for 15 days developed classical clinical signs of intoxication: anorexia, somnolence, apparent weakness, and hemorrhage. Marked reduction of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors and prolongation of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were consistent with presence of ferulenol, a toxic coumarinic factor in the plant. Changes induced in the coagulation system developed by the second day of plant administration and were normal within 4 days after dosing was stopped. There was no evidence of primary liver damage or platelet malfunction. Of 6 intoxicated sheep, 2 died with only minimal evidence of hemorrhage.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Low blood lead concentration associated with various biomarkers in household pets
Berny, P.J. | Cote, L.M. | Buck, W.B.
A former secondary lead smelter was in operation in Granite City, Ill, until the early 1980s. As a result, the surrounding area is heavily contaminated with lead. Soil concentrations as high as 5,000 ppm have been measured in prior studies. Because of growing concerns about health defects associated with low levels of lead exposure in human beings, a major study has been conducted on people living in the area. The study reported here was a corollary to the human exposure study. Lead concentration was determined in 84 dogs and 26 cats in the town and ranged between < 5 and 28 microgram/dl. None of the dogs had clinical signs of lead poisoning. The CBC and serum biochemical values did not indicate many significant differences between dogs with a high (larger than or equal to 10 microgram/dl) or low blood lead concentration (BLC). Hemoglobin concentrations were lower, and WBC counts were higher in dogs and cats with higher BLC, but they were still within reference ranges. Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin concentration was determined. Normal values appeared to be similar for dogs and cats. Only animals with BLC larger than or equal to 20 microgram/dl were found to have somewhat increased concentration of free erythrocyte protoporphyrin. Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity was measured and found to be negatively correlated with BLC. The relation was strong, even at low BLC (5 to 10 microgram/dl) in both species. Age or sex difference was not observed. Therefore, biological changes associated with low BLC were limited to BLC in the 10- to 30-microgram/dl range.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of two ultralente insulin preparations with protamine zinc insulin in clinically normal cats
Broussard, J.D. | Peterson, M.E.
The absorption kinetics and glycemic effects of 3 long-acting insulin preparations (protamine zinc beef-pork insulin, ultralente beef-pork insulin, and ultralente human insulin) were evaluated in 9 healthy, adult, domestic shorthair cats (6 males, 3 females). A triple crossover study was performed, in which the serial serum concentrations of insulin and glucose were determined over a 24-hour period after sc administration of the 3 insulin preparations (dosage, 1.0 U/kg of body weight) at 3-week intervals. A control study was also performed in 4 of the cats by serially collecting samples for insulin and glucose determinations after administration of insulin diluent. After administration of protamine zinc insulin (PZI), mean (+/- SEM) serum insulin concentration increased significantly (P < 0.05) above baseline, reached a peak value (484 +/- 287 pmol/L) at 1 hour, and remained significantly (P < 0.05) higher than baseline at 24 hours. After administration of ultralente human insulin, the serum insulin curve was similar to that obtained after PZI administration, but mean serum insulin concentration took longer to peak (538 +/- 177 pmol/L at 4 hours). After administration of ultralente beef-pork insulin, mean peak serum insulin concentration was lower (220 +/- 54 pmol/L, not statistically significant) than that obtained after administration of PZI and ultralente human insulins; it then decreased to values statistically indistinguishable from baseline by 16 hours. The area under the serum insulin concentration curve for PZI (5,063 +/- 681 pmol.h/L) and ultralente human insulin (4,138 +/- 439 pmol.h/L) was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than that for ultralente beef-pork insulin (2,378 +/- 561 pmol.h/L). Serum glucose concentration decreased after administration of all 3 insulins, but the decrease was not different from that observed after diluent (control) administration. Results of this study indicate that differences may exist between absorption of PZI, ultralente human, and ultralente beef-pork insulins. Of the 2 ultralente insulin preparations, human insulin appears better absorbed than beef-pork insulin, but these findings need to be confirmed in cats with naturally acquired diabetes mellitus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of heparin, venous strangulation obstruction of the small intestine, and reperfusion of the small intestine on plasma diamine oxidase activity in horses
Laws, E.G. | Odoh, Bethrand Toochukwu
Diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme of small intestinal origin, is released from mucosal storage sites by IV administration of heparin, to yield the plasma postheparin DAO (PHD) curve. The PHD curve is diminished when mucosal surface area is lost, and baseline (without heparin) plasma DAO activity increases when mucosal storage sites are damaged. Plasma DAO activity was measured after 2 doses of heparin were administered Iv in healthy, conscious horses. In anesthetized horses, the PHD curve was studied: during sham small intestinal surgery, and during venous strangulation obstruction (VSO) of the distal 50% of the small intestine. In a third group of anesthetized horses, baseline plasma DAO activity (without heparin) was measured during vso of the distal 50% of the small intestine for 90 minutes, followed by reperfusion for 90 minutes. Postheparin plasma DAO curves in conscious horses were similar to those reported in other species Horses with VSO had a similar PHD curve as did sham-operated controls at all times, except at 15 minutes, when plasma DAO activity was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the vso group. Horses with VSO and reperfusion had no change in baseline plasma DAO activity throughout the study. Peritoneal fluid DAO activity remained low throughout the study, but increased slightly in horses with VSO that received heparin, possibly because of DAO from extravasated blood in the peritoneal fluid. Results indicated that the plasma DAO response to IV administered heparin in horses is similar to that in other mammals, but, unlike other species, baseline and postheparin DAO activities did not change as expected after small intestinal vascular obstruction and mucosal injury. There may be additional sources of DAO in horses, the type of injury induced was not of sufficient magnitude to affect storage sites of DAO, or the circulatory changes induced by vso might have altered tissue delivery of heparin.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Modulation of Fc receptors for IgG on bovine polymorphonuclear neutrophils by interferon-gamma through de novo RNA transcription and protein synthesis
Worku, M. | Paape, M.J. | Marquardt, W.W.
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) from 4 cows were preincubated (30 minutes, 37 C) in either actinomycin D (100 micrograms/ml) or puromycin (10 micrograms/ml), inhibitors of mRNA transcription and protein translation, or in medium 199. The PMN were incubated for a further 4.5 hours in medium containing 100 U of recombinant bovine interferon-gamma (rboIfn-gamma). The PMN were then incubated with bovine IgG1, IgG2, IgM, or aggregated IgG (aIgG; 4 C, 12 hours) for flow cytometric analysis, using fluoresceinated isotype-specific antibody. The percentage of PMN binding the ligand and the logarithmic mean fluorescent channel (LMFC), an indicator of the amount of receptor (R) expression, were recorded. Competitive inhibition of ligand binding was measured by incubating PMN with fluoresceinated IgG2 in the presence or absence of 100-fold excess of IgG1, IgG2, and aIgG. Activation with rboIfn-gamma induced a 4.5-fold increase in binding of IgG1 and a fivefold increase in LMFC for IgG2. These increases were inhibited by actinomycin D and puromycin. Percentage of PMN binding aIgG decreased after activation by rboIfn-gamma. Interferon-gamma treatment did not affect binding or LMFC of IgM. However, binding of IgM was reduced by treatment with actinomycin D. Binding of fluoresceinated IgG2 was inhibited by unlabeled IgG1, IgG2, and aIgG. Results indicate that bovine PMN Fc receptors (FcR) for IgG1 and IgG2 were rboIfn-gamma inducible, that induction required de novo transcription and translation, that a heterogeneous population of FcR exist on bovine PMN, and that IgG1 and IgG2 share a common FcR. Further, bovine PMN are capable of gene activation and are responsive to changes in their environment, thus being amenable to modulation for effective pathogen destruction.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ground reaction force profiles from force platform gait analyses of clinically normal mesomorphic dogs at the trot
Rumph, P.F. | Lander, J.E. | Kincaid, S.A. | Baird, D.K. | Kammermann, J.R. | Visco, D.M.
Force platform analysis of gait provides ground reaction force information that can be used to study limbs with normal or abnormal function. When combined, the interrelated variables of ground reaction forces give a more thorough description of gait than when used individually. To describe the pattern of ground reaction forces in clinically normal, conditioned, mesomorphic dogs, we studied the data from platform gait analyses of 43 dogs. Mediolateral (Fx), craniocaudal (Fy), and vertical (Fz) forces were measured and recorded. Torque (Tz) around the vertical axis also was calculated. Mean stance times for forelimbs and hind limbs were 0.278 and 0.261 second, respectively. Among dogs, ground reaction forces were normalized and expressed as percentage of body weight (%bw). The vertical (Fz) peak, average force during stance phase, and force vs time impulses were 106.68, 60.82, and 17.2 %bw in forelimbs, and were 65.11, 35.3, and 9.33 %bw in hind limbs. The forelimb braking/ propulsive (Fy) peaks were -16.74 and +6,73 %bw. In hind limbs, these peaks were -3.76 and +7.69 %bw. The usual mediolateral force (Fx) pattern found in forelimbs was laterally directed, with average peak magnitude of 6.69 %bw, whereas the hind limb patterns were variable.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Airway occlusion pressure and diaphragm global electromyogram analysis for evaluation of inspiratory muscle drive and neuromechanical coupling in cattle
Desmecht, D.J.M. | Linden, A.S. | Rollin, F.A. | Lekeux, P.M.
Although healthy and diseased bovine respiratory tracts have been intensively studied during the last years, to the authors' knowledge, there have been no attempts to objectively examine the inspiratory drive from the brain to the nerves and muscles and its transformation in pressure. Such technique would be useful in assessing the possibility of altered ventilatory drive or inspiratory muscle fatigue in the context of an animal with ventilatory failure. The relation among ventilation, airway opening occlusion pressure generated 100 milliseconds after onset of inspiration (Pawo100ms) and 6 indexes describing diaphragmatic electromyographic activity (EMGdi) recorded via implanted fishhooks was evaluated during free and impeded CO2, rebreathing in 6 young bulls. The best significant linear correlations (r > 0.8) with inspiratory center afferent stimulation, as judged by end-tidal CO2 concentration in expired air, were found for Pawo100ms, peak moving time average or variance EMGdi, and mean integrated EMGdi, whatever had been the respiratory impedance. However, with an inspiratory load, Pawo100ms responses systematically had greater increase for a given change in the driving EMGdi, implying dependence of the former not only on neural input, but also on configurational factors that determine inspiratory muscle excitation-pressure generation couplings. The reproducibility of EMGdi absolute values and changes was satisfactory up to 10 hours, but could not be repeated from one day to the other. It was concluded that, provided the constancy of the electrical coupling of the recording system to the tissue being studied is ensured, specific EMGdi and Pawo100ms values correlate reliably with amount of CO2 during free and loaded breathing. Simultaneous collection of both values during experimentally induced pulmonary disease in calves could, therefore, produce information to help answer questions about the role of CNS and inspiratory muscle dysfunction in case of ventilatory failure. Careful interpretation, however, requires additional measurements, such as end-expiratory lung volume, and some familiarity with the underlying physiologic processes that link phrenic nerve discharge to generation of negative pressure at the airway opening.
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