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Table grape of Ukraine – varietal resources, perspectives of production and consumption
Власов, В. В | Мулюкіна, Н. А | Ковальова, І. А | Герус, Л. В
Purpose. To enrich and improve the range of table grape varieties of Ukraine. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, mathematic, visual ones. Results. Modern Ukrainian gene pool of table grape varieties has been created on the base of the best introduced and homegrown cultivars and selections. New genotypes that are creating at the National Scientific Centre “Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making named after V. Ye. Tairov” under the breeding program “Resistense plus Quality” are the basis of current and future regional assortments for the south and central areas of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The complexity of the origine explains the genetically determined high-level manifestation of commercially valuable characters. New varieties and selections are ecologically safe for humans and the environment, as the level of their resistance to the group of fungal main diseases is not less than 6.5 points according to the 9-point scale, therefore they do not require a large pesticide load. New promising table varieties demonstrate a stable yield and high marketability of grapes – 5–10 kg per plant with the marketability nearly 80–87% during the last five years. In addition, dense flesh of grapes is a guarantee of high transportability. The variety of table genotypes taste, shape and berries ripening from very early to very late embodied in the innovative and highly profitable development “Conveyor of table grapes”. Depending on the ecological and geographical conditions, the conveyor can include a different quantity of varieties, but to in order increase the efficiency and profitability it is necessary to have a few groups (from 2 to 4 varietes) of different ripening. The approximate ratio (%) of varieties of different ripening time is recommended: very early – 22%, early – 22%, average – 17%, mid-late – 17%, and late – 22%. Conclusions. The variation of shape, flavour and color of new promising genotypes of table grapes makes them very popular on the market and may satisfy the most demanding consumer. The stability of the adaptive and technological traits makes the new table varieties very attractive for the producers of grape products.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material
Л. В. Герус
Purpose. Developing methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material in hybrid combinations for a number of indicators of adaptability and productivity. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, statistical ones. Results. Main requirements were determined for a new generation of table and technical grapes that was based on the set breeding task and patent searches, literary sources and Internet resources. 12 main indicators of adaptability, productivity and quality of products were analyzed, a high level of their display is required for pre-selection of grape seedlings for further study. Gradation from the lowest level of display of the above economic characters of grapes to the medium and high ones was developed. For their definition points-based system is used – the lowest level of display corresponds to one and three points, average – five, and high – seven and nine. As a result, studied plants can score 12 to 108 points. Variation in the plant evaluation over the years should not exceed 10 points. A seedling cannot be selected by the maximum level of displaying only one parameter, in the same manner as it shall be rejected with a minimum level of display of any of the said indicators. Seedlings that display a stable middle level of traits can be placed to the breeding nursery to study the level of display of the essential parameters and properties of the grafted culture. Conclusions. Criteria and basic parameters of genotypic values in hybrid combinations were determined. Plants that have been estimated in 60 points or higher may be considered as promising ones, that is those which require further studying. Valuable genotypes correspond to the level of 80–100, very valuable – of 101–108 points.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of adaptive capacity of spring wheat lines under conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. А. Демидов | С. О. Хоменко | І. В. Федоренко | Р. М. Близнюк | Є. А. Кузьменко
Purpose. Selecting spring wheat lines with increased adaptive capacity. Methods. Field experiments, statistical evaluation. Results. Lines of spring soft wheat with better adaptive capacity were identified (‘Erythrospermum 13-39’, ‘Lutescens 11-16’, ‘Lutescens 05-24’, ‘Lutescens 10-36’) and spring durum wheat (‘Melanopus 10-02’ (biotype II), ‘Melanopus 10-02’, ‘Melanopus 10-03’, ‘Hordeiforme 12-12’). Spring soft wheat varieties ‘Zlata’, ‘Dubravka’, ‘Oksamyt Myronivskyi’, ‘Bozhena’ and spring durum wheat varieties ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Magdalena’ with increased adaptive capacity were passed for State variety testing. Conclusions. With regard to the analysis of parameters of yield capacity and its variability under the influence of changing environmental factors, soft and durum spring wheat lines with increased adaptive capacity were identified. The best spring wheat lines for general adaptive capacity were passed for State variety testing. Soft spring wheat variety ‘Zlata’ and durum spring wheat variety ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, in 2014, and such soft spring wheat varieties as ‘Dubravka’, ‘Oksamyt Myronivskyi’, ‘Bozhena’ and spring durum wheat variety ‘Magdalena’, in 2015, were passed for State variety testing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adaptive capacity and potential properties of varieties bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS
А. Ф. Борівський
Purpose. To establish adaptive capacity and reproduction time of the registered potato varieties elite bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS of Ukraine in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory tests, statistical evaluation. Results. Potato varieties were tested in the Forest-Seppe, Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine. Over the years of testing (2012–2014), the highest yield of potatoes in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe zone was produced by the early varieties: ‘Kimmeria’ – 46.9 t/ha, ‘Vedruska’ – 38.6 t/ha; middle-early varieties: ‘Partner’ – 33.2 t/ha, ‘Fantazia – 27.7 t/ha; mid-season varieties: ‘Okolytsia’ – 35.4 t/ha, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ – 25.1 t/ha. In the Central Polissia, ‘Kimmeria’ (31 t/ha) was the most productive early variety, the yield at the level of 27.6–29.2 t/ha was formed by such varieties as ‘Skarbnytsia’, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Tyras’. Among the middle-early varieties, the yield of 33.1 t/ha was obtained from the variety ‘Partner’. In the conditions of Steppe zone, such early potato varieties as ‘Vymir’, ‘Glazurna’, ‘Strumok’, ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Svitoch’ and the middle-early variety ‘Ariya’ had the highest productivity in case of growing as bivoltine crop under irrigated conditions. It was found that in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones such varieties as ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Skarbnytsia, ‘Tyras’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Partner’, ‘Slovianka’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’, ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’ were characterized by high resistance to degeneration (viral diseases and loss of productivity of potato elite in the process of reproduction). According to the results of evaluation of the impact of elite potato reproduction time on affection by viral diseases, optimal time for elite renovation for investigated varieties was determined. Conclusions. In the process of testing in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine, stable yield with a high seed tubers number, regardless of weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, was formed by some early potato varieties (‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska’, ‘Radynka) and middle-early one (‘Partner’). Among mid-season varieties ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Okolytsia’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ were identified for high productivity, and among middle-late – ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’. The most common viral diseases of potatoes were rugose mosaic and mosaic leaf curling. High efficiency of the use of bivoltine crop method for potato growing to obtain seed material in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine has been proved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Усик, Л. О | Базалій, Г. Г | Колесникова, Н. Д
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Л. О. Усик | Г. Г. Базалій | Н. Д. Колесникова
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative evaluation of predictable and unpredictable environments as backgrounds for selection to adaptive ability
Стариченко, В. М
The research of 122 breeding lines of winter wheat to adaptability have been carried out for three years at three points. Samples for ecological variety testing were determined which have both high and average stability and plasticity, high average yield and are promising for qualified examination. The environments are analyzed for differentiating ability. Environments were selected which allow to identify genotypes for yield potential and adaptive ability. It is established that the parameters of adaptive ability and stability of winter wheat samples obtained during cultivation both in various geographical locations and at one point during some years were closely correlated. This confirms the hypothesis that the genotype estimate for adaptive ability in one location is reliable. The connection level was average only for the variance of genotype–environment interaction. However, this parameter is not principal therefore this connection level does not restrict significantly the use of the method in general.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Пластичність нових сортів пшениці м’якої озимої (Triticum aestivum L.) за врожайністю в різних ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах України | Yield plasticity of new varieties of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in different soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine
A. M. Kyrylchuk | H. A. Dutova | S. M. Hryniv | O. B. Orlenko | I. V Bezprozvana | T. Ye. Kulyk | B. M. Makarchuk
Мета. Визначити рівень продуктивності, стабільності та пластичності нових сортів пшениці м’якої озимої за її вирощування в різних ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах України. Методи. Польовий дослід виконували в умовах пунктів досліджень Українського інституту експертизи сортів рослин (УІЕСР) у ґрунтово-кліматичних зонах Степу, Лісостепу та Полісся впродовж 2022–2023 рр. Вивчали особливості росту та розвитку рослин; пластичність і стабільність формування врожайності 34 нових сортів пшениці м’якої озимої обчислювали та аналізували за методикою Ебергарда – Рассела, загальну гомеостатичність і селекційну цінність – за Хангільдіним В. В. і Литвиненком М. А. У процесі досліджень використовували розрахунковий і статистичний методи, для підготовки висновків – аналізу та синтезу. Результати. Врожайність сортів залежно від ґрунтово-кліматичної зони та пункту досліджень варіювалася від 5,4 до 8,4 т/га. Найбільшим її середнім значенням характеризувався ‘LG Optimist’ (8,1 т/га), найменшим – ‘ЮСОН’ (6,0 т/га). Найсприятливіші умови для дослідження росту та розвитку генотипів у 2022 р. були в зонах Лісостепу (Ij = 0,9) та Полісся (Ij = 0,6), у 2023-му – Полісся (Ij = 0,2); найгірші у 2022 р. – в Степу (Ij = –0,7), у 2023-му – в Степу (Ij = –0,7) та Лісостепу (Ij = –0,5). Розрахункова врожайність сортів у пунктах досліджень не відрізнялася від фактичної, змінювалася в межах 6,0–8,1 т/га й становила в середньому 7,1 т/га. Високу гомеостатичність і низький рівень варіації (V ≤ 10,0%) виявлено в сортів ‘Євразія’ (Hom = 15,6), ‘Dekaster’ (Hom = 15,2), ‘ФОРСАЙТ’ (Hom = 13,9) та ‘LG Optimist’ (Hom = 12,1). Крім того, ‘LG Optimist’ (Sc = 6,9) і ‘Dekaster’ (Sc = 6,6) мали найвищий показник селекційної цінності. Сорт ‘ФОРСАЙТ’ (bi = 0,2; S2 di = 0,24), урожайність якого в середньому становила 7,4 т/га, є високопластичним, тому його доцільно вирощувати на екстенсивних фонах і в несприятливих умовах. Сорти ‘Євразія’, ‘Носівочка’, ‘SOLIFLOR CS’, ‘Мізинка’, ‘Трояна’, ‘LG Optimist’, ‘Бісквіт’, ‘МІП Довіра’, ‘Етуаль’, ‘Творчість одеська’, ‘Attribut’, ‘Epihraf’, ‘Dekaster’, ‘Епітет’, ‘Jannis’, ‘Пам’яті Горлача’, ‘Trembita bilotserkivska’ та ‘Слава Унави’ із сукупним проявом високої екологічної пластичності (bi = 1) та стабільності (S2 di = 0) й середньою врожайністю зерна 7,2 т/га за генотипом добре реагують на поліпшення умов вирощування і є найбільш практично цінними. Висновки. Досліджувані нові сорти пшениці м’якої озимої реалізовують свій генетичний потенціал і формують врожаї навіть за суттєвих змін умов середовища та вирощування в різних ґрунтовокліматичних зонах. | Purpose. To determine the level of productivity of new varieties of soft winter wheat, their stability and plasticity when grown in different soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine. Methods. The field trial was carried out in 2022–2023 under the conditions of the research stations of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE) in the Steppe, Forest Steppe and Polissia soilclimatic zones. The peculiarities of plant growth and development, the yield formation of 34 new varieties of soft winter wheat were studied. Plasticity and stability of yield formation were calculated and analyzed according to the Ebergard – Russell method, general homeostaticity and selection value according to Khangildin V.V. and Lytvynenko N.A. In the course of the research, computational and statistical methods were used. Analysis and synthesis were used to draw conclusions. Results. The yield varied from 5.4 to 8.4 t/ha, depending on the soil and climate zone and the location of the trial. The variety ‘LG Optimist’ had the highest average yield (8.1 t/ha) and ‘YUSON’ the lo west (6.0 t/ha). The most favorable conditions for the study of growth and development of genotypes in 2022 were in the Forest-Steppe (Ij = 0.9) and Polissia (Ij = 0.6) zones, in 2023 – Polissia (Ij = 0.2); the worst in 2022 – in the Steppe (Ij = –0.7), in 2023 – in the Steppe (Ij = –0.7) and ForestSteppe (Ij = –0.5) zones. In 2023, the best climatic conditions were in the Polissia zone (Ij = 0.2), the worst were in the points located in the Steppe (Ij = –0.7) and Forest Steppe (Ij = –0.5) zones. The theoretical yield values of the varieties at the research points did not differ from the actual values and averaged 7.1 t/ha, ranging from 6.0 to 8.1 t/ha. High homeostaticity and low level of variation (V ≤ 10.0%) were found in the varieties ‘Yevraziia’ (Hom = 15.6), ‘Dekaster’ (Hom = 15.2), ‘FORSAIT’ (Hom = 13.9) and ‘LG Optimist’ (Hom = 12.1). In addition, ‘LG Optimist’ (Sc = 6.9) and ‘Dekaster’ (Sc = 6.6) had the highest breeding value. The variety ‘FORSAIT’ (bi = 0.2; S2 di = 0.24), with an average yield of 7.4 t/ha, has a high plasticity, so it is recommended to grow it on extensive backgrounds and in unfavorable conditions. Varieties ‘Yevraziia’, ‘Nosivochka’, ‘SOLIFLOR CS’, ‘Mizynka’, ‘Troiana’, ‘LG Optimist’, ‘Biskvit’, ‘MIP Dovira’, ‘Etual’, ‘Tvorchist Odeska’, ‘Attribut’, ‘Epihraf’, ‘Dekaster’, ‘Epitet’, ‘Jannis’, ‘Pamiati Horlacha’, ‘Trembita Bilotserkivska’ and ‘Slava Unavy’ with a combined manifestation of high ecological plasticity bi = 1 and stability S2 di = 0 in average grain yield 7.2 t/ha, according to the genotype respond well to the improvement of growing conditions and are stable, are considered the most practically valuable. Conclusions. New varieties of soft winter wheat, when grown in different soil and climatic conditions, fully develop their genetic potential under significant changes in environmental conditions and produce the highest yield that can be obtained under ideal conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Morphoagrobiological properties and productivity of new soft winter wheat varieties under the conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station
Уліч, О. Л | Каражбей, Г. М | Козак, С. В | Терещенко, Ю. Ф | Коховська, І. В
Purpose. To study morphoagrobiological and adaptive properties, level of yielding capacity of recently registered soft winter wheat varieties of various ecological groups under agroecological conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. It was established that the yield level of is a key composite indicator of genotype adaptation to agroecological growing conditions. Experimental data indicate significant deviations of yield depending on the genotype and the year of study. During three years of experiments, yield depending of the variety ranged from 4.26 to 9.71 t/ha, such varieties as ‘CN Kombin’, ‘Estivus’, ‘Tradytsiia odeska’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Lil’ and ‘Fabius’ had higher yields. In case of dry weather conditions and unfavorable agro-ecological factors, the following varieties as ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Lil’, ‘Tsentylivka’, ‘Fabius’, ‘Patras’, ‘Montrei’ have demonstrated good adaptive properties. Their yield has decreased by 9,2–19,0%, while in the varieties ‘Mahistral’, ‘Poltavka’, ‘Harantiia odeska’ and ‘Pokrova’ – by 34.4, 42.4, 45.2 and 50.6% accordingly. Conclusions. Investigated soft winter wheat varieties differ in morphoagrobiological characteristics, productivity, height, maturation period, adaptability as well as economic and agronomic value. According to the complex of such indices as productivity, agronomic characters and properties as well as adaptability, in the microzone of Kirovohrad variety testing station it is advisable to grow varieties ‘CN Kombi’, ‘Pokrova’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’ and ‘Lil’.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Table grape of Ukraine – varietal resources, perspectives of production and consumption
В. В. Власов | Н. А. Мулюкіна | І. А. Ковальова | Л. В. Герус
Purpose. To enrich and improve the range of table grape varieties of Ukraine. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, mathematic, visual ones. Results. Modern Ukrainian gene pool of table grape varieties has been created on the base of the best introduced and homegrown cultivars and selections. New genotypes that are creating at the National Scientific Centre “Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making named after V. Ye. Tairov” under the breeding program “Resistense plus Quality” are the basis of current and future regional assortments for the south and central areas of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The complexity of the origine explains the genetically determined high-level manifestation of commercially valuable characters. New varieties and selections are ecologically safe for humans and the environment, as the level of their resistance to the group of fungal main diseases is not less than 6.5 points according to the 9-point scale, therefore they do not require a large pesticide load. New promising table varieties demonstrate a stable yield and high marketability of grapes – 5–10 kg per plant with the marketability nearly 80–87% during the last five years. In addition, dense flesh of grapes is a guarantee of high transportability. The variety of table genotypes taste, shape and berries ripening from very early to very late embodied in the innovative and highly profitable development “Conveyor of table grapes”. Depending on the ecological and geographical conditions, the conveyor can include a different quantity of varieties, but to in order increase the efficiency and profitability it is necessary to have a few groups (from 2 to 4 varietes) of different ripening. The approximate ratio (%) of varieties of different ripening time is recommended: very early – 22%, early – 22%, average – 17%, mid-late – 17%, and late – 22%. Conclusions. The variation of shape, flavour and color of new promising genotypes of table grapes makes them very popular on the market and may satisfy the most demanding consumer. The stability of the adaptive and technological traits makes the new table varieties very attractive for the producers of grape products.
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