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Inheritance and breeding value of the “plant height” trait in the first (F<sub>1</sub>) and second (F<sub>2</sub>) soybean generations
В. Г. Михайлов | О. З. Щербина | О. О. Тимошенко | С. О. Ткачик
Рurpose. To investigate inheritance of “plant height” trait in populations of the first (F1) and second (F2) generations of the soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) and evaluate hybrid combinations in order to identify phenotypes with the highest level of heterosis for plant height. Methods. Laboratory test, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. The inheritance of plant height in soybean was investigated. Hybrid combinations were assessed for the ability to select phenotypes with an optimal height. Different types of inheritance of this trait were found in populations of the second generation. The highest degree of heterosis for plant height was expressed by such soybean hybrids of the second generation as ‘АЕЕМ ’/‘Cherniatka’ (102.6%), next were ‘№ 427/‘Коrado’ (36,1%) and ‘Yelena’/‘Vizhion’ (32,0%). For the above trait, the ‘Legend’ variety in combinations with such varieties as ‘Staroukrainka’, ‘Korado’ and ‘Medeia’ expressed a heterosis amounting to 28.1%, 8.3%, 6.1% accordingly. Plant height was inherited mainly in terms of negative overdominance (34.2% combinations). There were 21.1% of combinations that had a negative semidominance. Conclusions. Among large majority of crossing combinations, forms were revealed that differed greatly for the plant height. The highest variability was observed in combinations such as ‘Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Ustia’/‘Vizjion’, ‘№894’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Ug-30’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘№441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘№441’/‘Vizjion’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘Angelica’/‘Annushka’ and ‘Angelica’/‘Gentleman.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Structural peculiarities of shoots of switch grass (Panicum virgatum L in the context of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine
Т. О. Щербакова | Д. Б. Рахметов
Purpose. To define morphological peculiarities of the different types of shoots of switch grass (Panicum virgatum L.) in the context of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine. Methods. Morpho-physiological and ontogenetic analysis, morphometric technique, statistical evaluation. Results. It was found that P. virgatum plants were producing the following types of shoots: vegetative-generative short or long rhizomatous ones (they appeared as in the underground part of a maternal shoot in «the area of shortened internodes» and in the base of its aboveground part); vegetative underground and aboveground ones (they are forming both in the axils of scales of the underground part of a maternal shoot and in the axils of cauline leaves); generative aboveground shoots (borne in the axil of cauline leaves). Morphological parameters and features of morphogenesis of reproduction, resting and secondary buds have been described. Conclusions. During flowering phase of maternal shoot, P. virgatum reproduction buds were on the organogenesis phase I–II, their bursting occured after maternal shoot has flowered. The correlation of internodes length, leave blades and sheaths has been established. The maximum values of the above parameters were observed in the middle part of the prefloral zone of the stem. In the context of introduction, panicle earing came in the third decade of July, flowering began in the first decade of August. It was revealed that complete flowers are bloomed faster than the staminate ones.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Особливості формування посівних якостей насіння люпину білого залежно від строків збирання
О. М. Вересенко | Т. М. Левченко | О. О. Тимошенко
Мета. Встановити оптимальні строки проведення збиральних робіт у розсадниках первинного насінництва люпину білого. Методи. Використано польові, лабораторні та статистичні методи оцінки матеріалу. Посівні якості вивчали в лабораторних умовах окремо для насіння із центральних і бічних китиць згідно з ДСТУ 2240-93. Результати. Наведено результати досліджень для визначення оптимальних строків проведення збиральних робіт у розсадниках первинного насінництва. Дослідження проводили окремо для насіння з центральної і бічних китиць, зібраного в різні фази стиглості. Встановлено, що енергія проростання насіння першого строку збирання була мінімальною і становила по сортах для центральної китиці від 70,0 до 73,0% і від 58,0 до 65,0% – для бічних китиць. Найкращі показники енергії проростання і схожості виявлено у насіння центральних китиць, зібраного у фазу «жовті сім’ядолі». Вони становили в середньому по всіх сортах 90,8 і 94,3% відповідно, тоді як у насіння бічних китиць ці показники були на рівні 84,5 і 89,3%. На формування маси 1000 насінин впливали агрометеорологічні умови. В посушливі роки на рослинах сформувалося щупле й легковаге насіння, тому погіршилась його посівна якість. Найбільшу масу 1000 насінин отримано у фазі «повна стиглість», коли вона досягала у центральної китиці від 284 до 338 г, а в бічних – від 266 до 316 г. Проведено оцінку розвитку зародкових корінців: зовнішній вигляд, довжина. Візуальна оцінка насіння на третю добу пророщування та вимірювання довжини зародкових корінчиків на сьому добу свідчить, що здорові, добре розвинені проростки спостерігалися в насіння п’ятого і шостого строків збирання. Висновки. Найвищі посівні якості у більшості сортів з урахуванням бічних китиць встановлено в насіння, зібраного у фазу і повної стиглості. Насіння центральної китиці за схожістю відповідає вимогам ДСТУ для добазової категорії (87,0%), починаючи вже з фази «початок пожовтіння корінчика зародка», але насіння бічних китиць – не раніше фази «жовті сім’ядолі». Збиральні роботи необхідно розпочинати у фазі стиглості насіння люпину «жовті сім’ядолі», коли воно є повноцінно сформованим і має високі посівні якості.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding and genetic peculiarities of modern spring barley varieties for grain number per main ear
С. П. Васильківський | В. М. Гудзенко | О. А. Демидов | О. Б. Барбан | С. С. Коляденко | І. В. Смульська
Purpose. To reveal breeding and genetic peculiarities of modern spring barley varieties for the “number of grains per main ear” trait and identify genetic sources of increased combining ability for involving in hybridization. Methods. Investigations were carried out at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine. Modern varieties of domestic (‘Virazh’, ‘Talisman Myronivskyi’, ‘Komandor’) and foreign (‘KWS Aliciana’, ‘KWS Bambina’, ‘Zhana’, ‘Explorer’) breeding were involved in crossing for a full (7´7) diallel scheme. Parents and F1 were studied in field conditions during 2014–2016. Results. The analysis of variance of combining ability has shown a significant advantage in varying of general combining ability (GCA) effects. The mean square of specific combining ability (SCA) was significantly less than the GCA, but reliable throughout the years. The reciprocal effect was reliable only in 2014. Stably high effects of GCA during all years of investigations were noted in the varieties ‘KWS Aliciana’ (1.18–1.62) and ‘Virazh’ (1.33–1.48). The variety ‘KWS Bambina’ was characterized by lower but reliable positive effects of GCA (0.43–0.99) as compared to mentioned above. Non-allelic gene interaction was not found, that allowed to calculate the basic parameters of genetic variation. During all years of investigations, dominant effects of genes (H1 and H2) prevailed over the additive (D) ones in phenotypic expression of grain number per main ear. Mean degree of dominance in the experiment (H1/D) has shown overdominance. The same pattern was also distinctive for the index of mean degree of dominance in the loci . The dominance was reliably directed. Dominant effects of genes increased grain content, and recessive ones reduced it. At least 3–4 genes (groups of genes) have been revealed which determined the effects of dominance. At the same time, recessive genes (F<0) or gene effects were prevailed quantitatively in the varieties investigated. A high coefficient of heritability in broad sense (H2 = 0.98) has shown a significant determination of phenotypic variability with genetic factors. The coefficient of heritability in narrow sense (h2 = 0.66–0.68) confirmed that despite the advantage of dominant effects over the additive ones, the contribution of the latter was also significant. Conclusions. The prevalence of dominant effects of genes in the phenotypic expression of the number of grains per main ear causes the need for sufficient sample size of hybrid material and points to the expediency of conducting a more “rigid” selection for phenotype in later generations. At the same time, the considerable contribution of additive effects and high values of heritability indices give reason to predict the efficiency of selections aimed at increasing the trait in created hybrid material. The varieties ‘Virazh’, ‘KWS Aliciana’, ‘KWS Bambina’ should be used as effective genetic sources to increase grain content in combination breeding.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Screening of winter triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture
С. В. Пикало | О. В. Дубровна
Purpose. To conduct in vitro screening of different genotypes of winter triticale for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture. Methods. Plant tissue culture in vitro, in vitro breeding, statistical analysis. Results. It was found that the increase of sodium chloride concentration from 0.6 to 1.5% resulted in inhibition of the callus culture growth in all genotypes that was indicative of the toxic effect of the stress factor. It turns out that 1.2% sodium chloride concentration allowed to differentiate triticale genotypes for salt tolerance. The line ‘38/1296’ appeared to be the most resistant to salinity stress because under breeding conditions calli of this genotype were characterized by higher morphogenetic potential, had the highest crude mass increase, and plants-regenerants were obtained only from explants of this line after cultivation on the medium containing 1.5% sodium chloride. The ‘ADM 11’ variety was the most sensitive to saline stress as mass necrosis and lack of regenerative ability in its calli were observed under breeding conditions. In the studied forms, genotypic dependence of morphogenesis processes in vitro culture was registered. From the induced calli, plants-regenerants were obtained, and their completion of growing, root development and transfer to in vivo conditions were optimized. Conclusions. Genotypic response to salinity stress in the culture of shoot apical meristems of winter triticale was expressed by various crude mass increase and different morphogenetic potential on exposure to a stress factor. The line ‘38/1296’ can be used as a valuable material for further breeding of winter triticale. The culture of shoot apical meristems is recommended to apply as a test system for screening of triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity stress
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Морфологічні особливості та продуктивність сортів салату посівного листкового (<i>Lactuca sativa</i> L. var. <i>secalina</i>) голландської селекції в умовах північної частини Лісостепу України
В. Б. Кутовенко | Н. П. Костенко | І. В. Литвин
Мета. Дослідити мінливість біометричних показників та продуктивність сортів салату посівного листкового (Lactuca sativa L. var. secalina) голландської селекції на дерново-середньоопідзолених ґрунтах північної частини Лісостепу України. Методи. Польовий, бiометричний, порівняльний, стaтистичний, узагальнення. Результати. Наведено результати досліджень з вивчення особливостей формування продуктивних органів салату посівного листкового сортів ‘Кітонія’, ’Руксай’, ‘Локарно’, ‘Вінтекс’, ‘Експлор’, ‘Аквіно’, ‘Гоген’, ‘Афіцион’ та ‘Конкорд’ голландської селекції на дерново-середньоопідзолених ґрунтах північної частини Лісостепу України. За оцінкою сортів салату посівного на пристосованість до мінливих умов навколишнього середовища встановлено, що висота розетки листків коливалася від 13,7 до 22,3 см; діаметр розетки – від 24,8 до 33,6 см; кількість листків – від 23,2 до 109,9 шт./росл.; середня площа листка – від 36,3 до 122,3 см2; площа листків з однієї рослини – від 1963 до 5033 см2/росл.; середня маса однієї рослини – від 0,215 до 0,480 кг. Найвищу розрахункову врожайність отримано за вирощування сортів ‘Експлор’ і ‘Кітонія’ – 42,7 та 37,4 т/га відповідно, що істотно переважало контроль – на 8,7 та 3,4 т/га. У досліджуваних сортів салату посівного листкового на момент збирання врожаю виявлено прямий сильний зв’язок діаметра розетки листків і висоти рослин (r = 0,8). Між висотою рослин і середньою площею листка та кількістю листків і середньою площею листка також існує пряма сильна залежність зв’язку з коефіцієнтами r = 0,803 і r = 0,762 відповідно. Висновки. Комплексна оцінка ознак продуктивності дев’яти сортів салату посівного листкового голландської селекції на дерново-середньоопідзолених ґрунтах свідчить, що вони цілком придатні для вирощування у відкритому ґрунті в умовах північної частини Лісостепу України. Встановлено, що формування товарного врожаю листків салату посівного листкового значною мірою залежить від сортових особливостей.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Specific features of selection of promising hybrids of the genus Syringa for the variety testing
В. К. Горб
Purpose. To establish the reasons of submitting not highly decorative lilac hybrids to state variety testing so that unpromising varieties and look-alikes can be sometimes included in the world collection, and focus on solving this situation. Methods. Analytical approach. Results. It was established why and how unoriginal hybrids were submitted to state variety testing that for several reasons can allow them to obtain the status of variety. Conclusions. In order to prevent obtaining the status of variety by some low decorative lilac hybrids, it is necessary that both a breeder and testing stations employer should use known presentable collections of identified varieties for evaluation of real value of a new hybrid. In Ukraine, there is such a collection at N. N. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine where more than 130 varieties and 21 species of the genus Syringa occupies the area of 2.35 ha. It is desirable to compare not only with the check variety that the breeder selected for his hybrid among such, but, if it is possible, with all varieties in the collection close to it by decorative effect. The problem is that the author of a hybrid, sometimes ignorantly or for some other reason, selects a check variety for his hybrid that is not the most decorative one among such, against which a candidate for variety status will be more attractive during its evaluation. In such a case, the breeder should change a check variety that permits to estimate really the decorative effect of a submitted hybrid.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Functional features of photosynthetic apparatus of modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties
Моргун, В. В | Стасик, О. О | Кірізій, Д. А | Прядкіна, Г. О
Purpose. Comparative studies of the photosynthetic apparatus of winter wheat varieties of modern and earlier breeding in the relation to their productivity. Methods. Field, pot experiment, biometrical, gas analysis, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It is found that the modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties have a higher rate of flag leaf photosynthesis during generative period of development, particularly at grain filling period, improved ability to store assimilates in stem and effectively use them later for grain growth. The modern varieties form crop canopy with greater leaf area and chlorophyll indexes and larger photosynthetic capacity and maintain functional activity of photosynthetic apparatus longer at the end of the growing season. Conclusions. The superiority for grain productivity of modern high-yielding wheat varieties, originated from the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, over varieties released before the “green revolution”, results from increased capacity and durability of functioning the crop photosynthetic apparatus, higher CO2 assimilation rate and optimization of source-sink relations in whole plant.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development of multiplex PCR system for identification of glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet
Присяжнюк, Л. М | Шитікова, Ю. В | Волчков, О. О
Purpose. To create a multiplex system for identification glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet by using PCR. Methods. Molecular genetic analysis. Results. The article presents the results of studies to determine the parameters of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in order to develop a multiplex system for identification of the structural elements of the design of transgenic gene cp 4 epsps, which provides tolerance to glyphosate. For amplicon target DNA sequences, the following values of temperature conditions of PCR were determined: step 1 (initial denaturation) 95 °C – 3 min; step 2 (specific reaction products accumulation): denaturation 95 °C – 45 s; hybridization of primers 55 °C – 50 s; elongation 72 °C – 1 min; number of cycles – 40; step 3 (final elongation) 72 °C – 6 min. A series of PCR were carried out for the purpose of selecting the optimal amount of DNA matrix for efficient estimate of transgenic sugar beet plants for the presence of specific sequences. Conclusions. To identify transgenic glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet, it is advisable to determine 35S promoter and gene cp 4 epsps in individual genotypes. It was found that during the selection of temperature parameters of multiplex reaction a 5 °C rise in primer hybridization temperature did not affect the identification of gene als that allowed to include specific primers for determination of this sequence as an internal control. Based on the results of test multiplex reactions, concentrations of dNTPs and Mg2+ ions were determined that allowed to exclude the possibility of non-specific fragments and false-negative results. The optimum amount of matrix DNA (100–150 ng) for an efficient estimate of transgenic sugar beet plants for the presence of specific sequences was determined. Obtained results allowed to develop a multiplex test system for identification of transgenic glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet which can be used for simultaneous determination of the 35S promoter, cp 4 epsps gene and als gene as an internal reaction control.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Features of accumulation of inorganic elements in seeds of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and black mustard (Brassica nigra L.)
Рудник-Іващенко, О. І | Михальська, Л. М | Швартау, В. В
Purpose. To investigate special aspects of accumulation of inorganic elements including heavy metals in seeds of white and black mustard to be grown for obtaining drugs. Methods. Field experiments, microwave digestion, ICP-MS and statistical analysis. Results. The content of inorganic elements including heavy metals was determined in the seeds of white and black mustard grown in Kiev Oblast. It was revealed that during the growing season plants of white mustard were able to accumulate such elements as aluminum, barium, strontium, zinc in seeds in concentrations that exceed their content in black mustard seeds, while compounds of calcium, cesium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium in a greater degree were accumulated in black mustard seeds. Conclusions. As legal and regulatory documents for important chemical elements don’t contain the maximum permissible limits of their content in medicinal plants, it would make sense to launch a comprehensive research with the involvement of specialists of relevant profiles in order to establish such a gradation. Plants of white and black mustard in Kiev Oblast have accumulated high levels of such metals as Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Sr, Zn that exceed the known limits of accumulation, indicating a partial contamination of soils in the region. Consequently, these plants can be used for phytoremediation of soils. Considering the fact that in the pharmaceutical practice refined mustard seed oil is used, revealed alterations of metal accumulation in seeds will not affect the quality of the final drugs. According to the research results, white and black mustard is promising for cultivation in Kiev Oblast with a view to obtain raw material that can be processed into drugs.
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