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Characteristics of winter wheat varieties for resistance to causal agents and pests
Г. М. Ковалишина | Т. І. Муха | Л. А. Мурашко | О. А. Заїма | Ю. М. Судденко
Purpose. Studying and identifying winter wheat varieties that are resistant to causal agents of major diseases and pests. Methods. Laboratory analysis, field study. Results. On artificial infection backgrounds of causal agents such varieties as ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’ have shown high level of resistance to brown rust; ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’ – to powdery mildew; ‘Smuhlianka’ – to covered smut. Varieties ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’, ‘Lehenda Myronivska’ had medium resistance to Septoria leaf blotch; ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’, ‘Myronivska storichna’ – to Fusarium head blight; ‘Myronіvska 65’, ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Lehenda Myronivska’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’ – to root rots. Among the varieties studied, there were those with group resistance to diseases: ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Bohdana’, ‘Myronivska storichna’, ‘Ekonomka’, ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’, ‘Smuhlianka’. Varieties bred at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat are distinguished by pest resistance. During autumn tillering phase of winter wheat the smallest number of large cereal aphids was observed in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’ and ‘Myronivska storichna’, leafhoppers – in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’. The slight population of thrips in the phase of earing was marked in the variety ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’, in the milk-ripe stage the smallest number of larvae per ear was detected in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’. Varieties ‘Lehenda Myronivska’ and ‘Smuhlianka’ were proved to be resistant to damages of stems by sawflies. It should be noted that ‘Smuhlianka’ variety shows resistance to aphids, leafhoppers and grain sawflies. Conclusions. It was established that winter wheat varieties bred at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Instutite of Wheat are characterized by resistance to certain causal agents, some of them – to their group. Varieties that are resistant to the most common and harmful phytophages were identified.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Cis-, intra-, subgenesis, genome editing as modern technologies for modifying the crop genomes (review)
Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Reviewing the literature on modern technologies of genetic modification of crop genomes. Results. The current state of genetically modified plants creation is analyzed. The information on cis-, intra- and subgenic plants and their comparison with transgenic crops is given. Examples of cis- and intragenesis application for improving characteristics of crops are provided. Such state-of-the-art technology of crop genome modification as genome editing is considered. Conclusions. Technologies for producing cis-, intra-, subgenic plants are rapidly developing and resulting in crops of the 21st century that can solve the problem of food provision for a constantly growing world population with the least contrary to the public interest.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Breeding of hexaploid triticale for drought resistance
Г. В. Щипак | В. Г. Матвієць | В. М. Плакса | В. Г. Щипак
Purpose. Analysis of hexaploid triticale breeding process for drought resistance through the use of systemic ecological tests in contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical, field, laboratory and statistical ones. Results. Medium-grown (‘Amos’, ‘Nikanor’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Yaroslava’) and low-stem (‘HAD 69’, ‘HAD 86’, ‘HAD 110’, ‘Timofei’) multiline varieties of winter and alternate hexaploid triticale were developed with higher adaptability, potential yield of 9–12 tons per ha and high bread-making properties. Among the most drought resistant genotypes, such varieties as ‘Amos’, ‘Buket’, ‘Harne’, ‘Markiian’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Shalanda’, ‘Nicanor’ and ‘Yaroslava’ showed high values of yield, plasticity and stability. Conclusions. The use of interspecific hybridization instead of intergeneric one in hexaploid triticale breeding, together with systemic testing of the hybrid material in contrasting agro-ecological zones, ensured the creation of multiline competitive varieties with an optimal combination of yield and adaptive properties
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of pea varieties based on correlation of quantitative traits and indices
О. І. Присяжнюк | Л. В. Король
Purpose. To evaluate pea plants productivity and determine the degree of correlation among the main agronomic characters in pea varieties. Methods. Structural and statistical analysis. Results. Evaluation of pea samples in terms of indices of plant productivity elements level based on correlation analysis and single-factor indices appliance provided insight into the ratio of one trait share per unit of another one. It was defined that some correlations among the elements of productivity was not only moderate and weak, but they also changed their sign that could be the evidence of growth conditions influence on structural relationships between some traits and, consequently, redistribution of their contributions to the formation of variety productivity. Positive and very close relationship of many traits was revealed, particularly between plant height and the height of the plant up to the first bean, the number of nodes and the number of sterile nodes (r = 0,95–0,97). Methodological aspects of the variety model creation were considered, that may be useful not only in pea breeding but also for improving the technology of its cultivation. Conclusions. Correlation relationships were established between the number of beans and the number of fruiting nodes and the number of carpophores containing 2 beans (r = 0,86–0,88), seed mass and plant mass (r = 0,81), the number of seeds per plant and plant mass and seed mass per plant (r = 0,78–0,81), the number of certified seeds and the number of seeds per plant (r = 0,84), the average number of beans per fertile node and the number of carpophores containing 2 beans (r = 0,74) that makes it possible to use them in assessing the productivity of plants.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of cultivation technologies elements on winter wheat grain productivity and quality
К. М. Олійник | Г. В. Давидюк | Л. Ю. Блажевич | Л. В. Худолій
Purpose. To develop and improve adaptive technologies of winter wheat cultivation which provide high productivity and quality of grain. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2015, the impact of cultivation technologies on the formation of grain quality and yield of winter wheat variety ‘Stolychna’ (with pea as predecessor) was studied. When using alternative technologies with only predecessor by-products application, the yield of winter wheat with integrated crop protection system was 4,56 t/ha, with minimal protection – 4.25 t/ha with grain quality of the 5th class of B group. Resource saving cultivation technologies with limited application of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 4,87–5,50 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of A group. Grain yield of 6.01 t/ha with indicators of the 2nd–3rd class of quality was obtained with the use of intensive cultivation technology with application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) on the background of applying predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. The highest yield of grain (6.22 t/ha) with indicators of the 2nd class of A group quality on average for the research period was provided by energy-intensive technology, that requires the application of mineral fertilizers (P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII)) and incorporation of predecessor’s by-products in the soil, and integrated plant protection. Conclusion. It was found that in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark grey podzolic soils when using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) on the background of predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. This technology ensured the grain yield of 6.22 t/ha of the 2nd class of A group quality.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Biological peculiarities of stem softwood cuttings of ornamental garden plants and their use in landscaping
Т. В. Мамчур
Purpose. To study biological peculiarities of softwood cuttings of three species of ornamental garden plants of the Hydrangeaceae family introduced under the conditions of a botanical nursery of Uman National University of Horticulture, and the prospects of planting material use in landscaping. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, statistical and mathematical analysis. Results. Bioecological and ornamental peculiarities of grafters of investigated species and their preservation for supplying the store of initial plant graft material were studied. The dependence of regeneration ability of softwood cuttings of investigated varieties on preplant treatment by a biologically active substance (KANO), type of a shoot, time of grafting, etc was analyzed. Substantially intensive rooting of basal drafts with three nods and less intensive rooting of apical drafts was observed during the whole period of rooting. Conclusions. The treatment of softwood cuttings with a biologically active substance at the concentration of 10–15 mg/l in the aqueous solution stimulates root formation and activates growth of own root plants. Investigated plant species of Hydrangeaсeae family are promising for landscaping on urbanized areas of various functional use.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adaptive capacity and potential properties of varieties bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS
А. Ф. Борівський
Purpose. To establish adaptive capacity and reproduction time of the registered potato varieties elite bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS of Ukraine in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory tests, statistical evaluation. Results. Potato varieties were tested in the Forest-Seppe, Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine. Over the years of testing (2012–2014), the highest yield of potatoes in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe zone was produced by the early varieties: ‘Kimmeria’ – 46.9 t/ha, ‘Vedruska’ – 38.6 t/ha; middle-early varieties: ‘Partner’ – 33.2 t/ha, ‘Fantazia – 27.7 t/ha; mid-season varieties: ‘Okolytsia’ – 35.4 t/ha, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ – 25.1 t/ha. In the Central Polissia, ‘Kimmeria’ (31 t/ha) was the most productive early variety, the yield at the level of 27.6–29.2 t/ha was formed by such varieties as ‘Skarbnytsia’, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Tyras’. Among the middle-early varieties, the yield of 33.1 t/ha was obtained from the variety ‘Partner’. In the conditions of Steppe zone, such early potato varieties as ‘Vymir’, ‘Glazurna’, ‘Strumok’, ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Svitoch’ and the middle-early variety ‘Ariya’ had the highest productivity in case of growing as bivoltine crop under irrigated conditions. It was found that in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones such varieties as ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Skarbnytsia, ‘Tyras’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Partner’, ‘Slovianka’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’, ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’ were characterized by high resistance to degeneration (viral diseases and loss of productivity of potato elite in the process of reproduction). According to the results of evaluation of the impact of elite potato reproduction time on affection by viral diseases, optimal time for elite renovation for investigated varieties was determined. Conclusions. In the process of testing in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine, stable yield with a high seed tubers number, regardless of weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, was formed by some early potato varieties (‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska’, ‘Radynka) and middle-early one (‘Partner’). Among mid-season varieties ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Okolytsia’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ were identified for high productivity, and among middle-late – ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’. The most common viral diseases of potatoes were rugose mosaic and mosaic leaf curling. High efficiency of the use of bivoltine crop method for potato growing to obtain seed material in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine has been proved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Physiological role of amino acids in the nutrition of highly productive varieties of winter wheat
Швартау, В. В | Михальська, Л. М | Мірошниченко, І. М
Purpose. To define the role of fertilizers containing amino acids in the nutrition systems of highly productive varieties of winter wheat. Methods. Field studies, biochemical technique, analytical procedure, statistical evaluation. Results. In the process of investigations, sufficiently high activity of fertilizers containing amino acids was established when applying them for leaf-feeding. Fertilizers based on algae (Megafol, Megafol Protein, Terra-Sorb foliar) and animal (Izabion) hydrolysates appeared to be very effective for increasing yield of culture. It was found that in case of low doses of mineral nitrogen, fertilizers helped to increase both the yield and quality indicators of high-yielding wheat variety. Conclusions. It was defined that fertilizers that include amino acids are highly effective compositions containing plant-available nitrogen in organic form and can be promising for application as antistress agents and improving efficiency of macro- and microelements use by cultivated plants. They are essential components of modern technologies for cultivation of highly productive varieties and hybrids in crop production of Ukraine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Adaptive capacity and potential properties of varieties bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS
Борівський, А. Ф
Purpose. To establish adaptive capacity and reproduction time of the registered potato varieties elite bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS of Ukraine in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory tests, statistical evaluation. Results. Potato varieties were tested in the Forest-Seppe, Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine. Over the years of testing (2012–2014), the highest yield of potatoes in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe zone was produced by the early varieties: ‘Kimmeria’ – 46.9 t/ha, ‘Vedruska’ – 38.6 t/ha; middle-early varieties: ‘Partner’ – 33.2 t/ha, ‘Fantazia – 27.7 t/ha; mid-season varieties: ‘Okolytsia’ – 35.4 t/ha, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ – 25.1 t/ha. In the Central Polissia, ‘Kimmeria’ (31 t/ha) was the most productive early variety, the yield at the level of 27.6–29.2 t/ha was formed by such varieties as ‘Skarbnytsia’, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Tyras’. Among the middle-early varieties, the yield of 33.1 t/ha was obtained from the variety ‘Partner’. In the conditions of Steppe zone, such early potato varieties as ‘Vymir’, ‘Glazurna’, ‘Strumok’, ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Svitoch’ and the middle-early variety ‘Ariya’ had the highest productivity in case of growing as bivoltine crop under irrigated conditions. It was found that in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones such varieties as ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Skarbnytsia, ‘Tyras’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Partner’, ‘Slovianka’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’, ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’ were characterized by high resistance to degeneration (viral diseases and loss of productivity of potato elite in the process of reproduction). According to the results of evaluation of the impact of elite potato reproduction time on affection by viral diseases, optimal time for elite renovation for investigated varieties was determined. Conclusions. In the process of testing in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine, stable yield with a high seed tubers number, regardless of weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, was formed by some early potato varieties (‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska’, ‘Radynka) and middle-early one (‘Partner’). Among mid-season varieties ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Okolytsia’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ were identified for high productivity, and among middle-late – ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’. The most common viral diseases of potatoes were rugose mosaic and mosaic leaf curling. High efficiency of the use of bivoltine crop method for potato growing to obtain seed material in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine has been proved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots based on the establishment of the quantitative ratio of alleles of DNA markers
Вдовиченко, Ж. В | Спиридонов, В. Г | Хомутовська, С. В | Парій, М. Ф
Purpose. To develop a conceptually new method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots. Methods of molecular biology (genomic DNA extraction, PCR with SSR markers application, capillary electrophoresis), genetic, statistical, mathematical analysis. Results. New method for determining the varietal qualities of seed lot was developed that consists of the following steps: simultaneous DNA extraction from a representative sample of aggregated seeds; PCR and further analysis of the amplification products by determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of SSR-markers’ alleles; calculation of values of varietal seed lot quality using experimentally derived allele ratios. Conclusions. The developed method for determining varietal qualities of seed lots allows to reduce significantly the consumption of materials, time and labor during the analysis. Consistent qualification and quantification of alleles in the total sample of a seed lot is a conceptually new approach to establish varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility.
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