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Cultivars of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
В. Ф. Горобець | Т. О. Щербакова
Purpose. To analyze the variety diversity of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and determine its biological features in the new conditions of introduction. Methods. Introduction studies, phenological observations, morphometry, statistical processing of results. Results. The cultivars diversity of the Itoh peony group of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collection was analyzed. The ornamental properties of the cultivars were described. Features of their growth and development under conditions of introduction were studied. It was revealed that the duration of vegetation of plants of Ito group varieties is 218–225 days. It was determined that plant growth begins on March 23 – April 2, flowering on May 19–28. The budding of plants was observed in the first decade of May and lasts 16–20 days. It was revealed that in the conditions of introduction ‘Morning Lilac’ and ‘Sonoma Apricot’ bloom first (May 19–20), ‘Viking Full Moon’, ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, ‘Yellow Waterlily’ bloom later (May 28). The height of generative shoots of plants in flowering phase ranged from 60 to90 cm. Plants go dormant in winter, having formed generative shoots that successfully winter. Reproduction of plants occurs both due to the buds that form on the lower part of the stem, and the buds that form on the rhizome. The shoot-forming ability and flowering productivity are 6.0±2.5 – 19.5±4.0 shoots and 4.5±1.5 – 16.0±3.0 generative shoots per plant, respectively. Cultivars ‘First Arrival’, ‘Sonoma Apricot’, ‘Hillary’, ‘Bartzella’, ‘Morning Lilac’, ‘Lollipop’, ‘Old Rose Dandy’ are highly productive. Conclusions. The collection of peonies of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been expanded by Itoh Group cultivars. The R. Anderson’s breeds of 1980–1990 are more fully represented. An analysis of the ornamental features of the varieties showed that the hybrids with a semi-double flower shape of a yellow color dominate the collection. Cultivars retain all their ornamental and economic characteristics under conditions of introduction. The Itoh group varieties of the collection can be material for developing technologies for their cultivation and propagation, can be a source of replenishment and expansion of regional botanical gardens collections, planting material for gardening and landscaping, and also perform an educational and cognitive function.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Introduction and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. in Ukraine
О. П. Бондарчук | О. М. Вергун | В. В. Фіщенко | Д. Б. Рахметов
Purpose. Development of scientific and applied foundations for the introduction, selection and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. to ensure food security in Ukraine. Methods. Subject of study – plants of the genus Physalis. The study was conducted in 2014–2018. on the introduction plots of the department of cultural flora of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The work used general scientific and special methods: field, introduction, biological and morphological; laboratory (chemical, biochemical), statistical (methods of analysis of variance and statistical estimation of average data using Microsoft Excel (2010). Results. The features of ontomorphogenesis were established, the biological and morphological parameters of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. were investigated under conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine. It was found that the content of dry matter in plant fruits varied from 10 to 18.34%, sugars – from 39.34 to 67.97%, tannins – 1.57 to 3.35% and carotene – from 0.200 to 0.583%, ascorbic acid – from 123.91 to 284.95 mg/100 g, depending on the species, varietal and shape characteristics. Conclusions. It was found that the introduced plant species of the genus Physalis in conditions of culture have four age periods and 10 developmental states: seeds (se), sprouts (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), generative (g), subsenilny (ss) and senile (se). Ph. ixocarpa ‘Likhtaryk’ of the NBG selection was distinguished among the studied introduced species in terms of biological and morphological parameters and biochemical composition. The obtained data can be used for further research and determining the prospects for the introduction of these introduced species into a wide culture
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Особливості введення в культуру in vitro вишні сорту ‘Ксенія’ та черешні сорту ‘Василиса прекрасна’
Т. А. Натальчук | Т. В. Медведєва | Я. С. Запольський | О. Б. Барбан
Мета. Визначити оптимальні строки відбору експлантів, підібрати стерилізуючі агенти та режими стерилізації, а також поживне середовище для введення в культуру in vitro нових перспективних сортів вишні (Prunus cerasus L.) та черешні (Prunus avium L.). Методи. У процесі роботи застосовано методику клонального мікророзмноження рослин і статистичні обробки експериментальних даних. Результати. Встановлено оптимальний строк відбору експлантів, тривалість експозиції при стерилізації, оптимальний склад поживного середовища на першому етапі мікроклонального розмноження. Для визначення оптимального режиму стерилізації та стерилізуючого препарату використовували 0,1% розчин хлориду ртуті та 3% розчин препарату «Лізоформін 3000» з експозицією стерилізації 5, 6 та 7 хвилин. Найбільший вихід стерильних експлантів як для вишні сорту ‘Ксенія’, так і для черешні сорту ‘Василиса прекрасна’ отримали при експозиції стерилізації 7 хв для обох стерилізуючих агентів. При використанні 0,1% розчину хлориду ртуті цей показник був вищий, ніж при стерилізації 3% розчином препарату «Лізоформін 3000» – 71 і 99% відповідно. Висновки. На ефективність стерилізації та введення в культуру in vitro експлантів вишні ‘Ксенія’ і черешні ‘Василиса прекрасна’ впливали тривалість стерилізації, час відбору експлантів, фітосанітарний стан маточної рослини, склад поживного середовища. 0,1% розчин хлориду ртуті при експозиції 7 хв був найефективнішим при отриманні асептичної культури з експлантів, вилучених з донорних рослин у стані спокою при пророщуванні бруньок у контрольованих умовах. Використання препарату «Лізоформін 3000» в концентрації 3% впродовж 6–7 хв при стерилізації експлантів досліджуваних культур сприяло їхній кращій приживлюваності на середовищі. Оптимальним за складом поживним середовищем для культивування експлантів вишні ‘Ксенія’ було середовище з додаванням соку алое, а для черешні ‘Василиса прекрасна’ – MS + флороглюцинол. Найвищу ефективність стерилізації (99% у сорту ‘Василиса прекрасна’ та 71% у сорту ‘Ксенія’) отримали за використання 0,1% HgCl2 в експозиції 7 хв. При використанні препарату «Лізоформін 3000» за такої ж експозиції стерилізації цей показник становив 83 та 52% відповідно до культури. Виходячи з цього можна рекомендувати використовувати препарат «Лізоформін 3000» у 3% концентрації з експозицією 7 хв для стерилізації кісточкових культур
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding value of spring durum wheat accessions for performance traits under environment of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
С. О. Хоменко | В. С. Кочмарський | І. В. Федоренко | М. В. Федоренко
Purpose. To identify spring durum wheat accessions with high yield level and by yield components for their involvement in breeding programs as a source material. Methods. Field, statistical. Results. The results of the study of 65 collection samples of spring durum wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity in 2016–2018 are presented. The research results indicate that the samples of spring durum wheat had different yield level depending on the conditions of the year of cultivation. According to the calculations of the degree of yield stability parameters, the samples were found that ensure its level under fluctuations in weather conditions with regression coefficient close to one as follows ‘Omskiy izumrud’ (RUS), ‘Korona’, ‘Toma’, ‘Nauryz 6’ (KAZ), ‘Dura king’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), ‘Tera’, ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), thus indicating their semi-intensive type. Collection samples of spring durum wheat that under optimal weather conditions are capable of producing significant yield increase are distinguished by wide ecological reaction. These are samples with regression coefficient more than one ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Hordeiforme 13-07’ (UKR), ‘Lan’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Ertol’ (KAZ), ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’, ‘Lilek’ (RUS). These samples can be characterized by their adaptive properties as intense ones, with a pronounced response to the environment. Over the years of the research, grain number per spike varied from 35.9 to 38.8 pcs. Year conditions in 2016 were the most favorable for plant growth and development, while index of conditions was 4.1, and the average grain number per spike was 41.4 pcs. Year conditions in 2017 and 2018 were less favorable for growth and development of durum spring wheat, and therefore there was a negative value of index of year conditions (lj = -5.1 and lj = 0.5, respectively) with less grain number per spike (32.2 and 38.2 pcs., respectively). According to the trait «1000 kernel weight», the samples were identified with regression coefficient close to one under fluctuations of weather conditions, i.e ‘Korona’, ‘Raya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’ (RUS), ‘MIP Raiduzhna’ (UKR). The grain weight per spike in the collection samples varied from 1.27 to 1.77 g. The stable samples ‘Ertol’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Damsinskaya yantarnaya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’ (RUS), ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN) promising in spring wheat breeding were identified and can be involved in hybridization. Conclusions. Stable and plastic samples were identified among collection material of spring durum wheat in terms of productivity for involvement in scientific programs as source material.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of the adaptive potential of spring rapeseed varieties (Brassica napus L.) in different soil and climatic zones of Ukraine
Л. М. Присяжнюк | О. В. Топчій | С. Г. Димитров | З. Б. Києнко | С. О. Черній
Purpose. To study the stability and plasticity of spring rapeseed varieties, in order to assess their adaptability potential in the Steppe, Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, and also select the most ecologically plastic varieties among them. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical. Results. Seven varieties of spring rapeseed, included in the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine, were studied on indicators of plasticity and stability of yield traits, weight of 1000 seeds, protein and oil content. The highly plastic intensive varieties ‘DK 7150 CL’, ‘DK 7160 CL’ and ‘Sunder’ were selected for yield among the studied varieties, which are able to respond appropriately to changing of growing conditions. Varieties ‘DK 7150 CL’ and ‘DK 7160 CL’ belong to intensive varieties for the parameter of weight of 1000 seeds. The variety ‘Sunder’ was also highly plastic for this parameter. The varieties ‘Axana’, ‘Bilder’ and ‘CLICK CL’, according to their protein content, belong to the intensive type varieties that are capable of combining sufficiently high values of the studied parameter with its stability under changing conditions. Variety ‘DK 7150 CL’, which was low-plastic, has a rather low positive value of the average group deviation of the reaction stability coefficient, therefore, it can be attributed to widely adapted genotypes. Varieties ‘DK 7160 CL’, ‘DK 7175 CL’ and ‘Sander’ belong to highly plastic intensive varieties in oil content. Varieties ‘DK 7175 CL’, ‘Builder’ and ‘CLICK CL’ are showed high stability for yield, varieties ‘Axana’, ‘Sunder’ and ‘CLICK CL’ for weight of 1000 seeds. The varieties ‘DK 7160 CL’, ‘DK 7175 CL’, ‘DK 7150 CL’ and ‘Sunder’ were highly stable in protein content, in oil content – varieties ‘DK 7150 CL’, ‘Axana’, ‘Builder’ and ‘CLICK CL’. Conclusions. It were established that high-intensity varieties for yield and weight of 1000 seeds in the Steppe, Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones are ‘DC 7160 CL’ and ‘DK 7150 CL’, for protein content – varieties ‘Axana’, ‘Builder’ and ‘CLICK CL’, for oil content – varieties ‘DK 7160 CL’, ‘DK 7175 CL’ and ‘Sunder’. The evaluation of the plasticity and stability of rapeseed varieties, which were included in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine, makes it possible to select varieties that belong to the intensive type. According to the research results, varieties which are able to successfully adapt to the limiting environmental factors and stress in various soil and climatic zones have been selected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In vivo adaptation of regenerant plants of Fragaria vesca L. cultivars
О. Ю. Чорнобров | О. Е. Ткачова
Purpose. The adaptation of regenerant plants to environmental conditions is the final stage of micropropagation. According to a number of authors, when in vitro plants are transferred to in vivo non-sterile conditions, a significant percentage of mortality is recorded. In a previous publication, the regenerative capacity of strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) in vitro tissues on MS culture medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) and a regenerants was obtained (Chornobrov O. Yu., 2019). The objective of the study is to develop an optimal protocol of acclimation of in vitro F. vesca plants to in vivo conditions. Methods. Biotechnological and statistical methods of research were applied. For the research ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ cultivars were used with in vitro cultivation cycle of 30–35 days. Prepared plants were planted in 0.33 L plastic contai ners, one piece in a mixture of coconut substrate and perlite (3:1). Plants were kept under high relative humidity (85–90%) conditions for 3–5 days, 6–8 days and 10–14 days. The studies were carried out in the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of SS of NULES of Ukraine “BFRS” during 2019–2020. Results. The duration of Fragaria vesca regenerant plants exposure in conditions of high relative humidity significantly affected adaptation efficiency. The proportion of ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions were 47.6 ± 2.5% and 60.0 ± 1.7%, respectively, when the plants were kept for 10–14 days. A significant efficiency of plant adaptation (more than 70%) was obtained under condition of preliminarily exposure the roots of the plants in an auxin solution for 25–30 minutes with daily application of 30% solution of glycerine as foliar spray. The plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions had pigmentation characteristic of the variety, without signs of chlorosis and vitrification. Conclusions. An optimal protocol for in vitro adaptation of F. vesca cultivars to in vivo conditions was developed and viable plants were obtained. Further research will be aimed at studying the growth and development of F. vesca regenerant plants in open ground.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of nanofertilizers on the yield and quality of broccoli hybrids in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
О. Й. Дидів | І. В. Дидів | Н. В. Лещук | В. Г. Кузько | А. І. Дидів
Purpose. To study the features of the productivity formation of broccoli hybrids depending on the methods of application of “5 element” nanofertilizer in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. With the introduction of “5 element” nanofertilizer, the head diameter of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid increased from 16.6 (var. 2) to 18.3 cm (var. 8), while in the control this indicator was 15.9 cm. The biggest head diameter in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ 18.9 and 18.7 cm was noted with foliar feeding with “5 element” nanofertilizer in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation and in the phase of the beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation. Accordingly, in the aforementioned variants, the head mass was 901 and 863 g, which is higher than the control (without treatment) by 166 and 128 g, or 22.3 and 17.4%.The highest yield of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid was obtained in 8 and 7 variants of the experiment – 33.5 and 31.9 t/ha, respectively, the yield increase was 5.2 and 3.6 t/ha, or 18.4 and 12.7%. In the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ the highest yield (37.1 t/ha) was recorded when applying the “5 element” nanofertilizer in the 8th variant of the experiment, which is 6.6 t/ha higher than the control, or 21.6%. Compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid, the yield in this variant of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was 3.6 t/ha, or 9.7%. The diameter and weight of the head, as well as the yield of the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ were larger compared to the hybrid ‘Batavia F1’, due to its biological characteristics. A strong correlation (r = 0.97 and 0.96) was revealed between the yield and the diameter of the broccoli head in the ‘Batavia F1’ and ‘Orantes F1’ hybrids. The quality indicators of broccoli (dry matter, sum of sugars and vitamin C) in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid were higher compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. A tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli with an increase in the number of treatments with nanofertilizer “5 element” was revealed. The concentration of nitrates in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was lower in all variants of the experiment in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. The concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli in all variants of the experiment did not exceed TLV (400 mg/kg wet weight). Conclusions. With an increase in the number of foliar treatments with “5 element” nanofertilizer, the yield increased and the quality of broccoli hybrids improved. It was revealed that the yield of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid in all variants of the experiment was higher in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. When applying nanofertilizer “5 element” in three stages – foliar feeding in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation – we got the highest yield of broccoli in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ – 37.1 t/ha, an increase over the control variant (without fertilizers) was 6.6 t/ha, or 21.6%. The ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid had a yield of 33.5 t/ha, an increase over the control variant – 5.2 t/ha, or 18.4%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Model of adaptive information system for forecasting crop productivity
С. І. Мельник | О. І. Присяжнюк | Є. М. Стариченко | К. М. Мажуга | В. В. Бровкін | О. М. Мартинов | В. В. Маслечкін
Purpose of this study was to develop the main components of a model of an adaptive information system for predicting crop productivity. Methods. To conduct research on the establishment of the basic structural elements of an adaptive information model for predicting the productivity of basic crops used the method of constructing dynamic models. Results. A detailed analysis of conceptual approaches to the construction of mathematical agricultural models is carried out and the main advantages and disadvantages of modern analogues are established. It is determined that the adaptive information model is based solely on the needs of the plant and actually on the need to provide these needs with available resources in order to obtain consistently high yields with high quality indicators. The hardware and software complex must have a feedback relationship between its basic structural elements, because it significantly improves the accuracy of predicting plant productivity. Data based on the operation of certain mechanisms or indicators of weather conditions and their forecasts are used for decision making, however, if they are substantially changed, decisions about individual technology elements are reviewed. The software should be related to the economic part and should take into account market conditions and forecast data when making recommendations. In the case of low purchase prices for products, we recommend that certain agrotechnical operations (say vegetation feeding) be applied or not, in the case of significant change in growing conditions - when the application of these agro-measures will be ineffective due to the negative effects of drought, etc. Conclusions. Adaptive information system for forecasting productivity in the technological process of growing crops is formed on the basis of a model consisting of three modules of characteristics – the resultant and two components. At each subsequent stage of implementation of the model, the resulting feature becomes component, with the maximum contribution to the resulting feature of the next module.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Germination seeds of millet genotypes under the influences of PEG 6000 solution on the 3<sup>d</sup> and 6<sup>th</sup> days
О. В. Горлачова | С. М. Горбачова | В. С. Лютенко | О. В. Анциферова
Purpose. To determine the drought resistance of five millet varieties (ʻOmriyaneʼ, ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ) using PEG 6000 as osmotic stress. Methods. To obtain the effect of drought, five concentrations of PEG 6000 solutions were used: 0.0% (control), 11.5%, 15.3%, 19.6%, 23.5% and 28.9%, which corresponds to 0.0, 115, 153, 196, 235 and 289 g of solute in 1000 ml of distilled water or 0.0, -1.9, - 3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 and - 9.7 bar. Results. Osmotic stress strongly suppressed the germination of millet seeds at -3.1 bars (46.8%) and at -4.8 bars (28.66%) on the third day, but on the sixth day the number of germinated seeds increased to 92.8% and 84.0% respectively. The millet genotypes of differed significantly in the percentage of germination at various concentrations of the PEG 6000 osmotic solution. The minimum germination capacity was observed in variety Omriyane at -3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 bars. ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ showed higher germination potential at the different concentrations of water stress. A decrease in root elongation in all genotypes compared to control was observed in -1.9 bars osmotic stress and then at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of osmotic stress the root length had the same value from 6.6 mm to 13.5 mm on the 3d day and from 25.3 mm to 34.7 mm on the 6th day. Variety ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher mean root length at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of water stress induced by PEG on the 3d day (8,7 mm-12,5 mm) and on the 6th day (35.7 mm-32.3 mm). It is not observed shoot of millet at -9.7 bars on the 3d and on the 6th days. ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher individual shoot length of 23.1 mm, 25.5 mm, 25.6 mm, respectively at -4.8 bars of PEG 6000 on the 6th day. At -6.6 bars of osmotic stress ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ had lowest root length/shoot length ratio 2.58 and 2.61, respectively. Variety ʻOmriyaneʼ (3.54) and ʻIR 5ʼ (3.31) had the maximum deviation from unity (3.54 and 3.31, respectively). Conclusions. Genotypes' ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ, which showed a high level of drought resistance, were selected as a result of this study in breeding for drought resistance. Variety ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ were characterized highest seed germination percentage at the different water stress.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of yield and stability of bread winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) depending on predecessors and sowing dates
І. В. Правдзіва | О. А. Демидов | В. М. Гудзенко | О. Л. Дергачов
Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of using contrasting sowing dates after different predecessors to assess the genotypes of bread winter wheat in terms of yield and stability. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical statistics. Results. A different, but reliable level of influence on the yield of bread winter wheat genotypes of such factors as conditions of the year of cultivation (66.2%), predecessors (12.5%), sowing date (6.1%) and genotype (1.7% ) was revealed. Significant differences were noted in the response of the studied genotypes to the sowing date after different predecessors. Relatively less influence of the predecessors on the yield of the varieties ‘Estafeta Myronivska’ and ‘Vezha Myronivska’ was revealed, more – for the varieties ‘MIP Darunok’, ‘MIP Kniazhna’ and ‘MIP Vyshyvanka’. The sowing dates had less influence on the yield of the varieties ‘MIP Fortuna’, ‘MIP Vyshyvanka’ and ‘Trudivnytsia Myronivska’. A general tendency for decrease in the average annual yield was established in the experiment with a shift in the sowing dates from September 26 to October 16. However, for the number of genotypes after certain predecessors, the optimal sowing date was the 5th of October: after the predecessor, green-manure fallow – for varieties ‘Trudivnytsia myronivska’, ‘MIP Assol’ and ‘MIP Dniprianka’, after mustard – ‘Vezha Myronivska’, after sunflower – ‘MIP Fortuna’, after corn – ‘MIP Fortuna’ and ‘Podolianka’. In terms of sowing dates, the least variation in yield was found after the predecessors green manure, mustard and corn varieties ‘MIP Vyshyvanka’, ‘Balada Myronivska’, ‘MIP Kniazhna’, ‘Estafeta Myronivska’. Using the GGE biplot, it was found that close to the ‘ideal environment’ for the realization of the yield level of most genotypes was the second sowing date after greenmanure fallow predecessor. For different sowing dates and predecessors, on average for three years, the optimal combination of the level of yield and stability was noted for the varieties ‘Trudivnytsia Myronivska’, ‘MIP Vidznaka’, ‘MIP Assol’, ‘Estafeta Myronivska’, ‘MIP Valensiia’. Conclusions. Thus, the use of different so wing dates after various predecessors is an effective approach to organization of genotype-environmental tests. It makes it possible to identify the genotypes which are specifically adapted to certain conditions (predecessors and sowing dates) and genotypes with a relatively high level of stability when sowing after various predecessors and on different dates. This approach can be used both at the final stage of breeding to differentiate breeding lines for yield and stability, and in the development of basic elements of technology for growing newly created varieties.
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