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Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L
Лещук, Н. В | Орленко, Н. С
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Specific features of selection of promising hybrids of the genus Syringa for the variety testing
Горб, В. К
Purpose. To establish the reasons of submitting not highly decorative lilac hybrids to state variety testing so that unpromising varieties and look-alikes can be sometimes included in the world collection, and focus on solving this situation. Methods. Analytical approach. Results. It was established why and how unoriginal hybrids were submitted to state variety testing that for several reasons can allow them to obtain the status of variety. Conclusions. In order to prevent obtaining the status of variety by some low decorative lilac hybrids, it is necessary that both a breeder and testing stations employer should use known presentable collections of identified varieties for evaluation of real value of a new hybrid. In Ukraine, there is such a collection at N. N. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine where more than 130 varieties and 21 species of the genus Syringa occupies the area of 2.35 ha. It is desirable to compare not only with the check variety that the breeder selected for his hybrid among such, but, if it is possible, with all varieties in the collection close to it by decorative effect. The problem is that the author of a hybrid, sometimes ignorantly or for some other reason, selects a check variety for his hybrid that is not the most decorative one among such, against which a candidate for variety status will be more attractive during its evaluation. In such a case, the breeder should change a check variety that permits to estimate really the decorative effect of a submitted hybrid.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Phytomeliorative properties of <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. plants depending on varietal features of the culture
Кабанець, В. М | Михальська, Л. М | Швартау, В. В | Матус, В. М
Purpose. To investigate the varietal characteristics of the hemp plants for improving the quality indices of the soil they grow in, determine the amount of inorganic elements in the soil, level of their accumulation in plant stalkі and seeds. Methods. Field and spectrometric methods were basic. The results were processed using conventional methods in agriculture, crop growing and statistics. Variants of the experiment were as follows: varieties ‘Hliana’, ‘Hlesiia’: 1) soils; 2) stalks; 3) seeds. Schemes of experiments included: a) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; b) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm; c) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; d) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm. Results. The amount of the accumulation of alkaline earth metals and their compounds by seeds and stalks of hemp plants depending on their content in vegetation soils was determined. It was found that stalks of the ‘Hlesiia’ plant accumulated strontium (Sr) and its compounds far less than that of ‘Hliana’, whereas in the seeds of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety the content of this chemical element was higher comparing with the previous variety by 70 and 78%, respectively. The difference in the accumulation of barium (Ba) compounds in seeds of hemp plants was not significant, while the tissues of the plant stalks of the ‘Hliana’ variety accumulated its compounds significantly more as compared to the ‘Hlesiia’ variety. The degree of influence of the variety, feeding area and the maturity stage on the processes of magnesium compounds (Mg) accumulation by plants was not revealed. Plants of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety accumulated far less calcium (Ca) and its compounds in the stalk tissues as compared to the plants of the ‘Hliana’ variety: in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants with row spacing 45 cm (a) and d – plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) in the biological maturity stage 30,94 and 15,95 mg/kg more in the presence in soil and in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) and in the biological maturity stage with broad-sowing (45 cm) 34.54 and 24.19 mg/kg less in the presence in soil. Conclusions. The indices of accumulation of alkaline earth metals by hemp plants were significantly affected by the concentration of compounds of a certain chemical element in the arable layer, the level of energy (light) obtained by plants during vegetation, the varietal features of hemp, the stages of organogenesis of hemp plants and the specificity of their aboveground parts – stalks to accumulate these chemical elements as well as cumulate them by seeds. The varietal dependence as for accumulation of heavy metals by hemp plants tissues and seeds was established. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of plants concerning the ability to absorb and accumulate the relevant chemical elements and their compounds in the process of hemp cultivation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Response of new varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the impact of environmental factors under the conditions of the Southern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Гаврилюк, М. М | Каленич, П. Є
Purpose. To define the level of impact of such factors as rate, time and methods of sowing on seed productivity and certified seeds, and the individual response of winter wheat varieties to these factors if used the ecological system of seed farming, that would allow to form and obtain genetically determined potential of variety productivity. Methods. Weight measurement for determining seed yield; statistical, variance and regression analysis for identifying the reliability of the experiment results. Results. During the research period, weather conditions were greatly differed both by temperature regime and precipitation, but stability of grain and seeds yield on an annual basis was the main requirement to varieties. During the study of «grain productivity» value and quantitative indices of winter wheat yield structure, the results from 684 plots were obtained which were grouped and analyzed for impact factors for complete certainty, and NIR0,05 was calculated. Conclusions. Thus, in case of shifting sowing time from optimum to later period, efficiency of water use by plants was decreasing to a greater extent during years with insufficient precipitation. The shift of sowing time to later period providing optimal seeding rate and row seeding method did not reduce yield. The yield of winter wheat varieties to be studied when sowing in usual manner with seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha in the period from September 15 and October 5 was the highest. Varieties ‘Slavna’ and ‘Chorniava’ provided the highest grain productivity for seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha and using row seeding method, with slight impact of sowing time factor. Grain yield of studied varieties showed negative response during the experiment when seeding rate decreased up to 2,5–3,0 million seeds/ha. ‘Astarta’ variety provided the highest productivity for certified seeds yield as compared to the control (from 1,59 to 3,38 t/ha). The variant of the experiment when sowing on October, 5 in usual manner with seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha showed the highest productivity of 7,02 t/ha (+3,38 t/ha, or +92,9%). Shifting of sowing time for October, 5 resulted in a significant decrease in yields of certified seeds as compared to sowing time on September 15 and 25. Seed yield of studied varieties when sowing on October, 5 was higher than in case of sowing on September, 25. The highest percentage of certified seeds output in the studied varieties was observed for a seeding rate of 2,5–3,0 million seeds/ha. For seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha for varieties with seeding time between September 15 and 25, the difference in grain yield was negligible. The winter wheat variety ‘Astarta’ provided the highest yield of seeds during the research years – 9,36 t/ha, the standard variety ‘Bogdan’ – the lowest one in the best variant of 5,55 t/ha.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of SSR markers to differentiate new varieties of soybean (<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merr.)
Л. М. Присяжнюк | С. І. Мельник | Ю. В. Шитікова | І. О. Сігалова | А. П. Іваницька
Purpose. To study the molecular genetic polymorphism in new soybean varieties using SSR-markers as for the possibility to apply it for examination of varieties for difference, uniformity and stability. Methods. Molecular genetic analysis of nucleic acids, cluster analysis. Results. The results of study of molecular genetic polymorphism in 25 varieties of soybean through microsatellite markers using polymerase chain reaction were presented. Analysis of the amplification products has showed that for all the studied SSR-markers intra-species polymorphism was observed in the ‘Alinda’ variety, for the loci Satt 228 and Satt 726 – in the ‘Arnica’ variety, for the loci Satt 063 and Satt 726 – in the ‘Furio’ variety, which was taken into account in further studies of some genotypes. When assessing polymorphism in the studied varieties, it was determined that the frequencies of the identified alleles were ranging from 0,02 to 0,1 that depended on the microsatellite locus. Using cluster analysis, genetic distances were determined between varieties. The distance between many varieties, particularly in 59 cases, was 3.61, 3.16 and 2.83, these values of genetic distances prevailed in the studied sample of varieties. Conclusions. Analysis of molecular genetic polymorphism showed that 10 varieties were the most polymorphic among 25 studied ones, that should be taken into account in their further identification. It was determined that the identified alleles were evenly represented in the sample of studied soybean varieties, as evidenced by a high polymorphic index of the locus (0.83–0.94). According to the evaluation of genetic distances between varieties, it was found that the varieties were the most similar by loci when the genetic distances between them were 2.00, and the varieties were the most different when the distances were 3.87. Thus, the marker system, which consists of four microsatellite loci such as Satt 063, Satt 114, Satt 228 and Satt 726, is effective for defining the difference between studied soybean varieties.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Rice (<em>Oryza sativa</em> L.) blast resistance genes bioinformatic analysis
К. В. Бондаренко | Г. І. Сліщук | Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. To investigate rice blast resistance genes polymorphism by using bioinformatic methods. Methods. Global and local nucleotide alignment, phylogenetic analysis, HyPhy test. Results. For Pib gene, numerous single nucleotide substitutions and deletions of 1–3 bp were established. The phylogeny of this gene has been studied and homologues have been found both in various rice species and in other cereals. These sequences can encode proteins that «recognize» the phytopathogens effectors, and can also be associated with resistance to phytopathogens. The Pi4 gene is characterized by single nucleotide substitutions, insertions and deletions; the number of non-synonymous substitutions exceeds the number of synonymous ones. The Pi54 gene variability is significantly lower than that of the Pi4 and Pib genes. The predominant types of polymorphism were single nucleotide substitutions and small-sized indels. It was found that non-synonymous substitutions in Pi54, Pi4 and Pib genes were in close proximity, sometimes forming clusters, while some coding regions were either superconservative or contained predominantly synonymous substitutions. On philodendrograms, cultivated rice samples were clustered with samples of ancestral wild-growing species. Conclusions. Evolution of the rice blast resistance genes Pi4, Pib and Pi54 is characterized by diversification selection. Considering that tense coevolution and significant rate of adaptation and creation of new pathogen races are typical for a plant and a parasite, these genes are subjected to intensive selection aimed at increasing diversity for obtaining the resistance to new races of the pathogen.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Високоволокнистий сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’
Л. М. Кривошеєва | В. I. Чучвага | О. Ю. Йотка | І. В. Верещагін
Мета. Створити новий пізньостиглий високопродуктивний сорт льону-довгунця з високою якістю волокна. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, інструментально-технологічний, статистичний. Результати. За результатами досліджень визначено основні морфологічні, господарські та технологічні ознаки нового пізньостиглого сорту льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’. Встановлено, що цей сорт характеризується високими показниками врожайності соломи (5,9–6,1 т/га), насіння (0,78–0,86 т/га), всього волокна (1,61–1,74 т/га), в т. ч. довгого (1,05 т/га). Значний вміст усього волокна (27,9–30,7%) успішно поєднується з високою його якістю. Має високу стійкість проти вилягання, осипання насіння та середню стійкість проти антракнозу й фузаріозу. За результатами Державного сортовипробування у 2016 році сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ внесено до Державного реєстру сортів рослин, придатних для поширення в Україні. Висновки. Сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ поєднує високу врожайність соломи, насіння, волокна з високою якістю останнього та стійкістю проти вилягання і хвороб. Рекомендовано для вирощування в усіх льоносіючих регіонах України. Впровадження пізньостиглого високоврожайного сорту льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ дасть можливість одержувати високі врожаї льонопродукції та сприятиме підвищенню ефективності вітчизняного льонарства.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Seed quality of winter wheat varieties after black fallow depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
С. В. Авраменко
Purpose. To determine the effect of the basic organo-mineral fertilizer on the formation and stability of grain quality of winter wheat varieties in multiple crop rotation after black fallow as a predecessor. Methods. Field experiments were based on a multifactorial scheme using split-plot method with due regard to all requirements of the field experiment procedure, analysis of variance was used for statistical processing of the obtained results. Results. Investigation data was given concerning determination of grain quality indices in winter wheat varieties of different ecotypes after black fallow as a predecessor depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. In average for the period of investigation (2011–2015), the highest protein content in winter wheat grains was formed in no treatment variant [in such varieties as ‘Doridna’ (14.1%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.3%) and ‘Levada’ (14.2%)] and in case of organo-mineral fertilizer application [in the varieties ‘Hordovyta’ (14.0%), ‘Kalyta’ (14.0%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.7%) and ‘Levada’ (14.6%)]. The highest content of crude gluten in grains, without regard for the variant of the experiment, was found in the following varieties as ‘Dykanka’ (24.9–25.1%) and ‘Levada’ (23.7–25.4%). Conclusions. It was established that the content of protein and crude gluten in grains as well as the falling number of winter wheat was highly dependent on such factors as the variety and the year of cultivation as compared to the fertilizer background. The following varieties as ‘Hordovyta’, ‘Mulan’, Dykanka’ and ‘Levada’ were very sensitive to the application of organo-mineral fertilizer for the protein content, while ‘Hordovyta’ (2.4%), ‘Levada’ (1.7%), ‘Borvii’ (1.2%) and ‘Mulan’ (1.1%) – for the crude gluten content.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Біохімічні показники насіння сочевиці залежно від елементів технології вирощування
О. І. Присяжнюк | О. В. Топчій | Т. В. Шевченко
Мета. Дослідити вплив строків сівби, мікродобрив та регуляторів росту на біохімічні показники насіння сочевиці. Методи. Польові, лабораторні. Результати. Наведено біохімічні показники якості насіння сочевиці залежно від строків сівби, дії мікродобрив, регуляторів росту та їх поєднання. На формування біохімічних показників насіння сочевиці впливають різні чинники. Вміст сирої клітковини в середньому за роки досліджень був 3,2–3,3% на контрольному варіанті, максимальні значення – 6,9% за застосування Реаком-СР-Бобові + Регоплант за 1-го строку сівби та 8,4% Квантум-Бобові за 2-го строку. На показник вмісту крохмалю в абсолютно сухій речовині насіння найбільше вплинуло застосування регулятора росту Стимпо – 56,5% у 1-й строк сівби та поєднання його з мікродобривом Квантум-Бобові – 54,3% у 2-й строк. Загалом за роки дослідження в насінні сочевиці сорту ‘Лінза’ вміст сирого протеїну був на рівні 26–28%. За комбінованого застосування мікродобрив і регуляторів росту 27,81% – Реаком-СР-Бобові + Стимпо за 1-го строку сівби та від 27,69% – Квантум-Бобові + Регоплант до 28,60% – Реаком-СР-Бобові за 2-го строку. Висновки. Встановлено максимальні показники вмісту сирої клітковини у варіантах з підживленням рослин у фазі бутонізації мікродобривом Квантум-Бобові – 4,5% за 1-го строку сівби і 10,8% за 2-го строку в 2016 р. Максимальний вміст крохмалю в насінні сочевиці в 2016 р. за обох строків сівби був у варіанті із підживленням у фазі бутонізації регулятором росту Стимпо – 58,0 та 55,8% відповідно. У 2017 р. кращі показники були у варіантах Квантум-Бобові та Квантум-Бобові + Регоплант – 55,1% за 1-го строку та у варіанті Реаком-СР-Бобові – 54,3% за 2-го строку. Вміст сирого протеїну в насінні сочевиці в 2016 р. у варіантах Реаком-СР-Бобові + Регоплант – 27,92% за 1-го строку сівби та Реаком-СР-Бобові + Стимпо – 29,93% за 2-го. У 2017 р. у варіанті Регоплант – 28,21% за 1-го та Квантум-Бобові – 28,39% за 2-го строку.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Features of formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on cultivation technology elements
В. А. Доронін | В. В. Дрига | Ю. А. Кравченко | В. В. Доронін
Purpose. To establish biological features of plants growth and development and the formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on the cultivation technology elements. Methods. Field, laboratory, visual, weight measuring, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. The features of the growth and development of the miscanthus bioenergy crop were investigated including the formation of planting material depending on the combined technology elements application during the planting time, namely: planting time, rhizome mass, the granules and the MaxiMarin absorbent gel. It was established that the increase in plant height and leaf area as well as the miscanthus stems formation was depended on both the rhizome planting time, their size, and the use of the absorbent. During three-year period, increase in plant height was more intensive and leaf area was largest in case of the absorbent application, as compared to the control during all phases of the development for the first and the second planting time regardless of rhizome mass. On the average, the largest leaf area – 1905,9 cm3 – was in the final stage of vegetation in the context of the second planting time for large rhizomes and application of granules and absorbent gel jointly. Increasing the ground mass due to plant height, leaf area and the number of stems benefited the photosynthesis productivity intensity, that influenced the root system increase, and consequently the output of the miscanthus planting material. It was found that there are direct strong correlation between these indices and the rhizome mass. Ground mass growing is contributed to the increase in the rhizome mass, and accordingly the output of the planting material – rhizome. In case of application of granules and absorbent gel jointly, the ground mass of the miscanthus was growing most intensively and accordingly the rhizome mass was the largest, which in the first year of small rhizomes planting was twice as much as compared to the control and was equal to 1090.5 g, for large rhizomes planting this index was respectively 2.4 times more and equal to 1763.9 g. During the second planting time, the application of granules and absorbent gel jointly resulted in the rhizomes mass increase for small rhizomes planting 1.9, large rhizomes – 2.1 times more as compared to the control. Conclusions. Direct strong correlations were established between the intensity of the ground mass growth – the height of plants, the number of leaves, leaf area, the number of buds and the rhizome mass. The growth of the ground mass of plants was contributed to the increase of the root system, and consequenly the output of planting material. In all stages of plant development, the increase of the rhizome mass was more intensive in case of the absorbent application regardless the time of rhizome planting, as compared to the control. The application of granules and absorbent jointly allowed to form the largest rhizome mass.
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