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Inheritance and breeding value of the “plant height” trait in the first (F<sub>1</sub>) and second (F<sub>2</sub>) soybean generations
В. Г. Михайлов | О. З. Щербина | О. О. Тимошенко | С. О. Ткачик
Рurpose. To investigate inheritance of “plant height” trait in populations of the first (F1) and second (F2) generations of the soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) and evaluate hybrid combinations in order to identify phenotypes with the highest level of heterosis for plant height.Methods. Laboratory test, mathematical and statistical analysis.Results. The inheritance of plant height in soybean was investigated. Hybrid combinations were assessed for the ability to select phenotypes with an optimal height. Different types of inheritance of this trait were found in populations of the second generation. The highest degree of heterosis for plant height was expressed by such soybean hybrids of the second generation as ‘АЕЕМ ’/‘Cherniatka’ (102.6%), next were ‘№ 427/‘Коrado’ (36,1%) and ‘Yelena’/‘Vizhion’ (32,0%). For the above trait, the ‘Legend’ variety in combinations with such varieties as ‘Staroukrainka’, ‘Korado’ and ‘Medeia’ expressed a heterosis amounting to 28.1%, 8.3%, 6.1% accordingly. Plant height was inherited mainly in terms of negative overdominance (34.2% combinations). There were 21.1% of combinations that had a negative semidominance.Conclusions. Among large majority of crossing combinations, forms were revealed that differed greatly for the plant height. The highest variability was observed in combinations such as ‘Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Ustia’/‘Vizjion’, ‘№894’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Ug-30’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘№441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘№441’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘Angelica’/‘Annushka’ and ‘Angelica’/‘Gentleman.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Характеристика інтродукованих сортозразків сочевиці (Lens culinaris Medik.) у зоні Південного Лісостепу України | Characteristics of introduced lentil varieties (Lens culinaris Medik.) in the Southern Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine
S. M. Kholod | N. V. Kuzmyshyna | O. V. Tryhub | V. M. Kirian
Мета. Інтродуковані сорти сочевиці (Lens culinaris Medik.), країнами походження яких є Канада та Іспанія, оцінити за комплексом показників продуктивності й адаптивності, продемонстрованих ними в умовах південної частини Лісостепу України. Методи. Впродовж 2019–2021 рр. на Устимівській дослідній станції рослинництва Інституту рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр’єва НААН (Полтавська обл., 49o18’21” N, 33o13’56” E) досліджували 26 нових зразків сочевиці, що походять з Іспанії та Канади. У фазі достигання бобів і насіння (BBCH 86–90) в польових та лабораторних умовах визначали показники врожайності, продуктивності, маси 1000 насінин, скоростиглості, висоти рослин та прикріплення нижніх бобів над рівнем ґрунту, кількості бобів і насіння на рослині, кількості насіння в бобі, параметри бобу. Результати. Виявлено значне варіювання врожайності нових зразків сочевиці – від 127 до 258 г/м2. Найбільшими її показниками відзначилися сорти ‘CDC Creenstar’ і ‘CDC Cherie’ з Канади та ‘Angela’ й ‘Amaya’ з Іспанії. Найпродуктивнішими під час досліджень виявилися ‘CDC Cherie’ (4,4 г), ‘CDC Creenstar’ (4,2 г), ‘CDC Greenland’ (4,5 г), ‘CDC Imigreen’ (4,4 г), ‘CDC QG-2’ (4,1 г), ‘CDC Impulse’ (4,0 г) – Канада; ‘Angela’ (4,6 г) – Іспанія, що зумовлено підвищеними кількістю насінин і масою 1000 зерен. Найбільшу кількість бобів на рослині зафіксовано в сортів ‘CDC Imax’ (64,4 шт.), ‘CDC Impala’ (65,5 шт.), ‘CDC QG-2’ (67,4 шт.), ‘CDC Creenstar’ (67,8 шт.) і ‘CDC Cherie’ (75,2 шт.) – Канада; ‘Amaya’ (64,8 шт.) та ‘Angela’ (75,1 шт.) – Іспанія. Майже всі досліджені зразки виявилися середньостиглими (81–85 діб) та оптимальними для зони Південного Лісостепу України. Найскоростиглішими (76 діб) були канадські сорти ‘CDC QG-2’, ‘CDC SB-2’, ‘CDC Impulse’, ‘CDC Imvincible’ та ‘CDC Impact’. На особливу увагу заслуговують ‘CDC Creenstar’, ‘CDC Greenland’, ‘CDC Impulse’ та ‘CDC Impact’ з Канади, а також ‘Angela’ з Іспанії, які поєднали в собі кілька цінних ознак. Висновки. Вищезазначені сорти є придатними для вирощування в зоні Південного Лісостепу України та можуть бути рекомендовані як джерела цінних ознак для практичного використання в селекції. | Purpose. To evaluate the introduced lentil varieties (Lens culinaris Medik.) originating from Canada and Spain in the conditions of the Southern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine according to a complex of indicators of productivity and adaptability. Methods. During 2019–2021, in the conditions of the plant research station Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of the Plant Production Institute of the NAAS of Ukraine (Poltava Region, 49o18’21”N, 33o13’56”E), 26 new samples of lentils from Canada and Spain were studied. In the pod and seed ripening stage (BBCH 86–90), under field and laboratory conditions, indicators of yield, productivity, 1000 seed weight, early-ripening, plant height and height from the soil of the first pod, number of pods and seeds per plant, number of seeds in a pod, pod parameters. Results. In the process of studying the new lentil samples, it was found that their productivity varied from 127 to 258 g/m2, with the most productive varieties being ‘CDC Creenstar’, ‘CDC Cherie’ (Canada), ‘Angela’, ‘Amaya’ (Spain). Throughout the study period, the highest productivity, according to the indicator “seed weight per plant”, was shown by the plants of the following lentil varieties: ‘CDC Cherie’ (4.4 g), ‘CDC Creenstar’ (4.2 g), ‘CDC Greenland’ (4.5 g), ‘CDC Imigreen’ (4.4 g), ‘CDC QG-2’ (4.1 g), ‘CDC Impulse’ (4.0 g) (Canada), ‘Angela’ (4.6 g) (Spain). Plant productivity was high, both in terms of increased number of seeds and 1000 seed weight. The highest level of the indicator of the number of pods per plant was recorded in the lentil varieties ‘CDC Imax’ (64.4 pcs), ‘CDC Impala’ (65.5 pcs), ‘CDC QG-2’ (67.4 pcs), ‘CDC Creenstar’ (67.8 pcs), ‘CDC Cherie’ (75.2 pcs) (Canada), ‘Amaya’ (64.8 pcs), ‘Angela’ (75.1 pcs) (Spain). Almost all the examined samples were of medium ripeness (81–85 days) and optimal for the Southern Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine. The Canadian varieties ‘CDC QG-2’, ‘CDC SB-2’, ‘CDC Impulse’, ‘CDC Imvincible’, ‘CDC Impact’ were the earliest (76 days). Varieties combining several valuable characteristics deserve special attention: ‘CDC Creenstar’, ‘CDC Greenland’, ‘CDC Impulse’, ‘CDC Impact’ (Canada), ‘Angela’ (Spain). Conclusions. The above mentioned varieties can be recommended as sources of valuable traits for practical use in breeding, and they are also suitable for cultivation in the Southern Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characteristics of productivity of soft winter wheat samples from Common Bunt-Resistant Nursery (CBUNT-RES) in the southern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Холод, С. М | Кір’ян, В. М | Вискуб, Р. С
Purpose. Evaluate the introduced samples of soft winter wheat from the international nursery Common Bunt-Resistant Nursery (CBUNT-RES) of different ecological and geographical origin in the southern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine according to a set of productivity indicators in order to define the most valuable samples and describe them. Methods. During 2016–2019 on the base of Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production of the V. Ya. Yuriev Plant Production Institute of NAAS the authors studied, evaluated and described 75 new soft winter wheat samples of various eco-geographical origins by productivity traits. In the field and laboratory conditions, indicators of yield and productivity were determined: 1000 grains weight, plant height and ear length, the number of spikelets and grains in the ear, weight of ear and grain and early-ripening. Results. Plant material with increased parameters of economic and biological characters was identified. During studies, it was found that ‘F08347G8’, ‘F00628G34-1’ (Romania), ‘91-142A61/KATIA1//GRISET-4’, ‘SAULESKU#44/TR810200//GRISET-4’, ‘ATTILA/BABAX//PASTOR/4/…’ (IU067591) (Turkey), ‘INTENSIVNAYA//PBW343*2/TUKURU’, ‘SANZAR-8/KKTS’ (Mexico) were the high-yielding varieties. The samples of soft winter wheat as ‘F08347G8’, ‘F00628G34-1’ (Romania), ‘INTENSIVNAYA//PBW343*2/…’ (IU067637) (Mexico), ‘ATAY/GALVEZ87/6/TAST/…’ (IU067587), ‘DE9/MERCAN-2’, ‘KRASNODAR/FRTL/6…’ (IU067595), ‘SAULESKU#44/TR810200//GRISET-4’, ‘GANSU-1/3/AUSGS50AT34/…’ (IU067598), ‘ORKINOS-1*2/3/AUS…’ (IU067608), ‘KAMBARA1/ZANDER-17’ , ‘TAM200/KAUZ/4/CHAM6//…’ (IU067612) (Turkey) contained a large grain weight (more than 5.0 g), plant productivity in these samples was rather high due to increased amount of grains and the thousand kernel weight. Conclusions. The introduced soft winter wheat samples of various eco-geographical origins were adapted to the Southern Forest-Steppe and can be recommended as a source material in breeding to increasing productive capacity.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Особливості росту вітчизняних сортів верби прутоподібної (Salix viminalis L.) в енергетичних плантаціях на торфово-болотних ґрунтах Київського Полісся | Особенности роста отечественных сортов ивы прутьевидной (Salix viminalis L.) в энергетических плантациях на торфяно-болотных почвах Киевского Полесья | Features of the growth of domestic varieties of Salix viminalis in the energy plantations on peat bog soils of Kyiv Polissia
Зелінський, Б. В. | Фучило, Я. Д.
Мета. Встановити особливості росту двох вітчизняних сортів верби прутоподібної ′Тернопільська′ та ′Збруч′ на торфово-болотних ґрунтах Київського Полісся України.Методи. Дослідження проводили протягом 2017–2019 рр. у заплаві річки Тетерів у Іванківському районі Київської області на торфово-болотному ґрунті з шаром торфу 30 см. Живці завдовжки 25 см висаджували двома спареними рядами з відстанню між ними 0,75 м та міжряддями 1,50 м. У ряду живці розміщувалися через 0,89; 0,59 і 0,45 м, що відповідає густоті: 10, 15 і 20 тис. живців на 1 га. Площа облікової ділянки – 38 м2, повторність варіантів – 3-разова, розміщення ділянок рендомізоване. Приживлюваність живців і збереженість рослин верби встановлювали як виражену у відсотках частку рослин, що збереглися до кількості висаджених живців; висоту кущів визначали мірною рейкою з точністю до 1 см, а масу – зважуванням на електронних терезах з точністю до 5 г. Отримані дані були опрацьовані на ПК за допомогою пакета Microsoft Excel.Результати. Приживлюваність живців сорту ′Тернопільська′ за варіантами густоти після першого року становила від 48,6 до 54,8%, а сорту ′Збруч′ – від 72,8 до 86,6%. Після другого року збереглося 41,8–52,2% та 42,0–65,5% рослин відповідно. Протягом третього року цей показник не змінився. Після третього року вегетації середня висота рослин сорту ′Тернопільська′ становила від 144,6±4,7 до 178,7±4,9 см, а сорту ′Збруч′ – від 180,2±5,0 до 248,6±6,8 см залежно від густоти садіння живців. У всіх варіантах досліду приріст за висотою з кожним роком збільшувався. Максимальні показники річного приросту (104,2 см) мали рослини сорту ′Збруч′ за густоти 20 тис./га у третій рік вегетації, у той час, як на суглинкових і супіщаних ґрунтах максимум приросту їхніх рослин за висотою припадав на другий рік. За всіх варіантів щільності рослин плантації сорту ′Збруч′ мали значно вищу продуктивність сухої біомаси. При цьому, у насадженнях обох сортів показники врожаю біомаси зростали зі збільшенням кількості рослин на 1 га і досягають максимуму (9,84 т/га в сорту ′Збруч′ і 3,29 т/га – у сорту ′Тернопільська′) при 20 тис. рослин на 1 га.Висновки. Із двох досліджуваних сортів верби прутоподібної на торфово-болотних ґрунтах Київського Полісся для створення енергетичних плантацій придатнішим є сорт ′Збруч′, який відзначається вищою укоріненістю живців, інтенсивнішим ростом та більшою продуктивністю біомаси (до 9,84 т/га). | Цель. Установить особенности роста двух отечественных сортов ивы прутьевидной 'Тернопільська' и 'Збруч' на торфяно-болотных почвах Киевского Полесья Украины.Методы. Исследования проводились на протяжении 2017–2019 гг. в пойме реки Тетерев в Иванковском районе Киевской области на торфяно-болотной почве со слоем торфа 30 см. Черенки длиной 25 см высаживали двумя спаренными рядами с расстоянием между ними 0,75 м и междурядьями 1,50 м. В ряду черенки располагались через 0,89; 0,59 и 0,45 м, что соответствует густоте: 10, 15 и 20 тыс. черенков на 1 га. Площадь учетного участка – 38 м2, повторность вариантов – 3-кратная, размещение участков рендомизированное. Приживаемость черенков и сохранность растений ивы устанавливали как выраженную в процентах долю сохранившихся растений к количеству высаженных черенков; высоту кустов определяли мерной рейкой с точностью до 1 см, а массу – взвешиванием на электронных весах с точностью до 5 г. Полученные данные были обработаны на ПК с помощью пакета Microsoft Excel.Результаты. Приживаемость черенков сорта 'Тернопільська' по вариантам густоты после первого года составляла от 48,6 до 54,8%, а у сорта 'Збруч' – от 72,8 до 86,6%. После второго года – сохранилось до 41,8–52,2% и 42,0–65,5% соответственно. На протяжении третьего года этот показатель практически не изменился. После третьего года вегетации средняя высота растений сорта 'Тернопільська' составила от 144,6±4,69 до 178,7±4,94 см, а сорта 'Збруч' – от 180,2±5,03 до 248,6±6,79 см в зависимости от густоты посадки черенков. Во всех вариантах опыта прирост по высоте с каждыми годом увеличился. Максимальные показатели годового прироста (104,2 см) были у растений сорта 'Збруч' при густоте 20 тыс. шт./га в третий год вегетации, в то время, как на суглинистых и супесчаных почвах максимум прироста их растений по высоте приходился на второй год. При всех вариантах плотности стояния растений плантации сорта ′Збруч′ имели значительно более высокую продуктивность сухой биомассы. При этом, в насаждениях обоих сортов показатели урожая биомассы возрастали с увеличением количества растений на 1 га и достигали максимума (9,84 т/га у сорта 'Збруч' и 3,29 т/га – у сорта 'Тернопільська') при 20 тыс. растений на 1 га.Выводы. Из двух исследуемых сортов ивы прутьевидной на торфяно-болотных почвах Киевского Полесья для создания энергетических плантаций более пригодным является сорт 'Збруч', который отличается более высокой приживаемостью черенков, более интенсивным ростом и большей продуктивностью биомассы (до 9,84 т/га). | Purpose. To define the peculiarities of the growth of two domestic varieties of the Salix viminalis L.: 'Ternopilska' and 'Zbruch' on the peat bog soils of Kyiv Polissia of Ukraine.Methods. Studies were conducted during 2017–2019 in the floodplain of the Teterev River in the Ivankivsky district of the Kyiv region on peat bog soil with a peat layer of 30 cm. Cuttings 25 cm long were planted in twin rows with a row distance of 0.75 m between twins and 1.50 m between twin rows. In a row cuttings were placed every 0.89; 0.59 and 0.45 m, which corresponds to densities of 10, 15 and 20 thousand cuttings per 1 ha. The area of the accounting site was 38 m2 with 3 times repetition of options; the placement of the sites is randomized. The survival rate of cuttings and the safety of willow plants was expressed as a percentage of the preserved plants to the number of planted cuttings; the height of the bushes was determined by a measured bar to within 1 cm, and the mass was determined by weighing on an electronic balance to within 5 g. The obtained data were processed on a computer using the Microsoft Excel package.Results. It was found that the survival rate of cuttings of 'Ternopilska' variety according to the density options was from 48.6 to 54.8% after the first year, and for 'Zbruch' variety from 72.8 to 86.6%. After the second year it decreased to 41.8–52.2% and 42.0–65.5%, and remained unchanged in the third year. After the end of the third year of vegetation, the average heights of 'Ternopilska' variety was from 144.6±4.69 to 178.7±4.94 cm and for 'Zbruch' variety - from 180.2±5.03 to 248.6±6.79 cm depending on planting density. In all variants of the experiment, height increment increased each year. The maximum growth rates in height (104.2 cm) were in plants of 'Zbruch' variety with a density of 20 thousand units / ha in the third year of vegetation, while being planted on loamy and sandy soils, the maximum growth of its plants in height was in the second year. In all variants of plant density, plantations of 'Zbruch' variety had a much higher dry mass productivity. At the same time, in the plantations of both varieties, the biomass yields increased with an increase in the number of plants per 1 ha and reached a maximum (9.84 t/ha in 'Zbruch' variety and 3.29 t/ha – in 'Ternopilska' variety) at 20 thousand plants per 1 ha.Conclusions. Of the two varieties of Salix viminalis studied on peat bog soils of Kyiv Polissya, 'Zbruch' variety is more suitable for creating energy plantations, which is characterized by a higher survival rate of cuttings, more intensive growth and higher biomass productivity (up to 9.84 t/ha).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Dependence of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce (<em>Lactuca sativa</em> L.) varietis on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1
Кутовенко, В. Б | Kostenko, N. P. | Баранець, М. В
Purpose. To investigate the variability of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties depending on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1. Methods. Field study, biometric technique, comparative approach, statistical evaluation, generalization. Results. Dependence of the plant height, the diameter of the leaf rosette, the number of leaves per plant, the leaf area of plants on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1 was defined. Investigations of cutting lettuce ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties by Dutch breeding were conducted in 2016–2017 in the collection sites of the department of vegetable growing in the scientific-experimental field “Fruit and vegetable garden” of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. In order to determine dependence of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce varieties on the concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1, the following scheme was used for the both varieties: variant 1 – water (control); variant 2 – 0,10% solution; variant 3 – 0,25% solution; variant 4 – 0,50% solution. Plants were treated with microfertilizer three times during the vegetative period. Alterations of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties depending on the concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 was studied. Conclusions. It was found that in case of three-time plant treatment with complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 at the time of harvesting, the best plant biometrics was registered in variant 3 (concentration 0,25%) for the both ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties of cutting lettuce. The height of plants of the cutting lettuce in ‘Afitsyon’ variety exceeded this figure in ‘Concord variety by 1,1–1,4 cm. The concentration of microfertilizer had no significant effect on the diameter of the leaf rosette of ‘Concord’ variety (25,1–25,9 см). The diameter of the leaf rosette of ‘Afitsyon’ variety was 26,0–28,7 cm. In cutting lettuce, the largest leaf area per plant was registered in ‘Afitsyon’ variety (3516.5 cm2/plant) in case of plants treatment with 0,25% solution of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 that exceeded this figure in ‘Concord’ variety by 660 cm2/plant. The best plant biometrics of cutting lettuce of the studied varieties and optimal concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 (0.25% solution) was defined that is important for improving agricultural cultivation techniques.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of the genus Calendula L. diversity for forming collection of varieties with standard characters
Мельничук, Р. В | Куценко, Н. І
Purpose. Evaluation of collection samples of the genus Calendula L. available at the Experimental station of medicinal plants (ESMP) for the levels of display of morphological characters in order to identify the reference varieties and form a collection of standards. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. During 2012–2014 years the collection of the genus Calendula L. was evaluated, that includes 145 samples of 4 species from 18 countries, for the eight morphological characters (plant height, inflorescence number, full inflorescence number, the color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter) and varieties were distributed by the level of manifestation according to current technique for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS). Conclusions. Samples of marigold were identified that can be sources of standards or starting material by plant height, inflorescence number, inflorescence full number, color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter and by all degree of their manifestation. For the highest level of manifestation of character complex (inflorescence diameter, disk diameter, the number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence full number and their manifestation pattern) ‘Mandarin Twist’ variety appeared to be the best
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Associations of alleles of microsatellite markers with agronomical traits of modern bread winter wheat varieties in Southern Ukraine
Колесник, О. О | Хохлов, О. М | Чеботар, С. В
Purpose. Defining marker-trait associations of microsatellite markers with specific regions of the genome that control important agronomical traits in the investigated varieties originated in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigations and entered into the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during different years. Methods. Molecular genetic methods (extraction of genomic DNA, polymerase chain reactions (PCR), electrophoresis of amplification products in polyacrylamide gel), field methods (phenological observations of heading date and analysis of plant height, visual assessment of the colour and length of wheat ear and awns), statistical methods (evaluation of trait means by descriptive statistic instruments of EXCEL package, ANOVA method performed by GLM instrument from AGROBASE 21 package). Results. During four growing years (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14), 47 bread winter wheat varieties were phenotypically measured and analyzed with 17 microsatellite loci. 35 marker-trait associations (MTA) for heading date, 39 for plant height, 33 for awn size, 20 for ear colour and 8 for ear size were found to be stable and significant during two–four different growing years. Conclusions. Microsatellite markers that showed substantial and stable during different growing years associations with agronomical traits can be useful and suitable for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in Ukrainian wheat breeding programs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Index validation for ratio of maize hybrids upper ear attachment to plant height thereof (Zea mays L.)
Черчель, В. Ю | Марочко, В. А | Таганцова, М. М
Methodological rationale is given (procedure - morphological description) for ‘plant’ as a quantitative characteristic - ‘plant: ratio of upper ear attachment height to plant height’ for maize hybrids (Zea mays L.), as well as parameters of grading for states of expression are set to facilitate the assessment at performing morphological description of maize hybrids
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Donor of winter rye short stem (Secale cereale L.) Gnom 1
Скорик, В. В
The article proves that the genetic cluster analysis using of parents – offspring system at the period of 38 generations of directional intentional selection to short stem, the height of winter rye plants has been reduced less than 90 cm with simultaneously productivity integral components increasing. Directional selection on parent plants short stem has revealed pleiotropic effects to increasing averages of productivity yield capacity, spike length, flowers number, grains, and short stem and simultaneously its productivity reducing, plant and weight reducing of 100 direct descendants grains. Plant height donor of short stem Gnome 1 has been controlled prevailing by genetic factors and has been less influenced by environmental conditions. Selection by enlargement of elite plants grains has predetermined genetically increasing of the average height of families in the next generation without the concept selection requirements satisfaction. Therefore, the directed selections, by the structural analysis results, are annually held in two phases, first – to the expressed short stem and then among of them – to the high weight of 100 grains per plant and desirable productivity elements. A creative dominant short stem donor with stems up to 90 cm and a weight of 100 grains per plant more than 4.0 g has been made. A short stem spike shortness donor Dwarf 1possesses a significant reserve of common genetic mutation of quantitative characteristics, which can be used by direct and indirect selection. This population has been represented by its large amount, in order to enhance capabilities of directional selection plants short stem providing with the desired productivity components during the studying. Informative additive genetic cluster analysis is high. Plants productivity is considered to be extremely complicated selection characteristics, including many component constituents parts related genetically. One of these traits changing inevitably causes genetic changes in other breeding traits. The aim of the task should be set clearly and information flow should be methodically and genetically corrected used. Keywords: winter rye, the efficiency of selection, inheritance, short stem, Dwarf 1, pleiotropic effects, genotypic, additive correlation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Gnome 2 as a donor for winter rye (Secale cereale L.) short stem
Скорик, В. В
A stabilizing (directed) selection has created a donor of short stem for winter rye (Secale cereale L.), plant height of which ranged from 50 to 60 cm. The plant height kept symmetry of its distribution curve and the frequency accumulation in central classes (positive excess). For the first time a symbolic designation to new short-stem related Hl-2Hl-2 allele and the donor name (Gnome 2) were proposed. 28 years of stabilizing selection showed that 57% of overall genetic variability of plant height resulted from adaptive genes available for directed selection by phenotype, and 43% from dominant and epistatic factors that predetermines the expression heterosis effect. Gnome 2 donor proved to have genetic additive correlation between the pants height and number of flows per ear, ear length, weight of seeds per plant , 100 seeds weight per plant; to have reverse correlation with ear density seeds weight per ear. The height of original parent components have displayed direct additive correlation with number of flowers per ear and reverse with the ear density. The additive correlation component directly exposes «genuine» impact of parental plants on the expression of the characteristics indicated among the offspring Productive bushing of parental plants, seed weight per plant directly, and seed size (100 seeds weight) indirectly, respectively, influence the height of offspring pants. The reverse additive correlation between the parents height and 100 seeds weight in the offspring is caused by pleiotropic effect of the genes impact thus enabling to combine the desirable characteristics in one genotype. Productive bushing is by 54% due to the impact of general genetic factors among the above, in particular, 30% due to that additive, 24 due to non-additive factors. The concept of genetic improvements for productive bushing of the Gnome 2 rye implies utilization of additive effect through the directed selection, as well as application of breeding techniques for controlling the effect of heterosis caused by the genes of dominant and epistatic impact. The selection paradigm requires simultaneous genotypes selection with immediate examination of the selection results by offspring while in parallel to develop inbred lines, combining these afterwards evaluating general and specific combining ability by productive bushing. It is also to be noted that the productive bushing essentially depends on the environmental conditions, which significantly corrects the implementation of productivity potent, thereby the issue of agronomical conditions aimed at extending the expression of characteristic in question remains.
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