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Quality and marketable characteristics of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym- bosum L.) under the Kyiv region conditions
В. О. Сіленко | С. В. Марченко
In the article the authors present the results of the study biometric and qualitative characteristics of berries highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a specific soil and climatic conditions Forest-steppe of Ukraine (Kiev). Investigations were carried out on 11 varieties of American highbush blueberry. Phenological observations, biometric surveys, tasting score and biochemical analysis of the berries have been conducted during the growing season. By results of researches the group of early-ripening varieties includes Bluestar, Earliblue, Patriot, the middle-ripening – Jonne, Atlantis, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Chyk and late-ripening varieties – Amanda, Darrow, Toro. Duration of collecting period of ripe berries was lower (16 days) in varieties Bluestar, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow. Berries were large sizes in the varieties of Darrow, Amanda, Jonne, in other varieties berries were medium size. By tasting score the berry of varieties Toro, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow were the best. For biochemical parameters the better varieties were Amanda, Jonne and Earliblue.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Потребительское качество перспективных гибридов картофеля (Solanum tuberosum L.) | Споживча якість перспективних гібридів картоплі (Solanum tuberosum L.) | Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Смілик, Д. В. | Сахошко, М. М. | Баштовий, М. Г. | Кожушко, Н. С. | Бердін, С. І.
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified.Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression).Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing. | Цель. На основе исследования потребительских качеств перспективных гибридов картофеля (Solanum tuberosum L.) выделить гибриды, имеющие высокую степень дифференциации в зависимости от биохимического состава клубней и кулинарно-потребительского типа.Методы. Полевой (фенология); лабораторный (биохимические, технологические); математически-статистический (линейная корреляция, регрессия).Результаты. Исследовали потребительские качества и изучали закономерности их формирования под влиянием биохимического состава клубней. Отличный вкус был определён у среднеранних (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’) и среднеспелых (‘205.786-72’, ‘205 798-15’) гибридов. Высокую устойчивость к развариванию клубней было установлено у раннеспелых гибридов (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Мягкая рассыпчатая консистенция была характерна для среднеранних (‘205.776-2’, ‘99.546-3’) и среднеспелых (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) форм. Среднеранний гибрид ‘205.780-8’ имел высокую степень проявления мучнистости. Устойчивость к потемнению имели три раннеспелых (‘99 .517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) и два среднеспелых гибрида (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’). Формирование вкуса зависело в основном от содержания крахмала (r = 0,657), соотношения крахмал / белок (r = 0,470) и накопления сахаров (r = -450). Была обнаружена сильная положительная зависимость разваривания клубней от их крахмалистости (r = 0,945), соотношения содержания крахмала и белка (r = 0,900). Определено влияние соотношения крахмал / белок на консистенцию клубней (r = 0,877) и содержания в них крахмала (r = 0,868). Мучнистость зависела от сахаров (r = -0,494) и крахмалистости клубней (r = 0,474), устойчивость к потемнению мякоти – от содержания тирозина в белке (r = -0,873) и свободного тирозина (r = - 0,824). По кулинарно-потребительскому типу столового картофеля восемь гибридов было отнесено к типу В, по пять – к типу А и С, три – к типу Д.Выводы. Выделенные гибриды с высокой степенью проявления показателей потребительского качества могут быть рекомендованы как ценный исходный материал для практической селекции. Определение биологической взаимосвязи показателей качества картофеля и биохимического состава их клубней позволило разработать математические модели для прогнозирования вкуса и текстуры, что практически освобождает от варки и субъективной оценки органолептическим методом результатов дегустации. Систематизация кулинарно-потребительского типа картофеля столового назначения может быть предметом обсуждения в государственном сортоиспытании. | Мета. На основі дослідження споживчої якості перспективних гібридів картоплі (Solanum tuberosum L.) виділити гібриди з високим ступенем диференціації залежно від біохімічного складу бульб та кулінарно-споживчого типу.Методи. Польовий (фенологія); лабораторний (біохімічні, технологічні); математично-статистичний (лінійна кореляція, регресія).Результати. Досліджували кулінарні якості та вивчали закономірності їхнього формування під впливом біохімічного складу бульб. Відмінний смак було визначено у середньоранніх (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’) і середньостиглих (‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-15’) гібридів. Високу стійкість до розварювання бульб було виявлено у ранньостиглих гібридів (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). М’якою консистенцією характеризувалися середньоранні (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) і середньостиглі (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) форми. Середньоранній гібрид ‘205.780-8’ мав вищий ступінь проявлення борошнистості. За стійкістю до потемніння м’якоті було виділено три ранньостиглих (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) і два середньостиглих гібриди (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’). Формування смаку залежало здебільшого від умісту крохмалю (r = 0,657), співвідношення крохмаль / білок (r = 0,470) і накопичення цукрів (r = -450). Було виявлено сильну позитивну залежність розварювання бульб від їхньої крохмалистості (r = 0,945) та співвідношення вмісту крохмалю і білка (r = 0,900). Визначено вплив співвідношення кромаль / білок на консистенцію бульб (r = 0,877) та вміст крохмалю (r = 0,868). Борошнистість залежала від умісту цукрів (r = -0,494) та крохмалистості бульб (r = 0,474), стійкість до потемніння м’якоті – від умісту тирозину у білку (r = -0,873), вільного тирозину (r = -0,824). За кулінарно-споживчим типом столової картоплі вісім гібридів було віднесено до типу В, по п’ять – до типів А і С, три – до типу Д.Висновки. Виділені гібриди за високим ступенем проявлення показників кулінарної якості можуть бути рекомендовані як цінний вихідний матеріал для практичної селекції. Встановлення біологічного взаємозв’язку показників кулінарної якості картоплі і біохімічного складу їхніх бульб дозволило розробити математичні моделі для прогнозування смаку і текстури, що практично звільняє від варіння та суб’єктивного оцінювання органолептичним методом результатів дегустації. Систематизація кулінарно-споживчого типу картоплі столового призначення може бути предметом обговорення за державного сортовипробування.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Н. С. Кожушко | М. М. Сахошко | С. І. Бердін | М. Г. Баштовий | Д. В. Смілик
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Quality and marketable characteristics of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym- bosum L.) under the Kyiv region conditions
Сіленко, В. О | Марченко, С. В
In the article the authors present the results of the study biometric and qualitative characteristics of berries highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a specific soil and climatic conditions Forest-steppe of Ukraine (Kiev). Investigations were carried out on 11 varieties of American highbush blueberry. Phenological observations, biometric surveys, tasting score and biochemical analysis of the berries have been conducted during the growing season. By results of researches the group of early-ripening varieties includes Bluestar, Earliblue, Patriot, the middle-ripening – Jonne, Atlantis, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Chyk and late-ripening varieties – Amanda, Darrow, Toro. Duration of collecting period of ripe berries was lower (16 days) in varieties Bluestar, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow. Berries were large sizes in the varieties of Darrow, Amanda, Jonne, in other varieties berries were medium size. By tasting score the berry of varieties Toro, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow were the best. For biochemical parameters the better varieties were Amanda, Jonne and Earliblue.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Кожушко, Н. С | Сахошко, М. М | Бердін, С. І | Баштовий, М. Г | Смілик, Д. В
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Introduction and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. in Ukraine
Бондарчук, О. П | Вергун, О. М | Фіщенко, В. В | Рахметов, Д. Б
Purpose. Development of scientific and applied foundations for the introduction, selection and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. to ensure food security in Ukraine. Methods. Subject of study – plants of the genus Physalis. The study was conducted in 2014–2018. on the introduction plots of the department of cultural flora of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The work used general scientific and special methods: field, introduction, biological and morphological; laboratory (chemical, biochemical), statistical (methods of analysis of variance and statistical estimation of average data using Microsoft Excel (2010). Results. The features of ontomorphogenesis were established, the biological and morphological parameters of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. were investigated under conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine. It was found that the content of dry matter in plant fruits varied from 10 to 18.34%, sugars – from 39.34 to 67.97%, tannins – 1.57 to 3.35% and carotene – from 0.200 to 0.583%, ascorbic acid – from 123.91 to 284.95 mg/100 g, depending on the species, varietal and shape characteristics. Conclusions. It was found that the introduced plant species of the genus Physalis in conditions of culture have four age periods and 10 developmental states: seeds (se), sprouts (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), generative (g), subsenilny (ss) and senile (se). Ph. ixocarpa ‘Likhtaryk’ of the NBG selection was distinguished among the studied introduced species in terms of biological and morphological parameters and biochemical composition. The obtained data can be used for further research and determining the prospects for the introduction of these introduced species into a wide culture
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Introduction and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. in Ukraine
О. П. Бондарчук | О. М. Вергун | В. В. Фіщенко | Д. Б. Рахметов
Purpose. Development of scientific and applied foundations for the introduction, selection and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. to ensure food security in Ukraine. Methods. Subject of study – plants of the genus Physalis. The study was conducted in 2014–2018. on the introduction plots of the department of cultural flora of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The work used general scientific and special methods: field, introduction, biological and morphological; laboratory (chemical, biochemical), statistical (methods of analysis of variance and statistical estimation of average data using Microsoft Excel (2010). Results. The features of ontomorphogenesis were established, the biological and morphological parameters of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. were investigated under conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine. It was found that the content of dry matter in plant fruits varied from 10 to 18.34%, sugars – from 39.34 to 67.97%, tannins – 1.57 to 3.35% and carotene – from 0.200 to 0.583%, ascorbic acid – from 123.91 to 284.95 mg/100 g, depending on the species, varietal and shape characteristics. Conclusions. It was found that the introduced plant species of the genus Physalis in conditions of culture have four age periods and 10 developmental states: seeds (se), sprouts (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), generative (g), subsenilny (ss) and senile (se). Ph. ixocarpa ‘Likhtaryk’ of the NBG selection was distinguished among the studied introduced species in terms of biological and morphological parameters and biochemical composition. The obtained data can be used for further research and determining the prospects for the introduction of these introduced species into a wide culture
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