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Macroscopic and microscopic study of integuments on ostrich (Struthio camelus) foot
Zhang, Rui | Ma, Songsong | Li, Xiujuan | Luo, Gang | Xue, Shuliang | Li, Jianqiao
Introduction: Ostrich characteristics include fast running, of which the probable enablers have been studied. Yet little research has taken place on one anatomical feature. It is mainly the special integuments on the ostrich foot which facilitate fast running on sand, because as point of direct sand contact they bear the whole weight and provide all the forward force. This study elucidates aspects of the integuments.Material and Methods: A stereo microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and confocal scanning laser microscope were used to observe these integuments. Their surface structure was shown accurately in photographs. An SEM equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy was used to check element contents of the upper and bottom areas and those on the lateral area of the 3ʳᵈ toe.Results: The content of some chemical elements on the upper area (Mg 2.04%, Si 0.18%, P 1.97%, Ca 0.59%, and S 0.69%) was higher than that of the bottom area (Mg 0.14%, Si 0.09%, P 0.10%, Ca 0.28%, and S 0.90%). Zinc was the particular element on the upper area, while sodium, chlorine, and potassium were the specific elements on the bottom area. The parts which must withstand different frictions contained different chemical compounds.Conclusion: The microscopic plane with layer-like structure and stripes may contribute to the wear-resistance of the papillae. The polygonal and prism structures are helpful to fix papillae in a firmer way.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Oxidative stress and antioxidant defence markers in muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after vaccination against Yersinia ruckeri
Introduction: The goal of this study was to assess the influence of vaccination against enteric redmouth disease on oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant defence in the muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) vaccinated against Yersinia ruckeri in the first and second month after immunisation. Material and Methods: Healthy fish were vaccinated orally with inactivated whole cells of a virulent strain of Y. ruckeri. One and two months after immunisation the muscle samples were collected. Results: No significant difference was noted in lipid peroxidation level in either the first or second month after vaccination, while aldehydic and ketonic derivatives of oxidatively modified proteins (OMB) in the vaccinated group were significantly lower in the second month compared to those in the first month after vaccination (P < 0.05). The content of ketonic derivatives of OMB in muscles in the first month after immunisation was higher compared to untreated control. All these culminated in a depletion of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and low level of total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Conclusion: Correlations between catalase activity and lipid peroxidation and TAC confirmed the pivotal role of catalase in antioxidant defence during immunisation. From a broader perspective, it is suggested that immunisation of fish with Yersinia vaccine is associated with induced free radical formation and oxidative stress. Free radicals would therefore be at least partially responsible for the induction of both humoral and cellular elements of the immunity and increased protective immunity against Y. ruckeri infection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mixed infection zones may be important in the epidemiology of contagious agalactia
Jafarizadeh, Amirreza | Pourbakhsh, Seyed Ali | Tadayon, Keyvan | Jamshidian, Mahmud | Ashtari, Abbas
Introduction: The current study was designed to detect Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma), Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc), Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and Mycoplasma putrefaciens (Mp) in sheep and goats with clinical signs consistent with contagious agalactia.Material and Methods: A total of 299 samples were collected from 55 mixed herds in Azarbaijan-e-Sharghi province, Iran. Samples were examined using PCR and culture methods.Results: The findings showed that in 40 herds at least one sample was positive by PCR or culture method. Moreover, out of 274 sheep samples, 101 were proved to be positive using the PCR technique and 76 were found positive using the culture method. Out of 25 goat samples, 10 were found positive using PCR and 9 were positive through the culture method. Less than 20% of isolated mycoplasmas were Ma. Ma was detected from almost all studied regions in the province while Mmc, Mcc, and Mp were detected only in a very limited area that was deemed by the research group the mixed infection zone.Conclusion: In vaccination or eradication projects, it would be more economical to focus on mixed infection zones. Further investigation on mixed infection zones could facilitate better understanding of contagious agalactia epidemiology.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characteristics of selected bioaccumulative substances and their impact on fish health
Walczak, Marek | Reichert, Michał
The aim of this article was to evaluate the influence and effects of chosen bioaccumulative substances i.e. heavy metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on fish, as well as provide information on time trends and potential threat to human health. Chemical substances which pollute water may affect living organisms in two ways. First of all, large amounts of chemical substances may cause sudden death of a significant part of the population of farmed fish, without symptoms (i.e. during breakdown of factories or industrial sewage leaks). However, more frequently, chemical substances accumulate in tissues of living organisms affecting them chronically. Heavy metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls are persistent substances with a long-lasting biodegradation process. In a water environment they usually accumulate in sediments, which makes them resistant to biodegradation processes induced by, e.g., the UV light. These substances enter the fish through direct consumption of contaminated water or by contact with skin and gills. Symptoms of intoxication with heavy metals, pesticides, and PCBs may vary and depend on the concentration and bioavailability of these substances, physicochemical parameters of water, and the fish itself.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Immunophenotypic characterisation and cytogenetic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from equine bone marrow and foal umbilical cords during in vitro culture
Mazurkevych, Anatoliy | Malyuk, Mykola | Bezdieniezhnykh, Natalia | Starodub, Lyubov | Kharkevych, Yuriy | Brusko, Evgen | Gryzińska, Magdalena | Jakubczak, Andrzej
Introduction: The objective of the study was immunophenotypic and cytogenetic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from equine bone marrow and foal umbilical cords during in vitro culture.Material and Methods: The mesenchymal stem cells were obtained from equine bone marrow of three horses and from foal umbilical cords of six foals. The cells were cultured in CO₂ incubators by standard procedure. Quantitative abnormalities of chromosomes, i.e. aneuploidy and polyploidy, and structural aberrations, i.e. breaks in chromosomes and chromatid, were taken into account during the study.Results: The results of cytogenetic analysis of equine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells at the third and fourth passages indicated that the level of karyotype variability of these cells corresponded to the spontaneous level of karyotype variability typical of the peripheral blood lymphocytes of this species. Equine bone marrow contained several clones of stem cells that differed in the expression of specific nuclear markers characteristic of proliferating cells.Conclusion: Mesenchymal stem cells from foal umbilical cords during in vitro cultivation are characterised by quantitative abnormalities of the chromosomal apparatus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of stallion semen morphology using two different staining methods, microscopic techniques, and sample sizes
Łącka, Katarzyna | Kondracki, Stanisław | Iwanina, Maria | Wysokińska, Anna
Introduction: The aim of this study was to propose the optimal methodology for stallion semen morphology analysis while taking into consideration the staining method, the microscopic techniques, and the workload generated by a number of samples. Material and Methods: Ejaculates from eight pure-bred Arabian horses were tested microscopically for the incidence of morphological defects in the spermatozoa. Two different staining methods (eosin-nigrosin and eosin-gentian dye), two different techniques of microscopic analysis (1000× and 400× magnifications), and two sample sizes (200 and 500 spermatozoa) were used. Results: Well-formed spermatozoa and those with major and minor defects according to Blom’s classification were identified. The applied staining methods gave similar results and could be used in stallion sperm morphology analysis. However, the eosin-nigrosin method was more recommendable, because it allowed to limit the number of visible artefacts without hindering the identification of protoplasm drops and enables the differentiation of living and dead spermatozoa. Conclusion: The applied microscopic techniques proved to be equally efficacious. Therefore, it is practically possible to opt for the simpler and faster 400x technique of analysing sperm morphology to examine stallion semen. We also found that the number of spermatozoa clearly affects the results of sperm morphology evaluation. Reducing the number of spermatozoa from 500 to 200 causes a decrease in the percentage of spermatozoa identified as normal and an increase in the percentage of spermatozoa determined as morphologically defective.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Viral shedders in a herd vaccinated against infection with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) without prior testing for the presence of persistently infected animals
Polak, Mirosław P. | Antos, Aleksandra | Rola, Jerzy | Żmudziński, Jan F.
Introduction: Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), caused by the bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), is one of the most important diseases of cattle worldwide. The purpose of the study was to determine the BVDV infection status in a dairy herd vaccinated against BVD. Before vaccination started in 2008, there had been no prior identification or the removal of the possible source of infection (persistently infected animals). It was expected that vaccination itself would enable the elimination of viral shedders on a long term basis. Material and Methods: Serological screening for antibodies against BVDV with determination for antibodies titres, BVDV antigen, and the presence of the viral genome with phylogenetic analysis of positive samples in the herd were performed, despite the lack of any clinical problems indicating possible presence of BVDV infection. Results: 19 individuals persistently infected with BVDV were identified among calves and heifers but not in adult cattle. All virus shedders were antibody negative and the genotype of isolated virus was BVDV-1b, indicating a single source of infection. The vaccine used in the herd was composed of BVDV-1a strain. In each of the tested cowsheds, antibody titres against BVDV-1b were higher than against BVDV-1a (median values). Conclusion: Despite a long-lasting vaccination programme and relatively high sequence homology of vaccinal and field strains of BVDV (83.6%), it was not possible to avoid transplacental infections of foetuses and the birth of persistently infected calves from vaccinated heifers although the protection against clinical disease was accomplished.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chlamydia psittaci reference genes for normalisation of expression data differ depending on the culture conditions and selected time points during the chlamydial replication cycle
Van Lent, Sarah | Vanrompay, Daisy
Introduction: Chlamydia psittaci is a gram-negative obligate intracellular pathogen of birds. Poultry infections lead to economic losses and can be transmitted to humans. No vaccine is available and the bacterium-host cell interaction is not completely understood. Replicating bacteria cause pneumonia, but C. psittaci can also be non-replicating and persistent inside the cytoplasm of avian cells. RT-qPCR provides insight into the molecular pathogenesis of both active replicating and persistent Chlamydia psittaci in birds, but requires identification of stably expressed reference genes to avoid biases. Material and Methods: We investigated the expression stability of 10 C. psittaci candidate reference genes for gene expression analysis during normal growth and penicillin-induced persistence. C. psittaci Cal10 was cultured in HeLa229 and RNA was extracted. The expression level of each candidate was examined by RT-qPCR and Cq values were analysed using geNorm. Results: The genes tyrS, gidA, radA, and 16S rRNA ranked among the most stably expressed. The final selected reference genes differed according to the bacterial growth status (normal growth versus persistent status), and the time points selected during the duration of the normal chlamydial developmental cycle. Conclusion: The study data show the importance of systematic validation of reference genes to confirm their stability within the strains and under the conditions selected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relationship between the pre- and postpartum body condition scores and periparturient indices and fertility in high-yielding dairy cows
Stefańska Barbara | Poźniak Agnieszka | Nowak Włodzimierz
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between body condition score (BCS) determined on the dry-off day, calving day, and in the first month of lactation, its changes during the dry period and early lactation, and periparturient indices and fertility in high-producing dairy cows. Material and Methods: The experiment was conducted in two herds: A and B, located in Western Poland. The studies were conducted on 116 and 108 Polish Holstein-Friesian dairy cows respectively, with an average milk yield of >10 000 kg/305-day lactation. The experiment included the dry period (-56 d to the calving day), the calving day, and early lactation (from +1 to +56 d). The experimental factor was BCS (0 to 5-point scale). The BCS was performed by one person on day -56, on parturition day (in the first 12 h after calving) and on day 30 of lactation. Results: A decrease in BCS (≥-0.25) in herd A during the dry period accelerated the planned calving period by 7.3 d. In the group of cows with BCS <3.25 on the dry-off day, the lowest artificial insemination index (1.80), the shortest period of insemination services (25 d), and days open (87 d) were recorded. Moreover, cows with BCS < 3.25 at calving had the shortest days open (91 d). BCS >3.50 in the first month of lactation (30 d) resulted in the extension of uterine involution period (56 d). Improvement of BCS during the dry period shortened the anoestrus (60 d) in herd A and the period of insemination service (60 d) in herd B. However, in this group (IM BCS ≥ 0.25) of cows the day of the highest artificial insemination index (2.50) in herd B was analysed. Conclusion: The body condition on the dry-off day and at calving, as well as its deterioration in the first month of lactation, have a considerable effect on fertility indices in dairy cows, thus confirming the advisability of its regular monitoring during routine operations connected with the management of a dairy cattle herd.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Role of mast cells in cow metritis
Wang Guo-Qing | Hou Jin-Long | Huang Huan-Yu | Yuan Chao-Wen
Introduction: Bovine postpartum metritis causes great losses. Mast cell (MC)-released mediators participate in uterine inflammation and immune response, but their role in postpartum metritis in cows has not been reported. This study investigated the effect of endometrial MC on the disorder.
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