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Influence of nanofertilizers on the yield and quality of broccoli hybrids in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Дидів, О. Й | Дидів, І. В | Лещук, Н. В | Кузько, В. Г | Дидів, А. І
Purpose. To study the features of the productivity formation of broccoli hybrids depending on the methods of application of “5 element” nanofertilizer in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. With the introduction of “5 element” nanofertilizer, the head diameter of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid increased from 16.6 (var. 2) to 18.3 cm (var. 8), while in the control this indicator was 15.9 cm. The biggest head diameter in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ 18.9 and 18.7 cm was noted with foliar feeding with “5 element” nanofertilizer in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation and in the phase of the beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation. Accordingly, in the aforementioned variants, the head mass was 901 and 863 g, which is higher than the control (without treatment) by 166 and 128 g, or 22.3 and 17.4%.The highest yield of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid was obtained in 8 and 7 variants of the experiment – 33.5 and 31.9 t/ha, respectively, the yield increase was 5.2 and 3.6 t/ha, or 18.4 and 12.7%. In the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ the highest yield (37.1 t/ha) was recorded when applying the “5 element” nanofertilizer in the 8th variant of the experiment, which is 6.6 t/ha higher than the control, or 21.6%. Compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid, the yield in this variant of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was 3.6 t/ha, or 9.7%. The diameter and weight of the head, as well as the yield of the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ were larger compared to the hybrid ‘Batavia F1’, due to its biological characteristics. A strong correlation (r = 0.97 and 0.96) was revealed between the yield and the diameter of the broccoli head in the ‘Batavia F1’ and ‘Orantes F1’ hybrids. The quality indicators of broccoli (dry matter, sum of sugars and vitamin C) in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid were higher compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. A tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli with an increase in the number of treatments with nanofertilizer “5 element” was revealed. The concentration of nitrates in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was lower in all variants of the experiment in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. The concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli in all variants of the experiment did not exceed TLV (400 mg/kg wet weight). Conclusions. With an increase in the number of foliar treatments with “5 element” nanofertilizer, the yield increased and the quality of broccoli hybrids improved. It was revealed that the yield of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid in all variants of the experiment was higher in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. When applying nanofertilizer “5 element” in three stages – foliar feeding in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation – we got the highest yield of broccoli in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ – 37.1 t/ha, an increase over the control variant (without fertilizers) was 6.6 t/ha, or 21.6%. The ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid had a yield of 33.5 t/ha, an increase over the control variant – 5.2 t/ha, or 18.4%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Застосування кластерного аналізу для групування сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica за тесту на відмінність | Application of cluster analysis for grouping Brassica oleracea var. italica varieties for the difference test
O. Y. Dydiv | V. V. Khareba | O.V. Khareba | N.V. Leshchuk | N. S. Orlenko | O.B. Orlenko
Мета. Використати кластерний аналіз морфологічних ознак для спрощення ідентифікації сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica та сформувати групи схожих сортів для тесту на відмінність. Методи. У процесі роботи послуговувалися аналітичним, математичним і статистичним методами. Як вхідну інформацію для статистичного опрацювання отриманих результатів застосовували відомості про результати експертизи на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність (ВОС) із бази даних автоматизованої інформаційної системи Українського інституту експертизи сортів рослин. Моделювання кластерів здійснювали за допомогою статистичного пакета IBM SPSS Statistics «Statistical Package for the Social Sciences». Результати. За 32 ознаками для тесту на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність проведено морфологічний опис сортів капусти броколі. Морфологічні кодові формули останніх, складені з відповідних кодів прояву ідентифікаційних ознак вегетативних і генеративних органів рослин, слугували джерелом вихідних даних. Серед 41 сорту, описаного за 32 морфологічними характеристиками, вдалося виокремити лише дві групи подібних за ідентифікаційними ознаками сортів. Як параметри моделі застосовували два типи змінних: цільова ‒ ознака «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», фокусна – «головка: забарвлення». Повний перелік характеристик був таким: «рослина: за висотою (за збиральної стиглості)», «листок: положення (на початку формування головки)», «листкова пластинка: хвилястість краю», «листкова пластинка: пухирчастість», «черешок: за довжиною», «головка: забарвлення», «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», «головка: за щільністю», «квітка: забарвлення», «квітка: інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення», «чоловіча стерильність». Способом комп’ютерного моделювання було сформовано кластери з 17 подібних сортів капусти броколі та 9 контрольних об’єктів (сортів), ідентифікація яких передбачала 11 морфологічних ознак. Висновки. Для пошуку відмітних ознак у процесі тесту на відмінність сорти капусти броколі було згруповано в кластери за такими морфологічними характеристиками, як положення листка на початку формування головки; хвилястість краю листкової пластинки; пухирчастість листкової пластинки; довжина черешка; забарвлення головки; наявність антоціанового та інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення. | Purpose. To use cluster analysis of morphological characters to simplify the identification of Brassica oleracea var. italica and form groups of similar varieties for the test of difference. Methods. Analytical, mathematical and statistical methods were used in the work. As input information for the statistical processing of the obtained results, information on the results of the examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) from the database of the Automated Information System of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination was used. Cluster modelling was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”. Results. A morphological description of broccoli varieties was carried out on the basis of 32 characteristics for the examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability. The morphological code formulae of the latter, composed of the corresponding codes for the manifestation of identifying characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of plants, served as a source of initial data. Out of 41 varieties described by 32 morphological characteristics, only two groups were found to be similar in terms of the identifying characteristics of the varieties. Two types of variables were used as parameters of the model: target – characteristic “Head: anthocyanin colour”, focal – “Head: colour”. The full list of characteristics was as follows “plant: by height (at harvest maturity)”, “leaf: position (at beginning of head formation)”, “leaf blade: wavy edge”, “leaf blade: blistering”, “petiole: by length”, “head: colour”, “head: anthocyanin colour”, “head: by density”, “flower: colour”, “flower: intensity of yellow colour”, “male sterility”. Using computer modelling, clusters of 17 similar broccoli varieties and 9 control objects (varieties) were formed, the identification of which involved eleven morphological characteristics. Conclusions. In order to search for distinguishing characteristics in the process of testing the difference of cabbage varieties, broccoli was grouped into clusters according to such morphological characteristics as the position of the leaf at the beginning of the formation of the head; waviness of the edge of the leaf blade; blistering of the leaf plate; petiole length; head colour; presence of anthocyanin and intensity of yellow colour.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of nanofertilizers on the yield and quality of broccoli hybrids in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
О. Й. Дидів | І. В. Дидів | Н. В. Лещук | В. Г. Кузько | А. І. Дидів
Purpose. To study the features of the productivity formation of broccoli hybrids depending on the methods of application of “5 element” nanofertilizer in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. With the introduction of “5 element” nanofertilizer, the head diameter of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid increased from 16.6 (var. 2) to 18.3 cm (var. 8), while in the control this indicator was 15.9 cm. The biggest head diameter in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ 18.9 and 18.7 cm was noted with foliar feeding with “5 element” nanofertilizer in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation and in the phase of the beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation. Accordingly, in the aforementioned variants, the head mass was 901 and 863 g, which is higher than the control (without treatment) by 166 and 128 g, or 22.3 and 17.4%.The highest yield of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid was obtained in 8 and 7 variants of the experiment – 33.5 and 31.9 t/ha, respectively, the yield increase was 5.2 and 3.6 t/ha, or 18.4 and 12.7%. In the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ the highest yield (37.1 t/ha) was recorded when applying the “5 element” nanofertilizer in the 8th variant of the experiment, which is 6.6 t/ha higher than the control, or 21.6%. Compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid, the yield in this variant of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was 3.6 t/ha, or 9.7%. The diameter and weight of the head, as well as the yield of the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ were larger compared to the hybrid ‘Batavia F1’, due to its biological characteristics. A strong correlation (r = 0.97 and 0.96) was revealed between the yield and the diameter of the broccoli head in the ‘Batavia F1’ and ‘Orantes F1’ hybrids. The quality indicators of broccoli (dry matter, sum of sugars and vitamin C) in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid were higher compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. A tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli with an increase in the number of treatments with nanofertilizer “5 element” was revealed. The concentration of nitrates in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was lower in all variants of the experiment in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. The concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli in all variants of the experiment did not exceed TLV (400 mg/kg wet weight). Conclusions. With an increase in the number of foliar treatments with “5 element” nanofertilizer, the yield increased and the quality of broccoli hybrids improved. It was revealed that the yield of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid in all variants of the experiment was higher in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. When applying nanofertilizer “5 element” in three stages – foliar feeding in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation – we got the highest yield of broccoli in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ – 37.1 t/ha, an increase over the control variant (without fertilizers) was 6.6 t/ha, or 21.6%. The ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid had a yield of 33.5 t/ha, an increase over the control variant – 5.2 t/ha, or 18.4%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agrobiological assessment of broccoli hybrids under the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Хареба, В. В | Дидів, О. Й | Дидів, І. В | Лещук, Н. В
Purpose. To conduct a comprehensive agrobiological assessment of broccoli hybrids Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L.) Alef. var. сymosa Duch. in terms of the key agronomic traits under the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The object of the study was the following foreign broccoli hybrids: ‘Lucky F1’ (reference), ‘Batavia F1’, ‘Belstar F1’, ‘Monaco F1’, and ‘Rumba F1’. Phenological observations, biometric measurements, and records were conducted in accordance with the Methodology of Experiments in Vegetable and Melons (2001). Results. On average over the years of research, the highest yield was obtained from hybrids ‘Monaco F1’ (41.2 t/ha) and ‘Rumba F1’ (38.0 t/ha). A slightly lower yield was in ‘Belstar F1’ (32.3 t/ha) and ‘Batavia F1’ (29.6 t/ha). In general, all hybrids under investigation provided a significant yield increase (6.3–17.9 t/ha) compared to reference ‘Lucky F1’ (23.3 t/ha). The largest diameter of the main head was recorded in the hybrids ‘Rumba F1’ (19.7 cm), ‘Monaco F1’ (20.5 cm) and the smallest in ‘Lucky F1’ (14.3 cm). The weight of the main head of all hybrids was significantly higher than that of reference (295 g): ‘Batavia F1’ 451 g, ‘Belstar F1’ 477 g, ‘Rumba F1’ 514 g, and ‘Monaco F1’ 542 g. The weight of the side heads of the broccoli ranged from 328 g (‘Lucky F1’) to 807 g (‘Monaco F1’). The highest biochemical indicators of commodity product were provided by hybrids ‘Rumba F1’ and ‘Monaco F1’: the total dry matter content was 11.3 and 11.6%, soluble solids 6.4 and 6.7%, sugars 3.5 and 3.8%, and vitamin C 89.3 and 98.7 mg/100 g, respectively. Conclusions. Under the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, it is recommended to grow new foreign broccoli hybrids ‘Rumba F1’ and ‘Monaco F1’, which ensure high yield and quality of commodity product. According to the results of the agrobiological assessment, a typical model of broccoli variety is proposed, which may serve as a project for the development of the evaluation form for ability indicators of Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L.) Alef. var. сymosa Duch. for distribution inUkraine.
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