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Etude prospective d' implantation de stations de mesures dans les Vosges. 1. Organisation, realisations. 2. Quelques resultats sur l' acidite des pluies en Lorraine. 3. La circulation atmospherique et la repartition des polluants dans le Massif Vosgien. 4. Premiers resultats, interpretation, hypotheses [deperissement des forets].
Thuillier Anziani C. | Frecault R. | Roussel I. | Livertoux M.H.
Caracterisation de l' environnement atmospherique en zone forestiere. Station laboratoire du Donon.
Biren J.M. | Elichegaray C. | Vidal J.P.
Le deperissement des forets dans les Vosges: etendue et hypotheses a retenir [polluants, pluies acides, secheresse, France, montagne].
Bonneau M.
Ozone (tropospheric and stratospheric) and the health state of forest trees. The INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) - Nancy search works (France)
Garrec, J.P. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Champenoux (France). Centre de Nancy, Ecophysiologie Forestiere)
Study of precipitation collected using a sequentially operated rain gauge set up in the Massif Vosgien [France]
Derexel, M.P. (Universite de Strasbourg-1 (France). Institut de Chimie, Laboratoire de Thermodynamique) | Masniere, M.P. | Mirabel, M.P.
Determination of critical loads of atmospheric pollutants in natural ecosystems, particularly forests. Basic principles. The Vosges project (France)
Dambrine, E. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Champenoux (France). Centre de Nancy, Microbiologie Biogeochimie et Pathologie des Ecosystemes Forestiers) | Probst, A. | Party, J.P.
[Characterization of the atmospheric environment in a forestry area. Donon laboratory station]
Biren, J.M. (Agence pour la Qualite de l'Air, Paris (France)) | Elichegaray, C. | Vidal, J.P.
[Bioindication of water quality by aquatic macrophytes: role of phosphorus [an example: a study of rivers in Alsace (France)]]
Robach, F. (Institut de Botanique, Strasbourg (France). Laboratoire de Botanique et d'Ecologie Vegetale) | Merlin, S. | Rolland, T. | Tremolieres, M.
Nitrate reductase activity in aquatic plants as an indicator of ammoniacal nitrogen contamination
Rolland, T. (Institut de Botanique, Strasbourg (France). Laboratoire de Botanique et d'Ecologie Vegetale) | Robach, F. | Tremolieres, M. | Dester, S.
Mercury transfer (Hg) localization using bryophytic bioindicators as describers of the hydrological functioning (river - groundwater exchange) in the plain of the upper Rhine in Alsace (France) [principal component analysis, multiple correspondence factor analysis]
Roeck, U. (Universite de Strasbourg 1, Illkirch Graffenstaden (France). Departement Hydrologie et Environnement) | Glasser, N. | Tremolieres, M.