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Оцінювання вихідного матеріалу для селекції самофертильних сортів люцерни посівної з високою врожайністю насіння
Н. В. Башкірова | Н. В. Курочка
Мета. Одержати високосамофертильні зразки люцерни посівної з мінімальною дією інбредної депресії на насіннєву продуктивність для використання в селекційному процесі. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, математично-статистичний. Результати. Розширення площ під посівами цінної високобілкової багаторічної культури люцерни посівної обмежується нестачею насіння через низьку врожайність її сучасних сортів. В умовах недостатньої чисельності комах-запилювачів перехреснозапильні сорти мають низьку насіннєву продуктивність. Підвищену врожайність насіння в таких умовах можуть мати самофертильні сорти, рослини яких здатні формувати насіння від самозапилення. Унаслідок вивчення 58 зразків селекційного розсадника люцерни, серед яких є інбредні лінії 8–10-го поколінь та гібриди, установлено високий рівень їх самофертильності. Фертильність пилку більшості зразків була в межах від 78,6 до 96,5% і тільки у восьми з них відзначено її зниження до 63,6–78,0%. Добори за компонентами насіннєвої продуктивності дали змогу виділити зразки з кількістю квіток у суцвітті від 22,0 до 36,2 шт. (сорт-стандарт ‘Ярославна’ – 26,9 шт.); з кількістю бобів, які зав’язалися за вільного запилення, – від 13,0 до 21,0 шт. (сорт-стандарт – 16,5 шт.). Насіннєва продуктивність зразків змінювалася від 10,17 до 35,63 г/м2, у сорту-стандарту – 22,03 г/м2. Висновки. Рівень самофертильності досліджених зразків селекційного розсадника люцерни був досить високим – від 32,6 до 68,1%. Цей селекційний матеріал було одержано від створених раніше автогамних форм і відібрано за показником мінімальної дії інбредної депресії на врожайність насіння. Весь одержаний селекційний матеріал, серед якого є гібриди між високосамофертильними зразками та інбредні лінії, надалі буде використано в селекційному процесі для створення сортів люцерни з високою насіннєвою продуктивністю.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The results of selection of mixed germ-plasm corn (Zea mays L.) among self-pollinated families S4 for the duration of the «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period
Гайдаш, О. Л
The results of evaluation and selection of breeding material of mixed germ-plasm corn for early ripeness among self-pollinated families S4 by the length of the «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period are given. A signifi cant infl uence of weather conditions during the years of study on the length of this indicator was determined. Response of studied corn test-crosses on growing conditions are described. Self-pollinated families DK22282111, DK28211111, DK21511111, DK20192321, DK26143111 were singled out which had a high tolerance to growing conditions and stable «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ‘Vik 2020’ cultivar
Міщенко, С. В | Лайко, І. М | Кириченко, Г. І
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application. Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods. Results. Variety ‘Vik 2020’ was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ± 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ± 0.0011; 0.018 ± 0.0080; 0.012 ± 0.0027, and 0.005 ± 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation). Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ‘Vik 2020’, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]KASP<sup>TM</sup> genotyping technology and its use in genetic-breeding programs (a study of maize)
Волкова, Н. Е | Sokolov, V. M.
Purpose. To review publications relating to the key point of the genotyping technology that is competitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (which is called now Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR, KASPTM) and its use in various genetic-breeding researching (a study of maize). Results. The essence of KASP-genotyping, its advantages are highlighted. The requirements for matrix DNA are presented, since the success of the KASP-analysis depends on its quality and quantity. Examples of global projects of plant breeding for increasing crop yields using the KASP genotyping technology are given. The results of KASP genotyping and their introduction into breeding and seed production, in particular, for determining genetic identity, genetic purity, origin check, marker-assisted selection, etc. are presented using maize as an example. It is demonstrated how genomic selection according to KASP genotyping technology can lead to rapid genetic enhancement of drought resistance in maize. Comparison of the effectiveness of creating lines with certain traits (for example, combination of high grain yield and drought resistance) using traditional breeding approaches (phenotype selection) and molecular genetic methods (selection by markers) was proved that it takes four seasons (two years in case of greenhouses) in order to unlock the potential of the plant genotype using traditional self-pollination, test-crossing and definitions), while using markers, the population was enriched with target alleles during one season. At the same time, there was no need for a stress factor. Conclusions. KASP genotyping technology is a high-precision and effective tool for modern genetics and breeding, which is successfully used to study genetic diversity, genetic relationship, population structure, genetic identity, genetic purity, origin check, quantitative locus mapping, allele mapping, marker-assisted selection, marker-assisted breeding. It is expedient and timely to introduce KASP genotyping technology in our country to solve a wide range of modern genetics, breeding, seed production tasks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selfpollination and the best pollinizers for new sour-cherry varieties (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) bred in M.F.Sydorenko Institute of Irrigated Fruit Growing UAAS
Шкіндер-Барміна, А. М
The article presents the results of studying a degree of self-pollination usual for seven sour-cherry varieties: Solidarnist, Vzglyad, Melitopolska purpurna, Amulet, Rassvet, Vudumka, Melitopolska radist bred in M.F.Sydorenko Institute of Irrigated Fruit Growing UAAS within 2004-2007 yrs. Also the number of pollinizers for these varieties has been picked up from the varieties added to the State Register of Plant Varieties.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]???????? ??????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? 2020 | Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ?Vik 2020? cultivar
???????, Mishchenko, Serhii, ?. ?. | ?????, Laiko, Iryna, ?. ?. | ?????????, Kyrychenko, Hanna, ?. ?.
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application.Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods.Results. Variety ?Vik 2020? was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ? 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ? 0.0011; 0.018 ? 0.0080; 0.012 ? 0.0027, and 0.005 ? 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation).Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ?Vik 2020?, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties | ???????? ???? ??????????? ???????? ????????????????????? ???????-????????????? ???? ??????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????????????.??????. ?????????? (?????????????, ????????? ??????????? ?????????, ?????), ???????, ?????????? (??????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??????), ???????????????-???????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????, ???????????.??????????. ? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????2020?, ??????? ????? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? (1,034???0,0323%), ?? ??? ????? ??????????? ????????????, ? ????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ? ??????????????, ???????????, ????????????? ? ????????????? ???????????????????? (0,003???0,0011; 0,018???0,0080; 0,012???0,0027 ? 0,005???0,0012% ??????????). ?????? ?????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ? ????? ????????? ? ?? ??????????????? ? ??????? ?????? ???????????????????? (r =?-0,23). ?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ????????, ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????? ? ????? ??????????????? ??????? ? ?????? ????? ?? ?????????? ???????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????, ?????? ? ???? ?? ???????? ? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????????. ?? ???????????? ??????????? ????????????????? ? ???? ??????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????????????, ? ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????-?????????? ????????? ????????? (206,4???) ? ????????? ??????? ??????? (135,6 ??), ? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? (70,8 ??), ??? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????, ????????? ??? ???????????? ?? ????????????? ????, ?? ??????????? ??????? (0,98??/??). ????? ?????????? ??????? ????????, ?? ? ? ?????-?????????, 29,0%, ??? ???? ????????????????? ????? ?????? ? ????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????????????. ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????, ????????? ?? ???- ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????????. ???????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????????? (BBCH 89) ??116 ???. ?????????????? ??? ??????????? ? ????? ????????? ???????, ???????? ??????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? (?? ????? ????? ?????????????).????????. ???????? ???????????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ????????????? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ???? 2020?, ?? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ‘Vik 2020’ cultivar
С. В. Міщенко | І. М. Лайко | Г. І. Кириченко
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application. Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods. Results. Variety ‘Vik 2020’ was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ± 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ± 0.0011; 0.018 ± 0.0080; 0.012 ± 0.0027, and 0.005 ± 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation). Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ‘Vik 2020’, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Estimation of the source material for breeding of self-fertile varieties of alfalfa with high seed yield | Оцінювання вихідного матеріалу для селекції самофертильних сортів люцерни посівної з високою врожайністю насіння | Оценка исходного материала для селекции самофертильных сортов люцерны посевной с высокой урожайностью семян
Башкірова, Н. В. | Курочка, Н. В.
Цель. Получить высокосамофертильные образцы люцерны посевной с минимальным воздействием инбредной депрессии на семенную продуктивность для использования в селекционном процессе.Методы. Полевой, лабораторный, математически-статистический.Результаты. Расширение площадей под посевами ценной высокобелковой многолетней культуры люцерны посевной ограничиваеться нехваткой семян из-за низкой урожайности ее современных сортов. В условиях недостаточной численности насекомых-опылителей перекрестноопыляемые сорта имеют низкую семенную продуктивность. Повышенную урожайность семян в таких условиях могут иметь самофертильные сорта, растения которых способны формировать семена от самоопыления. В результате изучения 58 образцов селекционного питомника люцерны, среди которых инбредные линии 8-10-го поколений и гибриды, установлено высокий уровень их самофертильности. Фертильность пыльцы большинства образцов была в пределах от 78,6 до 96,5% и только у восьми из них отмечено ее снижение до 63,6-78,0%. Отборы по компанентам семенной продуктивности позволили выделить образцы с количеством цветков в соцветии от 22,0 до 36,2 шт. (сорт 'Ярославна' - 26,9 шт.); с количеством бобов, которые завязались при свободном опылении, - от 13,0 до 21,0 шт. (сорт-стандарт - 16,5 шт.). Семенная продуктивность образцов изменялась от 10,17 до 35,63 г/м2, у сорта-стандарта - 22,03 г/м2.Выводы. Уровень самофертильности исследованных образцов селекционного питомника люцерны был достаточно высоким - от 32,6 до 68,1%. Этот селекционный материал был получен от созданных ранее автогамных форм и отобран по показателю минимального воздействия инбредной депрессии на урожайность семян. Весь полученный селекционный материал, среди которого есть гибриды между высокосамофертильными образцами и инбредные линии, в дальнейшем будет использован в селекционном процессе для создания сортов люцерны с высокой семенной продуктивностью. | Мета. Одержати високосамофертильні зразки люцерни посівної з мінімальною дією інбредної депресії на насіннєву продуктивність для використання в селекційному процесі. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, математично-статистичний. Результати. Розширення площ під посівами цінної високобілкової багаторічної культури люцерни посівної обмежується нестачею насіння через низьку врожайність її сучасних сортів. В умовах недостатньої чисельності комах-запилювачів перехреснозапильні сорти мають низьку насіннєву продуктивність. Підвищену врожайність насіння в таких умовах можуть мати самофертильні сорти, рослини яких здатні формувати насіння від самозапилення. Унаслідок вивчення 58 зразків селекційного розсадника люцерни, серед яких є інбредні лінії 8–10-го поколінь та гібриди, установлено високий рівень їх самофертильності. Фертильність пилку більшості зразків була в межах від 78,6 до 96,5% і тільки у восьми з них відзначено її зниження до 63,6–78,0%. Добори за компонентами насіннєвої продуктивності дали змогу виділити зразки з кількістю квіток у суцвітті від 22,0 до 36,2 шт. (сорт-стандарт ‘Ярославна’ – 26,9 шт.); з кількістю бобів, які зав’язалися за вільного запилення, – від 13,0 до 21,0 шт. (сорт-стандарт – 16,5 шт.). Насіннєва продуктивність зразків змінювалася від 10,17 до 35,63 г/м2, у сорту-стандарту – 22,03 г/м2.Висновки. Рівень самофертильності досліджених зразків селекційного розсадника люцерни був досить високим – від 32,6 до 68,1%. Цей селекційний матеріал було одержано від створених раніше автогамних форм і відібрано за показником мінімальної дії інбредної депресії на врожайність насіння. Весь одержаний селекційний матеріал, серед якого є гібриди між високосамофертильними зразками та інбредні лінії, надалі буде використано в селекційному процесі для створення сортів люцерни з високою насіннєвою продуктивністю. | Purpose. Obtaining the highly self-fertile samples of alfalfa with a minimal effect of inbreeding depression on seed productivity for the use in the further selective breeding.Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical.Results. The expansion of the area under valuable high-protein perennial crops of alfalfa is limited by the lack of seeds due to the low yield of its modern varieties. In conditions of insufficient numbers of pollinating insects, cross-breeding varieties have low seed yield. Thus, self-fertile varieties may have an increased seed yield, since their plants are able to form seeds by self-pollination. As a result of studying 58 samples of the breeding nursery of alfalfa, among which there were inbred lines of 8–10 generations and hybrids, a high level of their self-fertility was determined. Pollen fertility of most samples ranged from 78.6 to 96.5%, and only eight of them showed a decrease to 63.6–78.0%. Selections for the components of seed productivity allowed us to distinguish samples with the number of flowers in the inflorescence from 22.0 to 36.2 pcs. (standard variety ‘Yaroslavna’ – 26.9 pcs.); with the number of set pods from free pollination – from 13.0 up to 21.0 pcs. (standard variety – 16.5 pcs.). The seed yield varied from 10.17 to 35.63 g/m2, and in the standard variety it was 22.03 g/m2. Conclusions. The level of self-fertility of the studied samples of the breeding nursery of alfalfa was quite high – from 32.6 to 68.1%. This breeding material was obtained from the previously created autogamous forms and selected in terms of the minimum effect of inbreeding depression on seed yield. All the obtained breeding material, among which there are hybrids between highly self-fertile samples and inbred lines, will later be used in the selection process to create alfalfa varieties with high seed yield.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of combining ability for grain yield of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families of mixed germplasm
Гайдаш, О. Л
Purpose. Assessment and selection of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families with high combining ability and wide adaptive capacity obtained on the basis of specially produced hybrids by crossing elite lines of various genetic plasms with the best main agronomic characters. Methods. Field studies, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. An amplitude of grain yield ranging from 5.96–10.96 t/ha (x = 8.44 t/ha) in 2013 to 2.67–7.59 t/ha (x = 5.08 t/ha) in 2014 was determined in the course of study of the testcrosses of self-pollinated S5 families. It was found that different response of genotypes of the studied testcrosses to the year conditions significantly affected the average yield level, which decreased in the stressful 2014 by 3.4 t/ha as compared to 2013. The results of the assessment based on the general and specific combining ability of new parent material of mixed germplasm were shown. A significant variability of the estimates of GCA (general combining ability) effects depending on the year conditions was observed in the course of study. A marked difference in the estimates of GCA effects based on the grain yield was revealed. They were persistently high in 19% of the best self-pollinated families in both years, 14% of the families had persistently low estimates of GCA effects, 67% changed their value depending on the genotype and year conditions. Conclusions. 17 best self-pollinated families with persistently high estimates of GCA, 6 families featuring high tolerance to drought and 4 families with persistently high variances of SCA were selected. The selected families will be used as a parent material in selection programs aimed to create new high performance hybrids.
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