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Inheritance of a sign of apricot color of ray flowers of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Ведмедєва, К. В
Purpose. To reveal the nature of the inheritance of apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower and the type of interaction of genes causing different colors. Methods. Field experiment, genetic analysis. The statistical validity of the results was evaluated using Pearson’s criterion. Results. We conducted crosses of the ‘KG13’ line as the source of the sign of apricot color with sunflower lines that had yellow, orange and lemon colors of the ray flowers. In the first generation, from crossing the ‘KG13’ line with five lines, which had a yellow color, only a yellow color of ray flowers was observed. In the second generation, a 3 : 1 split was observed: three-quarters with yellow flowers and one with apricot flowers. Line ‘KG13’ was crossed with three lines (‘HA298’, ‘SL2966’, ‘LD72/3’), which had an orange color of flowers. In the first generation, orange flowers were observed; in the second generation, splitting was recorded: three-quarters of offsprings with orange-colored flowers and one-quarter with apricot flowers. The line ‘KG13’ was crossed with ‘KG107’ and ‘ZL678’, which had lemon-colored flowers. The resulting plants of the first generation had a yellow coloration of ray flowers. In the second generation, five classes of plants by coloration of ray flowers were obtained: yellow, orange, apricot, lemon, lemon-apricot in the ratio 6 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. According to these data, the genes of lemon and apricot color have a complementary effect, the homozygous state of orange allele is epistatic to the recessive homozygote of the lemon-colored gene. The ‘KG108’ line with a combination of genes responsible for apricot and light yellow color has its own light apricot color and in crossings with a yellow colored line in the second generation gives splitting in the ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. Conclusions. It was revealed that the apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower line ‘KG13’ is due to the homozygous state of the allele of the same gene whose second allele causes an orange color in the lines ‘NA298’, ‘SL2966’ and ‘LD72/3’. The complementary action of alleles responsible for apricot and lemon, as well as apricot and light yellow coloration of ray flowers was determined. A case of epistasis of homozygotes along the allele controlling the orange color over the recessive homozygote of the gene, which is controlled by the lemon color in the crossing combination ‘ZL678’ / ‘KG13’, was revealed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding and genetic peculiarities of modern spring barley varieties for grain number per main ear
Васильківський, С. П | Гудзенко, В. М | Демидов, О. А | Барбан, О. Б | Коляденко, С. С | Смульська, І. В
Purpose. To reveal breeding and genetic peculiarities of modern spring barley varieties for the “number of grains per main ear” trait and identify genetic sources of increased combining ability for involving in hybridization. Methods. Investigations were carried out at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine. Modern varieties of domestic (‘Virazh’, ‘Talisman Myronivskyi’, ‘Komandor’) and foreign (‘KWS Aliciana’, ‘KWS Bambina’, ‘Zhana’, ‘Explorer’) breeding were involved in crossing for a full (7´7) diallel scheme. Parents and F1 were studied in field conditions during 2014–2016. Results. The analysis of variance of combining ability has shown a significant advantage in varying of general combining ability (GCA) effects. The mean square of specific combining ability (SCA) was significantly less than the GCA, but reliable throughout the years. The reciprocal effect was reliable only in 2014. Stably high effects of GCA during all years of investigations were noted in the varieties ‘KWS Aliciana’ (1.18–1.62) and ‘Virazh’ (1.33–1.48). The variety ‘KWS Bambina’ was characterized by lower but reliable positive effects of GCA (0.43–0.99) as compared to mentioned above. Non-allelic gene interaction was not found, that allowed to calculate the basic parameters of genetic variation. During all years of investigations, dominant effects of genes (H1 and H2) prevailed over the additive (D) ones in phenotypic expression of grain number per main ear. Mean degree of dominance in the experiment (H1/D) has shown overdominance. The same pattern was also distinctive for the index of mean degree of dominance in the loci . The dominance was reliably directed. Dominant effects of genes increased grain content, and recessive ones reduced it. At least 3–4 genes (groups of genes) have been revealed which determined the effects of dominance. At the same time, recessive genes (F<0) or gene effects were prevailed quantitatively in the varieties investigated. A high coefficient of heritability in broad sense (H2 = 0.98) has shown a significant determination of phenotypic variability with genetic factors. The coefficient of heritability in narrow sense (h2 = 0.66–0.68) confirmed that despite the advantage of dominant effects over the additive ones, the contribution of the latter was also significant. Conclusions. The prevalence of dominant effects of genes in the phenotypic expression of the number of grains per main ear causes the need for sufficient sample size of hybrid material and points to the expediency of conducting a more “rigid” selection for phenotype in later generations. At the same time, the considerable contribution of additive effects and high values of heritability indices give reason to predict the efficiency of selections aimed at increasing the trait in created hybrid material. The varieties ‘Virazh’, ‘KWS Aliciana’, ‘KWS Bambina’ should be used as effective genetic sources to increase grain content in combination breeding.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Inheritance of a sign of apricot color of ray flowers of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) | Наследование признака абрикосовой окраски краевых цветков подсолнечника (Helianthus annuus L.) | Успадкування ознаки абрикосового забарвлення крайових квіток соняшнику (Helianthus annuus L.)
Ведмедєва, К. В.
Цель. Установить характер наследования абрикосовой окраски краевых цветков подсолнечника и типы взаимодействия генов, обусловливающих различные типы окраски. Методы. Полевой опыт, генетический анализ. Статистическую достоверность результатов оценивали с помощью критерия Пирсона. Результаты. Проведено скрещивание линии ‘КГ13’, источника признака абрикосовой окраски, с линиями подсолнечника, которые имеют желтую, оранжевую и лимонную окраску краевых цветков. В первом гибридном поколении от скрещивания ‘КГ13’ с пятью линиями, которые имели желтый цвет, наблюдали только желтую окраску краевых цветков. Во втором гибридном поколении получено расщепление потомков на два класса – с желтой и с абрикосовой окраской цветков, в соотношении 3 : 1. Линия ‘КГ13’ была скрещена с тремя линиями (’НА298’, ‘SL2966’, ‘LD72/3’), которые имели оранжевую окраску цветков. В первом поколении наблюдали оранжевую окраску цветков, во втором – зафиксировано расщепление: три четверти потомков с оранжевой окраской цветков к одной четверти с абрикосовой. Линия ‘КГ13’ была скрещена с ‘КГ107’ и ‘ЗЛ678’, которые имели лимонную окраску цветков. Полученные растения первого поколения имели желтую окраску краевых цветков. Во втором поколении получено пять классов растений по окраске краевых цветков: желтые, оранжевые, абрикосовые, лимонные, лимонно-абрикосовые в соотношении 6 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. По этому расщеплению аллели лимонной и абрикосовой окраски имеют комплементарное действие, гомозиготное состояние оранжевого аллеля епистатирует над рецессивной гомозиготой гена лимонной окраски. Линия ‘КГ108’ с сочетанием генов, обусловливающих абрикосовый и светло-желтый цвет, имеет светло-абрикосовую окраску и в скрещиваниях во втором поколении дает расщепление в соотношении 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. Выводы. Абрикосовая окраска краевых цветков линии подсолнечника ‘КГ13’ обусловлена гомозиготным состоянием аллеля того же гена, второй аллель которого вызывает оранжевый цвет у линий ‘НА298’, ‘SL2966’ и ‘LD72/3’. Установлено комплементарное действие аллелей, обусловливающих абрикосовую и лимонную, а также абрикосовую и светло-желтую окраску краевых цветков. Выявлен случай эпистаза гомозиготы по аллелю оранжевого цвета над рецессивным состоянием гена, который вызывает лимонную окраску в комбинации скрещивания ‘ЗЛ678’ / ‘КГ13’. | Мета. Установити характер успадкування абрикосового забарвлення крайових квіток соняшнику та типи взаємодії генів, що зумовлюють різні типи забарвлення. Методи. Польовий дослід, генетичний аналіз. Статистичну достовірність результатів оцінювали за допомогою критерія Пірсона. Результати. Проведено схрещування лінії ‘КГ13’, джерела ознаки абрикосового забарвлення, з лініями соняшнику, які мають жовте, оранжеве та лимонне забарвлення крайових квіток. У першому гібридному поколінні від схрещування ‘КГ13’ із п’ятьма лініями, які мали жовтий колір, спостерігали лише жовте забарвлення крайових квіток. У другому гібридному поколінні отримано розщеплення нащадків на два класи – із жовтим та з абрикосовим забарвленням квіток, у співвідношенні 3 : 1. Лінія ‘КГ13’ була схрещена з трьома лініями (‘НА298’, ‘SL2966’, ‘LD72/3’), які мали оранжеве забарвлення квіток. У першому поколінні спостерігали оранжеве забарвлення квіток, у другому – зафіксовано розщеплення: три чверті нащадків з оранжевим забарвленням квіток до однієї чверті з абрикосовим. Лінія ‘КГ13’ була схрещена з ‘КГ107’ та ‘ЗЛ678’, які мали лимонне забарвлення квіток. Отримані рослини першого покоління мали жовте забарвлення крайових квіток. У другому поколінні отримано п’ять класів рослин за забарвленням крайових квіток: жовті, оранжеві, абрикосові, лимонні, лимонно-абрикосові у співвідношенні 6 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. За цим розщепленням алелі лимонного та абрикосового забарвлення мають комплементарну дію, гомозиготний стан оранжевого алеля епістатує над рецесивною гомозиготою гена лимонного забарвлення. Лінія ‘КГ108’ з поєднанням генів, що зумовлюють абрикосовий та світло-жовтий колір, має світло-абрикосове забарвлення і в схрещуваннях у другому поколінні дає розщеплення у співвідношенні 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. Висновки. Абрикосове забарвлення крайових квіток лінії соняшнику ‘КГ13’ зумовлено гомозиготним станом алелю того ж самого гена, другий алель якого спричинює оранжевий колір у ліній ‘НА298’, ‘SL2966’ та ‘LD72/3’. Установлено комплементарну дію алелів, що зумовлюють абрикосове й лимонне, а також абрикосове та світло-жовте забарвлення крайових квіток. Виявлено випадок епістазу гомозиготи за алелем оранжевого забарвлення над рецесивним станом гена, який зумовлює лимонне забарвлення в комбінації схрещування ‘ЗЛ678’ / ‘КГ13’. | Purpose. To reveal the nature of the inheritance of apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower and the type of interaction of genes causing different colors. Methods. Field experiment, genetic analysis. The statistical validity of the results was evaluated using Pearson’s criterion. Results. We conducted crosses of the ‘KG13’ line as the source of the sign of apricot color with sunflower lines that had yellow, orange and lemon colors of the ray flowers. In the first generation, from crossing the ‘KG13’ line with five lines, which had a yellow color, only a yellow color of ray flowers was observed. In the second generation, a 3 : 1 split was observed: three-quarters with yellow flowers and one with apricot flowers. Line ‘KG13’ was crossed with three lines (‘HA298’, ‘SL2966’, ‘LD72/3’), which had an orange color of flowers. In the first generation, orange flowers were observed; in the second generation, splitting was recorded: three-quarters of offsprings with orange-colored flowers and one-quarter with apricot flowers. The line ‘KG13’ was crossed with ‘KG107’ and ‘ZL678’, which had lemon-colored flowers. The resulting plants of the first generation had a yellow coloration of ray flowers. In the second generation, five classes of plants by coloration of ray flowers were obtained: yellow, orange, apricot, lemon, lemon-apricot in the ratio 6 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. According to these data, the genes of lemon and apricot color have a complementary effect, the homozygous state of orange allele is epistatic to the recessive homozygote of the lemon-colored gene. The ‘KG108’ line with a combination of genes responsible for apricot and light yellow color has its own light apricot color and in crossings with a yellow colored line in the second generation gives splitting in the ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. Conclusions. It was revealed that the apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower line ‘KG13’ is due to the homozygous state of the allele of the same gene whose second allele causes an orange color in the lines ‘NA298’, ‘SL2966’ and ‘LD72/3’. The complementary action of alleles responsible for apricot and lemon, as well as apricot and light yellow coloration of ray flowers was determined. A case of epistasis of homozygotes along the allele controlling the orange color over the recessive homozygote of the gene, which is controlled by the lemon color in the crossing combination ‘ZL678’ / ‘KG13’, was revealed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Inheritance of a sign of apricot color of ray flowers of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
К. В. Ведмедєва
Purpose. To reveal the nature of the inheritance of apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower and the type of interaction of genes causing different colors. Methods. Field experiment, genetic analysis. The statistical validity of the results was evaluated using Pearson’s criterion. Results. We conducted crosses of the ‘KG13’ line as the source of the sign of apricot color with sunflower lines that had yellow, orange and lemon colors of the ray flowers. In the first generation, from crossing the ‘KG13’ line with five lines, which had a yellow color, only a yellow color of ray flowers was observed. In the second generation, a 3 : 1 split was observed: three-quarters with yellow flowers and one with apricot flowers. Line ‘KG13’ was crossed with three lines (‘HA298’, ‘SL2966’, ‘LD72/3’), which had an orange color of flowers. In the first generation, orange flowers were observed; in the second generation, splitting was recorded: three-quarters of offsprings with orange-colored flowers and one-quarter with apricot flowers. The line ‘KG13’ was crossed with ‘KG107’ and ‘ZL678’, which had lemon-colored flowers. The resulting plants of the first generation had a yellow coloration of ray flowers. In the second generation, five classes of plants by coloration of ray flowers were obtained: yellow, orange, apricot, lemon, lemon-apricot in the ratio 6 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. According to these data, the genes of lemon and apricot color have a complementary effect, the homozygous state of orange allele is epistatic to the recessive homozygote of the lemon-colored gene. The ‘KG108’ line with a combination of genes responsible for apricot and light yellow color has its own light apricot color and in crossings with a yellow colored line in the second generation gives splitting in the ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. Conclusions. It was revealed that the apricot color of the ray flowers of the sunflower line ‘KG13’ is due to the homozygous state of the allele of the same gene whose second allele causes an orange color in the lines ‘NA298’, ‘SL2966’ and ‘LD72/3’. The complementary action of alleles responsible for apricot and lemon, as well as apricot and light yellow coloration of ray flowers was determined. A case of epistasis of homozygotes along the allele controlling the orange color over the recessive homozygote of the gene, which is controlled by the lemon color in the crossing combination ‘ZL678’ / ‘KG13’, was revealed.
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